掩蓋事實 - 口罩的配帶
掩蓋事實 - 口罩的配帶! - 準備轉變 / 2020年8月30日
curated by Marilyn M.Singleton,M.D.,J.D.
Transmission of SARS-CoV-2
Note:A COVID-19(SARS-CoV-2)particle is 0.125 micrometers(μm);influenza virus size is 0.08–0.12μm;a human hair is about 150μm.
* 1 nm=0.001 micron;1000 nm=1 micron;Micrometer(μm)is the preferred name for micron(an older term)
* 1納米=0.001微米;1000納米=1微米;微米(m)是微米(一個較早的術語)的首選名稱
1 meter is=1,000,000,000 nm or 1,000,000 microns
1米=1,000,000,000 nm 或1,000,000微米
Virus is transmitted through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs,sneezes or talks.Larger respiratory droplets(>5μm)remain in the air for only a short time and travel only short distances,generally<1 meter.They fall to the ground quickly.
This idea guides the CDC's advice to maintain at least a 6-foot distance.
Virus-laden small(<5μm)aerosolized droplets can remain in the air for at least 3 hours and travel long distances.
Air currents
In air conditioned environment these large droplets may travel farther.
However,ventilation—even the opening of an entrance door and a small window can dilute the number of small droplets to one half after 30 seconds.(This study looked at droplets from uninfected persons).This is clinically relevant because poorly ventilated and populated spaces,like public transport and nursing homes,have high SARS-CoV-2 disease transmission despite physical distancing.
然而,通風ーー即使是打開入口門和小窗戶,也可以在30秒後稀釋小水滴的數量,使其減少一半。 (這項研究觀察了來自未感染者的飛沫)。這具有臨床相關性,因為儘管物理距離較遠,但通風不良和人口密集的空間,如公共交通和療養院,有較高的SARS-CoV-2疾病傳播
Objects and surfaces
Person to person touching
The CDC's most recent statement regarding contracting COVID-19 from touching surfaces:"Based on data from lab studies on Covid-19 and what we know about similar respiratory diseases,it may be possible that a person can get Covid-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth,nose or possibly their eyes,"the agency wrote."But this isn't thought to be the main way the virus spreads.
疾病防治中心最近關於接觸表面感染新型冠狀病毒肺炎病毒的聲明中寫道:"根據對新型冠狀病毒肺炎病毒的實驗室研究數據和我們對類似呼吸道疾病的了解,有可能一個人通過接觸表面或物體上的病毒,然後觸摸自己的嘴、鼻子或者可能是他們的眼睛而感染新型冠狀病毒肺炎病毒"。 "但這並不是病毒傳播的主要方式
Chinese study with data taken from swabs on surfaces around the hospital
The surfaces where tested with the PCR(polymerase chain reaction)test,which greatly amplifies the viral genetic material if it is present.That material is detectable when a person is actively infected.This is thought to be the most reliable test.
表面測試的 PCR(聚合酶鍊式反應)檢測,這大大增強了病毒的遺傳物質,如果它是存在的。當一個人被主動感染時,這種物質是可以檢測到的。這被認為是最可靠的測試
Computer mouse(ICU 6/8,75%;General ward(GW)1/5,20%)
電腦鼠標(ICU 6/8,75%;普通病房(GW)1/5,20%)
Trash cans(ICU 3/5,60%;GW 0/8)
垃圾桶(ICU 3/5,60%;GW 0/8)
Sickbed handrails(ICU 6/14,42.9%;GW 0/12)
病床扶手(ICU 6/14,42.9%;GW 0/12)
Doorknobs(GW 1/12,8.3%)
門把手(GW 1/12,8.3%)
81.3%of the miscellaneous personal items were positive:
Exercise equipment
Medical equipment(spirometer,pulse oximeter,nasal cannula)
PC and iPads
個人電腦和 ipad
Reading glasses
Cellular phones(83.3%positive for viral RNA)
手機(83.3%的病毒 RNA 陽性)
Remote controls for in-room TVs(64.7%percent positive)
Room surfaces(80.4%of all sampled)
Bedside tables and bed rails(75.0%)
Window ledges(81.8%)
Plastic:up to 2-3 days
Stainless Steel:up to 2-3 days
Cardboard:up to 1 day
Copper:up to 4 hours
Floor–gravity causes droplets to fall to the floor.Half of ICU workers all had virus on the bottoms of their shoes
Filter Efficiency and Fit
* Data from a University of Illinois at Chicago review
* 數據來自美國伊利諾大學芝加哥分校協會審查
HEPA(high efficiency particulate air)filters–99.97–100%efficient.HEPA filters are tested with particles that are 0.125μm.
