October 11, 2024: The Occult is Becoming Mainstream; Secrets Be Gone! [videos](2024 年 10 月 11 日:神秘學正在成為主流;秘密消失了! [影片])

Starship Earth: The Big Picture

What's happening on our planet—and why
我們的星球上正在發生什麼 - 以及為什麼

October 11, 2024: The Occult is Becoming Mainstream; Secrets Be Gone! [videos](2024 年 10 月 11 日:神秘學正在成為主流;秘密消失了! [影片])

#FEMA  #颶風  #颱風  #氣候武器  #######

Starship Earth: The Big Picture
October 11, 2024

2024 年 10 月 11 日

How can thinking people watch what has been happening and not realize we’re dealing with “weather wars”???

Fascinating details are coming out now about Hurricane Milton and what went on with that storm. The 130+ tornadoes was wild, and the fact that it dropped suddenly to a Category 1 from 5 and changed course, missing Tampa, was most unexpected.
關於颶風米爾頓和那場風暴發生的事情的有趣細節現在正在浮出水面。130+ 龍捲風是狂野的,它突然從 5 級下降到 1 級並改變航向,錯過了坦帕,這是最出乎意料的。

Another observable anomaly was the bioluminescence in the sea. Bright blue, and that’s not all. There were square waves, with literal right-angles filmed, and we know what causes that kind of pattern in water. Energy, or frequency.

We’ve discussed cymatics many times in the past with sand or water resonating in response to sound and vibration and creating symmetrical patterns. It’s highly organized just from a specific vibration.
我們過去曾多次討論過 cymatics,沙子或水響應聲音和振動產生共振,併產生對稱的圖案。它只是從特定的振動中高度組織起來的。

A thought just occurred to me: the Bible says God “spoke” Creation into being. Does this make more sense now? Our voices have resonance, music has resonance, and there is the “music of the spheres”. What sort of vibration might God have employed to manipulate particles and arrange them into organized groupings? Who else can do this? We can. We just don’t realize it. That is how we can heal ourselves, by manipulating matter—even with our thoughts. We have lots of practicing to do.

When Humanity learns what a powerful tool resonance is, they will be astounded and will finally know the truth about how the gargantuan stones at Sacsayhuaman or Machu Picchu, for example, in Peru, were erected and with such precision. We will learn about levitation.

I’ve been to many of these sites and it seems impossible. The Moai on Easter Island, and those magnificent columns and temples in Greece and Italy… when you stand next to them you cannot help but wonder how they could possibly have been created on that scale and erected. The secrets of the world are about to be revealed to a seriously dumbed-down civilization.

圖:Sacsayhuaman, Cusco, Peru
(秘魯庫斯科 Sacsayhuaman)

Getting back to Milton, I find it particularly interesting the frequency phenomena were observed in the waters near Florida because I was questioning whether the White Hats could use frequency to counter the resonance of Milton and zero it out. Suddenly we hear it dropped to a Cat 1. I’m not saying that’s what happened, but ask and ye shall receive. Nothing is impossible and miracles happen every day. There were plenty of prayers over that hurricane, that’s for sure.
回到彌爾頓,我發現在佛羅里達州附近的水域觀察到頻率現象特別有趣,因為我在質疑白帽是否可以使用頻率來抵消彌爾頓的共振並將其歸零。突然我們聽到它下降到 Cat 1。我不是說事情就是這樣,但你們祈求就會得到。沒有什麼是不可能的,奇跡每天都在發生。為那場颶風祈禱很多,這是肯定的。

LT included the following video in an And We Know update I watched last night and it’s too good not to share. Check it out. This is reality, which we have rarely seen, and concepts certainly not taught in the schools I attended but the Avatar movie featured bioluminescence a lot. 2 min.
LT 在我昨晚觀看的 And We Know 更新中包含了以下視頻,這太好了,不能不分享。看看吧。這就是我們很少見的現實,我就讀的學校肯定不教授概念,但《阿凡達》電影以生物發光為特色。2 分鐘

That, my friends, is proof that man was involved with Milton. It was not all Mother Nature, nor was it the absurd “climate change” postulation. That is junk science, propaganda, and fear porn—for those not sure.

