
March 25, 2022: Stage One of Three Final Operations [videos]

2022年3月25日:三次最終行動的第一階段|星際飛船地球!- 準備轉變 / 2022年3月26日

It’s Friday again already! As such, we’ll have ‘Friday Night at the Movies’ as our theme for today. Hold onto your shorts, it’s getting intense out there as we cruise toward the climax of this thriller. They want the normies to believe Kim Jong Un has his finger on the button. Good grief.


Our best analysts have gone over and above to decode what we are seeing, the mechanism of devolution or a government in exile and The Plan. Phil G. went over an exceptional explanation mostly by an anon going by SLAG which explains it all.

我們最好的分析師已經超越了我們所看到的,解碼機制的權力下放或流亡政府和計劃。菲爾 · g 給出了一個例外的解釋,大部分是 SLAG 的一個匿名人士給出的,他解釋了這一切。

The “special military operation” Putin spoke of taking place in Ukraine is the first of three final phases of the take-down of the cabal. Taiwan is next, and as Q told us, they’re saving Israel for last.

普京所說的在烏克蘭進行的“特別軍事行動”是打擊陰謀集團三個最後階段中的第一個。台灣是下一個,正如 Q告訴我們的,他們把以色列留到最後。

If you already listened to Phil’s last two updates you got a lot of intel and confirmation. I highly recommend both of which you will find below.


Phil promised to do a show on his intel about Chernobyl and he’s done it. It’s fascinating. My other half went to Chernobyl several years ago to photograph the historic site and it is indeed staged to the hilt and highly photogenic. The exclusion zone pieces are some of his best sellers because the story touches people deeply and they feel it’s a piece of important and tragic history.


His group had to have special permission from the Ukraine government to visit the restricted area and had to be suited up and protected from the legendary lethal fallout from the nuclear accident they tell us took place there and their time and exposure limited.


Phil explains the cabal have lied about Chernobyl like everything else and showed us a map of all the tunnels under Ukraine which houses more tunnels than any other location in the world, including under the water. It’s interesting that Phil’s attire in both videos relates to water. The Lakers jersey and the Mariners. Qincidence?


We see on Phil’s map that one particular tunnel is a straight shot from the port city of Odesa north to Chernobyl and what the Russian military found there is disturbing.


Putin’s men did indeed rescue many children from the tunnels of Ukraine and rather than return them to America where the Biden regime might harm them, he is guaranteeing their safety until such time as they can be returned without harm. He and Trump agreed on this and Phil reports that Putin and Trump have shared at least four phone calls recently. Phil tells us his sources are suggesting Trump’s return is imminent, and possibly as early as this week. Must listen to these, folks. A Q&A brings up the rear.

普京的手下確實從烏克蘭的隧道中救出了許多孩子,而不是把他們送回美國 -- 拜登政權可能會傷害他們 -- 他將保證他們的安全,直到他們能夠安全返回。他和特朗普在這一點上達成了一致,菲爾報導稱,普京和特朗普最近至少通了四次電話。菲爾告訴我們,他的消息來源暗示特朗普即將回歸,最早可能在本週。聽聽這些,伙計們。答問環節排在後面。

The Chernobyl Truth – March 24th, 2022
切爾諾貝利的真相 - 2022年3月24日


If you don’t believe there is a plan, that the military are in control, that Q is real, or that this mess will be fixed and Trump’s promises kept, you have to listen to this. It’s fantastic. I was otherwise engaged and had to binge watch both recordings in succession. They’re riveting.

如果你不相信有這樣一個計劃,不相信軍方在控制局面,不相信 Q是真實存在的,不相信這個爛攤子會得到解決,不相信特朗普的承諾會得到遵守,那麼你就必須聽聽這個。太棒了。我忙得不可開交,不得不連續觀看兩段錄像。它們引人入勝。


President in Exile, Part 2 – March 24th, 2022
流亡總統,第2部分 - 2022年3月24日

Phil dives into the 2nd half of his President in Exile series, which ties the Devolution theory into recent events, and proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that there IS a current Government in Exile, and Donald Trump has been leading it.

深入到他的流亡總統系列的第二部分,將權力下放理論與最近發生的事件聯繫起來,毫無疑問地證明了現在有一個流亡政府,並且 Donald Trump(特朗普)一直在領導它。


Things are moving along in the justice theatre and Trump has sued Hillary Clinton and her administration for attempting to sway an election with their fake Russian collusion story which has since been proven bogus. It’s all for show, because we know Hitlary is no longer with us. We’re watching a carefully scripted and choreographed song and dance routine to wake up the public. The White Hats must be pulling their hair out, wondering how extreme the charade has to be to pull the snoozers’ heads out of their rear ends far enough to respond appropriately to the criminality and atrocities revealed. The apathy and acceptance of the narrative spun by the lying media is astonishing at this point.

