蘆筍:逆齡支持 Asparagus: Anti-Aging Support

蘆筍:逆齡支持 Asparagus: Anti-Aging Support!- 原創 Anjani 蜂鳥健康TheHummingBird




- 抗衰老食物
- 幫助身體鹼性化(即降低身體毒性)
- 去除並阻止新毒素沉積
- 支持腎上腺
- 淨化肝臟、脾臟、胰腺和腎臟
- 幫助改善神經炎症症狀








最佳抗癌蔬菜 - 蘆筍



Asparagus has anti-aging properties that can help keep us young. It also helps neurological disorders and symptoms.

Asparagus contains phytochemical compounds such as chlorophyll and lutein that act as critical organ cleansers. They get deep into organs such as the liver, spleen, pancreas, and kidneys, scrubbing out the toxins they find there. Chlorophyll bonded to amino acids such as glutamine, threonine, and serine provides an avenue for heavy metal detox. Some of the phytochemicals found in asparagus are toxin inhibitors (a fact as yet unknown to science). This means that once toxins such as DDT, other pesticides, and heavy metals have been driven out of the organs, these specialized phytochemicals stay behind and can repel new toxins from taking up residence there. This toxin inhibition makes asparagus a helpful cancer preventative.

Asparagus, which is high in very easily absorbable B vitamins, helps us reestablish our proper levels of these key nutrients. Also high in silica and trace minerals such as iron, zinc, molybdenum, chromium, phosphorus, magnesium, and selenium, asparagus is one of the most adrenal-supporting foods in existence and excellent for helping to bring you back to life when your adrenal glands have been pushed to the max.

Asparagus alkalizes the body by flushing out unproductive acids. We live in a very acidic environment, and if we want to help ourselves stay or get healthy, we must constantly work to keep ourselves alkaline with help from trusted friends like asparagus.

How To Use:

Enjoy asparagus in fresh juices, or eat it raw as a snack, as a crudité with a dip like hummus, or chopped into salads. You can also enjoy it steamed, stir-fried, or in soups.

For more information on the healing properties of asparagus and the symptoms and conditions it can help with, check out the New York Times best-selling book, Medical Medium Life-Changing Foods: Save Yourself and the Ones You Love with the Hidden Healing Powers of Fruits & Vegetables, and the other books in the Medical Medium series.



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第三本書  關於甲狀腺

第四本 - 肝臟救援,肝臟問題是所有疾病的起源

第五本  關於西芹汁是如何能夠療愈兩百多種病症的。

第六本書  關於各種淨化療愈法,四月已出版


