Benjamin Fulford Report: US civil war about to end, war with China about to begin – January 6, 2025(本傑明·富爾福德報告:美國內戰即將結束,與中國的戰爭即將開始 – 2025 年 1 月 6 日)
Benjamin Fulford Report: US civil war about to end, war with China about to begin – January 6, 2025(本傑明·富爾福德報告:美國內戰即將結束,與中國的戰爭即將開始 – 2025 年 1 月 6 日)
By Edward Morgan -
作者:Edward Morgan -
January 9, 2025
Today is January 6th, 2025 and there will be a reckoning. Congress will gather for a constitutionally mandated session to certify President-elect Donald Trump’s Electoral College victory. Since it is also the anniversary of the entrapment of US Patriots by the deep state, the January 6 political prisoners have launched a historical $50 Billion class action lawsuit against the Department of Justice.
今天是 2025 年 1 月 6 日,將會有一場清算。國會將召開憲法授權的會議,以認證當選總統唐納德·特朗普的選舉人團勝利。由於這一天也是美國愛國者被深層政府陷害的周年紀念日, 1 月 6 日的政治犯對司法部發起了歷史性的 500 億美元的集體訴訟。
What all this means is that the purge of the Khararian mafia deep state in the West is about to enter its’ final stage. The West needs to end its’ undeclared civil war as soon as possible because alarming news is indicating China has a very nasty surprise in store and this could mean war. This means military government is needed in the US in order to deal with that.
And military government has begun. There is now an Operation Gladio-style rash of staged terror events taking place in the United States. These are expected to escalate in the coming days. The aim is to prepare the US public for emergency military rule, high-level Pentagon sources say.
軍事政府已經開始美國現在正發生一連串格拉迪奧行動(Operation Gladio)式的恐怖事件。預計這些事件在未來幾天會升級。五角大樓的高層人士表示,其目的是讓美國民眾為緊急軍事統治做好準備。
The problem is there are two factions fighting over exactly what kind of military rule it will be.
The Khazarian Mafia faction is desperately trying to use their Al Qaeda/ISIS/Hamas fake Islamic terrorist army to make the US public think they have to invade the Middle East and start a war with Iran.
The US Space Force faction wants to use these same terrorist incidents to prepare for a massive crackdown on the deep state along with disclosure of secret technology.
The person who attacked killed 15 people and injured 35 in New Orleans and the attacker who blew up a Tesla truck at the Trump Hotel in Las Vegas both served at the same elite US military base. Both pretended to be ISIS “Islamic” militants.
在新奧爾良造成 15 人死亡、35 人受傷的襲擊者和在拉斯維加斯特朗普酒店炸毀一輛特斯拉卡車的襲擊者都在同一個美國精英軍事基地服役。兩人都假裝是ISIS伊斯蘭激進分子。
Remember this? Obama arrived at 10 Downing Street to have closed-door conversations with PM Sunak after Putin won his re-election.
還記得這個嗎?奧巴馬在普京贏得連任後抵達唐寧街 10 號,與首相蘇納克進行了閉門會談。
Four days later, Islamic terrorists carried out the Crocus City Hall massacre, killing 145 and injuring 551. Russia claims the terrorists were paid by Western intelligence to carry out the attacks.
We have some similarities to these recent attacks in New Orleans and Las Vegas. The enemy of the Deep State wins an election, and the Islamic terrorist attacks begin. Where is Obama?
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Also, Chelsea Clinton, the openly Satan-worshipping daughter of Hillary Clinton, sits on the board of IAC, Inc., which holds a 31% stake in Turo—the car-sharing app used by the terrorists in New Orleans and Las Vegas to rent electric vehicles for their attacks. What’s a conspiracy without a Clinton?
此外,希拉蕊·克林頓 (Hillary Clinton) 公開崇拜撒旦的女兒切爾西·克林頓 (Chelsea Clinton) 是 IAC, Inc. 的董事會成員,該公司持有 Turo 31% 的股份——新奧爾良和拉斯維加斯的恐怖分子使用這款汽車共用應用程式租用電動汽車進行襲擊。沒有柯林頓的陰謀是什麼?
