Stunning Truth about the Assassination of JFK
刺殺肯尼迪的驚人真相|最後的警鐘!- 準備轉變 / 2021年10月28日
Almost from the beginning, it was thought by many that the assassination of the popular young president was the result of a conspiracy, rather than an act by one individual, despite findings to the contrary by the Warren Commission (1964), which was set up to investigate the assassination and overseen by Kennedy ‘s successor, President Lyndon B. Johnson. The incident remained the subject of widespread speculation.
The Assassination Records Collection Act requires the National Archives to release all related documents within 25 years. As the deadline approached on 26 October 2017 for the release of the remaining unreleased documents, US President Donald Trump exuberantly anticipated the disclosure. At the eleventh hour, however, the White House was inundated with requests from the CIA and FBI to redact several hundred documents in the interests of national security.
暗殺記錄收集法要求英國國家檔案館在25年內公佈所有相關文件。隨著2017年10月26日公佈剩餘未公佈文件的最後期限的臨近,美國總統唐納德 · 特朗普熱切期待著這一公佈。然而,在2010年危急時刻,白宮被來自中央情報局和聯邦調查局的要求淹沒了,這些要求是為了國家安全的利益而修改數百份文件。
All possible steps to disclose previously secret information were taken in the belief that lifting the veil of government secrecy on the assassination would help to make it public. However, decades after the event and the investigations, speculation and conspiracy theories persist.
As conspiracy theorists and investigators know, the Vatican had great influence on Kennedy’s assassination from behind the scenes, as renowned Jesuit researchers have learned. Author Loftus, in his 1994 book: The Secret War on the Jews; claims that Kennedy wanted to arm Israel.
“In September 1962, Kennedy decided to provide Israel with defensive surface-to-air missiles capable of stopping aircraft, but not the Egyptian offensive missiles. It was the first arms sale by the US government to Israel…. Kennedy promised the Israelis that as soon as the 1964 elections were over, he would break the CIA ‘into a thousand pieces to scatter in the wind’… With the assassination of Kennedy in November 1963, the Israelis lost the best friend they had in the White House since the departure of Truman.”
“1962年9月,肯尼迪決定向以色列提供能夠攔截飛機的地對空防禦導彈,但不能攔截埃及的進攻導彈。這是美國政府首次向以色列出售武器... ..。肯尼迪向以色列人承諾,一旦1964年的選舉結束,他就會把中央情報局“撕成碎片散開”... ... 隨著1963年11月肯尼迪遇刺,以色列人失去了自杜魯門離開後在白宮最好的朋友。
Why did the Jesuits in the Vatican not want arms sales to Israel at that time? And, why did the Jesuit-controlled President Johnson turn his back on Israel when the Egyptian army advanced through the Sinai desert to prepare its attack on Israel in 1967?
為什麼當時梵蒂岡的耶穌會士不想向以色列出售武器? 1967年,當埃及軍隊穿過西奈沙漠準備進攻以色列時,為什麼耶穌會控制的總統約翰遜背棄了以色列?
Because the attack on Israel had to be provoked. That attack was provoked by Jesuit International Intelligence through Egypt, which mistakenly saw the weakness of the Israeli army and the supposed abandonment of Israel by the American Empire. The Six-Day War, plotted by the Knight of Malta James Angleton, had one main objective: the conquest of Jerusalem, along with the Temple Mount. The apparent lack of military equipment of Israel provoked the planned attack by Egypt. Israel then launched a pre-emptive strike and within six days the holy city was in the hands of the Zionist leadership in Rome.
因為必須挑起對以色列的攻擊。這次襲擊是由耶穌會國際情報局通過埃及挑起的,他們錯誤地看到了以色列軍隊的軟弱,以及所謂的美國帝國拋棄了以色列。這場由馬耳他騎士詹姆斯 · 安格爾頓策劃的六日戰爭有一個主要目標:征服耶路撒冷和聖殿山。以色列顯然缺乏軍事裝備,引發了埃及有計劃的攻擊。以色列隨後發動了先發制人的攻擊,六天之內,聖城就落入了羅馬猶太復國主義領導人的手中。
Had Kennedy armed Israel, the Egyptians would never have had the courage to go to war. Without a provoked war, there would have been no Israeli attack. Without an Israeli attack, Jerusalem would never have been taken by the Zionists, who are controlled by Mossad from the Jesuits. With Jerusalem in Arab hands, the Zionists would never have been able to rebuild Solomon’s Temple, and still, without the prior knowledge of the “infallible” Jesuit Pope.
Most of the Jesuit philosophy is based on doctrine, The end justifies the means, expressed as:
“It is a belief that the Pope has the right to depose heretics and rebel kings. Kings deposed in this way by the Pope are classified as notorious tyrants, and may be killed by the first person who can trap them.