司法界的事態正在發展,特朗普已經起訴希拉里 · 克林頓(Hillary Clinton)和她的政府,理由是他們試圖用虛假的俄羅斯勾結故事影響選舉,後來這個故事被證明是虛假的。這都是擺擺樣子,因為我們知道壺腹已經不在了。我們正在觀看精心編排的歌舞表演,以喚醒公眾。白帽子們一定是抓狂了,想知道這種把戲到底有多極端,才能把那些愛管閒事的人的腦袋從屁股裡扯出來,以便對暴露出來的犯罪行為和暴行作出恰當的反應。在這一點上,說謊的媒體對敘述的冷漠和接受令人震驚。

The Hunter Biden laptop story we had so far was just an appetizer. The truth illustrates why the deep state was content to have us focus on the sex with minors, the drugs, the millions of income Hunter got via Burisma and the former mayor of Moscow’s wife. What we haven’t yet heard was far more incriminating and relates to the biolabs and funding for potential bioweapons to commit genocide.

到目前為止,亨特 · 拜登的筆記本電腦故事只是一道開胃菜。真相說明了為什麼這個深層政府滿足於讓我們關注與未成年人的性行為、毒品、亨特通過 Burisma 獲得的數百萬收入以及莫斯科前市長夫人。我們還沒有聽到的是更多的罪證,涉及生物實驗室和潛在的生物武器資金進行種族滅絕。


Consider the following update from Q the Storm Rider: Link to Telegram.

考慮以下更新從 Q的風暴騎士:

    CABLES> inside the Hunter BIDEN laptop is a blue print of the World Agenda [DS] Plan to create a fake PANDEMIC/ kill humans/ All the Deep State presidents/ prime ministers and Elites..from oil companies, to world BANKS to Major media outlets to Bill Gates> Ukraine INFILTRATION by the DNC and around the world corruption connected to HRC. OBAMA> BIDEN<

    亨特 · 拜登的筆記本電腦裡有一份《世界議程》的藍圖,計劃製造一個假的大流行病/殺死人類/所有深海國家的總統/首相和精英。從石油公司,到世界銀行,到主要媒體,到比爾 · 蓋茨,到民主黨全國委員會滲透到烏克蘭,再到全世界與人權委員會有關的腐敗。奧巴馬拜登

    JACK MAXEY is already telling friends and close high Level players…> The BIDEN laptop is much bigger than the 2020 stolen ELECTION!

    傑克馬克西已經告訴朋友和密切的高級玩家... > 拜登筆記本電腦是遠遠大於2020年被盜的選舉!

Followed by…


I reported last year.. The laptop went into the hands of Military courts and they have everything already backed up and stored ///


What your watching now is the movie where everything [ DECLASS ] IS HAPPENING


    KEEP YOUR EYES TO DELAWARE= HUNTER Biden in hidden secret court with family testifying against him ( its Reported that Hunter is [co]??operating with the investigations and coming indictments > CORN POP<)//

    請關注德拉瓦州 = 亨特-拜登在隱秘的秘密法庭上,其家人作證反對他 (據報導,亨特是 [共同] ??操作的調查和即將到來的起訴書> CORN POP<) //


特拉華州 > 獵人拜登斯筆記本電腦被發現的地方

DELAWARE> VISA > MASTERCARD are shutoff from Russia Banks ( but the mainstream media is saying the opposite)/// > if you don’t know already… Over 3 BILLION people across the EARTH just went into the new Gold Back system the Whites HATS have put in place thru CHINA, RUSSIA, > INDIA and Saudi Arabia and many other Asian countries are now trading on the Gold back SYSTEM…(within 72 hours the system was running great  )/// > GASARA begins….

特拉華州 > VISA > MASTERCARD > 俄羅斯銀行停止發行萬事達卡(但是主流媒體的說法正好相反)///> 如果你還不知道的話... ...地球上超過30億人剛剛進入白帽子實施的新的黃金回購系統,通過中國、俄羅斯、印度、沙特阿拉伯和許多其他亞洲國家建立的新的金背系統... ... (在72小時內系統運行良好)//> GASARA 開始... ..。

The [COLLAPSE ] of the DEEP STATE Central Banking SYSTEM in free fall  

Everything your watching is connected….



Durham boats cross the > DELAWARE> 1776 

達勒姆的船隻穿過>德拉瓦河> 1776年


You have more than you know


Governor Ron DeSantis is a star that shines ever brighter for Floridians and America.

羅恩 · 德桑提斯州長是一顆為佛羅里達人和美國帶來光明的明星。

As a movie, it has its overly dramatic moments. Campy, even.


It would be a shame if Twitter went away. All my borrowed Tweets would disappear.


There’s a very good reason why we don’t listen to anything the Canadian legacy/state media has to say, or what government entities say or do.


“Inadvertently”. There are no accidents.


Truth hurts.


Whilst you were distracted by the Battle for Ukraine, Documents were published confirming Moderna created the Covid-19 Virus


I wasn’t expecting this, but they tell us even the heavily controlled and obedient Chinese people are so fed up with the Covid restrictions they are rising up in opposition to the mandates and restrictions. Video at the link.




For what it’s worth, a fitting end to this post.


A treat for the dog lovers… a lucky capture of the guy with the shoe fetish.

這是給愛狗人士的禮物... ... 一個有戀鞋癖的傢伙的幸運照片。

Signing off for today. Have a great weekend all, and thanks to the crew for the great updates in our comments section.  ~ BP

今天的報導結束。祝大家週末愉快,感謝團隊在我們的評論區提供的最新消息。 ~ BP