October is a spooky month and it kicked off in September with Hurricane Helene. The Patriots are paying close attention to things that may have slipped through the cracks if they hadn’t found and shared them, like the following from Telegram from Tironianae. if you haven’t seen it.
10 月是一個令人毛骨悚然的月份,它從 9 月的颶風海倫開始。愛國者隊正在密切關注如果他們沒有找到並分享它們,可能會從裂縫中溜走的東西,比如來自 Tironianae 的 Telegram 的以下內容。如果你還沒有看到它。

    As we’ve shown and proven here, since Helene2.0 began.
    正如我們在這裡展示和證明的那樣,自 Helene2.0 開始以來。

    🚨IMPOSSIBLE! – HURRICANE Used in Episode of House Of Cards IS Hurricane HELEN From 1958!🤯
    🚨 不可能的!– 颶風用於紙牌屋 IS 1958 年的颶風海倫! 🤯

    (House Of Cards – Chapter 34 – NETFLIX)
    (紙牌屋 - 第 34 章 - NETFLIX)

    YOU wont believe this! 你不會相信的!
    The hurricane they used in this episode of House Of Cards below was Hurricane HELENE from 1958!
    他們在下面這一集的紙牌屋中使用的颶風是 1958 年的颶風海倫!

    Video below shows how the episode PREDICTED exactly what’s going on with FEMA and lack of funds!
    下面的視頻顯示了這一集如何準確預測 FEMA 和資金短缺的情況!

    It ALSO shows how the Hurricane seemingly was used as a weapon to force Frank to give the money to FEMA only for the hurricane to turn right after he gives the money!

    Just like many think that Biden is being forced to give away all our money we need for our own citizens and FEMA.

    Watch the video then look at the actual path of Hurricane Helene in 1958 below and compare it to the Hurricane in House Of Cards. Then think about the situation in Asheville and Western North Carolina AND FEMA and tell me this isn’t a scary “Coincidence”.
    觀看視頻,然後在下面查看 1958 年颶風海倫的實際路徑,並將其與《紙牌屋》中的颶風進行比較。然後想想阿什維爾和北卡羅來納州西部以及 FEMA 的情況,告訴我這並不是一個可怕的“巧合”。

    This is officially the twilight zone!
    Do you realize how insane this is.
    Near IMPOSSIBLE chances!!
    #FEMA #Asheville #Flood

As Q showed us, there are no coincidences. We are watching the most bizarre, scripted, witchy plan to save Humanity imaginable. Who in their right mind could even conceive of these things we’re seeing? I can’t wait for the ending.
正如 Q 向我們展示的那樣,沒有巧合。我們正在觀看可以想像到的最離奇、最照本宣科、最巫術的拯救人類的計劃。誰能憑著頭腦正常的人能想像出我們所看到的這些東西呢?我迫不及待地想看到結局。

Let’s not forget about Hurricane John that hit Acapulco AGAIN under suspicious circumstances.

Mexico counting dead from ‘zombie storm’ John

I have to say when I look at some of the footage coming out of Florida I wonder if any of it is the Project Bluebeam scary stuff we were warned was coming. It’s so unnatural. All those tornadoes? How is that possible? Maybe they wanted to take out Disney and used the cover of a storm to do it. It’s basically a swamp now so the tunnels must be full of water. With nearly everyone evacuated or taking cover, not much would be seen and people would be safe. Capt. Kyle said some of the anticipated event would be real, and obviously that happened, and some would be BB, and just appear real, and it would involve sound, visual, everything. Does Milton qualify? Works for me. Look at that tornado.
我不得不說,當我看到佛羅里達州的一些鏡頭時,我想知道其中是否有任何一個是我們被警告即將到來的 Project Bluebeam 可怕的東西。這太不自然了。那些龍捲風?這怎麼可能呢?也許他們想幹掉迪士尼,並利用暴風雨的掩護來做到這一點。現在基本上是一片沼澤,所以隧道里肯定滿是水。由於幾乎所有人都被疏散或躲避,不會看到太多東西,人們會很安全。凱爾上尉說,一些預期的事件將是真實的,顯然它發生了,還有一些將是 BB,只是看起來是真實的,它會涉及聲音、視覺,一切。米爾頓有資格嗎?對我有用。看看那場龍捲風。

