DNA 激活的症狀

Symptoms of DNA Activation

DNA 激活的症狀!- 準備轉變 / 2021年12月21日 

At this moment, many people are experiencing these symptoms. They are becoming aware of what is really going on with them. And what is actually happening, is activation of all the levels of your consciousness and a general rise of your vibration. These are the symptoms of DNA activation.

此時此刻,許多人正在經歷這些症狀。他們開始意識到自己到底怎麼了。實際上正在發生的,是你們所有意識層次的激活,以及你們振動的普遍上升。這些都是 DNA 激活的症狀。

1. Sleep disorder, insomnia, waking up in the middle of the night. Don’t try to go back to sleep. The more you do it, the more tired you will feel. Use those moments to meditate and work on your inner development.
1. 睡眠障礙,失眠,半夜醒來。不要再回去睡覺了。你做的越多,你就會感到越累。利用這些時刻來冥想,並致力於你的內在發展。

2. Worry, discomfort.
2. 擔憂 ---- 不適。

3. Burning sensation and tingling in the feet and hands.
3. 手腳有燒灼感和刺痛感。

4. Feeling tired and disoriented in the morning.
4. 早上感到疲憊和迷失方向。

5. Unusual activity (buzzing, tingling, pressure) at the crown of your head, in the area of the seventh chakra. Don’t be afraid, you are simply becoming more open to the divine energy so it can flow through you.
5. 不尋常的活動(嗡嗡聲,刺痛,壓力)在你的頭頂,在第七個脈輪的區域。不要害怕,你只是變得更加開放的神聖能量,所以它可以流經你。

6. Strange tingling on the skull and down the spine.
6. 奇怪的頭骨和脊柱的刺痛感。

7. Unexpected mood swings and depression that you can’t explain. There is no place for fear here. This is a sign that your heart chakra is cleansing.
7. 意想不到的情緒波動和你無法解釋的抑鬱。這裡沒有恐懼的地方。這是你的心輪正在淨化的信號。

8. Experiencing nervous breakdowns or outbursts of happiness for no obvious reason. Another symptom that your heart chakra is activating and it’s making you put an end to all the negative ties you have. Get rid or everything in your life that is not on the same vibrational level with you.
8. 沒有明顯的原因,經歷神經崩潰或者快樂爆發。你的心輪正在激活的另一個症狀是,它使你結束了所有的負面聯繫。擺脫或者擺脫你生活中所有與你不同的振動水平。

9. Constant development of situations that drive you off the rails, or encountering people who provoke negative emotions in you. These are the lessons that you need to work on. Accept them with gratitude and cut them loose forever.
9. 不斷發展的情況會讓你偏離軌道,或者遇到能激起你負面情緒的人。這些都是你需要努力學習的課程。帶著感激的心情接受他們,並且永遠擺脫他們。

10. Weight changes (losing or gaining weight). All the fears that you need to face are resurfacing. This can make you eat compulsively, or it can go in the opposite way, and you will lose any interest in food. The food that you used to hate, will become very tasty, and the food you really liked could become repulsive to you.
10. 體重變化(體重減輕或增加)。所有你需要面對的恐懼正在重新浮現。這會讓你強迫性地吃東西,或者反過來吃,你就會對食物失去興趣。你過去討厭的食物會變得非常美味,而你真正喜歡的食物會讓你反感。

11. Your eyes are going through a change (they look heavy and tired, your sight is blurry).
11. 你的眼睛正在經歷一個變化(它們看起來沉重而疲憊,你的視線模糊)。

12. You are able to see small, shiny particles floating in the air, auras, even rainbows in the most unexpected places.
12. 你可以在最意想不到的地方看到漂浮在空氣、氣氛、甚至彩虹中的小而閃亮的粒子。

13. When you close your eyes, you don’t see darkness anymore, you see light.
13. 當你閉上眼睛,你看到的不再是黑暗,而是光明。

14. You can also see geometrical shapes, colors and wonderful images when you close your eyes.
14. 當你閉上眼睛的時候,你也可以看到幾何圖形、顏色和美妙的圖像。

15. Every color you see becomes brighter and clearer.
15. 你看到的每一種顏色都變得越來越明亮和清晰。

16. With the increase of the level of perception you start seeing objects with your inner sight. Those are objects from other dimensions.
16. 隨著感知水平的提高,你開始用你的內在視覺看待事物。那些是來自其他維度的物體。