Masks and respirators work by collecting particles through severalphysical mechanisms,including diffusion(small particles)and interception and impaction(large particles)
N95 filtering facepiece respirators(FFRs)are constructed from electret(a dielectric material that has a quasi-permanent electric charge.An electret generates internal and external electric fields so the filter material has electrostatic attraction for additional collection of all particle sizes.As flow increases,particles will be collected less efficiently.
N95–A N95-aproperly fitted
N95 will block 95%of tiny air particles down to 0.3μm from reaching the wearer's face.
But even these have problems:many have exhalation valve for easier breathing and less moisture inside the mask.
Surgical masks are designed to protect patients from a surgeon's respiratory droplets,aren't effective at blocking particles smaller than 100μm.
Filter efficiency was measured across a wide range of small particle sizes(0.02 to 1µm)at 33 and 99 L/min.
在33和99l/min 的範圍內,測量了不同粒徑(0.02ー1 m)的過濾效率
N95 respirators had efficiencies greater than 95%(as expected).N95
T-shirts had 10%efficiency,
T 恤衫有10%的效率,
Scarves 10%to 20%,
Cloth masks 10%to 30%,
Sweatshirts 20%to 40%,and 20%至40%,
Towels 40%.
All of the cloth masks and materials had near zero efficiency at 0.3µm,a particle size that easily penetrates into the lungs.
Another study evaluated 44 masks,respirators,and other materials with similar methods and small aerosols(0.08 and 0.22µm).
N95 FFR filter efficiency was greater than 95%.
N95 FFR 過濾效率大於95%
Medical masks–55%efficiency
醫用口罩 - 效率55%
General masks–38%and
一般口罩 - 38%及
Handkerchiefs–2%(one layer)to 13%(four layers)efficiency.
Conclusion:Wearing masks will not reduce SARS-CoV-2.
結論:戴口罩不會減少 SARS-CoV-2
N95 masks protect health care workers,but are not recommended for source control transmission.
Surgical masks are better than cloth but not very efficient at preventing emissions from infected patients.
Cloth masks will be ineffective at preventing SARS-CoV-2 transmission,whether worn as source control or as personal protective equipment(PPE).
無論是作為源頭控制還是作為個人防護設備(PPE)佩戴,口罩在防止 sarsーcov-2傳播方面都是無效的
"Masks may confuse that message and give people a false sense of security.If masks had been the solution in Asia,shouldn't they have stopped the pandemic before it spread elsewhere?"
* The first randomized controlled trial of cloth
* 第一個戴面具的隨機對照試驗 masks.
Penetration of cloth masks by particles was 97%and medical masks 44%,3M Vflex 9105 N95(0.1%),3M 9320 N95(<0.01%).
粒子滲透率為97%,醫用口罩為44%,3M Vflex 9105n95(0.1%),3M 9320n95(<0.01%)
Moisture retention,reuse of cloth masks and poor filtration may result in increased risk of infection.
The virus may survive on the surface of the face-masks
Self-contamination through repeated use and improper doffing is possible.A contaminated cloth mask may transfer pathogen from the mask to the bare hands of the wearer.
Cloth masks should not be recommended for health care workers,particularly in high-risk situations,and guidelines need to be updated.
* A study of 4 patients in South Korea
* 一項有關韓國四名病人的研究
Known patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 wore masks and coughed into a Petrie dish."Both surgical and cotton masks seem to be ineffective in preventing the dissemination of SARS–CoV-2 from the coughs of patients with COVID-19 to the environment and external mask surface."
