薩拉博士|第二部分 - 陰謀集團首領前往南極向外星人和地球聯盟投降
Part 2 – Cabal leaders go to Antarctica to surrender to Extraterrestrials & Earth Alliance
薩拉博士|第二部分 - 陰謀集團首領前往南極向外星人和地球聯盟投降!- 準備轉變 / 2021年12月20日
作者:MICHAEL SALLA 博士 2021年12月19日
In his initial December 14 communication with Elena Danaan, Thor Han Eredyon mentioned that Oona, a member of the Intergalactic Confederation (aka the ‘Guardians’ or ‘Seeders’) had more details of the Antarctica meetings, their implications, and the black magic used by the global elite. Elena had previously met with Oona who facilitated her travel to meet with the Guardians and later to meet with the Council of Nine in a region of space between Jupiter and its main moon, Ganymede. The Guardians are the seeders of human looking races in many galaxies and had arrived to watch humanity’s graduation into the galactic community.
在12月14日與 Elena Danaan 的首次交流中,Thor Han Eredyon 提到,星際聯盟(又名“守護者”或“種子者”)成員烏娜對南極洲會議有更多的細節,它們的含義,以及全球精英們使用的黑魔法。此前,她曾與 烏娜會面,烏娜為她的旅行提供了便利,讓她與守護者會面,後來,她又在木星與其主要衛星木衛三之間的一個空間區域與九人理事會會面。在許多星系中,守護者們是人類種族的播種者,他們來到這裡是為了觀看人類畢業進入銀河系社區。
Elena said that she felt Oona’s desire to relay a message and had to lie down and channel a communication. What follows is the message Oona relayed to Elena:
They’ve come to bargain their freedom. They hold keys and to give these keys, they need to consent to give these keys. Because it is not only about material possessions. But it is also about rituals they have performed to lock this planet and the human race of Terra into very dark rituals. These need to be uncast and they have, only them, the key to uncast these dark circles traced around every each society, human beings.
他們是來討價還價自由的。他們拿著鑰匙,要給這些鑰匙,他們需要同意給這些鑰匙。因為它不僅僅關乎物質財富。但它也是關於他們為了將這個星球和 Terra 的人類鎖入非常黑暗儀式而進行的儀式。這些需要被清除,只有他們,才是清除這些黑暗圈子的關鍵,這些黑暗圈子被追踪到每個社會,每個人類。
We are meeting them to allow them to uncast these dark rituals to set free the minds and the protection they set on the monetary institutions they created. A dark ancient institution. Those of the name, the number 33. Those of the lower numbers, the reverse triangles, and all those who worshipped the soul harvester. Those who worked to separate the soul from the human beings and bodies are about to leave this planet. Negotiated deals, you must not believe that we agree to their acts. We [are] displeased [at] all that they’ve done.
Antarctica is the meeting place because the portal can take them when the moment is here. They will give us the keys [to] unlock their rituals and cast the dark circles, the nine levels of darkness will be collapsed as one and dispersed into dust. It is over. The dust will be scattered to the four winds of human consciousness liberated.
We summoned them when the greater agreements were made between your planet and the Galactic Federation of Nataru [Milky Way]. From this moment we flew to your star system and now these encounters with the dark ones of the human race of Terra we will set free all the dark bindings of magic. They are done. They will benefit of a prison planet that will give them all they want but they will never leave. A world far in another galaxy which you do not know the name yet. They will be forgotten and content. The best way to end a conflict.
當你們的星球和納塔魯銀河聯邦之間達成更大的協議時,我們召喚了他們。從這一刻起,我們飛向你們的星系,現在這些與 Terra 人類黑暗勢力的遭遇,我們將釋放所有黑暗魔法束縛。他們完蛋了。他們將受益於一個監獄星球,這個星球將給予他們想要的一切,但他們永遠不會離開。一個遙遠的星系裡的世界,你還不知道它的名字。他們將會被遺忘和滿足。結束衝突的最好方法。
I from the Do, the Guardians, Founder ones, leave this message. It is over for the rulership of the dark. We have been waiting and working at the same time with the Galactic Federation of Nataru and Zenatae Alliance to free this planet. We in our outposts in the higher mountains of your world have prepared a purging the dark. This process started 200 of your years ago and now it is touching the last stage. Darkness is unleashed. It is because the humans of Terra need to see it and fight it. The rulership of the dark on this planet is over. Those who worked for millenniums at separating soul from the human of Terrans bodies will go. No more soul harvesting.
