Jesus(耶穌)!- Teri Wade
Jesus(耶穌)!- Teri Wade
"Following Jesus means following what he taught throughout his years on Earth, not repeating slogans, or reciting a couple mistranslated verses from dead languages. Or believing that a loving God ever needed blood.
Jesus didn't travel around telling people he came to die for our sins. He taught love and forgiveness. He taught that the only way to ascend is by following his teachings.
He didn't tell people he was a God to be worshiped and didn't create a religion. In a time when people worshiped anunnaki as God, he said God was found within. He said we could do greater miracles, because we're all Sons and Daughters of God.
There are some twisted individuals calling themselves Christians who say morality doesn't matter. They'll be in for a shock when the Shift happens, because it's all that matters.
Church doctrine programs the belief that a blood ritual celebrating Jesus's murder means 'following Jesus'. Redemption through blood sacrifice is ancient paganism. Jesus didn't practice it or teach it.
教會的教義使人們相信,慶祝謀殺耶穌的血祭意味著 "跟隨耶穌"。通過血祭進行救贖是古老的異教。耶穌沒有實踐它,也沒有教導它。
God never needed blood. Demons tricked humans by playing God. Blood won't save you. Only you can save yourself through your own thoughts and actions. Objective morality. Love, forgiveness, honesty, integrity, truth.
Jesus taught that God is only love. Therefore God doesn't need blood from murders, or punish souls in hell for eternity. The consequence of evil is being left behind on this timeline when the Shift happens.
Good people without religion will ascend. Hateful people who believe blood magic saves them might not. Everyone has moral free will. Everyone has a choice."
沒有宗教信仰的好人會揚升。相信血魔法能拯救他們的仇恨者可能不會。每個人都有道德上的自由意志。每個人都有選擇。 "
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