Obama, Biden, Clinton, Pelosi White House Pedophile Ring Uncovered by Wikileaks
奧巴馬,拜登,克林頓,佩洛西白宮戀童癖圈被維基解密揭露!- 準備轉變 / 2021年4月27日
By Judy Byington as published in Before It's News:
[OpDis Editor Note:Warning,this article includes graphic content not for the faint of heart.Viewer discretion is advised.]
[OpDis 編者註:警告,本文包含的圖形內容不適合膽小者。建議觀眾謹慎使用。 ]
"We have hard proof that President Obama ran a pedophile ring out of the Whitehouse"said Julian Assange in a Fox News Hannity bombshell report on Sun.25 April.
"…a young boy the age of 5…will make the perfect catamite for the president"read a Wikileaks email to Obama according to Assange."He will arrive from Romania on Tuesday.I'm sure the president will be pleased."
Other notables named as being involved in the pedophile ring were Bill and Hillary Clinton,Tim Kaine,Elizabeth Warren,Jimmy Carter,Harry Reid,Ben Affleck,Cory Booker,Al Franken and Nancy Pelosi.Trump Attorney Lin Wood included Chief Justice John Roberts in the group.
Child trafficking by the Obama/Biden Administration using the Clinton Foundation was well known in the intelligence community.The extensive network of Child Sex Trafficking was believed organized by the Black Hats,or Illuminatti*at the Vatican and funded by the CIA Black Budget and Chinese Communist Party Child Trafficking Ring.
奧巴馬/拜登政府利用克林頓基金會販賣兒童在情報界是眾所周知的。廣泛的兒童性販賣網絡被認為是由梵蒂岡的“黑帽子”(Black Hats)組織的,由中央情報局(CIA)的“黑色預算”(Black Budget)和中國共產黨的“販賣兒童團伙”資助。
Apparently their ring extended to trafficking children caught at the border,those who went by submarine to Biden-owned Water Island that lay next door to Epstein's Pedophile Island,DUMB tunnels that ran beneath every capitol city in the nation and globe and included an underground tunnel system under Biden-owned property in the Ukraine and another buried two miles beneath the White House.
顯然,他們的圈子延伸到了在邊境被抓獲的販賣兒童,那些乘坐潛水艇前往拜登擁有的沃特島(Water Island)的人,沃特島就在愛潑斯坦(Epstein)的戀童癖島(Pedophile Island)旁邊。這是一條DUMB(地下軍事隧道)隧道,位於美國和全球各個首都城市的地下,其中包括拜登在烏克蘭擁有的房產下面的一個地下隧道系統,以及埋在白宮地下兩英里處的另一條隧道。
The chief income producer for Child Trafficking was the sale of Adrenochrome–obtained by harvesting the blood of a traumatized child.It was said to produce a"high"and prevent aging,although one of the side effects was death if the supply was taken away .Adrenochrome Harvesting Data Dump,Part 2,Products for sale,2021 Child Hunting Parties Schedule for US:
販賣兒童的主要收入來源是腎上腺素紅 - 從一個受過創傷的兒童身上採集血液獲得。據說它能產生一種"興奮感"並防止衰老,儘管其副作用之一是,如果供應被取消會導致死亡。收集數據轉儲,第2部分,產品銷售,2021年美國兒童狩獵派對時間表:
Adrenochrome:The Leaked Documents|Awakening?Start Here|Before It's News
An Alliance**of nations was rescuing millions of children being sex trafficked and used for organ transplants and Adrenochrome production in an extensive labyrinth of Illuminati tunnels across the globe.The ring was run by the Vatican and financed by the C*se Communist Party using Bitcoin facilities beneath C*a's Three Gorges Dam–va a tunnel that ran to the W*an lab that produced and released the CV-19 Virus global plague.