我來自 Do,the Guardians,Founder ones,請留言。對於黑暗統治者來說,一切都結束了。我們一直在等待,同時與納塔魯銀河聯邦和澤納塔聯盟一起工作來解放這個星球。我們在你們世界高山中的前哨已經準備好了清除黑暗。這個過程在200年前就開始了,現在已經到了最後階段。黑暗被釋放了。這是因為 Terra 的人類需要看到它並與之戰鬥。這個星球上的黑暗統治已經結束了。那些數千年來致力於將靈魂從人類身體中分離出來的人將會離開。不再有靈魂的收穫。
There is much to unpack in this first part of Oona’s message. She describes the elites arriving in Antarctica to bargain their freedom. This is because they still hold the means to destroy or wreak havoc over much of the Earth. They are using this power to bargain their getaway from the planet through the Antarctica portal which is now in the hands of the Earth Alliance. In order to gain their freedom, passage through the Antarctica portal to a new world in another galaxy, they have to hand over all the keys and codes of the black magic used to subjugate humanity and the Earth.
在 Oona 的信息的第一部分有很多東西需要解釋。她描述了到達南極洲的精英們為他們的自由做交易。這是因為他們仍然掌握著摧毀或破壞地球大部分地區的手段。他們正在利用這種力量來討價還價,通過南極大陸的門戶逃離地球,現在這個門戶已經在地球聯盟的手中。為了獲得自由,他們必須交出用來征服人類和地球的黑魔法的所有鑰匙和密碼,才能通過南極洲門戶,進入另一個星系的新世界。
Oona. Illustration by Elena Danaan
圖片來源:Elena Danaan
As to what black magic keys and codes were used we get an idea of this from Oona’s reference to a: “dark ancient institution. Those of the name, the number 33”. This almost certainly refers to Scottish Rite Freemasonry, which uses 33 levels of initiation. While most Freemasons perform genuine philanthropic works as they ascend the different degrees of their order, their top leaders at the 32 and 33 degree levels have long been suspected to worship Lucifer and to practice black magic.
Albert Pike led the Scottish Rite Freemasons in the USA from 1859 to 1891 and wrote the most authoritative book of the time for the order, Morals and Dogma. In it he wrote: “Lucifer, the Light-bearer… Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the light, with its splendors intolerable and blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not!” (p. 321). Many subsequent occult researchers have referenced Pike’s book as evidence of the Luciferian element in Freemasonry.
從1859年到1891年,阿爾伯特 · 派克領導了美國的蘇格蘭共濟會,他寫了當時最權威的《秩序、道德和教條》一書。他在信中寫道:“路西法,持光者... ... 路西法,早晨之子”!難道是他忍受了光明的輝煌,使軟弱、感性或自私的靈魂變得盲目無知嗎?不要懷疑!”(p. 321).許多後來的神秘學研究者引用了派克的書作為共濟會中盧西佛教元素的證據。
When Buzz Aldrin landed on the Moon in 1969, he took with him the flag of the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction of the USA. In Richard Hoagland and Mike Bara’s book, Dark Mission, they describe how the flag was part of a Freemason ceremony that Aldrin performed on the Moon. Most importantly, the book describes how magical ceremonies were intertwined throughout the space industry and how advanced technologies were developed and used with hidden occult symbols embedded within them.
1969年,當巴茲 · 奧爾德林登上月球時,他隨身攜帶了蘇格蘭儀式最高委員會的旗幟。在理查德 · 霍格蘭和邁克 · 巴拉的書《黑暗使命》中,他們描述了這面旗幟是奧爾德林在月球上舉行的共濟會儀式的一部分。最重要的是,這本書描述了神奇的儀式是如何交織在整個航天工業和先進的技術是如何開發和使用隱藏的神秘符號嵌入其中。
Oona’s message reveals that Freemason magical ceremonies, codes and keys used to ascend through the 33 degrees hierarchy, were also used in their occult control system for the planet. All these hidden keys and codes needed to be revealed and handed over to the Earth Alliance, so that global elites black magic control over the planet would come to an end.
Next, Oona’s repeated references to ending “soul harvesting” shows that this has been a vital tool used to control our planet by the global elite. “Soul harvesting” is the practice of separating a soul from the physical body and using it for multiple purposes by negative extraterrestrials or ‘black magicians’.
接下來,烏娜反复提到結束“靈魂收穫”,這表明這已經成為全球精英用來控制我們地球的一個重要工具。 “收集靈魂”是指負面的外星人或“黑魔法師”將靈魂與肉體分離,並將其用於多種目的的做法。
In the early 1990s, Alex Collier was among the first to reveal that soul harvesting was routinely happening when he described how a soul could be transferred from a body and be replaced by another:
在20世紀90年代早期,亞歷克斯 · 科利爾是第一批揭示收集靈魂是例行公事的人之一,當時他描述了靈魂如何從一個身體轉移到另一個身體,並被另一個取代:
What the negatives do (and they can do this during an abduction or near-death experience) is the following.
