Ex-Pentagon Official & Jacques Vallée Suggest Higher-Dimensional Beings Crossing Into Our World(前五角大廈官員和雅克·瓦萊建議更高維度的存在進入我們的世界)

Ex-Pentagon Official & Jacques Vallée Suggest Higher-Dimensional Beings Crossing Into Our World(前五角大廈官員和雅克·瓦萊建議更高維度的存在進入我們的世界)

來源:How And Whys(如何和為什麼)
作者:Vicky Verma

In his first interview with journalist Ross Coulthart on NewsNation, Pentagon UFO whistleblower David Grusch dropped bombshell statements on UFO phenomena or UAPs, claiming that the United States and other world governments have retrieved intact and partially intact crafts of Non-Human Intelligence (NHI). The origin and reason behind these crashes is still unknown, but Grusch postulated that certain NHI, commonly associated with UFO sightings, might originate from higher-dimensional planes of existence.

當五角大廈不明飛行物告密者 David Grusch 在 NewsNation 上首次採訪記者 Ross Coulthart 時,就不明飛行物現像或 UAP 發表了令人震驚的聲明,聲稱美國和其他世界政府已經取回了完整和部分完整的非人類情報(NHI)飛行器。這些墜機事件背後的起源和原因仍然未知,但 Grusch 假設,某些通常與不明飛行物目擊事件有關的 NHI 可能起源於更高維度的存在平面。

Grusch made a sensational claim by stating that in 1945, the United States intercepted a mysterious craft that was initially recovered by Mussolini’s forces in Italy back in 1933. As evidence of this extraordinary event, Grusch presented a handwritten Italian memo containing small drawings at the bottom. What made this revelation even more intriguing was the implication of the Vatican’s involvement, suggesting the religious institution was not only aware of the existence of NHI but also actively participated in suppressing this information.

格魯施提出了一個聳人聽聞的說法,他說,1945年,美國攔截了一艘神秘的飛船,1933年墨索里尼的部隊在義大利首次找到了這艘飛船。作為這一非同尋常事件的證據,格魯施出示了一份手寫的意大利備忘錄,底部有小圖紙。更有趣的是梵蒂岡參與的含義,這表明該宗教機構不僅意識到 NHI 的存在,而且積極參與壓制這些資訊。

Grusch made significant assertions regarding the NHI, stating that these entities might be extraterrestrial or interdimensional, or possibly both. He described sightings and recoveries of multiple operational crafts of various sizes, including one as large as a football field. Alarmingly, he revealed the recovery of NHI bodies and hinted at potential formal agreements between the U.S. government and some NHI factions.

Grusch 對 NHI 做出了重要的斷言,指出這些實體可能是地外的或跨維度的,或者兩者都有。他描述了多艘不同大小的作戰飛船的目擊和回收情況,其中包括一艘足球場那麼大的飛船。令人擔憂的是,他透露了 NHI 機構的恢復情況,並暗示美國政府和一些 NHI 派系之間可能達成正式協定。

Grusch is not alone in assuming that UFOs are perhaps interdimensional or higher-dimensional entities and this theory has been well-supported by others. The extraterrestrial hypothesis has remained the primary explanation for UFOs by many experts. However, there are many UFOlogists that have abandoned it in favor of the interdimensional hypothesis. Paranormal researcher Brad Steiger wrote: “We are dealing with a multidimensional paraphysical phenomenon that is largely indigenous to planet Earth.”

格魯施並不是唯一一個認為不明飛行物可能是跨維度或更高維度實體的人,這一理論得到了其他人的有力支持。地外假說一直是許多專家對不明飛行物的主要解釋。然而,有許多不明飛行物學家放棄了它,轉而支持跨維度假說。超自然現象研究者 Brad Steiger 寫道:“我們正在處理一種多元的超自然現象,這種現像在很大程度上是地球固有的。”

Astronomer and UFO researcher Jacques Vallée states that UFOs and related events of a paranormal nature involve visitations from other “realities” or “dimensions.” The idea proposes that these alternate realities exist separately yet parallel to our own. In 1975’s The Edge of Reality, Vallée and Hynek considered the possibility of what they call “interlocking universes.”