一個國家聯盟正在拯救數以百萬計的被性交易的兒童,這些兒童被用於器官移植和腎上腺色素紅生產,這些兒童生活在遍布全球的光明會隧道迷宮中。這枚戒指由梵蒂岡管理,由中國共產黨資助,使用的是位於加州三峽大壩下的比特幣設施 - 一條通往製造並釋放CV-19全球瘟疫病毒的武漢實驗室的隧道。
Trump and the Alliance**to the rescue.Their Military missions culminated with US Navy Seals,Russian Special Ops and OUR Protection Team discovering 1,245 barely alive children,teens and adults and taking 1,366 dead bodies from 30,000 containers on the Illuminati's*Evergreen Evergiven ship that blocked the Suez Canal from Tues.23 March to Mon.29 March.Evergiven and accompanying vessels caught in the Canal were shipped by theChinese Communist Party.They also had on board tanks of Adrenochrome,a nuclear device and Weapons of Mass Destruction including the CV-19 vaccine.All were destined to start a war in the Middle East and decimate the world population for their New World Order agenda.
特朗普和救援聯盟。他們的軍事任務達到高潮,美國海軍海豹突擊隊、俄羅斯特種部隊和我們的保護小組在3月23日星期二至3月29日星期一封鎖蘇伊士運河的光照派長青號 Evergiven(長榮)船上發現了1245名勉強存活的兒童、青少年和成年人,並從30000個集裝箱中取出1366具屍體。在運河中捕獲的所有船隻和隨行船隻都是由中國共產黨運送的。他們船上還有腎上腺素紅(Adrenochrome),坦克,一種核裝置和包括CV-19疫苗在內的大規模殺傷性武器。所有這些國家都注定要在中東發動一場戰爭,並為其新的世界秩序議程而毀滅世界人口。
The discovery of an international child trafficking ring centered at the White House under direction of Obama and Biden had everything to do with Washington DC being surrounded by an eight foot high barbed wire fence guarded on the inside by 30,000 National Guard since before the 20 Jan. Biden Inauguration.
In the early morning hours of Sun.24 Jan.2021 Special Forces(SOF)units were videotaped coming out of an empty White House with tortured children they had rescued out of underground tunnels buried two miles beneath Capitol Hill.The Military had just defeated Deep State CIA forces trying to hinder them from removing what was later discovered to be thousands of mainly babies,although there were many children,teens and adults up to 60 years old who had been held in electrified cages.
在星期日的清晨。 2021年1月24日特種部隊(SOF)從空蕩蕩的白宮出來的時候被拍到,他們從埋在國會山下兩英里的地下隧道中救出了受折磨的孩子。軍方剛剛擊敗了深州中央情報局的部隊,他們試圖阻止他們移除後來發現的主要是嬰兒的成千上萬的東西,儘管有許多兒童、青少年和60歲以下的成年人被關在帶電的籠子裡。
Many Capitol Hill tunnel victims were found to have been born in the tunnels,while some had been kidnapped and spent up to 30 years in these tombs.All were malnourished and physically,psychologically and sexually abused.In the tunnels troops also discovered labs designed to torture,extract Adrenochrome and organs from caged babies,children,teens and adults.
During the Capitol Hill rescue operation another video was found of Hillary Clinton and her assistant Huma Abedin.It was said 100 times worse than Frazzledrip:the infamous video NY Police found of Clinton and Abedin ripping the face off,torturing and killing a preteen girl and then drinking her Adrenochromed blood.
在國會山救援行動中,又發現了一段希拉里·克林頓和她的助手胡瑪·阿貝丁的視頻。據說這比Frazzledrip 還要糟糕100倍:紐約警方發現了一段聲名狼藉的視頻,視頻中克林頓和阿貝丁撕裂了一個十幾歲的小女孩的臉,折磨並殺害了她,然後喝下了她的腎上腺變色的血。
Long ago Clinton had been arrested,recently tried at a GITMO Military Tribunal and was scheduled to be hanged today Mon.26 April.To save her own skin Abedin had testified against her former boss,"I can't count the number of underage boys and girls Clinton brought to the US under the pretense of providing them with a fruitful life,"Abedin said at the Tribunal,"but there were many,most of whom were later sold or donated to influential members of the Clinton Cabal."