So what’s coming? Well, Q told us they were saving Israel for last, and we can also see that they are saving the worst truths for last. The Alliance has been dripping out details, facts and events for years now—some of which we thought were pretty racy and difficult for the unsuspecting public to swallow, but we can expect more extreme and evil than this; much more bad news than what has already been highlighted.
那麼會發生什麼呢?好吧,Q 告訴我們他們把以色列留到最後,我們也可以看到他們把最糟糕的真相留到最後。多年來,聯盟一直在滴水不漏地披露細節、事實和事件——其中一些我們認為非常猥褻,毫無戒心的公眾難以接受,但我們可以期待比這更極端和邪惡;比已經強調的壞消息要多得多。

They have not addressed 9/11 yet, and have only dabbled in the Human trafficking and child torture if what we’re hearing about the sicko P. Diddy is true and that he is way up the scale of monsters from where Epstein and Maxwell were.
他們還沒有解決 9/11 問題,如果我們聽到的關於病態 P. Diddy 的資訊是真的,並且他比 Epstein 和 Maxwell 所在的怪物規模要高得多,他們只是涉足人口販運和兒童折磨。

The current revelations are about weather manipulation, obviously, and they have been loosely linked to child trafficking, but if I were the White Hats, I wouldn’t cloud the weather wars with the child sex trafficking/adrenochrome. These are a stand-alone topics and we don’t want to dilute the crimes committed against the children by mixing it with the horrific events which have taken place this past couple of weeks due to the hurricanes.

The poor folks in Appalachia dealing with the frightening and life-changing events there have far too much to deal with to assault them with the demonic details about the crimes against children. The same goes for the folks in the Middle East who are lucky to be alive after non-stop war and death. This isn’t the time, and SG Anon spoke of the timing in his excellent Q&A with Jenni at the Revival of America podcast recently.
阿巴拉契亞的窮人在那裡處理著可怕的和改變生活的事件,有太多的事情要處理,不能用關於針對兒童犯罪的惡魔般的細節來攻擊他們。中東的人們也是如此,他們在無休止的戰爭和死亡之後有幸活著。現在還不是時候,SG Anon 最近在 Revival of America 播客上與 Jenni 的精彩問答中談到了時機。

Maybe they will address 9/11 and child sex trafficking in the pre-recorded loops of video the Alliance prepared for the ten days or so we are sequestered in our homes during the blackout so people can process it in private. It will be like a funeral over that period for some people because their entire world will end when the reality is presented and they have to wrestle with what to believe. They will wonder how they could possibly have been so deceived. Or, perhaps the Alliance will address those difficult topics after Trump returns when they allot that next phase for “Justice”.
也許他們會在聯盟為我們在停電期間被隔離在家中的十天左右準備的預先錄製的視頻迴圈中解決 9/11 和兒童性販運問題,以便人們可以私下處理它。對於一些人來說,在那段時間里,這就像一場葬禮,因為當現實被呈現時,他們的整個世界都將結束,他們不得不與相信什麼作鬥爭。他們會想,他們怎麼可能被騙了。或者,也許聯盟會在特朗普回歸後解決這些困難的話題,屆時他們將為“正義”分配下一階段。

Where on the cosmic clock those revelations appear we’ll have to wait and see, but at some point, Humanity has to get on the same page for all the crimes committed by the psychopaths, including the ones done in our name. Justice will also have to involve forgiveness so we can move on.

The media is already highlighting the effects of Helene on the election, which we recognized early on as one probable reason for the attack on those states.


