
HORRIFYING EXPERIMENTS Elon Musk’s Neuralink test monkeys ‘were tortured suffering from brain hemorrhages, bloody rashes and self-mutilation’

科里古德|SSP聯盟摧毀了埃隆-馬斯克的星鏈衛星!- 準備轉變 / 2022年2月14日

SSP Alliance Destroys Elon Musks Starlink Satellites: The Secret Space Program Alliance has admitted that they and the Earth Alliance were behind an operation to destroy a number of Star-Link Satellites as well as a couple of other commercial satellites that were part of Elon Musks plan to use his Neurolink project as a network to connect and control to all of the brain chip implants and nanotechnology that parts of the shadow government have secretly been putting in our bodies for years. Spokespersons from the SSP Alliance admitted that the satellites were taken out by directed EMP weapons aboard one of their spacecraft. The SSP Alliance commander stated that Elon and his Deep State partners are well on their way to completing their very own SKYNET constellation of satellites just like from the movie Terminator. We were told that more and more information about Elon Musk and the Mad Scientists that work for him will be coming out in the next year in a half in an effort to wake up huma nity to the danger of Transhumanism and the direction Elon and the Deep State want to take our civilization. Read below how Elons scientists tortured Monkeys in their experiments with brain chips. Do not allow yourself to be deceived into Transhumanism.

SSP聯盟摧毀了Elon Musks的Starlink衛星。秘密太空計劃聯盟已經承認,他們和地球聯盟是摧毀一些Star-Link衛星以及其他一些商業衛星的幕後推手,這些衛星是埃隆-馬斯克計劃的一部分,他的Neurolink項目是一個連接和控制所有腦部芯片植入物和納米技術的網絡,多年來影子政府的某些部門一直在秘密地將這些東西放入我們的身體。SSP聯盟的發言人承認,這些衛星是被他們的一個航天器上的定向電磁波武器幹掉的。 SSP聯盟的指揮官表示,埃隆和他的深層國傢伙伴正在努力完成他們自己的SKYNET衛星群,就像電影《終結者》中那樣。我們被告知,越來越多關於埃隆-馬斯克和為他工作的瘋狂科學家的信息將在未來一年半內公佈,以喚醒人類對超人類主義的危險以及埃隆和深層國家想把我們的文明帶向何處。請閱讀以下內容,了解埃隆的科學家是如何在大腦芯片的實驗中折磨猴子的。不要讓自己受騙進入超人類主義。












HORRIFYING EXPERIMENTS Elon Musk’s Neuralink test monkeys ‘were tortured suffering from brain hemorrhages, bloody rashes and self-mutilation’ -

伊隆 · 馬斯克的神經鏈接測試猴子“飽受腦出血、出血性皮疹和自殘的折磨” -

NEURALINK, a biotech company from Tesla founder Elon Musk, is accused of torturing monkeys being used for testing purposes.

NEURALINK,特斯拉創始人 Elon Musk 的一家生物科技公司,被指控虐待用於實驗目的的猴子。

An animal rights group, The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) has obtained records detailing the monkeys' abuse and has filed a complaint with the US Department of Agriculture.


23 monkeys were reportedly used in the experimentsCredit: Getty Images - Getty

Neuralink is owned by Elon MuskCredit: Reuters
路透社:Neuralink 由 Elon MuskCredit 擁有

Neuralink is reportedly developing a brain chip that would monitor, and even stimulate brain activity.

據報導,Neuralink 公司正在開發一種可以監控甚至刺激大腦活動的大腦芯片。

The company inked a deal with UC Davis in 2017 to develop the brain chip technology by testing with monkeys, as the university is known for its research facility for primates.


But PCRM is claiming the university withheld information about the treatment of the animals during the testing.

但 PCRM 聲稱大學在測試過程中隱瞞了動物治療的信息。

Jeremy Beckham, MPA, MPH, research advocacy specialist with PCRM, told The Sun via email there was skepticism about Musk and Neuralink's claims about the experiments.

負責責任醫師關係管理的研究倡導專家傑里米 · 貝克漢姆通過電子郵件告訴《太陽報》 ,人們對馬斯克和 Neuralink 關於實驗的說法持懷疑態度。

"Our medical experts who had expertise about neurological experiments in monkeys were skeptical of the lofty claims being made by Elon Musk/Neuralink in the press at the time we submitted our first request (September 2020)," Beckham said.

貝克漢姆說:“在我們提交第一份申請(2020年9月)時,我們的醫學專家對埃隆 · 馬斯克/Neuralink 公司在媒體上發表的高調言論持懷疑態度。他們在猴子身上進行了神經學實驗”。

"We wanted to look at the internal UC Davis records themselves, including videos and photographs, to get a better understanding of what was happening to the animals in the experiments as well as verify the integrity and promise of the research."


The animal-rights group also told Business Insider that the records show monkeys experienced "extreme suffering as a result of inadequate animal care and the highly invasive experimental head implants during the experiments."


However, UC Davis emailed The Sun a statement in regards to the claims. "The research protocols were thoroughly reviewed and approved by the campus's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)," the statement reads in part.


"The work was conducted by Neuralink researchers in facilities at the California National Primate Research Center at UC Davis. UC Davis staff provided veterinary care including round-the-clock monitoring of experimental animals.


"When an incident occurred, it was reported to the IACUC, which mandated training and protocol changes as needed."


23 monkeys were involved in the experiments, which lasted from 2017 to 2020. However, it's reported 15 of the monkeys either died or were euthanized by 2020. The remaining seven monkeys were transferred to a Neuralink facility. Beckham says the last of the monkeys were shipped in November 2020.

23隻猴子參與了從2017年持續到2020年的實驗。然而,據報導,到2020年,其中15隻猴子要么死亡,要么被安樂死。其餘七隻猴子被轉移到 Neuralink 設施。貝克漢姆說,最後一批猴子是在2020年11月被運走的。

"At the time they were shipped to Neuralink, they were 'experimentally naïve' and hadn’t had any surgeries or other procedures performed on them," Beckham told The Sun via email.

貝克漢姆通過電子郵件告訴《太陽報》:“當他們被運送到 Neuralink 時,他們 ‘實驗上很幼稚’,沒有對他們進行任何手術或其他程序。”

"We have no information what happened to them after November 2020, and likely never will."


The monkeys may have suffered from “possibly from self-mutilation or some other unspecified trauma," according to the New York Post.


The outlet is also reporting that the records indicate some monkeys may have had holes drilled in their heads, and others suffered from bloody skin infections.


On its website, Neuralink states: "Inserting a device into the brain always carries some risk of bleeding. We are trying to reduce that risk by using micron-scale threads, inserted with a needle whose diameter is about the size of many neurons in the brain."

Neuralink 在其網站上寫道:“將設備植入大腦總是有出血的風險。我們正在嘗試通過使用微米級的線頭來降低這種風險,這種線頭用一根直徑大約相當於大腦中許多神經元大小的針插入。”

According to UC Davis, animal research is "strictly regulated."


"We strive to provide the best possible care to animals in our charge," UC Davis told The Sun.


"Animal research is strictly regulated and UC Davis follows all applicable laws and regulations including those of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which makes regular inspections, and the NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare."


Neuralink and UC Davis ended their relationship in 2020.

和 UC Davis 在2020年結束了他們的關係。

"We have no information as to why the relationship ended in November 2020, but it came to an abrupt end, and that does raise questions," Beckham says.


Neuralink has not yet responded to The US Sun's request for comment.

Neuralink 尚未回應《美國太陽報》的置評請求。