天文學家兼不明飛行物研究人員 Jacques Vallée 表示,不明飛行物和相關的超自然事件涉及來自其他「現實」或「維度」的訪問。這個想法提出,這些交替的現實分別存在,但與我們自己的現實平行。在1975年的《現實的邊緣》中,瓦萊和海內克考慮了他們所說的「連鎖宇宙」的可能性。

圖:雅克·瓦萊博士和艾倫博士。 J Hynek 參與藍皮書計劃

Hynek speculated that there might exist alternate universes with different quantum rules or vibration rates. He suggested that our own space-time continuum could be a mere slice of a universe with many more dimensions. Drawing an analogy, he compared it to the challenge of convincing an aborigine that TV pictures were passing through the room at that very moment. Similarly, he proposed that interlocking universes could potentially exist right here alongside ours, challenging the notion of them being located elsewhere.


In Vallée’s book “Passport to Magonia: On UFOs, Folklore, and Parallel Worlds,” published in 1969, he put forth the idea of a parallel universe coexisting with our own. He reiterated this concept in subsequent writings, outlining his objections to the extraterrestrial origin hypothesis of unidentified flying objects (UFOs). These objections included the abundance of unexplained close encounters exceeding the requirements for a physical survey of Earth, the unlikely humanoid body structure of alleged “aliens” for interstellar travel, the contradicting behavior reported in abduction accounts, the historical evidence of UFO phenomena throughout recorded human history, and the suggestive abilities of UFOs to manipulate space and time, hinting at alternative possibilities.

在1969年出版的 Vallée 的《通往馬戈尼亞的護照:不明飛行物、民俗和平行世界》一書中,他提出了平行宇宙與我們自己的宇宙共存的想法。他在隨後的著作中重申了這個概念,概述了他對不明飛行物地外起源假說的反對意見。這些反對意見包括大量無法解釋的近距離接觸,超過了對地球進行物理調查的要求,所謂的「外星人」在星際旅行中不太可能有人形身體結構,綁架事件中報導的相互衝突的行為,有記錄的人類歷史上不明飛行物現象的歷史證據,不明飛行物操縱空間和時間的暗示能力,暗示了其他可能性。

A study published on ResearchGate proposes the existence of an interdimensional membrane acting as a barrier between dimensions, with unstable entrances in the form of interdimensional tunnels. These tunnels would unpredictably wander between hyper-surfaces, and anyone caught in their entrance could potentially travel to dimensions beyond the fourth, as permitted by the laws of physics within our four-dimensional universe. Singularities and horizons would be absent in these tunnels, allowing for exploration of higher-dimensional realms.

發表在 ResearchGate 上的一項研究提出,存在一種作為維度之間屏障的跨維膜,其入口以跨維隧道的形式不穩定。這些隧道將不可預測地在超表面之間徘徊,任何被困在隧道入口處的人都有可能穿越到第四維度之外的維度,這是我們四維宇宙中物理定律所允許的。奇異性和視界將在這些隧道中消失,從而允許探索更高維度的領域。

One of the first reports suggesting UFOs are interdimensional comes from the FBI vault. Memo 6751 acknowledges the existence of an alien presence. Former FBI officer John DeSouza, the author of “The Extra-Dimensionals: True Tales and Concepts of Alien Visitors,” points to the memorandum as a significant document in UFOlogy.


圖:備忘錄 6751 的片段

According to the report, among other species, we are visited by creatures not only from other planets but from other dimensions as well. In particular, they are from the etheric plane coexisting with our physical Universe, materialized entities that appeared as translucent giants.


