The Coming Events
即將進行的事件!- 準備轉變 / 2021年11月26日
Thursday, 25 November 2021, 20:43 PM
2021年11月25日,星期四,20:43 PM
Operation Disclosure | By JeannieW, Guest Writer
Submitted on November 25, 2021
The New World Order (deep state, illuminati, etc. etc.) is being taken down right now, worldwide, under God’s instructions. Trump is just the figure-head for the “white-hats”, the patriots, the military and ordinary people worldwide who want, and are ready to take, their countries back. This IS the “storm” Trump mentioned in one of his speeches… It’s the battle of good vs evil. This system we’ve been under is WAY beyond “corrupt”, and it must be done in this way in order to completely gut it. And btw, it was JFK who started this “Q” thing to take down the cabal.
新世界秩序(深層國家,光照派等等)正在上帝的指示下,在全世界範圍內被推翻。特朗普只是“白帽子”(white-hats)、愛國者、軍隊和世界各地的普通民眾的代言人,他們希望並準備收回自己的國家。這就是特朗普在一次演講中提到的“風暴”... ... 這是一場正義與邪惡的戰爭。我們所處的這個系統已經遠遠超出了“腐敗”的範疇,為了徹底摧毀它,必須以這種方式來完成。順便說一句,是肯尼迪發起了這個“Q”事件來扳倒陰謀集團。
I’m not going to give you details right now, just some generalities, because you’re probably not going to listen anyway. In fact, some of you won’t even read this. The only reason I’m passing this info on is because I don’t want you to be freaked out by what’s happening.
Yes, satanic/communist/pedophile rings really have been running our government, banks, medical and pharmaceutical industries, media, music and movie industries, educational institutions, and large corporations, not just in the US but worldwide; and yes, they really have been attempting a coup to implement their one world government worldwide; and yes, they really do despise Trump and the patriots; and yes, they really have been lying and brainwashing us all in every way possible; and yes, it started a VERY long time ago. The take-down of this Cabal is all being done under the law and Constitutionally. Even the founding fathers knew about the dangers ahead… and we’re in it.
是的,撒旦/共產主義/戀童癖團伙確實一直在操縱著我們的政府、銀行、醫藥和製藥行業、媒體、音樂和電影行業、教育機構和大型企業,不僅在美國,而且在全世界;是的,他們確實一直在試圖發動政變,在全世界實施他們的一個世界政府;是的,他們確實鄙視特朗普和愛國者;是的,他們確實一直在用各種可能的方式對我們撒謊和洗腦;是的,這是很久以前開始的。取締這個陰謀集團是根據法律和憲法進行的。甚至連開國元勳們都知道未來的危險... ... 而我們也身處其中。
All the weird bad things happening have been allowed to happen for three reasons:
1. To flush out and remove as many of the deep state operatives as possible, right down to the very roots of it. You do this by letting them expose themselves, and collecting proof while they do it.
1. 盡可能地清除和移除那些深州的政府操作,一直到它的根源。你讓他們暴露自己,並在他們暴露的時候收集證據。
2. To give people time to wake up, to understand what’s been done behind their back, with their money and in their name; because when they learn what’s really going on, they’re going to be in fear, shock, anger, despair, denial, etc.
2. 讓人們有時間清醒過來,了解他們背後,用他們的錢,以他們的名義做了什麼;因為當他們知道真正發生了什麼,他們將處於恐懼,震驚,憤怒,絕望,否認等。
3. This is all a chaotic mess, but it’s necessary. It will take time for the world to recover, but it will be magnificent as it unfolds. If they didn’t take these actions, the entire world would be completely consumed in Satanic Communism very quickly. God is giving us a last chance to clean this up.
3. 這是一個混亂的局面,但這是必要的。世界需要一段時間才能恢復元氣,但隨著時間的推移,世界將變得更加宏偉。如果他們不採取這些行動,整個世界將很快被撒旦式的共產主義完全消滅。上帝給了我們最後一次機會來清理這裡。
SOME EVENTS COMING (in no particular order): Exact time-lines are unknown, but a LOT happening within the next few months. Explanations will come in the 8-hour videos (see below under NESARA).
一些事件的到來(沒有特定的順序) :確切的時間線是未知的,但很多發生在未來幾個月內。解釋將在8小時的視頻(見下文在 NESARA)。
The “Cabal” Etc. and Cyber War —
Covid —
Satanism —
Trump and the Military —
NESARA, Starlink, Technologies, QFS, etc. —
We’ve been lied to for centuries about everything… world history, politics, technologies, aliens, religion, science, etc. We’ve been brainwashed. NO ONE knew how bad the situation really was.