“If the public cause cannot be defended by the death of a tyrant, it is lawful for the first who gets the chance to kill him.
Published in Defensio Didei, by the Spanish Jesuit priest Francisco Suarez, 1548 – 1617.
西班牙耶穌會神父弗朗西斯科 · 蘇亞雷斯於1548-1617年在 Defensio Didei 出版。
In other words, “It is acceptable to kill an oppressor.”
It is safe to say that the Grey and Black Pope General Jesuit, by using the White Pope with his most powerful Cardinal Spellman in the American Empire, ordered the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. It was Cardinal Spellman, “the American Pope” who commanded his soldiers, the Knights of Malta, and oversaw the assassination.
可以肯定地說,灰黑兩色的教皇耶穌會將軍,利用白教皇和他在美帝國最有權勢的紅衣主教斯佩爾曼,在1963年下令暗殺了約翰 · f · 肯尼迪總統。這是樞機主教斯佩爾曼,“美國教皇”指揮他的士兵,馬耳他騎士,並監督暗殺。
President Kennedy was assassinated. Therefore, the conclusion was obvious, that the CIA, with its agent, E. Howard Hunt, had killed the President. In the words of the jury’s spokeswoman, Leslie Armstrong, who was in Plausible Rejection, it is noted:
肯尼迪總統遇刺身亡。因此,結論是顯而易見的,中央情報局及其特工,e. 霍華德. 亨特,殺害了總統。用陪審團女發言人萊斯利 · 阿姆斯特朗在《貌似合理的拒絕》一書中的話說:
“Mr. Lane asked us to do something very difficult. He asked us to believe that John Kennedy had been killed by our own government. When we examined the evidence (for 65 minutes) we were forced to conclude that the CIA had indeed killed President Kennedy.” Hunt had been part of it, and that evidence, so carefully presented and examined by the relevant institutions of the United States Government, so that those responsible for the assassination could be brought to justice.
“萊恩先生讓我們做一件非常困難的事情。他要求我們相信約翰 · 肯尼迪是被我們自己的政府殺害的。當我們檢查證據(65分鐘)時,我們不得不得出結論,中央情報局確實殺害了肯尼迪總統”。亨特是其中的一部分,美國政府有關機構如此仔細地提出和審查了這些證據,以便將那些對暗殺事件負有責任的人繩之以法。
It is known that several Knights of Malta were involved in the assassination of Kennedy. In particular, they worked for the FBI. But the most notable Knight involved was Senator Edward Kennedy, who by his silence agreed to the murder of his brother.
眾所周知,幾個馬耳他騎士團參與了暗殺肯尼迪的行動。特別是,他們為 FBI 工作。但最引人注目的奈特是參議員愛德華 · 肯尼迪,他默認了自己的兄弟被謀殺。
Perhaps this incident drove the eternal Senator from Massachusetts to his destructive alcoholic life?
Finally, it was also known that the Mafia was involved in Kennedy’s murder. The Mafia, the CIA, the FBI and Naval Intelligence had been working together since the Second World War. Jack Ruby was a mafioso, and author David E. Scheim makes it very clear in his book Contract on America that the mafia had at least two motives for killing Kennedy: namely, the Kennedy brothers’ attack on organised crime and the loss of their mafia gambling paradise in Cuba.
最後,人們還知道黑手黨參與了肯尼迪的謀殺案。黑手黨、中央情報局、聯邦調查局和海軍情報局自二戰以來一直在合作。傑克 · 魯比是黑手黨成員,作家大衛 · e · 謝姆在他的《美國契約》一書中明確指出,黑手黨至少有兩個殺害肯尼迪的動機: 即肯尼迪兄弟對有組織犯罪的襲擊和失去他們在古巴的黑手黨賭博天堂。
But these were not the reasons for participating. The Mafia Dons were promised that they would make more money than the casinos in Havana could ever make; and that was. through the explosion of the international drug trade made possible by the war in Vietnam and later in Afghanistan. If they helped take out Kennedy, Johnson would escalate the Vietnam War, facilitating the drug trade. The CIA would bring in the drugs from the Golden Triangle, distribute them to the Mafia families, and all would benefit.
More importantly, the Mafia Organisation had a favour to repay. Because, Cardinal Spellman, through FDR, had arranged the release of “Lucky” Luciano, as described in “Operation Underworld“. Now the Mafia needed a favour from the Cardinal. If Spellman refused, he could use the entire intelligence service, which they had helped to organise, to eliminate every Mafia boss. If he agreed, new gambling centres would open, notably in Atlantic City.
Clearly, if President Kennedy was removed, everyone would gain more power and wealth. The intelligence community would become more secure, and the Cardinal even more respected by his peers in Rome.
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