During an abduction a man, for instance, will be taken aboard a ship. His body will be brought into a coma and to the point of death, wherein the soul exits. They will then use technology to replace the original soul with another soul. They then return the individual’s body back. They can do this process in 4 seconds. The new individual has a completely new agenda. If you are a negatively oriented ET, in order to manipulate 3rd density, you have to be in 3rd density. (Defending Sacred Ground)
例如,在綁架過程中,一個男人會被帶上船。他的身體將進入昏迷,直到死亡,在那裡,靈魂存在。然後,他們將使用技術用另一個靈魂取代原來的靈魂。然後他們會把這個人的屍體還回去。他們可以在4秒內完成這個過程。新的個人有一個全新的議程。如果你是一個負向的 ET,為了操縱第三密度,你必須處於第三密度。 (保衛神聖的土地)
It’s surprising to learn this soul transfer technology only takes four seconds to work and has been used to control 3rd density, i.e., global elites in charge of the planet. As a result of agreements reached between the US government and Gray extraterrestrials in the mid-1950s, which I first wrote about in 2004, it is certain that this was among the first technologies given to the Majestic-12 Group.
令人驚訝的是,這種靈魂轉移技術只需要4秒鐘就能發揮作用,而且已經被用來控制第三密度,也就是說,控制這個星球的全球精英。由於美國政府和灰色外星人在20世紀50年代中期達成的協議(我在2004年首次寫到這一點) ,可以肯定的是,這是 majestic-12小組首批獲得的技術之一。
At the time, MJ-12 was led by the 33rd degree Freemason Allen Dulles (CIA Director 1953-1961) who would almost certainly have integrated such technologies into black magic ceremonies to control the planet. It’s now easier to understand that Dulles’s role in the Kennedy Assassination, which is explained in the book, Kennedy’s Last Stand (2013), was timed and executed as part of a magical ritual to control the planet.
當時,mj-12由第33級共濟會成員艾倫 · 杜勒斯(中央情報局局長,1953-1961)領導,他幾乎可以肯定地將這些技術融入到黑魔法儀式中來控制這個星球。現在人們更容易理解杜勒斯在肯尼迪遇刺案中的角色,這在《肯尼迪的最後一戰》(Kennedy’s Last Stand,2013)一書中得到了解釋,這部電影被定時執行,作為控制地球的魔法儀式的一部分。
As to what happened to the original soul of the victim of soul harvesting, Alex Collier described how the Andromeda Council would often intercept Gray ships carrying the souls of many thousands of children and adults that had been extracted from their bodies and placed in special boxes for transportation. In an interview with UFO researcher Val Valerian, Alex described how the life force of the captured souls would then be exploited:
至於靈魂收割的受害者的靈魂原本發生了什麼,亞歷克斯 · 科利爾描述了仙女座議會如何經常攔截灰色的船隻,這些船隻運載著成千上萬的兒童和成年人的靈魂,這些靈魂是從他們的身體中提取出來並放在特殊的箱子裡運輸的。在一次 UFO 研究員 Val Valerian 的採訪中,Alex 描述了被俘靈魂的生命力是如何被利用的:
AC: … They [Andromedans] also found more than 1,000 human children that had been placed in cryogenic stasis, and over 1,000,000 of these little boxes that contained the life forces of souls from Earth.
AC: ... 他們(仙女座人)還發現了超過1000個被置於低溫停滯狀態的人類兒童,以及超過100萬個這樣的小盒子,裡面裝著來自地球的靈魂的生命力。
Val: Captured human souls.
Val: 俘獲了人類的靈魂。
AC: Souls.
AC: 靈魂。
Val: And what do they do with these souls?
Val: 他們用這些靈魂做什麼?
AC: They feed off the energy radiated by the souls. What they are doing, Val, is that they are taking the life force and they are somehow siphoning it off a little at a time and feeding it to the hybrids in order to keep them alive, trying to keep them alive and create a soul in them. Defending Sacred Ground
AC: 他們以靈魂發出的能量為食。他們所做的,瓦爾,是他們正在採取生命力,他們以某種方式虹吸一點點的時間和餵養牠的混血兒,以保持他們活著,試圖讓他們活著,並創造一個靈魂在他們。保衛神聖的土地
Soul harvesting was among the most terrible of the many dark practices of the global elite. It comprised both technological and black magic means to split off a soul from the body, and to utilize its energy for dark purposes for indefinite periods. Oona’s reference to the “soul harvester” that was worshipped by Freemasons and the global elite appears to be a reference to Lucifer who sits at the apex of the “nine levels of darkness” she described.