已知感染 SARS-CoV-2的病人戴著口罩,咳嗽時使用 Petrie 盤。"外科口罩和棉質口罩似乎都不能有效防止 SARS-CoV-2病毒的傳播,這種病毒是由新型冠狀病毒肺炎患者的咳嗽傳播到環境和口罩表面的。"
* Singapore Study–Few people used mask correctly
* 新加坡研究ー很少有人正確使用口罩
Overall,data were collected from 714 men and women.About half the sample were women and all adult ages were represented.Only 90 participants(12.6%,95%CI 10.3%-15.3%)passed the visual mask fit test.About three- quarters performed strap placement incorrectly,61%left a"visible gap between the mask and skin,"and about 60%didn't tighten the nose-clip.
* A 2011 randomized Australian clinical trial of standard medical/surgical masks
* 2011年澳大利亞標準醫用/外科口罩隨機臨床試驗
Medical masks offered no protection at all from influenza.
Conclusions from Organizations
The World Health Organization(WHO):
"Advice to decision makers on the use of masks for healthy people in community settings
As described above,the wide use of masks by healthy people in the community setting is not supported by current evidence and carries uncertainties and critical risks."
"Medical masks should be reserved for health care workers.The use of medical masks in the community may create a false sense of security,with neglect of other essential measures,such as hand hygiene practices and physical distancing,and may lead to touching the face under the masks and under the eyes,result in unnecessary costs,and take masks away from those in health care who need them most,especially when masks are in short supply."
"Masks are effective only when used in combination with frequent hand-cleaning with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water."
WHO acknowledges that most people do not use masks properly.
Dr.Nancy Messonnier,director of the Center for the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases:
"We don't routinely recommend the use of face masks by the public to prevent respiratory illness,"said on January 31."And we certainly are not recommending that at this time for this new virus."
"我們不建議公眾經常使用口罩來預防呼吸道疾病",1月31日表示。 "我們當然不建議在這個時候對這種新病毒採取這種做法。"
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC)
In March 5,2019 regarding the flu:"Masks are not usually recommended in non-healthcare settings;however,this guidance provides other strategies for limiting the spread of influenza viruses in the community:
cover their nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing,
use tissues to contain respiratory secretions and,after use,to dispose of them in the nearest waste receptacle,and
perform hand hygiene(e.g.,handwashing with non-antimicrobial soap and water,and alcohol-based hand rub if soap and water are not available)after having contact with respiratory secretions and contaminated objects/materials.
From the New England Journal of Medicine
"We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little,if any,protection from infection.Public health authorities define a significant exposure to Covid-19 as face-to-face contact within 6 feet with a patient with symptomatic Covid-19 that is sustained for at least a few minutes(and some say more than 10 minutes or even 30 minutes).The chance of catching Covid-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal.In many cases,the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic."
Final Thoughts
Surgical masks–loose fitting.They are designed to protect the patient from the doctors'respiratory droplets.The wearer is not protected from others airborne particles
醫用口罩 - 寬鬆配件。它們的設計是為了保護病人免受醫生的呼吸道飛沫的傷害。佩戴者不受其他空氣傳播粒子的保護
People do not wear masks properly.Most people have the mask under the nose.The wearer does not have glasses on and the eyes are a portal of entry.
The designer masks and scarves offer minimal protection–they give a false sense of security to both the wearer and those around the wearer.
**Not to mention they add a perverse lightheartedness to the situation.
If you are walking alone,no mask–avoid folks–that is common sense.
Remember–children under 2 should not wear masks–accidental suffocation and difficulty breathing in some
記住 - 2歲以下的兒童不應該戴口罩 - 意外的窒息和呼吸困難
If wearing a mask makes people go out and get Vitamin D–go for it.In the 1918 flu pandemic people who went outside did better.Early reports are showing people with COVID-19 with low Vitamin D do worse than those with normal levels .Perhaps that is why shut-ins do so poorly.
If you are sick,stay home!
Additional Resource:Healthy People Wearing Masks,Should They or Shouldn't They?This ER nurse with over two decades of experience took a deep dive into the science to find out:https://jennifermargulis.net/healthy-people-wearing- masks-during-covid19/