



與天狼星石(如意寶珠)合作 #柯博拉 #如意寶珠 #天狼星石 #藍寶石 #捷克隕石 #石英 #門戶 #傳送門 #冥想 (圖片來源自 https://web.archive.org/web/20170808084049/http://recreatingbalance1.blogspot.com/2017/06/cintamani-grid-guidelines.html ) 來源:cosmic-seedsofhope(宇宙希望的種子) Basics: 基礎知識: "If you have a cintamani stone you need to understand it will put you on an accelerated growth path. It will put you in accelerated purification process. This stone is a powerful stone. It is notive piece clothr. you but what it will do it will provoke whatever is within you and put it closer to the surface so you might be able to see it, watch it, observe it and release it. Andal some ple ple yoo leaple shoo sometimes it depends on the carrier of the stone, so there are no rules of how to deal with this stone. You need to communicate with the stone. It is a living being, it’s not just a piece of atter. can get sometimes intense." ~ Cobra "如果你有一顆天狼星石(如意寶珠),你需要了解它會讓你加速成長。它會讓你加速淨化過程。這顆寶石是顆強大的寶石。但它的作用是激發你內在的東西,讓它更接近表面,讓你可以看見它、觀察它、觀察並釋放它...


The Intelligence Hub for the Victory of Light(光明勝利的情報中心)

The Intelligence Hub for the Victory of Light(光明勝利的情報中心)

New Evidence that Leaked Video of MH 370 Disappearing through a Portal is Genuine(新證據表明 MH 370 通過門戶消失的洩露視頻是真實的)

Benjamin Fulford Report: Trump revolution will lead to a system collapse, communist China will be the last domino to fall – February 24, 2025(本傑明·富爾福德報告:特朗普革命將導致系統崩潰,共產主義中國將是最後倒下的多米諾骨牌 – 2025 年 2 月 24 日)