However, in a sign of US Space Force involvement, the Las Vegas Cybertruck bomber emailed a journalist about “gravitic propulsion systems” powered aircraft and alleged FBI surveillance. The FBI says it believes the email is authentic
然而,作為美國太空軍參與的一個跡象,拉斯維加斯 Cybertruck 轟炸機向一名記者發送了一封電子郵件,內容是關於“重力推進系統”動力飛機並聲稱 FBI 進行監視。聯邦調查局表示,它認為這封電子郵件是真實的
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In a further sign, the whole thing is probably a staged psyops, it turns out that while Las Vegas attacker Matthew Alan Livelsberger’s body was “burnt beyond recognition, ” his Department of Defense access card was recovered from the Tesla Cybertruck. This reminds me of how the bodies of the 911 perpetrators evaporated while their IDs were magically found unscathed.
進一步的跡象表明,整件事可能是一場精心策劃的假像,事實證明,雖然拉斯維加斯襲擊者馬修·艾倫·利弗斯伯格 (Matthew Alan Livelsberger) 的屍體被“燒得面目全非”,但他的國防部門禁卡是從特斯拉 Cybertruck 中找回的。這讓我想起了 911 肇事者的屍體是如何蒸發的,而他們的身份證卻被神奇地發現而毫髮無損。
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These events are probably just the beginning of a big campaign. Sarah Adams, a Former Targeting Officer at The CIA, explains what’s coming in 2025. She says terrorists are coming with “suicide vests that won’t show up on our security. You can walk in the building cause of the advancement of the vest”
這些事件可能只是一場大型活動的開始。 美國中央情報局前目標官員莎拉·亞當斯 (Sarah Adams) 解釋了 2025 年即將發生的事情。她說,恐怖分子帶著「自殺背心來了,這些背心不會出現在我們的安全部門。在背心的推進事業的建築物裡行走」。
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There will be more to the show than just “suicide bombers.” Remember the mysterious drones? Now there is spooky fog. Concerned citizens have flooded social media with videos of what looks like white particles raining down and swirling in the air. Some witnesses have also claimed the fog has triggered health symptoms similar to a respiratory illness.
Here are some videos:
USA DARPA Smart Dust
美國 DARPA 智慧粉塵
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A block of something found in a person’s yard in Texas. From the mystery fog.
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Florida fog that does not look like fog
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Compilation of strange fog seen around the world. Would you breathe this in?
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This is not new, a patent for making artificial fogs or mists was registered on April 26, 1920.
這並不新鮮,1920 年 4 月 26 日註冊 了製造人造霧或霧的專利。
In September of 1950, the US Navy sprayed massive amounts of bacteria into the air for a week two miles off the coast of San Francisco, California.
1950 年 9 月,美國海軍在加利福尼亞州三藩市海岸 2 英里外向空氣中噴洒了大量細菌,為期一周。
The bacteria used were Serratia marcescens, which can cause respiratory issues and meningitis, and Bacillus atrophaeus which can be lethal to immunocompromised individuals. At the time, the Navy believed these bacteria were harmless to humans.
Taken together, I would say this is a military-grade psyops being carried out on the American people.
To get a clearer picture of what is really happening, watch the recruitment video shared on YouTube by Fort Bragg’s 4th Psychological Operations Group. Titled “Ghosts in the Machine,” the video feels like a movie trailer and comes with no explanation other than: “All the world’s a stage. Join us.”
要更清楚地瞭解真實情況,請觀看布拉格堡第 4 心理作戰小組在 YouTube 上分享的招聘視頻。該視頻的標題為“機器中的鬼魂”,感覺就像電影預告片,除了:“全世界都是一個舞臺。加入我們。
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“Have you ever wondered who’s pulling the strings?” the video asks. “You’ll find us in the shadows at the tip of the spear. … Anything we touch is a weapon. We can deceive, persuade, change, influence, inspire. We come in many forms. We are everywhere.”
They are also visibly taking down KM stooges. Canada’s widely despised Justin Castrudeau is expected to announce resignation today, according to news reports.
他們也明顯地打倒了 KM 走狗。據新聞報導,加拿大廣受鄙視的賈斯汀·卡斯特魯多(Justin Castrudeau)預計將於今天宣布辭職。
In Austria, KM puppet Chancellor Karl Nehammer has resigned.