Rape,torture and human sacrifice of children in Satanic rites was believed rampant among political elites.Though Trump and the Alliance**were on top of the situation.Right after Trump took office in 2016 US Attorney General for Utah John Huber and 740 investigators were hired to probe those political elites who into pedophilia.Since then Huber and team had held Grand Juries and filed over 200,000 sealed indictments across the US,in tandem with over 500,000 filed across the globe by the Alliance.**
據信,在政治精英中,以撒旦儀式強姦、折磨和用人祭祀兒童的行為十分猖獗。儘管特朗普和聯盟已經掌控了局勢。就在特朗普2016年就職後,美國猶他州司法部長約翰·胡貝爾和740名調查人員受僱調查那些戀童癖政治精英。從那時起,胡貝爾和他的團隊已經控制了大陪審團,在全美提交了超過20萬份密封起訴書,同時聯盟在全球提交了超過50萬份起訴書。 **
"These children lived in perpetual fear because of the global presence of the black market human trafficking syndicates,even in the USA"said Mexican journalist based in Tijuana Oscar'El Blue'Ramirez.Ramirez has done extensive investigation on Biden's connection to children caught in the Mafia's international trafficking at the border.
"這些孩子生活在永久的恐懼中,因為黑市集團的全球存在,甚至在美國",墨西哥駐提華納記者奧斯卡'El Blue'Ramirez 說。拉米雷斯對拜登與邊境黑手黨國際人口販賣中被抓獲的兒童之間的關係進行了廣泛的調查。
On 23 Oct. 2020 after the Presidential Debate, Oscar 'El Blue' Ramirez exposed a UN Open Borders Compact that Joe Biden and Barak Obama signed. The policy led to a massive influx of Antifa Black Market Coyote network trafficking over 90,000 children, who then went missing. It has been documented that over 20,000 were put in cages by the Obama Administration during their tenure in office. Mexican Journalist Exposes Joe Biden's Human Trafficking Compact (soonerpolitics.org)
The extensive Biden fortune was not just gained by selling children at the border.On New Year's Day 2021 Delta Forces raided Joe Biden's 200 acre property in the Ukraine where they found a maze of underground chambers and tunnels that ran for miles in every direction.Bits of necrotic flesh hung from ankle and wrist shackles bolted to the walls.
拜登的巨額財富不僅僅是通過在邊境販賣兒童獲得的。 2021年元旦,三角洲部隊突襲了喬·拜登在烏克蘭的200英畝土地,在那裡他們發現了一個迷宮般的地下室和隧道,向四面八方延伸數英里。腳踝和手腕的鐐銬上掛著一塊塊壞死的肉,用螺栓拴在牆上。
The Biden-owned Water Island next to convicted Pedophile's Epstein Island was another source of Biden income.It was known to have long been used in the international child trafficking network.Biden Arrested,SCOTUS Roberts Caught,CIA Child Trafficking,Gun and Drug Running Ring Exposed | Politics | Before It's News(beforeitsnews.com)
拜登的沃特島緊鄰被判有戀童癖的愛潑斯坦島,是拜登收入的另一個來源。眾所周知,國際販賣兒童網絡長期以來一直使用這種方法。美國中央情報局販賣兒童、販賣槍支和毒品團伙揭露。 / 政治 / 新聞之前 (beforeitsnews.com)
In Biden's Ukraine underground tunnels seized laptops were said full of evidence of a massive international money laundering,gun/drug running,child/human trafficking scheme–that appeared connected to other high powerful elites.
That long list of indictments were said to include SCOTUS Chief Justice John Roberts,who was suspected of being blackmailed to make certain Supreme Court decisions according to Trump Attorney Lin Wood in a series of tweets on Mon.4 Jan.