Hurricane Helene upends Trump’s and Harris’ plans for one of the biggest swing states

Harris is racing against lost time to flip the red state of North Carolina. Trump is combating a Democratic operation that dwarfs his.

The FEMA website is lying and saying they have awarded millions to storm victims, yada, yada, yada. They don’t reveal that to get the meagre $750 allotted to hurricane victims, they have to apply ON-LINE, when they don’t have power, and only qualify if they DON’T have home insurance, and have to accept the funds as a LOAN to be repaid, IF they are approved—and some aren’t.
FEMA 網站在撒謊,說他們已經向風暴受害者提供了數百萬美元,yada,yada,yada。他們沒有透露,要獲得分配給颶風受害者的微薄 750 美元,他們必須在沒有電的情況下在線申請,並且只有在他們沒有房屋保險的情況下才有資格,並且必須接受資金作為貸款償還,如果他們獲得批准——有些人沒有。

It’s the most criminal way to claim they’re helping victims they attacked purposely that I’ve ever seen. Hopefully it will rile up the American people and they will support whatever measures follow to take these monsters to task.

FEMA has a blurb at the bottom of their website for the National Terrorism Advisory System [NTAS] and suggest we add the widget so we’ll get notifications, I suppose, for terrorist events. They don’t tell you THEY are the terrorists. Americans, Canadians, Australians, the Brits, all of us, have been the victims of domestic and international terrorism for decades at the hands of these demonic entities and we are very close to the whole world finding out. Game over.
FEMA 在其網站底部有一個關於國家恐怖主義諮詢系統 [NTAS] 的簡介,並建議我們添加小部件,這樣我們就可以收到恐怖事件的通知。他們不會告訴你他們是恐怖分子。美國人、加拿大人、澳大利亞人、英國人,我們所有人,幾十年來一直是這些惡魔實體手中國內和國際恐怖主義的受害者,我們非常接近全世界都在尋找答案。遊戲結束。

We will need highly credible people doing the big reveals on the satanic sex perverts. Gen. Michael Flynn calls it for what it is, and who they are, from Telegram.
我們需要高度可信的人來揭露撒旦性變態。邁克爾·弗林 (Michael Flynn) 將軍在Telegram中稱其為它是什麼,以及他們是誰。

    General Flynn: The Diddy case is going to implicate musicians, sports players, politicians and media.
    弗林將軍:Diddy 案將牽涉到音樂家、體育運動員、政客和媒體。

    “These people are psychopaths. They’re evil. They’re satanic. And that is also something that they practiced out there in his home.”

The disgusting news will get much worse. For now, the normies get a reprieve while they assimilate what is currently being released. You can’t make this up, folks. They never take responsibility for their actions and always blame others.

    Another Paedo exposed working within a NHS Hospital – Royal Bolton hospital has declined to comment as they covered up for the sick freak.

    NHS nurse who blamed stress of Covid for turning her into a paedophile is struck off for life after using work computer to share indecent child pictures and images of people having sex with animals
    NHS 護士將 Covid 的壓力歸咎於使她成為戀童癖者,在使用工作電腦分享不雅兒童照片和人們與動物發生性關係的圖像后,她被終身開除

    The 33-year-old used a work computer at the Royal Bolton Hospital to share the images online between April 2021 and April 2022, and later claimed to police she was coerced into it after meeting a man online.

    But police found it was Ruler who had initiated the sick conversations and last year admitted to four child sex offence charges, for which she received a suspended sentence.
    Now the former ward manager has been struck off from the nursing register for life after tribunal ruled it had to act to ‘protect patients’ from the paedophile.