在奧地利,KM 傀儡總理 Karl Nehammer 已辭職。
Also, a big KM honcho, the EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, is facing charges in a Belgian court today related to corruption when procuring COVID-19 vaccines worth over 35 billion Euro. On the same day von der Leyen announces she has pneumonia and will not appear in public for two weeks.
此外,一位 KM 大佬,歐盟委員會主席烏爾蘇拉·馮德萊恩 (Ursula von der Leyen) 今天在比利時法院面臨與採購價值超過 350 億歐元的 COVID-19 疫苗時的腐敗有關的指控。同一 天,馮德萊恩宣佈她患有肺炎,兩周內不會公開露面。
“Has the military alliance taken the witch in for questioning or has she been arrested for her evil deeds? The illness is a political spin. Notice no details are given,” a Pentagon source comments.
As we have reported previously, governments are also expected to fall in Germany, France, Japan, Korea and elsewhere in the near future.
There is also more evidence the political clown show in Washington DC is about to end. In the latest, Democratic House Speaker Hakeem Jeffries says
還有更多證據表明,華盛頓特區的政治小醜表演即將結束。最近,民主黨眾議院議長哈基姆·傑弗裡斯 (Hakeem Jeffries) 表示
“We will fart hard” to make the American dream possible (in hilarious flub during speech).
“我們將努力放屁”以實現美國夢(演講時滑 稽的語氣)。
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In what is also almost certainly part of the military psyops a fake skinny young Hillary Clinton and a dead George Soros received the “Medal of Freedom” from “President Joe Biden.”
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See the attached photo from the article. “This is NOT Killary, notice the seam along her neck. Also, the teeth and jaw are different from the real Killary,” a CIA source comments.
一位中央情報局消息人士評論道:請參閱文章中隨附的照片。“這不是Killary,注意她脖子上的接縫。此外,牙齒和下巴與真正的 Killary 不同“。
Also, think about the cynical nature of having Alex Soros accept the Medal of Freedom for his father who admitted to helping the Nazis round up Jews in WW2, is the Democrat’s billionaire financier, the mastermind behind the BLM/Antifa riots, and owns corrupt judges/politicians nationwide.
另外,想想讓亞歷克斯·索羅斯 (Alex Soros) 為他的父親接受自由勳章的憤世嫉俗本質,他的父親承認在二戰中幫助納粹圍捕猶太人,是民主黨的億萬富翁金融家,BLM/Antifa 騷亂的幕後策劃者,並在全國擁有腐敗的法官/政客。
The US military needs to hurry up and finish off the KM deep state because a much bigger problem is looming.
美國軍方需要抓緊時間結束 KM 深層政府,因為一個更大的問題正在逼近。
Japanese military intelligence sent me some very alarming information last week. They say that since the spring of 2024, the Chinese have infiltrated 800,000 People’s Liberation Army soldiers armed with automatic rifles into
上周,日本軍事情報部門向我發送了一些非常令人震驚的資訊。他們說,自 2024 年春天以來,中國已經滲透了 800,000 名手持自動步槍的中國人民解放軍士兵
Japan. The operatives landed in about 40 to 60 locations. They have selected a total of 135 targets including the Prime Minister’s Office, the National Diet, nuclear power plants, and oil refineries.
日本。特工們降落在大約 40 到 60 個地點。他們共選擇了 135 個目標,包括首相官邸、國會、核電站和煉油廠。
The sources add they were contacted recently by a man who says “A container sent to my company was so heavy that I opened it and found it to be a 10-ton truckload containing 3,000 automatic rifles. When I told my boss, he didn’t tell the police but called the Chinese consulate. The Chinese consulate came right away and took all the automatic rifles and machine guns. He told me to keep quiet.”
消息來源補充說,最近有一名男子聯繫了他們,他說:“一個送到我們公司的集裝箱太重了,我打開它發現它是一輛 10 噸重的卡車,裡面裝有 3,000 支自動步槍。當我告訴老闆時,他沒有告訴員警,而是打電話給中國領事館。中國領事館立即趕來,拿走了所有的自動步槍和機槍。他讓我保持安靜。
If this is true, the Chinese army secretly stationed outnumbers the 247,000 Japanese self-defense forces and 53,000 US troops almost three to one.