幾個世紀以來,我們在所有事情上都被欺騙了... ... 世界歷史、政治、技術、外星人、宗教、科學等等。我們被洗腦了。沒有人知道情況到底有多糟糕。
There really is a Deep State, a Cabal (it has many names), that has been controlling humanity for thousands of years. It is Satanic. They were very near completion of their plans, which would have taken 7+ billion people down to only an enslaved 500 million (look up “Georgia Guidestones”). They are entrenched in almost every government, mainstream media, corporations, schools, etc… worldwide. All of the political turmoil going on worldwide was planned and carried out by the cabal. That includes all the wars, diseases, starvation, poverty, race wars, Socialism/Communism, etc.
真的有一個深層國家,一個陰謀集團(它有許多名字) ,已經控制了人類幾千年。這是撒旦式的。他們的計劃幾乎就要完成了,那將使70多億人淪為5億奴隸(查查“佐治亞引導石”)。他們在幾乎每一個政府、主流媒體、公司、學校等等中都根深蒂固。全世界。所有正在世界範圍內進行的政治動亂都是陰謀集團策劃和實施的。這包括所有的戰爭、疾病、飢餓、貧窮、種族戰爭、社會主義/共產主義等等。
The corporation THE UNITED STATES (corporation meaning privately owned – note all caps) has been dissolved by our military and Trump. In 1871 our original Constitution for the united states of America was changed to THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (note caps, and change “for” to “OF”). One of the changes to our original Constitution removed the ban on anyone with a “title” being in a government office… think “lawyer”, “esquire” (esq.), and “attorney” – those who change our laws.
美國公司(意思是私人擁有的所有大寫字母)已經被我們的軍隊和特朗普解散了。1871年,我們最初的美利堅合眾國憲法被修改為美利堅合眾國憲法 (註釋上限,並將“for”改為“OF”)。我們最初的憲法的一個改變是取消了禁止任何擁有“頭銜”的人進入政府辦公室的禁令... 想想“律師”、“紳士”和“律師”——那些改變我們法律的人。
We have now been returned to a Constitutional Republic. In 1963 after President Kennedy was assassinated, 77 US generals began a secret group called Operation Freedom Eagle35. They were then joined by another 133 generals to take down the cabal and save the world (‘Q’ and the ‘White Hats’). Trump was asked by them to run for President because he was rich enough to run without financial help, couldn’t be bought, and was a strong patriot. Many prophets said he would be elected, and it would be for two terms, as our new Cyrus (Biblical, look it up).
我們現在回到了憲政共和國。1963年,肯尼迪總統遇刺身亡後,77名美國將軍成立了一個名為“自由鷹行動”的秘密組織。隨後,另外133名將軍加入了他們的行列,推翻了陰謀集團,拯救了世界(“Q” 和 “白帽子”)。他們要求特朗普競選總統,因為他有足夠的錢,不需要經濟援助就能參選,不能被收買,而且是一個強大的愛國者。許多先知說他會被選舉出來,而且會連任兩屆,就像我們的新賽勒斯 (聖經,查查看)。
Prepare with water, food, gas, cash etc., because no one knows how bad this will get or for how long.
Wake the hell up … quit living in fear … God wins/the White Hats are winning for us/WE win! When this is over, we begin creating an entirely new wonderful world! So run to your favorite hated conspiracy “theorist” and start asking questions. Study to find the truth… NOT on Google, YouTube, MSM etc. as they are all still heavily censored.
醒醒吧... 不要活在恐懼中... 上帝贏了/白帽子幫我們贏了/我們贏了!當這一切結束後,我們開始創造一個全新的奇妙世界!所以,趕快跑到你最討厭的陰謀論者那裡,開始提問吧。研究發現真相... 不是在谷歌,YouTube,MSM(主流媒體)等,因為他們仍然是嚴格審查。
Most important… PRAY!!!
最重要的是... 祈禱!
(This time period is Biblical!)
Realize the Bible has been altered (extent unknown) but it’s basic truths stand firm and agree with most other spiritual writings. Interpretations have been given/taught to us, and many are wrong – some unknowingly, some deliberate.
認識到聖經已經被修改 (程度未知) ,但它的基本真理堅定不移,並同意大多數其他屬靈的著作。我們已經得到了解釋,許多解釋是錯誤的——有些是不知不覺的,有些是故意的。
God’s ways are not our ways! Prophecies are being fulfilled in unexpected ways. We will be seeing ‘miracles’. Thank God for who He is and what He’s doing, and get right with Him, whoever you think He is. Tell Him how you feel, that you don’t believe in Him or whatever, and ask Him to reveal Himself to YOU. Get saved: http://www.xtremerealitycheck.com/getsaved.html,
上帝的道路不是我們的道路!預言正以意想不到的方式實現。我們將會看到奇蹟。感謝上帝,感謝他是誰,感謝上帝正在做什麼,無論你認為他是誰,都與他和睦相處。告訴他你的感受,你不相信他或者別的什麼,請求他向你展示他自己。得到拯救: http://www.xtremerealitycheck.com/getsaved.html,
How to Pray and Fast:
This is about the children – starved, traumatized children who are being raped, tortured and murdered so the Satanists could gain demonic power and rule the world. The first official act President Trump did was visit CIA Headquarters and declare war on the international child sex trafficking rings run by them. Fast and pray for these little ones who are being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels worldwide (with Satanic Covens right next door). Also pray for the Military Troops risking their own lives to save the kids.
YouTube and the other media sites are deleting information as fast as they can. I don’t have all the answers and have a lousy memory, but I’m here and will answer questions as best I can. I do have a good general understanding of it all since I’ve been studying these conspiracy “theories” for the last 30+ years. I’m still up in the air on the “alien” thing… I think it’s real, but could be the planned fake alien invasion.
和其他媒體網站正在盡可能快地刪除信息。我不知道所有的答案,我的記憶力也很差,但是我在這裡,我會盡我所能回答問題。自從我研究這些陰謀論30多年以來,我確實對這一切有了很好的總體認識。我仍然在空中對“外星人”的事情... 我認為這是真實的,但可能是計劃的假外星人入侵。
OR … You can cover your ears, close your eyes, and go watch some cabal sitcoms (aka programming) on the TV (tell-a-vision) through your favorite “channel(ing)” and pretend it all doesn’t exist and it will go away if you ignore it. Good luck with that!
或者... ... 你可以捂上耳朵,閉上眼睛,通過你最喜歡的“頻道”,在電視上看一些秘密情景喜劇(又名節目) ,假裝這一切都不存在,如果你忽略它,它就會消失。祝你好運!
JeannieW – May 13, 2021
Correction: Trump will not return to the White House. Our capitol will be moved out of Delaware… don’t know where yet. No one will ever live in the White House ever again, because of the demonic horrors that happened underneath it in the DUMBs.
更正:特朗普不會重返白宮。我們的國會大廈將遷出特拉華州... ... 還不知道在哪裡。再也沒有人會住在白宮了,因為在白宮下面發生的那些在國家仲裁委員會裡的惡魔般的恐怖。
未來事/件 2
On May15th I sent you all an email titled “Events Coming”… This is an update. I’m attaching that document below in case you deleted it.
5月15日,我給你們所有人發了一封標題為“事件即將發生”的郵件... ... 這是一個更新。我把那份文件附在下面,以防你刪除它。
DON’T GET THE VACCINE… IT’S DEADLY!!! I uploaded only a few of thousands of videos here: http://kapowwie.net/VIDEOS/Vax%20Info/ Those are folders. Click on one and it will open to show the actual videos. Right click on a video and choose “Save Link As..” to download, or just click on the file to watch.
不要接種疫苗... 它是致命的!!!我只上傳了幾千個視頻中的一小部分:這些都是文件夾的 http://kapowwie.net/videos/vax%20info/。點擊其中一個,它就會打開顯示實際的視頻。右鍵點擊視頻並選擇“另存為”。 」下載,或者點擊文件觀看。
For info on alzheimers:
關於老年癡呆症的信息: http://kapowwie.net/VIDEOS/Alzheimer’s%20series/
Please save my brother, while you still can!
In my last message I focused on things that are going to happen that you will be able to see happen in the coming months. This is to focus more on spiritual things that you may not be able to see. Unless you’ve totally isolated yourself, you’ve heard people say, “What’s coming is Biblical!”… that’s because it is. Good place to hear some of the prophets:
We ARE in the end times. That’s proven through the Bible and supported by our current and past prophets. It’s talked about in great detail in many ancient prophecies, stories, archeological finds, etc. They are all describing the same things in their own words. To ignore everything except what we’ve been taught is foolish, since it ought to be obvious by now that our society is run by evil people who have deliberately lied to us about EVERYTHING. The truth is slowly coming out, even though it’s heavily censored. That ought to tell you a great deal… why would they be hiding the truth?
我們正處在末日時期。這一點在聖經中得到了證明,也得到了我們現在和過去的先知的支持。它在許多古代預言、故事、考古發現等中被詳細地討論過。他們都在用自己的語言描述同樣的事情。除了我們被教導的東西之外,忽視一切都是愚蠢的,因為現在應該很明顯,我們的社會是由那些故意對我們撒謊的邪惡的人統治的。真相正在慢慢浮出水面,儘管它受到了嚴格的審查。這應該能告訴你很多事情... ... 他們為什麼要隱瞞真相?
I told you no one will ever live in the Whitehouse again because of the horrors done in the DUMBs (deep underground military bases) underneath. The military has been taking these underground bases down for the past year and a half; however, there are thousands of them, and each one is massive… under all big cities, military bases, etc., and they are all connected. What’s being done is so evil as to be completely unimaginable to an ordinary person. The military is losing our men to mental breakdowns because of what they have witnessed, and it’s not over yet. I can’t even bring myself to tell you what we know so far, because it’s so evil, diabolical… it’s Satanic. This is just one of many videos on this subject: https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2021/07/juan-o-savin-gene-decode-interview-with-nicholas-veniamin-must-video-3588426.html Search for “Gene Decode” to find more videos. Juan-o-Savin (it appears) is possibly JFK Jr. and/or “Q”. BTW, you’ve been totally lied to about Q on MSM.
我告訴過你們,由於地下軍事基地的恐怖行徑,白宮將不會再有人居住。在過去的一年半時間裡,軍方一直在拆除這些地下基地;然而,它們數以千計,而且每一個都是巨大的... ... 在所有的大城市、軍事基地等之下,它們都是相互聯繫的。所做的事情是如此的邪惡,以至於對一個普通人來說是完全不可想像的。軍隊正因為他們目睹的一切而精神崩潰,而這一切還沒有結束。我甚至不能讓自己告訴你我們目前所知道的,因為它是如此邪惡,惡魔... 它是撒旦。這只是關於這個主題的眾多視頻中的一個: https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2021/07/juan-o-savin-Gene-Decode-interview-with-nicholas-veniamin-must-video-3588426.html 搜索“ Gene Decode”來找到更多的視頻。胡安•奧薩文(Juan-o-Savin)可能是小肯尼迪(JFK jr.)和/或“Q”。順便說一句,關於MSM(主流媒體)的問題,你完全被騙了。
You need to be physically, mentally and spiritually prepared for what’s coming. So here is some of what we are seeing/hearing, and will see in the near future, and what it means:
The weird flooding and “earthquake” activity, in Washington DC and worldwide – This is the military worldwide taking down the cabal in the DUMBs (deep underground military bases). First they save the children and others, then they kill the cabal military and aliens who refuse to surrender. Then they nuc and/or flood the tunnels so they can never be used again. The cabal is fighting back with everything they have: covid, vaccines, financially, HAARP and DEW (direct energy weapons) technology, heavy duty poisoning of the populations, etc. You can download the United Nations document itself here: https://unsdg.un.org/sites/default/files/UNDG-Mainstreaming-the-2030-Agenda-Reference-Guide-2017.pdf (138 pages) or you can download an explanation of some of it here: https://www.thinkoutsidethebeast.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Agenda-2030-Explained.pdf (38 pages and makes more sense). Just do a search on duckduckgo.com (uncensored) for Agenda 2030. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=agenda+2030&ia=web
華盛頓特區和世界各地的怪異洪水和 "地震 "活動--這是世界各地的軍隊在打倒DUMB(地下深處的軍事基地)中的陰謀集團。他們首先拯救兒童和其他人,然後殺死拒絕投降的黑社會軍隊和外星人。然後,他們對隧道進行改造和/或淹沒,使其永遠不能再使用。黑暗勢力正在用他們所擁有的一切進行反擊:covid、疫苗、金融、HAARP和DEW(直接能量武器)技術、對人口的重型毒害等等。你可以在這裡下載聯合國文件本身:https://unsdg.un.org/sites/default/files/UNDG-Mainstreaming-the-2030-Agenda-Reference-Guide-2017.pdf(138頁),或者你可以在這裡下載對其中一些內容的解釋:https://www.thinkoutsidethebeast.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Agenda-2030-Explained.pdf(38頁,更有意義)。只要在duckduckgo.com(未經審查)上搜索一下2030議程。 https://duckduckgo.com/?q=agenda+2030&ia=web
Buildings coming down by explosions etc. all over the world, are the white hats destroying Cabal headquarters, trafficking operations, pharmaceutical labs, etc. The reasons for the wall between the US and Mexico are to stop the trafficking and end the source of massive amounts of money and adrenochrome for the Cabal. That’s why the democrats want it open, and the white hats were closing it. Proof will be coming soon.
This web page is done by someone who has been following all this for many years, and she is connecting some of the dots as information becomes available. Understand that there is heavy duty disinformation coming from both the white hats and black hats (cabal). Cabal doesn’t want you to know the truth because if you did, they’d be done, over, many executed for treason. White hats put out disinformation in order to take down the cabal (i.e. don’t publicize your war plans), leave them in confusion, and document the proof as they carry out their diabolical plans.
This information is put out for patriots who have some idea of what’s going on because they are following it, and this connects some of the dots. This is all like a 20,000 piece jigsaw puzzle, and we have no picture to work from. You get pieces all over the place, but don’t know where they fit, or even if they are actually from a different puzzle. One very important section of this puzzle is the covid/vaccines/mask/lockdowns thing… this video is from a woman (Deborah Tavares) who is extremely knowledgeable (easy to find her videos)… she is reading a leaked email from the Cabal to its members. You really should hear it… Stunning info … very important as they are discussing their plans for us (worldwide)! Listen twice! https://bestnewshere.com/investigator-deborah-tavares-updates-us-with-a-leaked-email-that-will-your-blood-boil-video/ (Note: She has two very important websites — http://stopthecrime.net/wp/ and http://primarywater.org/ )
這些信息是提供給那些對正在發生的事情有所了解的愛國者的,因為他們正在跟踪這些信息,這些信息把一些線索聯繫了起來。這就像一個20000塊的拼圖遊戲,我們沒有圖片可以依據。你到處都是碎片,但不知道把它們放在哪裡,甚至不知道它們是否來自另一個拼圖。這個謎題的一個非常重要的部分是視頻/疫苗/口罩面具/封鎖的事情... 這個視頻是一個女人(德博拉塔瓦雷斯)誰是極其知識淵博(很容易找到她的視頻) ... 她正在閱讀洩露的電子郵件從陰謀集團成員。你真的應該聽到它... 驚人的信息... 非常重要,因為他們正在討論他們的計劃為我們(世界各地) !聽兩遍!注:她有兩個非常重要的網站: https://bestnewshere.com/investigator-deborah-tavares-updates-us-with-a-leaked-email-that-will-your-blood-boil-video/
http://stopthecrime.net/wp/ 和 http://primarywater.org/
Some of what I’ve told you about NESARA/GESARA is not accurate. That document was signed a long time ago and it has been changed somewhat. For instance it was supposed to close out all mortgages because of the fraud… We are now hearing it may only pay back all the interest you paid on those mortgages. Only time will tell exactly how it’s going to be done, and that info is coming very soon. The IRS (privately owned) no longer exists. It has been absorbed by the US Treasury Dept, and income taxes will be eliminated. We are already in the restored Constitutional Republic… it hasn’t been announced yet, as there is more work to be done to get rid of the cabal. It’s being rolled out slowly, behind the scenes. It’s now being said, Trump will be back in mid-August.
我告訴你的一些關於 NESARA/GESARA 的事情是不准確的。這份文件是很久以前簽署的,現在有所改動。例如,由於欺詐,它應該結清所有的抵押貸款... ... 我們現在聽說它可能只能償還你為那些抵押貸款支付的所有利息。只有時間才能準確地告訴我們如何去做,而且這個信息很快就會到來。美國國稅局(私人所有)已不復存在。它已經被美國財政部吸收,所得稅將被取消。我們已經在恢復的憲法共和國... 它還沒有宣布,因為還有更多的工作要做,以擺脫陰謀集團。它正在緩慢地推出,在幕後。現在有人說,特朗普將在8月中旬回來。
If you want to get out from under the massive censorship, this is a good place to start: https://beforeitsnews.com/
如果你想擺脫大規模的審查制度,這是一個很好的起點: https://beforeitsnews.com/
JeannieW – July 14, 2021