The rest of Oona’s message now follows:
Yes they are meeting us and the delegation from the Galactic Federation of Nataru, Zenatae—two beings. Council of Five—one being. Intergalactic Founder races—five. Terran alliance—ten. The military forces of Terra, off-world—20 soldiers. They will not be taken straight away because they will need to uncast the rituals, rearrange all the bases of their society to avoid a collapse that will be chaotic. We do not wish for the humans of Terra, a monetary collapse. We wish a soft transition because chaos you have had enough.
是的,他們正在會見我們和來自納塔魯銀河聯邦的代表團,zenatae ---- 兩個生物。五人理事會。星際創始人種族 - 五個。10 人族聯盟。地球上的軍事力量ーー20名士兵。他們不會馬上被帶走,因為他們需要去除儀式,重新安排社會的所有基礎,以避免混亂的崩潰。我們不希望 Terra 的人類出現貨幣崩潰。我們希望有一個溫和的過渡,因為你們已經受夠了混亂。
They are commanded to recalibrate the monetary systems to the new system the Earth Alliance is bringing. Quantum abstract, no more metal, no more paper, at least for a while for a transition. You are tired so I will say my last words. Soon events will speed up on your planet. It will be a terrible storm but the more you will be able to wake up the faster this storm will pass. A lot will lose their lives by choice in the vaccination, but this was ruled out by the dark ones. Free will was the trap, now it is stopping soon you will see it.
Antarctica is the meeting of the old world with the people from other star systems to give the keys to the Earth Alliance and the Federation and leave. As I said they will not leave this week, they will be commanded to change the system and they will disappear forever. 2023 all of this will be a memory. We will celebrate together. Pass this message, your friend Thor Han will not be in trouble. This man with white hair you speak to he will pass the message. Give him my friendship. I connected with him, he will remember. Una has spoken.
Oona’s reference to “outposts in the higher mountains of your world” appears to refer to the Himalayas where a French contactee says he spent a year in 1969 with the Intergalactic Confederation in a seeding experiment for a planet in another galaxy. This raises an intriguing question. Could this be connected to the “prison planet” that the elite are being sent to from the Antarctica portal in order to liberate the Earth from their evil influence?
烏娜提到的“你們世界高山上的前哨”似乎指的是喜馬拉雅山脈。一位法國聯繫人說,1969年,他在那裡與銀河聯盟(Intergalactic Confederation)一起花了一年時間,為另一個星系中的一顆行星進行播種實驗。這提出了一個有趣的問題。這是否與精英們為了將地球從他們的邪惡影響中解放出來而被從南極門戶送往的“監獄星球”有關?
The scenario described by Oona appears to be a reprise of the situation described in the Book of Genesis and the Book of Enoch when the 200 ‘Fallen Angels’ arrived on Earth with superior knowledge and technologies. The Book of Enoch describes the arrival of 200 Fallen Angels in the area of Mount Hermon, which borders modern-day Lebanon and Syria. The Fallen Angels began interbreeding or genetically modifying the local inhabitants.
烏娜所描述的場景似乎是《創世紀》和《以諾書》中描述的情形的重演,當時200個墮落天使以高超的知識和技術降臨地球。 《以諾書》描述了200個墮落天使降臨芒特赫蒙地區的故事,該地區與今天的黎巴嫩和敘利亞接壤。墮落天使開始通婚或基因改造當地居民。
6.1 And it came to pass, when the sons of men had increased, that in those days there were born to them fair and beautiful daughters.
6.2 And the Angels, the sons of Heaven, saw them and desired them. And they said to one another: “Come, let us choose for ourselves wives, from the children of men, and let us beget, for ourselves, children.” …
6.6 And they were, in all, two hundred and they came down on Ardis, which is the summit of Mount Hermon. And they called the mountain Hermon because on it they swore and bound one another with curses. [Source]
6.6 他們總共有200人,他們來到了阿迪斯,這是芒特赫蒙的頂峰。他們給那山起名叫黑門,因為他們在那山上起誓咒詛彼此。 [資料來源]
It seems that the global elite will become the “Fallen Angels” of an Eden in another galaxy when they arrive through the Antarctica intergalactic stargate taking with them their advanced knowledge and whatever technologies they are permitted to carry.
According to Oona, the global elite “will be forgotten and content. The best way to end a conflict.” For the global elite attending the Antarctica meetings, this must be a very tempting offer, surrender all their power over Earth, to start again as ‘Fallen Angels’ in a new Eden.
