
綠色前進|Sierra(NZ)!- 準備轉變 / 2020年8月29日

Melania Trump wore a bright green dress for President Trump's nomination acceptance speech.It is the exact shade of Pepe the cartoon mascot frog for Q Anon.Anons are speculating that it might mean'Green for Go...'...
梅拉尼婭· 特朗普(Melania Trump) 在特朗普總統的提名接受演講中穿了一件亮綠色連衣裙。這正是貝貝的影子,貝貝是Q Anon 的卡通吉祥物青蛙。無名氏們推測,這可能意味著 "綠色前進..."..

There were over one thousand people in the audience for the acceptance speech-and NOT ONE SINGLE MASK.President Trump's followers know that the China virus is a giant hoax...
有超過一千人在觀眾的接受演講 - 和沒有一個人戴著口罩。特朗普總統的追隨者知道中國病毒是一個巨大的騙局.....

This short passionate Convention speech by Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes encapsulates President Trump's mission to save humanity.I recommend taking the time to watch it...
猶他州司法部長肖恩· 雷耶斯在大會上發表的這篇簡短而充滿激情的演講概括了特朗普總統拯救人類的使命。我建議你花點時間看看.....

Meanwhile,in sharp contrast,here is Joe Biden's running mate Kamala Harris.Her message?The riots are NOT GOING TO STOP EVER...
與此同時,與此形成鮮明對比的是,喬· 拜登的競選夥伴卡馬拉· 哈里斯。她的信息?暴亂永遠不會停止..

A recent tweet by Donald Trump Junior makes an intriguing connection between a coat he wears in the picture-and Seth Rich.Could we be close to a big domino falling...?
小唐納德· 特朗普(Donald Trump Junior) 最近在推特上發表了一條有趣的推文,將他在照片中穿的一件外套與賽斯· 里奇(Seth Rich) 聯繫起來。我們會不會接近一個倒下的大多米諾骨牌?

KarliQ has a fascinating little video tweet that shows the Simpsons TV show predictions for 2020.Spookily accurate...
卡里克有一個迷人的視頻推文,顯示了辛普森一家電視節目對2020 年的預測……

In this tweet Praying Medic noted the 17 flags on either side of the stage during the Convention(17 is the Q number).And apparently there were 17 stars around the speaking platform...
在這條推特中,祈禱醫生注意到在大會期間舞台兩邊的17 面旗幟(17 是Q 數) 。顯然講台周圍有17 位明星..

Finally,here is the magnificent fireworks finale to the Republican National Convention.Thanks to KarliQ for the video...
最後,這裡是共和黨全國代表大會的壯觀煙花壓軸。感謝KarliQ 的視頻..

What an amazing Republican National Convention.Would such a convention have been of interest to a Kiwi eight years ago?Not so much.A great deal has changed in that time.Thank God for President Trump and the Alliance.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light