特朗普的律師林伍德在1月4日的一系列推文中說,這份長長的起訴書清單,據說包括最高法院首席大法官約翰·羅伯茨(John Roberts),他涉嫌被敲詐,以便最高法院做出某些決定。
"Chief Justice John Roberts and a multitude of powerful individuals worldwide were being blackmailed in a horrendous scheme involving rape and murder of children captured on videotape.I have the key to the files containing the videos.Others also have the encryption key."
"The blackmail targets are approached with a gun,a child,and a camera,"claimed Wood."The target is ordered to rape the child on video.The target is then ordered to shoot the child on video.The target is then owned&controlled by the blackmailers until blackmail evidence loses its value."
Obama's,Biden's,Clinton's,Pelosi's and Robert's crimes against Humanity appeared connected through the CIA,along with nine other intelligence agencies including the FBI.The covert agencies were believed running a human trafficking,gun and drug running ring used to blackmail political elites.All was being funded by US taxpayer dollars funneled through a CIA Black Budget–long known to have worked with Jeffrey Epstein and his Pedophile Island in the blackmail of political and global elites.
奧巴馬、拜登、克林頓、佩洛西和羅伯特的反人類罪行似乎通過中央情報局與包括聯邦調查局在內的其他九個情報機構有聯繫。據信,這些秘密機構運營著一個人口販賣、槍支和毒品走私集團,用來敲詐政治精英。所有資金都來自美國納稅人的錢,通過中央情報局(CIA)的"黑色預算"(Black Budget)提供。長期以來,該機構一直與杰弗裡•愛潑斯坦(Jeffrey Epstein)及其戀童癖島(Pedophile Island)合作,敲詐政治和全球精英。
On the Biden Ukraine property the military seized$300 million in gold bullion,C*e-manufactured Type 56 assault rifles,tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition,laptops and in an underground antechamber were twelve duffel bags filled with black tar heroin.
在Biden Ukraine 的財產上,軍方繳獲了價值3億美元的金條、中國製造的56式突擊步槍、數萬發子彈、筆記本電腦,在一個地下接待室裡還有十二個裝滿黑焦油海洛因的行李袋。
Wood said,"One of those intelligence agencies was hacked by a group known as Lizard Squad.The blackmail files of rape&murder were obtained and a copy was provided to Isaac Kappy.Kappy gave the files to one friend and the encryption key to another friend shortly before he was murdered in May 13,2019.
"Jeffrey Epstein used this same blackmail scheme of child rape and murder to either further his own interests,or those of any intelligence agency with whom he worked.I have no idea extent of blackmail scheme of raping and killing children but given the number of agencies involved,the hundreds of thousands of missing children and otherwise inexplicable actions of many powerful officials,celebrities and business leaders,I fear the worst.
"Many issues in our world may be tied to this blackmail scheme,including the bizarre behavior of officials and judges in the recent election."
The Ukraine Biden estate was found to be the headquarters of Paradine Global Advisors.In the late summer of 2006 the Biden family bought Paradine as a hedge fund and fired 95%of staff.By June 2009 the company was found to be a slush fund for laundering money.
烏克蘭拜登莊園被發現是 Paradine Global Advisors 的總部。 2006年夏末,拜登家族收購了作為對沖基金的 Paradine,並解雇了95%的員工。到2009年6月,該公司被發現是一個用於洗錢的行賄基金。
*The Illuminati,Cabal,Deep State or Black Hats gained their power over peoples of the globe by worshipping Satan through pedophilia and child sacrifice.The Cabalwas composed of 13 Illuminati Bloodline Families including the Habsburg family.Below them were the Black Jesuit Pope Adolfo Nicolasand his six generals,Pope Francis and 350 personnel in the Vatican including former Jesuit Secretary General Peter Hans Kolvenbach.In turn the Jesuits were part of most governments and leaders,especially the Freemasons,which has infiltrated every intelligence agency in the world with Masonic leaders, making them puppets that carried out Jesuit orders.Other Cabal leaders were Mafia heads including Khazarian mob leaders,Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Fascists,royal families of Europe including Queen Elizabeth,the Netherlands and Spanish Royals.The Cabal extended to Benjamin Netanyahu and the Zionists,Globalist and Political Elites,Council on Foreign Relations,Bilderberger Group,Council of 300,UN,Council of Trent,Knights Templar,Knights of Columbus,Knights of Malta,CIA,FBI,NSA,ASIO,M15,M16 ,NCIS,FSB,DGSF and the Mossad.
