“視頻記錄:加拿大共和國主權國家元首羅馬娜•迪杜洛”,凱特 - 5.29.21
“Video Transcript: Romana Didulo, Sovereign Head of State of the Republic of Canada” by Kat – 5.29.21
“視頻記錄:加拿大共和國主權國家元首羅馬娜•迪杜洛”,凱特 - 5.29.21!- 準備轉變 / 2021年5月29日
Saturday,29 May 2021,2:46
Entry Submitted by Kat at 2:06 AM EDT on May 29,2021
I first watched this video of Romana Didulo,the Sovereign Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of the Sovereign Republic of Canada,on Nicholas Veniamin's Telegram page a few days ago and just now found it posted on YouTube.This post 5-27 -21 by(Q)The Storm Rider explains what it represents:
幾天前,我第一次在 Nicholas Veniamin 的 Telegram 網頁上看到這段視頻,是關於加拿大主權共和國國家元首和總司令的羅馬娜·迪杜洛的。 5-27-21 by(q)The Storm Rider 解釋了它代表什麼:
Charlie Ward told us LAST YEAR that President Trump and the White Hats ALREADY HAVE goodly Godly people in place to transition Earth out of deep state demon governments into NESARA/GESARA compliant leadership.
查理·沃德去年告訴我們,特朗普總統和白帽子黨已經準備好把地球從地下惡魔政府轉變成符合 NESARA/GESARA 要求的領導層。
This video by Romana Didulo VERIFIES EVERYTHING we have learned these past 14 months from many people,beginning with Charlie Ward.As well,Sacha Stone,Colleen and Charlie Freak,Gene Decode,Juan O Savin and the list goes on.
這段由羅馬娜·迪杜洛製作的視頻證實了我們在過去14個月裡從很多人那裡學到的一切,從 Charlie Ward 開始。還有薩莎·斯通,科琳和查理·弗瑞克,,Gene Decode,胡安·奧·薩文等等。
Currently,and for the past month,Charlie has been under vicious attack,his integrity questioned.I've received accusatory disgusting replies to my posts and blogs about Charlie from people trying to malign him.
They are deep state demon shills and bots that are practically hysterical because the cabal has lost power in most areas except the MSM and Social Media.
他們是深州的惡魔托盤和機器人,實際上是歇斯底里的,因為除了 MSM(主流媒體)和社交媒體,陰謀集團在大多數地區已經失去了權力。
I stand steadfast by Charlie Ward and everyone else who is being horribly maligned who I KNOW are telling the truth,who are loyal to President Trump,Q-Team and the White Hats,and most importantly,who are anchored firmly in the Divine,who love God and who are heart-centered brilliant Truthers.
Naturally the desperate devil's army can't stand them.
After years of blogging and learning to swat away deep state flies,they don't bother me anymore.I delete'em.
If a post is accusatory without one shred of evidence—it's the devil.
If a post is vicious and foul—it's the devil.
If a post is cruel,slighting,complaining,name calling and temper-tantrum-ing—it's the devil.
They can only complain.They cannot substantiate their accusations.
The first characteristic of an enlightened Divine being is kindness.Any behavior that falls short of that is someone still stuck in the demon world.
Onwards.Into 5D+Light.
This video by Romana Didulo will lift Anon Spirits.It did mine.It was literally music to my ears.
Happy Memorial Day Weekend—God bless our Veterans&active U.S.&Global Military Warriors.God bless America.
This is Kat,
over and out
As Head of State and Commander in Chief of the Republic of Canada,Romana Didulo
Transcribed by Kat
Romana Didulo:Hello Canada.I'm Romana Didulo.I'm the Founder and Leader of Canada First.
As of this year,February 2021,I am the Head of State and Commander in Chief of Canada The Republic.
0:20 In case you're wondering who appointed me as the Head of State and Commander in Chief of the Republic of Canada.The people who appointed me are the White Hats and the U.S.Military together with the Global Allied Troops and their Governments.
0:20 如果你想知道是誰任命我為加拿大共和國的國家元首和總司令。任命我的人是白帽子和美國軍方,以及全球盟軍和他們的政府。
0:44 The same people who have helped President Trump.
0:44 幫助過特朗普總統的人。
0:50 The same group of people who have seized the assets of the Vatican Church.
0:50 同一批人奪取了梵蒂岡教會的財產。
0:58 The same group of people that have seized the assets of the fake Royal family of the U.K.installed by the Central Bankers 200+years ago.
0:58 200多年前,中央銀行家們安插了同樣的一群人,他們沒收了假冒的英國皇室的資產。
1:07 The same group of people who have seized the assets of the 13 family bloodlines.
1:07 同一群人奪取了13個家族血統的財產。
1:18 The same group of people who have seized the assets of most,if not all,Royal families of Europe.
1:18 這群人奪取了大部分歐洲王室的財產,如果不是全部的話。
1:29 The same group of people who have removed the criminal governments across the world.
1:29 就是這群人在世界各地推翻了犯罪政府。
1:42 Now that that is out of the way I would like to say a special Hello and thank you to the U.S.Armed Forces and Allied Forces inside the Republic of Canada.
