"The Wizard of Oz = Ounces of Gold. The Yellow Brick Road = Bricks or Gold Ingot.("綠野仙踪" = "盎司黃金"。黃磚路 = 磚塊或金錠。)!- Teri Wade

"The Wizard of Oz = Ounces of Gold. The Yellow Brick Road = Bricks or Gold Ingot.("綠野仙踪" = "盎司黃金"。黃磚路 = 磚塊或金錠。)!- Teri Wade

The Straw Man represents that fictional ALL CAPS legal fiction — PERSON. The Straw Man wanted a Brain but got a Certificate — the  Birth Certificate for a new legal creation & he was proud of his new legal status, plus all these other legalisms he was granted.

稻草人代表了那個虛構的ALL CAPS法律虛構 -- 人。稻草人想要一個大腦,但得到了一個證書 -- 一個新的法律創造的出生證,他為他的新的法律地位感到自豪,再加上他被授予的所有這些其他法律地位。

The Tin Man — (TIN) Taxpayer Identification Number, a robotic avatar, who worked tirelessly until his body literally froze up & stopped functioning. The heartless & emotionless robot creature who worked himself to death because he had no heart or soul. He wanted a HEART.

鐵皮人 -- (TIN)納稅人識別號,一個機器人化身,他不知疲倦地工作,直到他的身體真的凍結並停止運作。這個無情無義的機器人生物將自己工作到死,因為他沒有心或靈魂。他想要一個心臟。

The Cowardly Lion was a bully, but was a true coward when someone stood up to him. He lacks true courage. That was what he wanted — Courage. At the end, the Wizard gave him an Official Recognition Award — Authority & Status.

膽小的獅子是個惡霸,但當有人站出來對付他時,他就是一個真正的懦夫。他缺乏真正的勇氣。這就是他想要的東西 -- 勇氣。最後,魔法師給了他一個官方認可獎 -- 權威與地位。

The Wizard of Oz — uses magic, smoke, flames & holograms, but all of it were tricks & illusions to push fear & compliance into doing what he commanded. — The TRUTH is the Wizard have NO real power & only uses illusions to create FALSE power & authority.

奧茲國的巫師 -- 使用魔法、煙霧、火焰和全息圖,但所有這些都是把戲和幻覺,以推動恐懼和服從來做他的命令。 -- 事實是巫師沒有真正的權力,只是用幻覺來製造虛假的權力和權威。

The Wicked Witch — pushed fear through intimidation. She was after Toto. She controlled the flying monkey police — the policy enforcers— the mischievous demons, which also represents the BAR Association attorneys who attack & control all the little people for the Great Crown Wizard, the crooked Bankers of Oz - Gold.

邪惡的女巫 -- 通過恐嚇製造恐懼。她的目標是托托。她控制了飛猴警察 -- 政策執行者 -- 調皮的惡魔,這也代表了律師協會的律師,他們為偉大的王室巫師、奧茲國邪惡的銀行家 -- 黃金而攻擊和控制所有小人物。

In the field of poppies, they were not REAL humans, so drugs had no effect on them, but Dorothy was drugged. The Wizard of Oz was written at the time when the Rockefeller & pharmaceutical begin to take over the medicine & education — the DRUGGING of America. The Crown was the largest drug dealers & after their take-over of drug distribution in China, they began to expand all around the world.

在罌粟花田裡,他們不是真正的人類,所以藥物對他們沒有影響,但多蘿西被下了藥。《綠野仙踪》寫於洛克菲勒和製藥廠開始接管醫藥和教育的時候 -- 美國的毒品化。王室是最大的毒品經銷商,在他們接管了中國的毒品分銷後,他們開始向世界各地擴張。

Toto the Dog — was what the Wicked Witch was after. Toto in Latin means ‘in total, all TOGETHER’. Toto was the One who exposed the Wizard of Oz. Toto had no fear & was very small compared to the Great Wizard so no one noticed him. Toto pulled the curtain on the Wizard & his magical scams. ‘Curtain’ also means the End of an Act or scene — The End. He pulled the curtain & started barking until others paid attention & Red Pill the others.

托托狗 -- 是邪惡女巫的目標。多多在拉丁語中的意思是"總的來說,所有的一起"。圖圖是揭露綠野仙踪的人。托托沒有恐懼,與大巫師相比,他非常小,所以沒有人注意到他。托托拉開了魔法師和他的魔法騙局的帷幕。幕布 "也意味著一幕或一幕的結束 -- 結束。他拉開帷幕並開始吠叫,直到其他人注意到紅色藥丸。

The curtain ‘VEIL’ that hides the corporate legal fiction & its false courts is exposed. The jig is up. No matter how small your bark is — it can be heard. 🗣🗣🗣

掩蓋企業法律虛構及其虛假法庭的幕布'VEIL'被曝光。戲法已經開始了。不管你的叫聲有多小 -- 它都能被聽到。 🗣🗣🗣



