Children given mRNA COVID-19 vaccines showed dangerous immune system alterations one year later(接種 mRNA COVID-19 疫苗的兒童在一年後顯示出危險的免疫系統改變)

Children given mRNA COVID-19 vaccines showed dangerous immune system alterations one year later(接種 mRNA COVID-19 疫苗的兒童在一年後顯示出危險的免疫系統改變)

來源:Chemical Violence Com(化學暴力)

08/21/2024 / By Cassie B.
08/21/2024 / 作者:Cassie B.

A new study shows that children between the ages of five and 11 who were given two doses of Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) mRNA vaccines had raised levels of antibodies that indicate an altered immune system response a year after getting the jab.
一項新的研究表明,接種兩劑輝瑞武漢冠狀病毒 (COVID-19) mRNA 疫苗的 5 至 11 歲兒童在接種疫苗一年後抗體水準升高,這表明免疫系統反應發生了變化。

The study, which was published in The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal and conducted by German researchers, examined blood samples taken from 14 healthy children on the day they received their first dose of the vaccine, as well as at the one-month mark and one year after getting their second dose. At that point, the levels of immunoglobulin (Ig) G4 antibodies in their blood were elevated, which suggests that their immune system actually changed its response mechanism.
這項研究發表在《兒科傳染病雜誌》上,由德國研究人員進行,檢查了 14 名健康兒童在接種第一劑疫苗當天以及接種第二劑疫苗後一個月和一年內採集的血液樣本。此時,他們血液中的免疫球蛋白 (Ig) G4 抗體水準升高,這表明他們的免疫系統實際上改變了其反應機制。

Although previous studies have seen this same phenomenon in adults, the new study is believed to be the first to demonstrate that it also occurs in children.

In their report, the researchers cautioned: “IgG4 responses should gain more attention in health and disease, especially in the context of mRNA vaccination. Understanding the unusual mechanism triggering IgG4 production is crucial as more mRNA vaccines are currently under development and could hit the global market soon.”
研究人員在他們的報告中警告說:“IgG4 反應應該在健康和疾病方面得到更多關注,尤其是在 mRNA 疫苗接種的情況下。了解觸發 IgG4 生產的不尋常機制至關重要,因為目前正在開發更多的 mRNA 疫苗,並且可能很快進入全球市場。

Children’s Health Defense Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Brian Hooker said that the study’s conclusion is worrying given the connection between raised IgG4 levels and IgG4-related disease, which is a “multi-organ, fibro-inflammatory condition that usually involves the pancreas, kidneys or salivary glands but could involve any other organ.”
兒童健康保護組織首席科學官布賴恩·胡克 (Brian Hooker) 博士表示,鑒於 IgG4 水準升高與 IgG4 相關疾病之間的聯繫,該研究的結論令人擔憂,IgG4 相關疾病是一種“多器官、纖維炎症性疾病,通常涉及胰腺、腎臟或唾液腺,但可能涉及任何其他器官”。

He notes that as much as 80% of people who have the disease have high levels of these antibodies, and although it can be treated, it is associated with chronic underlying autoimmune conditions that often need lifelong treatment.
他指出,多達 80% 的患有這種疾病的人具有高水準的這些抗體,雖然可以治療,但它與通常需要終身治療的慢性潛在自身免疫性疾病有關。

Another concerning aspect of this finding is the fact that the human body’s ability to fight off cancer can be compromised when the immune system has elevated IgG4 antibodies.
這一發現的另一個令人擔憂的方面是,當免疫系統的 IgG4 抗體升高時,人體抵抗癌症的能力可能會受到影響。

In addition, a 2022 study revealed that people who have IgG4-related diseased may have a higher risk of several types of cancer, particularly lymphoma and pancreatic cancer, when compared to the general population.
此外,2022 年的一項研究顯示,與普通人群相比,患有 IgG4 相關疾病的人患多種癌症的風險可能更高,尤其是淋巴瘤和胰腺癌。

The potential for increased levels of these antibodies due to COVID-19 vaccines to harm the immune system has long been a concern among researchers.
長期以來,研究人員一直擔心 COVID-19 疫苗導致這些抗體水準升高會損害免疫系統。

Risk of myocarditis is 620% higher after mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, study shows
研究表明,接種 mRNA COVID-19 疫苗後患心肌炎的風險增加了 620%

Another way that COVID-19 vaccines are damaging children’s health is by causing heart problems such as myocarditis and pericarditis. This has been flagged since the vaccines were first rolled out and increases in these conditions were observed following vaccination. (Related: Heart failure surge among children linked to COVID-19 vaccines.)
COVID-19 疫苗損害兒童健康的另一種方式是引起心肌炎和心包炎等心臟問題。自疫苗首次推出以來,這種情況就已被標記出來,並且在接種疫苗後觀察到這些情況的增加。(相關新聞: 與 COVID-19 疫苗相關的兒童心力衰竭激增。

Recently, a peer-reviewed study of more than nine million South Koreans found a remarkable 620% increase in the risk of myocarditis and a 175% rise in the risk of pericarditis after receiving the vaccine. Their findings came after following 4.5 million individuals for an average of 15 months after getting the jab.
最近,一項針對 900 多萬韓國人的同行評議研究發現,接種疫苗後患心肌炎的風險顯著增加了 620%,患心包炎的風險增加了 175%。他們的發現是在對 450 萬人接種疫苗后平均 15 個月進行跟蹤後得出的。

Meanwhile, a study carried out in Thailand during the country’s adolescent COVID-19 vaccine campaign found a “stunning” association between the Pfizer shot and myocarditis.
與此同時,在泰國青少年 COVID-19 疫苗運動期間在泰國進行的一項研究發現,輝瑞疫苗與心肌炎之間存在“驚人”的關聯。

The study, which involved more than 300 teens aged 13 to 18, found that 18% had abnormal electrocardiograms following their second dose, with 3.5% of males developing myocarditis or myopericarditis and one being admitted to the ICU for related heart problems.
該研究涉及 300 多名 13 至 18 歲的青少年,發現 18% 的人在接種第二劑後心電圖異常,其中 3.5% 的男性患上心肌炎或心肌心包炎,一人因相關心臟問題入住 ICU。

Unfortunately, this could be just the beginning of the studies showing the dangerous long-term effects of the shots as many problems will only become apparent with time. These studies are a reminder of precisely why so many people feared getting experimental vaccines, especially for children who are at a delicate time in their development.

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Tagged Under: Big Pharma, biological weapon, chemical violence, covid-19, heart damage, heart health, immune system, mRNA, mRNA vaccines, myocarditis, pandemic, pericarditis, Pfizer, pharmaceutical fraud, research, spike protein, vaccine damage, vaccine injury, vaccine wars, vaccines
標籤下:大型製藥公司,生物武器,化學暴力,covid-19,心臟損傷,心臟健康,免疫系統,mRNA,mRNA疫苗,心肌炎,大流行,心包炎,輝瑞,醫藥欺詐,研究,刺突蛋白,疫苗損傷,疫苗損傷,疫苗戰爭, 疫苗

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