如果這是真的,那麼秘密駐紮的中國軍隊的數量幾乎是日本自衛隊 247,000 人和美軍 53,000 人的三倍。
To make things worse, the Chinese have sent thousands of beautiful women to seduce and marry members of the Japanese military. The sources say 10,000 regular troops, 6000 Coast Guard troops and 600 officers now have Chinese wives. They are all sleeper agents and spies.
更糟糕的是,中國派出了數千名美女來勾引和嫁給日本軍隊的成員。消息來源說,現在有 10,000 名正規軍、6000 名海岸警衛隊士兵 和 600 名軍官都有中國妻子。他們都是潛伏的特工和間諜。
This map issued by China shows their territorial ambitions in the Far East.
The Chinese military is also carrying out large-scale military exercises designed to blockade the Island of Okinawa where US forces are stationed.
The same sources are also reporting massive fights between “Chinese dragons” in Japan that the police are powerless to interfere in. We can confirm from our own Lotus Freemason contacts that some sort of secret proxy Chinese war is underway here in Japan.
Also, remember, Biden was bribed by the Chinese and almost certainly let an even larger number of Chinese and allied military-aged males into the US. We have previously reported on large weapons stashes distributed around the US for them to use.
Chinese hardliners need to stage a war because, like the KM, they are in deep trouble and need a war to save their asses.
Borrowing by government, households and corporations in China is approaching 300% of its annual GDP. “Hidden” borrowing by local governments—debt held off the books on their behalf by opaque investment companies known as local government financing vehicles—is a major problem. On some measures, the scale of those debts and the burden of servicing them in China is more severe than in the U.S. before the financial crisis or in Europe in the depths of its own debt crisis a decade ago.
中國政府、家庭和企業的借款額正接近其年度GDP的300%。地方政府的「隱性」借款 -- 由被稱為地方政府融資工具的不透明投資公司代表他們扣留的債務 -- 是一個主要問題。從某些方面來看,中國債務的規模和償還負擔比金融危機前的美國或十年前陷入債務危機的歐洲更為嚴重。
There are as many as around 80 million vacant units in China, according to the latest estimates at the end of November, equivalent to half the total housing stock of the entire U.S.
根據 11 月底的最新估計,中國有多達 8000 萬套空置單元,相當於整個美國住房總量的一半。
Also, in another sign it is not business as usual, foreign phone sales, mostly Apple, plunged 47% in China in 2024.
此外,另一個跡象表明情況並非一如既往,2024 年外國手機銷量(主要是蘋果)在中國暴跌了 47%。
The Chinese hardliners are also once again trying to use a pandemic to force the Chinese to obey.
In the video below you can watch one Chinese health official lead hundreds of people to a quarantine camp. You may ask why didn’t people run away? Because they all had an expired vaccine passport, which made it impossible for them to buy groceries, rent a hotel, take a taxi, eat at restaurant etc. They had nowhere to run.
在下面的視頻中,你可以看到一位中國衛生官員帶領數百人進入隔離營。你可能會問,為什麼人們不逃跑 ?因為他們的疫苗護照都過期了,這使得他們無法購買雜貨、租酒店、乘坐計程車、在餐廳用餐等。他們無處可逃。
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In another sign of how the Chinese operate, they arrested and jailed a Japanese woman on espionage charges when she made a business trip to Shanghai. Her crime was to ask Chinese visitors to Japan what they thought about the disputed Senkaku Islands. There was no classified information involved. So, the Chinese are arresting non-citizens for activities outside of China.
There is also a battle going on for control of Korea. Last week the US military intervened to stop 2700 Korean police officers from arresting impeached President Yoon Suk Yeol.
還有一場爭奪韓國控制權的戰鬥正在進行中。上周,美國軍方出面干預,阻止 2700 名韓國員警逮捕被彈劾的總統尹錫悅。
It is also very likely the KM Obiden regime threatened to keep crashing Korean civilian aircraft in order to force South Korea back into obedience.
KM Obiden 政權也很有可能威脅要繼續讓韓國民用飛機墜毀,以迫使韓國重新服從。
A day after a Jeju Air passenger plane crashed at Muan International Airport in South Jeolla, another Jeju Air airplane, also a Boeing 737-800, experienced a landing gear malfunction.