The information presented in the memo aligns with the Interdimensional Hypothesis, which suggests that UFOs originate from other dimensions rather than extraterrestrial locations. The memo mentions several characteristics that support this idea. The claim that attacking a UFO would likely result in the destruction of the attacking plane indicates advanced defensive capabilities beyond our understanding.


The mention of different types of occupants or remote control capabilities implies the presence of beings or entities from other dimensions. Reports of UFOs using radiant energy or rays to disintegrate attacking ships suggest highly advanced technology.


The ability of UFOs to disappear without leaving any trace indicates their potential to traverse dimensions or manipulate visibility. While UFOs may not be reachable by conventional radio, their potential detectability through radar hints at unconventional communication systems. These elements, dating back to the Roswell incident in 1947, contribute to the foundation of the Interdimensional Hypothesis for the origins of UFOs.


Then Why Do UFOs Crash?

Jacques Vallee’s perspective on UFO crashes is quite different from the conventional belief that they are accidental events. He suggests that these crashes are intentional occurrences with a specific purpose orchestrated by the mysterious visitors. (Source:https://anomalien.com/scientist-explain-why-advanced-ufos-can-crash-to-earth-its-intentional/)

雅克-瓦利(Jacques Vallee)對 UFO 墜毀事件的看法與人們認為它們是偶然事件的傳統觀念大相徑庭。他認為,這些墜毀事件是由神秘訪客精心策劃的,具有特定目的的蓄意事件。

Vallee first highlights the weak and contradictory nature of the evidence surrounding UFO crashes. He claims that many alleged crash sites have not been properly investigated or verified by independent experts. Furthermore, he questions the credibility of witnesses and whistleblowers who claim to have encountered alien bodies or debris, suggesting that they may be unreliable or have ulterior motives.


In addition, Vallee argues that the physical characteristics of the supposed alien craft and materials defy the laws of physics and engineering. Rather than attributing these anomalies to our lack of understanding, he proposes that they result from a deliberate manipulation of human perception by the UFO intelligence.


According to Vallee, the purpose of the UFO crashes is not direct communication with humanity but rather the creation of a complex and enigmatic scenario that challenges our assumptions and beliefs about reality. He suggests that these crashes serve as catalysts, evoking various reactions from different groups of people, such as curiosity, fear, awe, skepticism, denial, or fascination. Vallee views these reactions as part of an ongoing experiment conducted by the UFO intelligence on human consciousness and culture, potentially holding profound implications for our future evolution.

瓦利認為,UFO墜毀的目的並不是與人類直接交流,而是創造一個複雜而神秘的場景,挑戰我們對現實的假設和信念。他認為,這些墜毀事件就像催化劑,喚起了不同人群的各種反應,如好奇、恐懼、敬畏、懷疑、否認或著迷。瓦利認為,這些反應是 UFO 情報機構對人類意識和文化進行的持續實驗的一部分,可能對我們未來的進化產生深遠影響。

Read also:

▪︎ Man Worked In Antarctica Saw Powerful Machines To Contact Alien Crafts In Deep Space
▪ ︎ 人類在南極洲工作時看到了與深空外星飛船聯繫的強大機器

▪︎ Las Vegas UFO Crash Is Real, Claims Man Worked For NYPD: 10-Foot Alien Terrified Witness
▪ ︎ 一名為紐約警察局工作的男子稱,拉斯維加斯不明飛行物墜毀是真實的:10英尺高的外星人嚇壞了目擊者

▪︎ Ex-CIA Officer Encountered With Reptilian Alien; Says Reptilian Race Walking Among Us
▪ ︎ 前中央情報局官員遭遇外星爬行動物; 爬蟲類動物在我們中間行走

▪︎ Whitley Strieber’s Alien Abduction & Stranger Who Told Him ‘Mankind Is Trapped
▪ ︎ 惠特利‧斯特裏伯的外星人綁架案 & 告訴他「人類被困」的陌生人

Vallee acknowledges that he does not know the ultimate goal or motive of the UFO intelligence. However, he asserts that it is neither hostile nor benevolent but rather indifferent to our welfare. He cautions against interpreting the UFO phenomenon solely based on our own expectations or desires and urges maintaining an open-minded and critical approach.