    When she appeared at Preston Crown Court last August, it was revealed she had downloaded 151 category A child abuse images, 101 category B, and 134 category C pictures between April 2021 and April 2022. Additionally, she was found to have shared five obscene articles in an online chat with five paedophiles.
    去年 8 月,當她在普雷斯頓刑事法院出庭時,據透露,她在 2021 年 4 月至 2022 年 4 月期間下載了 151 張 A 類虐待兒童圖片、101 張 B 類圖片和 134 張 C 類圖片。此外,她被發現在與五名戀童癖者的在線聊天中分享了五篇淫穢文章。

    She was also ordered complete 35 days of rehabilitation activities including a one-to-one sex offenders course, and made subject to a five-year sexual harm prevention order and 10 years on the sex offenders’ register.
    她還被命令完成 35 天的康復活動,包括一對一的性犯罪者課程,並受到 5 年性傷害預防令和 10 年性犯罪者登記冊的約束。

    The only way is the rope for these sick evil bastards!

Q told us “they” would soon be unable to walk down the street because we would all know what they did and would rail against them or worse, get out the torches and pitchforks and escort them to the gallows.
Q 告訴我們,「他們」很快就不能走在街上了,因為我們都知道他們做了什麼,會斥責他們,或者更糟糕的是,拿出火把和乾草叉,把他們送上絞刑架。


Huw Edwards’ wife files for divorce
Huw Edwards 的妻子提出離婚

Vicky Flind reported to be ending her 30-year marriage to the disgraced former BBC newsreader
據報導,維姬·弗林德 (Vicky Flind) 將結束她與這位名譽掃地的前 BBC 新聞播報員 30 年的婚姻

October surprise! Look what I found. Buried right here is the Sarge update with the intel he has, including what he was told about the militia—lots of them. There are 2 parts in 1 video. Total 54 min.
十月驚喜!看看我發現了什麼。埋藏在這裡的是 Sarge 的更新和他所擁有的情報,包括他被告知的關於民兵的資訊——很多。2 個視頻中有1個部分。總計54分鐘。

Sarge also includes some negative footage about a helicopter that damaged crisis assistance stations in the Carolinas. I will add that according to Capt. Kyle, there was one Blackhawk chopper that accidentally hovered too low in an area like this while looking for a place to land. It was not intentional.
Sarge 還包括一些關於一架直升機損壞卡羅來納州危機援助站的負面鏡頭。我要補充一點,根據凱爾上尉的說法,有一架黑鷹直升機在尋找降落點時不小心在這樣的區域懸停得太低。這不是故意的。

I heard there were several instances of prop wash causing damage during rescue efforts so we don’t want to lump them all together; they should be addressed separately. There is such a thing as pilot error, but we also know that the enemy is ruthless and vindictive and would not hesitate to do something like this. The situation on video we shared the other day was a Chinook and they said it was sabotage by the dark military. No idea if that’s true.



I believe we have covered over the years most of the crimes the globalist controllers have been involved in, at least in the general sense, but we review when items surface again as reminders, and to inform those late to the party.

How can we even begin to define the evil perpetrated on Humanity at the hands of the satanic controllers? Monsanto/Bayer’s Roundup is banned in many countries because in addition to its toxicity, it never, ever breaks down so it gets into the water table and poisons everything and everyone it touches. Where I live, it is still prominently displayed on endcaps in the hardware stores. Best get on that, people. The way the cancer industry works now, it will cost $78 million for treatments that will probably kill the victim.
我們怎麼能開始定義撒旦控制者對人類犯下的罪惡呢?孟山都/拜耳農達在許多國家被禁止,因為除了毒性之外,它永遠不會分解,因此它會進入地下水位並毒害它所接觸的一切和每個人。在我居住的地方,它仍然醒目地展示在五金店的端蓋上。最好繼續吧,夥計們。按照癌症行業現在的運作方式,可能會殺死受害者的治療將花費 7800 萬美元。


Gardener awarded $78m after Roundup weed killer gave him cancer – 80% of Americans have it in their bodies
Gardener 在 Roundup 除草劑使他患上癌症後獲得 $78m – 80% 的美國人體內患有癌症

I would pluck every weed on our property with my fingers before I would buy that stuff, but most people are unaware so my dog walks in it and then licks his feet. No wonder I’ve lost three Golden Retrievers to cancer.