在濟州航空一架客機在全羅南道文安國際機場墜毀一天后,另一架濟州航空飛機(也是波音 737-800)發生了起落架故障。
All Boeing aircraft built since 1997 have a system installed that allows control to be taken away from the pilot. This was supposed to be for “stopping hijackers,” but instead has been used to crash planes for political purposes. The four sudden plane crashes seen in various countries around the year end are probably connected.
自 1997 年以來製造的所有波音飛機都安裝了允許從飛行員手中奪走控制權的系統。這本應用於「阻止劫機者」 但實際上卻被用於出於政治目的而墜毀飛機。年底前後在各個國家看到的四起突如其來的飛機失事可能是有聯繫的。
In any case, the trouble with China is also linked to Elon Musk and his fake Trump Mar a Largo show. In the video below, after Abby Phillip asks if the US should be concerned about Elon Musk’s foreign business dealings — Scott Jennings reminds her about Biden’s business with China:
無論如何,中國的麻煩也與埃隆馬斯克和他的假特朗普 Mar a Largo 節目有關。在下面的視頻中,在艾比·菲力浦 (Abby Phillip) 詢問美國是否應該關注埃隆·馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 的外國商業交易后,斯科特·詹寧斯 (Scott Jennings) 提醒她拜登與中國的業務:
“I have no concerns about Elon Musk. I have been looking at pictures of Joe Biden and Hunter Biden meeting with Chinese political leaders lately, that we were told didn’t exist…For all the people who are really upset about Elon Musk having a very successful international business that actually produces things…the Bidens produce nothing and yet were also doing business in China.”
“我對埃隆·馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 沒有任何擔憂。我最近一直在看喬·拜登和亨特·拜登與中國政治領導人會面的照片,我們被告知這些照片並不存在......對於所有對 Elon Musk 擁有非常成功的國際業務真正生產東西感到不安的人 ...... 拜登夫婦什麼都不生產,但也在中國做生意。
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The problem is that Musk is keeping the US Corporation afloat by selling military technology to communist China.
Now Musk is using his fake Trump to push to have foreigners replace US workers. His fake Trump put out a social media post in support of the H-1B program for foreign workers, saying “I have many H-1B visas on my properties. I’ve been a believer in H-1B. I have used it many times. It’s a great program.”
現在馬斯克正在利用他的假特朗普來推動讓外國人取代美國工人。他的假特朗普在社交媒體上發佈了一篇帖子,支持針對外國工人的 H-1B 計劃,他說:“我的房產上有很多 H-1B 簽證。我一直是 H-1B 的信徒。我已經用過很多次了。這是一個很棒的計劃。
However, here is what the real Trump had to say about this program in 2016: “Megyn Kelly asked about highly-skilled immigration. The H-1B program is neither high-skilled nor immigration: these are temporary foreign workers, imported from abroad, for the explicit purpose of substituting for American workers at lower pay. I remain totally committed to eliminating rampant, widespread H-1B abuse and ending outrageous practices such as those that occurred at Disney in Florida when Americans were forced to train their foreign replacements. I will forever end the use of the H-1B as a cheap labor program, and institute an absolute requirement to hire American workers first for every visa and immigration program. No exceptions.”
然而,以下是真正的特朗普在 2016 年對該計劃的評價:「梅根·凱利 (Megyn Kelly) 詢問了高技能移民。H-1B 計劃既不是高技能也不是移民:這些是從國外輸入的臨時外國工人,其明確目的是以較低的工資替代美國工人。我仍然完全致力於消除猖獗、廣泛的 H-1B 濫用行為,並結束令人髮指的做法,例如在佛羅里達州迪士尼發生的那些令人髮指的做法,當時美國人被迫培訓他們的外國替代者。我將永遠停止將 H-1B 用作廉價勞動力計劃,並制定一個絕對要求,即每個簽證和移民計劃都首先僱用美國工人。沒有例外。
Musk is pushing H1B because Tesla recently “ramped up its use of H-1B visas to replace U.S. workers it let go during a wave of layoffs earlier this year.”
