倫敦和柏林的抗議|Sierra(NZ)!- 準備轉變 / 2020年8月30日
The Berlin protest did not get the huge numbers that were anticipated-but it was still an impressive crowd,demanding freedom from lockdowns,vaccinations and so much more.
Here is an aerial view of the Berlin crowd.That's a LOT of people resisting the Deep State...
Robert Kennedy Junior was guest speaker at the Berlin protest rally.He speaks in front of the huge crowd...
小羅伯特· 肯尼迪是柏林抗議集會的特邀演講者,他在人山人海的人群面前講話..
'Governments love pandemics for the same reason they love war.Because it gives them the ability to impose controls on the population that the population would otherwise NEVER accept...'(Robert Kennedy Jr,Berlin,29th August 2020).
政府熱愛傳染病的原因和他們熱愛戰爭的原因是一樣的。因為這將使他們有能力控制人口,否則人們永遠不會接受......"( 小羅伯特· 肯尼迪,柏林,2020 年8 月29 日)
A tweet about the London protest that was held on the same day...
'We marched on Downing Street.We are left,we are right,we are young,old,black,white,we are the working class.And our eyes are open.Don't believe the hype.The"UnitedForFreedom"march was very diverse.We cannot afford to be divided any longer...'(Ooj tweet)
Spiro tweets about the London protest-that is David Icke speaking on the stage in the video...
斯皮羅在推特上談論倫敦的抗議活動 —— 這是大衛· 艾克在視頻中的講話.....
'This is the most important time in our lives.If we do nothing...we will lose EVERYTHING!Today my faith in humanity has been restored.We the people hold the keys to our future!Resist COVID1984 like your lives depend on it !Because it does!(Spiro tweet)
"這是我們生命中最重要的時刻。如果我們什麼都不做……我們會失去一切!今天,我恢復了對人性的信心。我們人民掌握著我們未來的鑰匙!抵抗COVID1984 ,就像你的生命依賴它一樣!因為它!( 斯皮羅推)
Yesterday here in New Zealand,our Advance NZ political party supported a protest march in Auckland.It was thrilling to see over 1000 people-with no masks-marching and demanding freedom.Auckland is at Level 3(the rest of New Zealand is Level 2 )so the lockdown measures are more severe in that city.
昨天在新西蘭,我們的Advance NZ 政黨支持在奧克蘭舉行抗議遊行。看到1000多人 —— 沒有人戴口罩 —— 遊行要求自由,真是令人興奮。奧克蘭是3 級( 新西蘭其他地方是2 級) ,所以那個城市的封鎖措施更加嚴厲
I was excited to see these global and local protests.I feel inspired,energized and ready to join a protest march in my own town,hopefully next weekend.Spiro is right- 'If we do nothing,we will lose EVERYTHING.
我很高興看到這些全球和地區性的抗議活動。我深受鼓舞,精力充沛,準備好參加在我自己的城鎮舉行的抗議遊行,希望是下週末。斯皮羅是對的-' 如果我們什麼都不做,我們將失去一切
YOU can be a voice of freedom in your own area.If not you-who...?
你可以在你自己的領域裡成為自由的聲音。如果不是你 —— 那會是誰... ?
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light