17. At sunrise and sunset, using the peripheral eyesight, you are able to see white lines.
17. 在日出和日落的時候,利用周圍的視力,你可以看到白線。

18. Improvement or deterioration of your hearing.
18. 聽力改善或衰退。

19. Increase of heart rate.
19. 增加心率。

20. You may start loving some foods, and hate the food that used to be your favorite.
20. 你可能開始喜歡一些食物,討厭那些曾經是你最喜歡的食物。

21. Sharpened perception.
21. 敏銳的洞察力。

22. Skin rashes and allergies.
22. 皮疹和過敏。

23. Repetitive periods of hyperactivity.
23. 重複性過度活躍。

24. Fatigue and apathy.
24. 疲勞和冷漠。

25. Changes in your meditation routines (difficulty to concentrate).
25. 改變你的冥想習慣(難以集中注意力)。

26. Increase of your energy levels.
26. 提高你的能量水平。

27. Headaches and pain in the neck and back.
27. 頭痛,頸部和背部疼痛。

28. Digestion problems.
28. 消化問題。

29. Muscle spasms.
29. 肌肉痙攣。

30. Increased heartbeat and general heart activity and chest pains without any medical reasons.
30. 沒有任何醫學原因,心跳加快,心臟活動增加,胸部疼痛加劇。

31. Changes in your libido and sexual potency.
31. 性慾和性能力的變化。

32. Experiencing a need to stay quiet and not talk, or pain in the jaw.
32. 需要保持安靜,不說話,或者下巴疼痛。

33. Reduction of muscle tone.
33. 減少肌肉張力。

34. Changes in your physical appearance.
34. 外表的變化。

35. Having vivid dreams that contain messages for you.
35. 擁有生動的夢境,其中包含著對你的信息。

36. Things, situations, and people show up in your life and change your perspectives on life and everything that surrounds you.
36. 事情、情況和人們出現在你的生活中,改變你對生活和周圍的一切的看法。

37. You want to be alone and isolated.
37. 你想要獨處和孤獨。

38. Loss of desire to communicate with others.
38. 喪失與他人交流的慾望。

39. Creativity outbursts.
39. 創造力爆發。

40. Sensation that time goes by faster than before.
40. 感覺時間過得比以前快。

41. Impatience.
41. 不耐煩。

42. Feeling that you are not the same person you used to be.
42. 感覺你不再是以前的你了。

43. You feel a strong connection with the Earth and the nature around you.
43. 你感到與地球和你周圍的大自然有著強烈的聯繫。

44. Home appliances and light bulbs keep burning out in your presence.
44. 家用電器和燈泡總是在你面前燒壞。

45. All the puzzles in your life start to fit together perfectly.
45. 你生活中的所有謎題開始完美地結合在一起。

46. Manifestation or increase of paranormal abilities.
46. 超自然能力的顯現或增強。

47. Feeling of unity with everything there is. Limitless, unconditional LOVE.
47. 感受到與萬物的統一,無限,無條件為你。

48. You become selfless and noble.
48. 你變得無私和高尚。

49. Your thoughts and desires manifest much faster.
49. 你的想法和慾望表現得更快。

50. Increase in activity in the left hemisphere of your brain.
50. 增加大腦左半球的活動。

51. Vertigo and dizziness.
51. 眩暈和頭暈。

52. Faster growth of hair and nails.
52. 頭髮和指甲生長更快。

53. An insatiable desire to meet your other half.
53. 一種永無止境的渴望與你的另一半相遇。

54. Periodical depression (feeling lonely and abandoned).
54. 週期性的抑鬱(感到孤獨和被拋棄)。

Please, don’t worry, because at this moment all of these symptoms are normal. There is no need to be afraid because you are not alone. There are millions of people experiencing these symptoms. And our number is growing with every passing minute.


Once you experience a combination of a good number of symptoms listed above, address your Higher Self, listen to your soul and your body, and they will help you find the answers to all your questions.


Be completely aware of and grateful for the process of DNA activation because you are transforming onto the real you, and it’s a miracle. DNA activation means coming home.

完全意識到並感激 DNA 激活的過程,因為你正在向真實的你轉化,這是一個奇蹟。DNA激活意味著回家

(Disclaimer: The symptoms listed above may happen as a result of a medical condition. Please seek professional help if you feel your health might be compromised.