馬斯克之所以推動 H1B,是因為特斯拉最近「加大了對 H-1B 簽證的使用,以取代它在今年早些時候的裁員浪潮中被解僱的美國工人」。
The X posting linked below explains the story:
下面連結的 X 帖子解釋了這個故事:
A big-shot employment attorney in California called me last night re: H1B visa fraud / trafficking of workers. Here’s what she said:
昨晚,加州一位大人物就業律師打電話給我,回復我:H1B 簽證欺詐/販運工人。以下是她所說的:
The market is cornered by visa body shops who apply for ~50% of the visas.
The economics of it: These body shops are headed by former hiring managers from Big Tech companies. They bring people to America, rent apartments for them, and house about 10 together in one apartment.
經濟效益:這些車身修理廠由大型科技公司的前招聘經理領導。他們把人帶到美國,為他們租房,把大約 10 個人一起住在一間公寓裡。
They put these recipients through a ~4 week bootcamp of basic tech training, fraudulently rewrite their resumes, teach them how to interview.
他們讓這些受助者參加為期 4 週的新兵訓練營,接受基本的技術訓練,偽造他們的履歷,教他們如何面試。
The body shops land them jobs, primarily at the companies these hiring managers came from, and pay the workers less than half of the money in hand.
Ex. Job is listed as a $200k salary, but the company is contracted with the body shop *not* the H1B worker, and the worker is actually paid closer to $40 an hour.
例如,工作被列為 200 美元的薪水,但該公司與車身修理廠簽訂了合同,而不是與 H1B 工人簽訂合同,工人的工資實際上接近每小時 40 美元。
The body shops pocket most of the money and are making millions by essentially trafficking people.
The abuse and fraud must end!
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) says the main function of the H-1B visa program and other guest worker initiatives is not to hire “the best and the brightest,” but rather to replace good-paying American jobs with low-wage indentured servants from abroad. The cheaper the labor they hire, the more money the billionaires make.
參議員 Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) 表示,H-1B 簽證計畫和其他客籍勞工計畫的主要功能不是雇用「最優秀、最聰明的人」,而是用國外的低薪傭工取代美國的高薪工作。他們僱用的勞動力越便宜,億萬富翁賺的錢就越多。
Speaking about Bernie Sanders, a whistleblower says he too is a blackmailed pedophile:
談到伯尼·桑德斯(Bernie Sanders),一位舉報人說他也是一個勒索的戀童癖者:
Jennifer Guskin: “When I was a child, I was brought into a basement to be violated. While I was being raped, a man was dragged downstairs and was told to rape a boy that was bent over in front of him or they would kill the man and his family, who were lined up along a wall, where there was also a man behind a camera on a tripod.”
“Someone else came up to him and told him, ‘If you don’t do it, they will kill your family and nothing can undo that. But if you do it, it’ll be fine, because that boy is used to it and no one has to die.”
“To date, that’s the hardest I’ve ever seen a grown man cry.“
“That man is currently sitting in Congress. Yeah, that was Senator Bernie Sanders.”
那個人目前坐在國會。是的,那是參議員伯尼·桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)。
The white hat alliance suggests that Senator Sanders have a press conference to talk about the pedophile blackmail he was forced into. In exchange, they will offer him amnesty and protection for his family. They will make the same offer to any other blackmailed pedophiles out there who did not actually kill any children.
Samantha Smith, another survivor of pedophile abuse posts:
另一位戀童癖虐待的倖存者薩曼莎·史密斯 (Samantha Smith) 發帖說:
I went on national TV to discuss the fact little girls are being raped and exploited in council estates in Telford. The police came banging on my door the next day after searching every address I’d ever lived at. They tried to demand that I go to the police station for an “interview” and tried to intimidate me into silence because:
“When you go on national TV to discuss grooming gangs, you should expect us to come to you.”
The “us” includes the Satanic Chabad Lubavitch cult. Chabad Lubavitch has been linked to major organizations such as Save the Children, Boston Consulting Group, the Clinton Foundation, and IJM—groups implicated in a global child trafficking network recently raided in Guatemala.
“我們”包括撒旦的 Chabad Lubavitch 邪教。Chabad Lubavitch 與救助兒童會、波士頓諮詢集團、克林頓基金會和 IJM 等主要組織有聯繫,這些組織與最近在瓜地馬拉突襲的全球兒童販運網路有關。
This group starts wars such as the one in the Ukraine, in order to obtain children for human sacrifice.
