
More people in Taiwan have died from the vaccine than from COVID-19!- Natural News

在台灣,死於該疫苗的人比死於COVID-19的人更多!- Natural News

Wednesday, August 17, 2022
by: Arsenio Toledo
作者:Arsenio Toledo

(Natural News) Recent data revealed that more people in Taiwan have been killed by the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines than by the virus itself.


The data obtained by NTD found that more people in Taiwan have died from COVID-19 than from the virus. The island nation has recorded 865 deaths following vaccinations and 845 deaths from the coronavirus as of October last year.



This data came from a time when only around 20 million COVID-19 vaccine doses had been administered in Taiwan. As of Aug. 12, that number has tripled to over 60.05 million COVID-19 vaccine doses.


(Related: More Taiwanese now dying from covid VACCINES than from covid itself… meaning Big Pharma is more dangerous to Taiwan than the CCP.)


The Taiwanese Centers for Disease Control (CDC) immediately denied that these many people have died in the country due to the COVID-19 vaccines. In late Oct. 2021, there were over 10,000 reports of adverse reactions following vaccinations.


“The number of adverse event reports alone cannot explain or be used to draw conclusions about the presence or absence, severity, frequency or incidence of vaccine-related problems and should be interpreted in the context of other scientific information,” wrote the Taiwan CDC in a statement.


Mainstream media outlets have also come to the defense of Taiwanese health officials, under the guise of “fact-checking.”


“Taiwan’s CDC doesn’t specify how many of its VAERS [Vaccine Adverse Event Notification System] entries of deaths post-COVID-19 vaccination have been confirmed causal and the VICP [National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program] does not publicly publish its proceedings,” wrote Reuters in an article supposedly debunking the misinformation.

"路透社在一篇據稱是揭穿錯誤信息的文章中寫道:"台灣的CDC沒有說明其VAERS [疫苗不良事件通報系統] 中多少關於接種COVID-19疫苗後死亡的條目被證實為因果關係,VICP [國家疫苗傷害賠償計劃] 也沒有公開發表其程序。

The mainstream media outlet ruled the claim of more COVID-19 vaccine deaths in Taiwan “misleading.”

這家主流媒體將台灣有更多COVID-19疫苗死亡的說法判定為 "誤導"。

“There have been far fewer deaths from any cause following COVID-19 vaccination in Taiwan than from COVID-19 itself according to current data, and only a handful of deaths have been confirmed by Taiwan’s VICP to have been directly related to vaccination,” it claimed.



Unknown how many more people in Taiwan have died following COVID-19 vaccinations

“If 800 people were to die from [any other vaccine] in Taiwan, they’d pull that off the market in two seconds, that’s ridiculously high,” commented Ben Armstrong of The New American. “I guarantee that those 800 and some deaths from the vaccine were right after the vaccination occurred, where they can’t really deny [and say] it was something else.”

"如果台灣有800人死於 [任何其他疫苗],他們會在兩秒鐘內將其撤出市場,這真是高得離譜",《新美國人》的本-阿姆斯特朗評論道。 "我保證,這800人和一些死於疫苗的人是在接種疫苗之後發生的,他們不能真正否認 [並說] 是其他原因。"

Armstrong further noted that this isn’t even how most COVID-19 vaccine deaths occur. He pointed out that most vaccine deaths “don’t usually instantly die.”


“The vaccine – and this is a fact for anyone who’s new – lowers your immune system,” leading to people becoming more susceptible to diseases, said Armstrong.

阿姆斯特朗說,"疫苗 -- 對於任何一個剛接觸的人來說,這是一個事實 -- 降低了你的免疫系統",導致人們變得更容易受到疾病的影響。

It should be noted that this information comes from Oct. 2021. There is no telling how many more Taiwanese citizens have died following COVID-19 vaccinations since then. Armstrong himself noted that 800 people dying from the COVID-19 vaccines in Taiwan is probably a low estimate for the time, as most other deaths would have been attributed to the virus or to other diseases.


“Those 800 people that died [immediately] after the vax, it’s way, way more than that,” he said. “How many people died two, three, four, five months after they were vaccinated?”

他說:"打完疫苗後 [立即] 死亡的那800人,遠遠不止這些"。"有多少人在接種疫苗的兩、三、四、五個月後死亡?"

Taiwan is one of the most fully vaccinated nations on the planet. As of Aug. 12, 84 percent of the nearly 24 million people in the island nation are fully vaccinated, and another 5.8 percent of the population are partially vaccinated. Furthermore, Taiwan has distributed nearly 80 booster vaccine doses per 100 residents.


Learn more about people dying en masse due to COVID-19 vaccines at VaccineDeaths.com.

VaccineDeaths.com 了解更多關於人們因COVID-19疫苗而大規模死亡的情況。

Watch this episode of the “Ben Armstrong Show” as host Ben Armstrong discusses the revelation that more people in Taiwan were killed by the vaccines than by COVID-19.



This video is from the channel The New American on Brighteon.com.

本視頻來自 Brighteon.com 上的新美國人頻道。

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