瑞典銀河真理報|讓我們這樣做~讓我們向我們的銀河家庭和源頭表明,我們在渴望神聖介入方面是團結一致的!- 準備轉變 / 2021年12月20日
16th December 2021
Dear Friends. I have listened to the Cobra interview conducted by Debra of the Sisterhood of the Rose and would warmly recommend that you take the time to listen to it. It's long ~ so maybe divide the listening to two sessions. Or you might prefer to read it and its available in numerous languages. It's jam packed with so much information and answers to numerous questions.
Cobra reminds us that there are hundreds of millions or even close to a billion people beginning an awakening process right now due to the circumstances / restrictions etc, worldwide.
Here is a link to We Love Mass Meditations where you can find so many important links along with the above mentioned interview gathered. The Guided Audio for the meditation can be found furthest down this page, now in 23 languages. A suggestion, if we listen to / read the meditation details now ~ in the next few days, a couple of times, then we will be better prepared for the 21st and can do it with better focus then.
這裡有一個我們熱愛集體冥想的鏈接,在這裡你可以找到許多重要的鏈接,以及上面提到的採訪。冥想的引導音頻可以在這個頁面最深處找到,現在有23種語言。一個建議,如果我們現在聽/讀冥想的細節 ~ 在接下來的幾天,幾次,那麼我們將會為21世紀做更好的準備,然後可以更好地集中精力去做它。
Cobra says "Doing the meditation earlier or later, or doing it in a significantly different way will NOT help us reaching the critical mass, as we are living on a physical plane that is subject to laws of space and time and if we wish to influence the physical plane, we need to do this with laserlike precision, especially timewise and with unified and focused intent."
"It is extremely important that we speak out aloud three times both decrees, as specified in meditation instructions (step number 5 in meditation instructions):"
These lines are taken from Cobra's latest update ~ link here ~ where you can also find links to another interview by the Asian team that has transcripts in 11 languages available
這些文字摘自 Cobra 的最新更新---- 點擊這裡,你還可以找到另一個亞洲團隊採訪(中文)的鏈接,這個團隊有11種語言的採訪記錄
Cobra also mentioned in that interview {with Debra} that if it wasn't for all of the amazing meditations we have done over the years we simply would not exist here right now. So many wars have been prevented. The power that we have together ~ synchronised timewise ~ is stronger than anything else. Let's prepare the ground for our liberation process. Lets unite on the 21st December.
柯博拉還在那次採訪中提到,如果不是這些年來我們所做的所有令人驚奇的冥想,我們現在根本不會存在。許多戰爭都被阻止了。我們共同擁有的力量---- 同步時間---- 比任何東西都要強大。讓我們為我們的解放進程奠定基礎。讓我們在12月21日團結起來。
In Love and Light Therese.