Ultimately, Vallee advocates for the development of a new scientific paradigm that can encompass the multidimensional nature of reality and accommodate the possibility of other forms of intelligence and consciousness beyond our own.


Experiencing Another Dimension

On Jesse Michels’ show, Vallee discusses a very strange UFO case that includes experiencing another dimension by the witness. Valle said: “There was one case in San Jose. A woman had seen something over her house. It was a big disc, and I say, ‘How big was it?’ And she says, ‘Well, it was about the same size as her house. It was, you know, just like that.’ Then I say, ‘Well, when you went inside, you said, uh, you know, there was this being, and the being took you on a staircase.’ I say, ‘Where did the staircase go?’ Well, the staircase went up the side of this big round room. I say, ‘How would you compare it?’ Well, like a movie house, you know, like an M5 theater. I said, ‘That’s bigger than your house.'”

在傑西-米歇爾斯的節目中,瓦利討論了一個非常奇怪的 UFO 案例,其中包括目擊者經歷了另一個空間。瓦利說"在聖何塞有一個案例。一個女人在她家上空看到了一些東西。那是一個大圓盤,我問:'有多大?'她說,'嗯,和她家房子差不多大。你知道,就像那樣。'然後我說,'嗯,當你進去的時候,你說,呃,你知道,有一個存在,那個存在帶你上了一個樓梯。'我說,'樓梯通向哪裡?'嗯,樓梯通往這個大圓房間的側面。我說,'你怎麼比較它?'嗯,就像電影院,你知道的,就像M5影院。我說,'那比你家還大'" 。

A similar incident was also shared by an American attorney Daniel Sheehan soon after Grusch’s interview. Daily Mail reported: “A crashed UFO recovered by the US military ‘distorted space-time’ and was ‘bigger on the inside’, claims a top attorney involved in bringing UFO whistleblowers to Congress.”

Grusch 接受採訪後不久,美國律師 Daniel Sheehan 也分享了類似的事件。《每日郵報》報導:“一名參與將不明飛行物舉報人帶到國會的高級律師聲稱,美國軍方發現的一個墜毀的不明飛行物'扭曲了時空','內部更大'。”

The newspaper further writes, “Daniel Sheehan says he was told the mind-boggling tale by a whistleblower who allegedly took part in an illegally-undisclosed program retrieving crashed non-human spacecraft – and who has now briefed Senate Intelligence Committee staff.”


Sheehan described an account told to him by an insider of a crash retrieval program. According to Sheehan’s account, the recovery involved a 30-foot saucer partially embedded in the earth. When attempts were made to pull it out using a bulldozer, the saucer detached in a pie slice-like shape, revealing its construction.

希恩描述了一個墜機回收計劃的內部人員告訴他的情況。根據希恩的描述,在回收過程中,一個 30 英尺長的飛碟部分嵌入土中。當試圖用推土機將其拉出時,飛碟呈餅狀脫離,暴露了它的構造。

Sheehan mentioned that a person entered the saucer, and inside, it was described as being as large as a football stadium, causing disorientation and nausea. He also stated that there were time and space distortions associated with the craft. However, Sheehan did not provide specific details such as the location or date of the incident, nor did he offer any evidence to support the claims.


It is important to note that the lack of specific information, documentation, and photographs has led skeptics to question the credibility of such stories about off-world UFOs stored by secret government programs. However, some military intelligence officials have voiced support for Sheehan’s claims, pointing out that the insider who came forward with the information has put themselves at risk by submitting their claims to the Department of Defense and Intelligence Community Inspector Generals under penalty of perjury.