We used to have our landscaper burn all our weeds when we had an acreage in the middle of the desert because we had a veritable field of weeds every spring, half my height. There are always alternatives. Salt, vinegar, and dish soap will kill a lot of weeds, too, but also your favourite plants, so caution is advised. It’s great to see dandelions and crabgrass in our parks because it might suggest they are not using Roundup.
過去,當我們在沙漠中擁有一英畝土地時,我們會讓我們的園藝師燒掉我們所有的雜草,因為每年春天我們都有一片名副其實的雜草田,僅自己一半高。總有其他選擇。鹽、醋和洗潔精也會殺死很多雜草,但也會殺死你最喜歡的植物,所以建議謹慎。很高興在我們的公園看到蒲公英和馬唐草,因為這可能表明它們沒有使用 Roundup。

We’re always open to good news, and there seems to be a shift in the war.

Sometimes when things seem too good to be true it’s Divine providence. We deserve it.

We hear Tiffany Trump is carrying on the bloodline and will birth a new soul. It’s great to hear the extraordinary Trump family is proliferating.
我們聽說蒂芙尼·特朗普(Tiffany Trump)正在繼承血統,並將誕生一個新的靈魂。很高興聽到非凡的特朗普家族正在激增。

October surprise #2! This landed in one of my email boxes this week and I haven’t watched it, but when I started to, I realized it is the perfect companion to our discussion above on frequency. If you like it, please share. Enjoy! 25 min.
十月驚喜 #2!這周它出現在我的一個郵箱裡,我還沒有看過,但當我開始看時,我意識到它是我們上面關於頻率的討論的完美伴侶。如果您喜歡它,請分享。享受!25 分鐘


Randall Carlson – “What I Saw Is Impossible, But I Saw It” – Thuderstorm Generator – FREE ENERGY
Randall Carlson – “我所看到的是不可能的,但我看到了” – Thuderstorm Generator – FREE ENERGY

In closing for this Friday afternoon…

I don’t want to forget to say Happy Thanksgiving to the Canucks. I’m dreaming of coloured leaves and will be making my pumpkin pie this weekend. We have a few dead leaves on our fake grass and it’s been so ridiculously hot I tell my other half not to clean them up. They’re called “leaves” for a reason and I need them to help me grasp that it’s October because it feels more like August. It’s time to transition to fall so leave the leaves, please.
我不想忘記向加人隊說聲感恩節快樂。我夢想著彩色的樹葉,這個週末將製作我的南瓜派。我們的假草上有一些枯葉,天氣太熱了,我告訴我的另一半不要清理它們。它們被稱為“葉子”是有原因的,我需要它們來説明我理解現在是 10 月,因為它感覺更像 8 月。是時候過渡到秋天了,所以請留下樹葉。

It’s been just under 100F in our yard in the shade this week but we are expecting a high of only 84F next weekend and as low as 63F at night so I will be able to have a fire in the chimenea. People I talk to say they were done with summer a couple of months ago and want clouds, rain, cold, wind—something, anything, besides sunny blue skies and heat.
本周我們院子里的陰涼處溫度略低於 100F,但我們預計下週末的最高溫度僅為 84F,晚上低至 63F,因此我將能夠在 chimenea 發生火災。與我交談的人說,他們幾個月前就已經度過了夏天,想要雲、雨、寒冷、風——除了晴朗的藍天和炎熱之外,什麼東西。

Eli had a blast with the girls visiting last Saturday and misses them a lot. They played with him for hours and it took him days to get over it, he was so tired.
Eli 上週六和來訪的女孩們玩得很開心,非常想念她們。他們和他一起玩了幾個小時,他花了幾天時間才克服,他太累了。

Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving with family and friends, Canada. We will give thanks as we say a prayer for the souls displaced and harmed by all manner of travesty during the hurricanes. See you soon, everyone. ~ BP
與家人和朋友一起度過一個安全快樂的感恩節,加拿大。當我們為在颶風期間因各種嘲諷而流離失所和受到傷害的靈魂祈禱時,我們將表達感激之情。大家很快見面。~ 英國石油公司
