
Delta and Omicron Caused by the Jab? Tripled Jabbed Are 4.5x More Likely to Test Positive for Omicron Than Unjabbed

注射導致的Delta和Omicron?三重注射比不注射更有可能檢測出奧米克龍陽性!- Humans Are Free

December 24, 2021

According to figures released by the UK government via the Office for National Statistics, people who are triple vaxxed are 4.5 times more likely to test positive for Omicron than those who are unvaccinated. The numbers also illustrate how the double-vaccinated are 2.3 times more likely to be infected with Omicron than those who haven’t taken any jabs.


The data, which is summarized by the Daily Sceptic’s Will Jones in this article, bolsters assertions that the Omicron variant is effective at evading vaccines.


“Note that this is the probability of an infection being Omicron given a person is infected, so it doesn’t tell us how likely a person is to test positive in the first place,” writes Jones.


“This means it doesn’t tell us that the vaccines are making things worse overall, only that they are making it much more likely that a vaccinated person is infected with Omicron than another variant.


“In other words, it is a measure of how well Omicron evades the vaccines compared to Delta. The fact that the triple-vaccinated are much more likely to be infected with Omicron than the double-vaccinated confirms this vaccine evading ability.”



omicron epidemic of the vaccinated

Jones concludes from the data that, “The current Omicron outbreak is largely an epidemic of the vaccinated and is being driven, not by the unvaccinated, but by those who have been double and triple jabbed.”


The numbers completely demolish claims that the Omicron outbreak is a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated’.


And it was the same story with Delta:


1. CDC Releases Study Showing 3/4 Delta Cases Are Among The Vaccinated.
1. CDC發布的研究顯示,接種疫苗的患者中有3/4為三角洲(Delta)病例。

2. Latest Data: Mortality Rate From Delta Variant About EIGHT TIMES Higher In ‘Fully Vaccinated’ Individuals.
2. 最新數據:在“完全接種”的個體中,δ變異的死亡率大約高出8倍。

3. Latest UK Data: Vaccinated People 3-Times More Likely To Die From Delta Variant Than Unvaccinated.
3. 英國最新數據:接種疫苗的人死於三角洲變異(Delta)的可能性是未接種者的3倍。

As Will Jones also documents in this piece, claims that NHS hospitals are being overwhelmed by the unvaccinated aren’t backed by any actual evidence. Despite this, over the weekend UK Health Secretary blasted unvaccinated people for taking up hospital beds, telling them they “must really think about the damage they are doing to society.”

正如威爾·瓊斯(Will Jones)在這篇文章中所記錄的那樣,聲稱NHS醫院被未接種疫苗的人壓垮的說法沒有任何實際證據支持。儘管如此,上週末英國衛生大臣抨擊未接種疫苗的人佔用醫院病床,告訴他們“必須真正考慮他們對社會造成的損害”。

UK scientists will today present evidence that the Omicron variant is milder than previous strains of COVID-19, something that health experts in South Africa have been saying for weeks.


Top Russian Scientist: Omicron Strain ‘Could End COVID Pandemic’ – Precisely What Big Pharma & ‘Elites’ Don’t Want to Happen.


References: Summit.news; YouTube.com

參考文獻:Summit.news; YouTube.com