這個團體發動了烏克蘭戰爭等戰爭,以獲得 用於活人祭祀的孩子。
The article linked below names the top Satanists in Ukraine who have been torturing thousands if not hundreds of thousands of men, women and children to death in Satanic sacrifices. This is actionable intelligence. These monsters will all be hunted down and brought to justice, starting with Vladimir Zelensky.
下面連結的文章列出了烏克蘭的頂級撒旦主義者,他們一直在用撒旦的祭品折磨成千上萬甚至數十萬的男人、女人和兒童致死。這是可操作的情報。這些怪物都將被追捕並繩之以法,從弗拉基米爾·澤倫斯基 (Vladimir Zelensky) 開始。
Mossad sources say the video below shows “Zelensky being rewarded for abducting children and handing them over to the Zionists.”
Video Player
In addition to starting wars and torturing children, these people also spread plagues in order to kill people and earn money. The problem is that in the modern West, the sicker people get, the more money doctors and pharmacidical companies make. That is why we need to change the system into one that makes doctors and companies richer as people get healthier.
Goldman Sachs talks about this when it asks in biotech research report: “Is curing patients a sustainable business model?” Analyst Salveen Richter cited Gilead Sciences’ treatments for hepatitis C, which cured more than 90% of patients. Their sales, which peaked at $12.5 billion in 2015, have now fallen to $4 billion because everybody is being cured.
高盛在生物技術研究報告中談到了這一點:「治癒患者是一種可持續的商業模式嗎? 分析師 Salveen Richter 引用了吉利德科學公司對丙型肝炎的治療方法,該療法治癒了 90% 以上的患者。他們的銷售額在 2015 年達到 125 億美元的峰值,現在已經下降到 40 億美元,因為每個人都在接受治療。
That is why companies like Pfizer gave us all vaccines that cause cancer and then moved into the cancer-curing business.
Now they are literally moving into the plague business. This headline says it all:
“Scientists Behind AstraZeneca COVID Jab Rush to Develop Bubonic Plague Vaccine as Fears of the Next Pandemic Loom”
“阿斯利康 COVID 疫苗背後的科學家們急於開發腺鼠疫疫苗,因為對下一次大流行的擔憂迫在眉睫”
Here is another such headline:
“The UK government has ordered five million doses of avian influenza vaccine in preparation for the possibility of bird flu spreading among humans.”
“英國政府已訂購 500 萬劑禽流感疫苗,為禽流感在人類中傳播的可能性做準備。”
We have already reported Bill Gates payed a certain professor Hamaoka to create a strain of Bird Flu that could affect humans and now UK taxpayers are handing money to Gates for Bird Flu vaccines.
Here is another example:
“More than 70% of California’s dairy herds have now been infected by H5N1 bird flu.” So now Governor Gavin Newsom declares a state of emergency. In response, the Department of Agriculture is conducting trials for vaccines for poultry and dairy cattle.
“加州 70% 以上的奶牛群現在已經感染了 H5N1 禽流感。”所以現在州長加文·紐森 (Gavin Newsom ) 宣佈進入緊急狀態。作為回應,農業部正在進行家禽和奶牛疫苗試驗。
Also, the Bill Gates Foundation, in collaboration with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and the World Health Organization (WHO), ran a simulation called “Catastrophic Contagion”, imagining a deadly pandemic in 2025. Remember, they ran a similar simulation immediately before the 2020 COVID-19 and vaccine mass murder campaign.
此外,比爾·蓋茨基金會與約翰·霍普金斯大學衛生安全中心和世界衛生組織 (WHO) 合作,進行了一項名為“災難性傳染”的類比,設想了 2025 年將發生致命的大流行病。請記住,他們在 2020 年 COVID-19 和疫苗大屠殺運動之前進行了類似的類比。
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Also, Gates has literally hired a mass-murdering terrorist to run his WHO.
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who is not a doctor, was a member of the inner circle of the terrorist Tigray People Liberation Front. This was one of, if not, the most corrupt, brutal and genocidal regimes to set foot on this planet in the past 30 years.
譚德塞不是醫生,他是恐怖分子提格雷人民解放陣線核心圈子的成員。這是過去 30 年來踏上這個星球的最腐敗、最殘酷和種族滅絕的政權之一。
We hear a death warrant has been signed for Bill Gates. We would prefer for him to have a public war crimes trial to set an example but in any case, he is now a hunted man.