*光照派、陰謀集團、深州或黑帽派通過戀童癖和兒童獻祭來崇拜撒旦,從而獲得了他們對世界各地人民的權力。卡巴爾是由13個光照派血統家庭包括哈布斯堡家庭。在他們下面是黑人耶穌會教皇 Adolfo nicolas 和他的六位將軍,教皇 Francis 和350名梵蒂岡人員,包括前耶穌會秘書長 Peter Hans Kolvenbach。反過來,耶穌會士是大多數政府和領導人的一部分,尤其是共濟會,它滲透到世界上的每一個情報機構的共濟會領導人,使他們成為執行耶穌會命令的傀儡。其他陰謀集團領導人包括黑手黨頭目卡扎利亞黑幫頭目,世界經濟法西斯主義者克勞斯施瓦布,歐洲皇室包括伊麗莎白女王,荷蘭和西班牙皇室。陰謀集團擴展到本雅明·內塔尼亞胡組織和猶太復國主義者,全球主義者和政治精英,對外關係委員會,比爾德伯格集團,300人委員會,聯合國,特倫托會議,聖殿騎士,哥倫布騎士會,馬耳他騎士,中央情報局,聯邦調查局,國家安全局,ASIO,M15,M16,NCIS,FSB,DGSF 和摩薩德。
**The Alliance or White Hats was composed of President Trump,Russian President Vladimir Putin,Chinese President Xi Jinping,Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi,India Prime Minister Narendra Modi,White Hats in the Department of Defense headed by Secty of Defense Chris Miller,Undersecty of Defense Intel Ezra Cohen Watnick and Gen.Michael T Flynn,Q force(composed of around 800 special ops who advise President Trump including Pentagon Generals Chairman Joint Chief Mark Milley,Vice Chief John Hyten,Gen.James McConville,Adm. Michael Gilday,Gen.CQBrown,Gen.Paul Nakasone and Gen.Jay Raymond),QAnons(volunteer Patriots headed by Ezra Cohen-Watnick,General Flynn and JF Kennedy Jr,who is Q),the National Security Agency headed by our present Acting US President Richard Grenell who,with the US under Martial Law,was running military operations in Washington DC and various militaries across the globe,including the international force authorized to make arrests in any country,Interpol.