1:42 既然這樣,我想特別向加拿大共和國境內的美國武裝部隊和盟軍說一聲你好,並表示感謝。
2:04 Thank you for your sacrifice and service to Humanity.Above all,thank you on behalf of the men and women and children of the Republic of Canada.
2:04 感謝你們為人類作出的犧牲和服務。最重要的是,我代表加拿大共和國的男女老少向你們表示感謝。
2:25 Onto our Canada First from coast to coast to coast.Thank you and Hello to all of you.
2:25 到我們的加拿大首先從東海岸到西海岸,謝謝你們,向你們所有人問好。
2:39 I would like to send a very special thanks and Greetings to our Digital Soldiers on Telegram.These groups of people have given up their time and energy,working tirelessly and sharing information,awakening their fellow Canadians and people around the globe.So thank you for your service to Humanity.
2:39 我想向我們的電報數字戰士們表示特別的感謝和問候。這些群體已經放棄了他們的時間和精力,不知疲倦地工作和分享信息,喚醒了他們的加拿大同胞和全球人民。所以感謝你為人類做出的貢獻。
3:12 Romana Didulo cont.:Now I would like to address the vaccinations and injections happening across the Republic.
3:12 羅馬娜·迪杜羅接著說:現在我想談談發生在共和國各地的疫苗接種和注射。
3:24 As far back as late February,early March of this year,right immediately I took my oath as the Head of State and Commander in Chief,I DECLARED CANADA A VACCINE FREE NATION.
3:24 早在今年2月底,3月初,就在我宣誓成為國家元首和總司令的那一刻,我就宣布加拿大是一個無疫苗的國家。
3:42 Which means all of the vaccines and injections happening across the Republic is UNLAWFUL,CRIMINAL and a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY.
3:42 這意味著在共和國各地發生的所有疫苗和注射都是非法的、犯罪的和危害人類的罪行。
4:00 And for those individuals and groups who many not know,know this:Inside the Republic the penalty for Crimes Against Humanity,Treason,Economic sabotage and Bio Terrorism is death.
4:00 對於那些很多人不知道的個人和團體,要知道:在共和國內,對危害人類罪、叛國罪、經濟破壞罪和生物恐怖主義罪的處罰是死刑。
4:35 Romana Didulo cont.:You will be tried for Crimes Against Humanity under The Nuremberg Code.
4:35 羅馬娜·迪杜洛繼續:你將根據《紐倫堡法典》以危害人類罪受審。
4:44 And if that is not enough,as the Head of State and Commander in Chief of The Republic of Canada,I will convene a Military Tribunal and charge you with Crimes Against Humanity,Treason,Bio-terrorism,and Economic sabotage.
4:44 如果這還不夠,作為加拿大共和國的國家元首和總司令,我將召集一個軍事法庭,以危害人類罪、叛國罪、生物恐怖主義和經濟破壞罪起訴你。
5:07 All of which carry,as I've already mentioned,the death penalty.
5:07 所有這些,正如我已經提到的,都會帶來死刑。
5:18 Romana Didulo cont.:I would also like to remind you that the Corporation Government with whom you work for and take order now,will not be around to protect you and defend you.
5:18 羅馬娜·迪杜洛:我還想提醒你,你現在所效力和接受命令的公司政府,將不會在你身邊保護你,捍衛你。
5:45 The Corporation Government WILL NOT EXIST inside the Republic of Canada.
5:45 公司政府將不會存在於加拿大共和國境內。
5:50 The banking system of the Corporate Government WILL NOT EXIST inside the Republic of Canada.
5:50 公司政府的銀行系統將不會存在於加拿大共和國境內。
6:00 The Court System of the Corporate Government WILL NOT EXIST inside the Republic of Canada.
6:00 公司政府的法院系統將不會存在於加拿大共和國內。
6:15 So I encourage you to think very very carefully.To immediately stop your actions in dealing with promotions,deliveries,etc.etc.of these vaccines.
6:15 所以我鼓勵你們要非常仔細地思考。立即停止處理這些疫苗的促銷、運送等事宜。
6:36 They're not even vaccines.They haven't been approved for use unless it's an emergency.
6:36 它們甚至還不是疫苗,除非是緊急情況,否則它們還沒有被批准使用。
6:48 They're supposed to be trying and experimenting with these what I call drug-cocktail,poison drug-cocktail that's been mixed by the Pharmaceutical Industry,and they're using the Canadian people,the people of the Republic,as their lab rats.
6:48 他們應該嘗試和實驗這些我稱之為藥物雞尾酒,毒藥雞尾酒,這是由製藥業混合的,他們利用加拿大人民,共和國人民,作為他們的實驗室老鼠。
7:18 These actions will not go unpunished as I've already mentioned.
7:18 這些行為不會不受懲罰,正如我已經提到的。
7:27 I urge you to consider very very carefully your options because should the time come when the Head of State and Commander in Chief of the Republic of Canada,and that is I,must sign your execution papers for these crimes against the Republic— I will do so.
7:27 我敦促你們非常仔細地考慮你們的選擇,因為如果加拿大共和國國家元首和總司令,也就是我,必須為這些危害共和國的罪行簽署你們的處決文件,我將這樣做。
End Kat Transcription
結束 Kat 轉錄