He has been trying to bribe government around the world in a bid for protection which is why the white hats need to take away the KM’s biggest lever of power: control of money.
他一直試圖賄賂世界各地的政府以尋求保護,這就是為什麼白帽子需要奪走 KM 最大的權力槓桿:金錢控制。
As this illustration shows: “You have to work the rest of your life for paper money that we create out of thin air and make you borrow from us and then charge you interest and taxes on.”
As more evidence, here you can watch Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernank back in 2009 testify the Fed sent half a trillion dollars to other central banks and that he does not know who got it. No one gave the approval and he says he doesn’t need approval. During the Covid Scamdemic more than $10 trillion was created in this way.
作為更多證據,您可以在這裡看到美聯儲主席本·伯南克 (Ben Bernank ) 在 2009 年作證說,美聯儲向其他央行發送了五萬億美元,他不知道是誰得到了它。沒有人批准,他說他不需要批准。在 Covid Scamdemic 期間,以這種方式創造了超過 10 萬億美元。
Video Player
Let this sink in.
You pay 30% of your check as Federal
您支付支票的 30% 作為聯邦保險
Income Tax.
You pay 10% in most State’s Income Tax
您支付大多數州所得稅的 10%.
You pay another 7% in Sales Tax.
您還需要支付 7% 的銷售稅。
You pay another 8% in Property Tax.
您再支付 8% 的財產稅。
55% of your check is taken from you before you even get home from work.
您 55% 的支票甚至在您下班回家之前就被拿走了。
Then they doubled gas prices.
Then they doubled food prices.
Then they doubled mortgage rates.
Then they give all your money away to other countries.
After decades of investigating how these people got control over money, it turns out it is all based on fraudulent bonds from the 1930s backed with fictitious treasure “hidden somewhere in Asian caves.” This is done in cahoots with the controllers of Communist China.
經過幾十年的調查這些人是如何控制金錢的,事實證明這一切都是基於 1930 年代的欺詐性債券,並以“隱藏在亞洲洞穴某處”的虛構寶藏為後盾。這是與共產主義中國的控制者勾結完成的。
Now that they are losing control of the central banks, the KM are desperately pushing crypto-currency. The problem is people have figured out this scam as well. Bitcoin is a case in point. It is now supposed to be worth countless $ trillions but it is all fake. Bitcoin now has 3 times less adoption and less usage for daily purchases than it did during 2020. Even that was bitcoin pushers pumping and dumping over and over… not using it for actual purchases… who wants to wait an hour for a transaction to complete? In other words, you can’t use it to buy anything so what is it worth? Zilch.
現在他們正在失去對中央銀行的控制,KM 正在拚命推動加密貨幣。問題是人們也已經發現了這個騙局。比特幣就是一個很好的例子。它現在應該價值無數萬億美元,但都是假的。與 2020 年相比,比特幣現在的採用率和日常購買量都減少了 3 倍。即便如此, 比特幣推動者也一遍又一遍地抽水和拋售......不將其用於實際購買......誰願意等待一個小時才能完成交易?換句話說,你不能用它來購買任何東西,那麼它值多少錢呢?零元。
To conclude, the battle over control of the world’s money is going to hit some sort of crescendo around the time Trump takes power on January 20th. It might be wise to stock up on basics because the people behind President Obiden may try to shut down US trade. The dock worker’s deal that stopped the shutdown of US ports ends on January 15th. This is a sign the US will no longer be able to buy from the rest of the world using debt issued by China. The US should bite the bullet on this and go cold turkey. The alternative is eternal Khazarian Mafia debt slavery.
總而言之,圍繞世界貨幣控制權的爭奪將在 1 月 20 日川普上臺時達到某種高潮。囤積基本用品可能是明智的,因為奧拜登總統背後的人可能會試圖關閉美國的貿易。阻止美國港口關閉的碼頭工人協定將於 1 月 15 日結束。這表明美國將無法再使用中國發行 的債務從世界其他地區購買。美國應該在這個問題上咬緊牙關,冷靜下來。另一種選擇,就是永恆的可薩黑手黨債務奴役。
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