根據烏娜的說法,全球精英“將會被遺忘和滿足。結束衝突的最佳方式。”對於參加南極洲會議的全球精英們來說,這一定是一個非常誘人的提議---- 放棄他們在地球上的所有權力,在一個新的伊甸園裡以墮落天使的身份重新開始。
Oona described the composition of the extraterrestrial delegation that met the global elite at Antarctica as being drawn from the Galactic Federation, Ashtar Command, Council of Five, Intergalactic Confederation and the Earth Alliance. Before the elites would be sent to the “Prison Planet” in another galaxy, they need to first hand over all the black magic keys and codes.
Regarding the new monetary system that has been prepared, Oona referred to a Quantum abstract rather than paper or metals. This appears to be a reference to the Quantum Financial System (QFS) described in Part 1 which is linked to a quantum supercomputer that will operate through Elon Musk’s Starlink and US Space Command in a highly complex and integrated global financial system.
關於已經準備好的新貨幣體系,Oona提到的是量子抽象,而不是紙或金屬。這似乎是指第1部分中描述的量子金融系統(QFS),該系統與一台量子超級計算機相連,該計算機將通過埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)的Starlink和美國太空司令部在一個高度複雜和綜合的全球金融系統中運行。
The QFS appears to have been developed with extraterrestrial assistance as the following explanation implies:
如下面的解釋所示,QFS 似乎是在外星人的幫助下發展起來的:
The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is a megalithic financial structure that has been given to Mankind by the Heavens. I call it a megalith because it stands alone as the most advanced Financial System that anyone could imagine. This technology has no peer on the earth at the present time. It is a magnificent system, designed to take on the magnitude of accounting needed to balance every financial transaction in the world in real-time.
The QFS is housed in the MEGA Quantum Consciousness (QC) often called a computer. This Quantum Conscious[ness] is Divine Consciousness that is being made available for us to use in this Third Dimension. The tools it brings are necessary for us to usher in the Golden Age of Mankind. The QFS is a ledger accounting system made up of individual accounts. The QFS is only one of many applications already housed in the QC ready to be implemented.
QFS 被安置在 MEGA 量子意識(QC)中,通常被稱為計算機。這個量子意識[性]是神聖意識,正在為我們提供在這第三維度中使用。它所帶來的工具對於我們迎來人類的黃金時代是必要的。 QFS 系統是一個由個人帳戶組成的分類帳會計系統。 QFS 只是已存放在準備實施的QC系統中的眾多應用程序之一。
The QFS has been heavily promoted by many popular internet sources such as Simon Parkes with over 650,000 YouTube followers and his worldwide Connecting Consciousness Community.
QFS 已經被許多流行的互聯網資源大力推廣,比如 Simon Parkes 擁有超過65萬的 YouTube 粉絲和他的全球連接意識社區。
Oona gives an important timetable for when all these changes will happen. She said:“2023 all of this will it be a memory. We will celebrate together.” That tells us that all these major events as a result of the global elites surrendering and leaving through the Antarctica portal will happen in 2022. While it will take a few months yet to deal with the remaining minions of the Cabal who are desperately trying to hold onto power by imposing unpopular mandatory vaccine policies, which will ultimately bring about their downfall. Finally, Oona is telling us that the different Galactic organizations that helped the Earth Alliance in liberating the planet will reveal themselves, and our graduation into the galactic community will be complete.
烏娜給出了一個重要的時間表,告訴我們什麼時候會發生這些變化。她說:“到2023年,這一切都將成為回憶。我們將一起慶祝。”這告訴我們,由於全球精英通過南極門戶投降並離開,所有這些重大事件將在2022年發生。雖然還需要幾個月的時間來對付陰謀集團的殘餘勢力,他們拼命地試圖通過實施不受歡迎的強制性疫苗政策來維持權力,這最終將導致他們的垮台。最後,Oona 告訴我們,幫助地球聯盟解放地球的不同銀河組織將會展現他們自己,我們將完成進入銀河社區的畢業典禮。
A video version of this article is available on YouTube & Rumble.
這篇文章的視頻版本可以在 YouTube & Rumble 上找到。
Podcast version will be available on Apple, Spotify and Google
播客版本將在蘋果、 Spotify 和谷歌上提供
I wish to thank Elena Danaan for permission to post Oona’s message and to use her graphic illustration of Oona. Her website is here.
我要感謝 Elena Danaan 允許我發布 Oona 的信息,並使用她的 Oona 的圖片說明。她的網站在這裡。
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice
邁克爾 · e · 薩拉博士版權聲明
[Part 1 of this series is available here]