**聯盟或白帽子由特朗普總統、俄羅斯總統弗拉基米爾·普京、中國國家主席習近平、伊拉克總理穆斯塔法·卡迪米、印度總理納倫德拉·莫迪、國防部秘書長克里斯·米勒、國防部秘書長以斯拉·科恩·沃特尼克和上將領導的國防部白帽子組成。邁克爾·t·弗林(Michael t Flynn),Q部隊(由大約800名特種部隊成員組成,他們為特朗普總統提供建議,其中包括五角大樓主席、聯合參謀長馬克·米利(Mark Milley)將軍、副參謀長約翰·海頓(John Hyten)、詹姆斯·麥克康維爾(James McConville)將軍、邁克爾·吉爾戴(Michael Gilday)上將、cq布朗(cqBrown)將軍、保羅·納卡鬆上將(Paul Nakasone)和傑伊·雷蒙德(Jay Raymond)將軍)、昆農(QAnons)(以斯拉·科恩-沃特尼克(Ezra Cohen-Watnick)為首的愛國志願者、弗林將軍和小傑夫·肯尼迪(JF Kennedy Jr)為首的。
List of DUMBs by State–Complete List of Military Underground Bases in USA(video) | Politics | Before It's News
美國國家地下軍事基地完整名單(視頻) | 政治 | 新聞前
Underground tunnels:
Thurs.22 April Underground Tunnels:Driving Through Deep Underground Tunnel(Never Seen Footage)
New Dark Outpost:Military Fights Underground War,Deep Underground Bases|Paranormal|Before It's News
新的黑暗前哨:軍隊打地下戰爭,深入地下基地 | 超自然 | 新聞之前
Sat.17 April South American and Beirut DUMBS,Gene Decode:Gene Decode Intel Drop:South American DUMBS and Beirut DUMB(Video)|Alternative|Before It's News
星期六。 4月17日南美和貝魯特的DUMBS(地下軍事隧道系統),基因解碼:基因解碼英特爾下降:南美DUMBS和貝魯特DUMBS(視頻)| 另類 | 新聞之前
Robert David Steele Mirror:Navy Seal Michael Jaco&Gene Decode Give An Update On Disclosure&Child Rescue!–Must Video|Opinion–Conservative|Before It's News
羅伯特·大衛·斯蒂爾:海豹突擊隊員 Michael Jaco 和 Gene Decode 給出一個關於揭露和拯救兒童的更新! - 必看視頻 | 觀點 | 保守派 | 新聞之前
Sun.Feb.7 2021:Congress,Biden Arrested as Military Rescues Tortured Children From Tunnels Beneath Capitol Hill|Politics|Before It's News
2月7日,星期日,2021年:國會,拜登在軍事救援行動中被捕,當時他正在國會山下的隧道裡拷打兒童 / 政治 / 新聞之前
Tues.Sept.8 2020:
Fri.Aug.28 2020:
Thurs.April 9 2020:April 21 2020:Over 50,000 Traumatized Children Rescued by Military Out of Tunnels Beneath US Cities
Charlie Ward/Evergiven Cargo/Fauci/CDC Fraud!–Must Video|Opinion–Conservative|Before It's News
查理·沃德/長榮貨運/福奇/疾病控制與預防中心詐騙!- 必看視頻 | 觀點 | 保守派 | 新聞之前
The Man In Front of the Evergreen Container:You're Watching History Happen|Prophecy|Before It's News
長青集裝箱前的男人:你正在看著歷史發生 | 預言 | 新聞之前
Simon Parkes Update:Deep-State Take-Down White Hats Cargo Vessel Evergreen and More(Video) | Alternative | Before It's News
Simon Parkes(西蒙帕克斯)更新:深度狀態獲取-白帽,長榮貨船和更多(視頻)| 另類 | 新聞之前
Navy Seal Michael Jaco:Over 1,000 Trafficked Kids Found In Shipping Containers On Suez Canal Ship,Ever Given!–Must Video | Opinion–Conservative|Before It's News
海豹突擊隊員邁克爾·賈科:超過1000名被販賣的孩子在蘇伊士運河船上的集裝箱裡被發現! - 必看視頻 | 觀點 | 保守派 | 新聞之前
Thurs.22 April Live Fraud in DC Streets:
Congress,Biden Arrested as Military Rescues Tortured Children From Tunnels Beneath Capitol Hill|Politics|Before It's News
在國會,拜登被捕,當時軍方在國會山下的隧道裡逮捕正在對兒童施以酷刑的拜登 / 政治 / 新聞之前
Children rescued from underground hell.
David Zublick,Simon Parkes:
西蒙·帕克斯(Simon Parkes)的大衛·祖布里克(David Zublick):https://www.bitchute.com/video/rfq5gnjwduoi/
Lines of Buses with darkened windows were seen taking the children away from their underground hell.
人們看到一排排裝有黑色窗戶的公共汽車帶著孩子們離開他們的地下地獄。 https://www.bitchute.com/video/rfq5gnjwduoi
Adrenochrome Production:Traumatizing&Killing Children: