科里古德|2021/12/22 情報更新!- 準備轉變 / 2021年12月26日

科里古德|2021/12/22 情報更新!- 準備轉變 / 2021年12月26日

The cabal groups have not been removed from Earth nor have they surrendered.They are still in power and fighting to the end.They DO NOT SURRENDER!Their motto is'Take EVERYTHING and give NOTHING until there is a quick drop and a sudden stop'A reference to hanging.The Cabal will only be removed when the number of people out on the streets demanding freedom reaches the hundreds of millions.They will not be removed until WE remove them.It is up to the citizens of Earth to act before the Alliance can have the leverage to act.


Those reporting a surrender or the Cabal being removed from the planet are passing on false hope to people who should be out on the streets demanding freedom instead of celebrating a victory that has not occurred.This hopeful narrative might make you feel good but it is a GIFT to the cabal and the Orion Group.The more people who think they are gone or defeated the better for them.


Remember,information is information...Our distortions and traumas are what make them hopium or fear-porn.Those who want to seek out hopeful stories in hopes of manifesting that reality are welcome to it.I will report what I am being shown and told as I have consistently for the last 8 years.Make sure you meditate on all information coming in and make sure you are not just consuming what tastes good.A well-rounded perception diet will help you grow just as a stunted diet of hopium will stunt growth.


Everyone should spend a lot of extra time meditating on the information they are consuming during this time of chaos.This community has been compromised and due to all of the rampant disinformation,it is more difficult than ever to stay vibrationally balanced while also being aware of the true struggle ahead and what we are up against.I have been shocked how many in this community gloss over the spiritual warfare aspect of what we are experiencing.Those who are not approaching this war as a spiritual one are completely unprepared for what is to come.


Our real focus should be on keeping our homes vibrationally clear from negative energies and entities while also guarding our own vibrations against the fearmongering crusade that the mainstream media has been pushing.If we keep ourselves vibrationally clear and work on our traumas we will find we respond differently to information we may find negative.Instead of being reactionary to the uncomfortable information we then begin responding thoughtfully and not out of the emotional triggers that seem to rule people's lives currently.


The fight for the liberation of the planet has just begun and we are all in the battle whether we want to be or not.All of us have a part to play in our liberation and what comes next.This requires us to step out of our comfort zone and programming that has caused us to do nothing while we have waited thousands of years for a savior to do it for us.


It is time that we own the fact that WE are the ones we have been waiting for all along and respond accordingly.Please stay tuned,we will publish more SSP Alliance Update videos soon on Ascension Works TV.


Corey Goode

