PATRIOT ALERT! This is why we unplug our TVs and computers every night!(愛國者警報!這就是我們每晚拔掉電視和電腦插頭的原因!)

PATRIOT ALERT! This is why we unplug our TVs and computers every night!(愛國者警報!這就是我們每晚拔掉電視和電腦插頭的原因!)

來源:State of the Nation(國情咨文)

Posted on January 19, 2024
by State of the Nation
發佈於 2024 年 1 月 19 日

INFRASONIC WEAPONRY:The Attacks Are Now Coming From Every Direction


SOTN Editor’s Note: Every person on the planet needs to become aware of the pervasiveness and extreme dangers associated with Infrasonic Weaponry… especially if they are vaxxed.

SOTN 編者按:地球上的每一個人都需要了解與次聲波武器相關的普遍性和極端危險性.......尤其是如果他們打過疫苗的話。

However, it’s also important for folks to understand that these highly advanced frequency weapons are prominently integrated into a much more complex Quaternary Weapon System.

然而,同樣重要的是,人們要明白,這些高度先進的頻率武器已被整合到一個更為複雜的 "第四武器系統"(Quaternary Weapon System)中。

NWO Terrorists Strategically Activating Their Quaternary Weapon System Throughout 2024(新世界秩序組織恐怖分子在整個 2024 年戰略性地啟動他們的第四武器系統)

Of course, the ultimate and immediate goal of the New World Order globalist cabal is to incapacitate and/or debilitate physically and psychologically as many people in the world as possible in advance of their absurdly impossible Great Reset.  In short, they want all of US sufficiently zombified so we cannot put up any resistance to their daffy One World Government implementation plan.

當然,《新世界秩序》全球主義陰謀集團的最終和直接目標是讓世界上盡可能多的人喪失能力和/或在身體和心理上衰弱,以提前實現他們荒唐的、不可能實現的"大 重啟"。 簡而言之,他們想讓所有美國人都被殭屍化,這樣我們就無法對他們愚蠢的 "一個世界政府 "實施計劃進行任何抵抗。

BEWARE! The Zombie Apocalypse is their PLANdemic B(當心!殭屍啟示錄是他們的 B 計畫)


State of the Nation
January 18, 2024

2024 年 1 月 18 日

N.B. The following exposé fleshes out the skeleton of the most recent version of this “Infrasonic Weaponry” scheme to manipulate and mind control every person on Earth.

附註:以下揭露的內容充實了最新版 "次聲波武器" 計畫的骨架,該計畫旨在操縱和控制地球上的每一個人。


Latest gift from a twisted tyrant

Obama’s movie is a sonic weapon designed to trigger the release of poison hidden in your COVID jab

歐巴馬的電影是一種聲波武器,旨在觸發釋放隱藏在你的 COVID 疫苗中的毒藥

Rumble’s rave review: “Don’t watch ‘Leave the World Behind’ unless you want a miserable experience that has no satisfying conclusion.”

Rumble 的好評:"不要看《把世界拋在後面》,除非你想有個悲慘的經歷,沒有令人滿意的結局"。

By John Kaminski

You remember Barack Obama, I’m sure. He’s the president who never left office, they say. In fact, some say he’s still in office, animating that brittle, child-fondling ghoul known as Joe Biden from behind the scenes.

你一定還記得巴拉克-歐巴馬吧。據說,他是一位從未卸任的總統。事實上,有人說他還在任上,在幕後策劃著那個叫喬-拜登(Joe Biden)的脆皮、愛撫孩子的食屍鬼。

Barack Obama was supposedly the first U.S. president of African descent. It was merely a cosmic coincidence that he ironically murdered the greatest leader Africa ever knew, who was Muammar Gaddafi, beloved leader of Libya’s direct democracy, the world’s freest country that made the U.S. look like a police state by comparison.

據說,巴拉克-歐巴馬是第一位非裔美國總統。他謀殺了非洲有史以來最偉大的領導人穆阿邁爾-卡扎菲(Muammar Gaddafi),這不過是宇宙的巧合,卡扎菲是利比亞直接民主制度下備受愛戴的領導人,利比亞是世界上最自由的國家,與之相比,美國就像一個警察國家。

You surely remember the scene of him sitting there with his grand witch by his side as she chuckled, modifying Julius Caesar’s famous line, “We came, we saw, he died,” as they viewed the video of Gaddafi being raped in the streets of his capital after it had been shredded by Obama’s ‘no-fly’ zone.

你肯定還記得他和他身邊的大巫婆坐在一起的場景,她笑著修改了凱撒大帝的名言:"我們來了,我們看到了,他死了。"他們觀看了卡扎菲被奧巴馬的 "禁飛區" 摧毀後在首都街頭被強姦的影片。

The handpicked Democratic darling Obama also ordered the killing of Osama bin Laden, the falsely fabricated Al-Qaeda terrorist blamed by some for the 9/11 attacks. Osama’s highly publicized murder by Seal Team 6 helped Obama get re-elected back in 2012. The sudden death of all but one of the Seal Team 6 team in a staged helicopter crash shortly thereafter helped conceal the fact that the original bin Laden had died back in 2001.

民主黨欽點的寵兒歐巴馬還下令擊斃烏薩馬-本-拉登,有些人指責他是虛假捏造的 "基地" 組織恐怖分子,製造了911襲擊事件。奧薩馬被海豹六隊殺害的消息廣為人知,並幫助歐巴馬在2012年成功連任。此後不久,海豹 6 隊除一人外全部猝死於一場偽造的直升機墜毀事件,這有助於掩蓋本-拉登原型早在 2001 年就已死亡的事實。

Obama and Osama, I get them both confused. One is a famous terrorist while the other is the son of a Saudi construction magnate who died of kidney disease in Abu Dhabi, as reported by the reputable Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram.


Sociologically, Barack Obama’s most significant historical achievement toward the conversion of the USA into a mentally mutilated sanitarium was his marriage to a man whom everyone claimed was a woman and who now is even contemplating a run for president her/himself. Check your pronouns at the door.


Most recently, some police beat veteran reporters have added a new notch in Obama’s lethal legacy after the sudden drowning of a former White House chef in a cove near the ex-president’s plush Martha’s Vineyard hideaway, but circumstances of this odd disaster remain unconfirmed, so connecting the former president to this fatality would be unfairly premature.


But what might add a formidable number of casualties to the Obama death toll roster could just be a sound in a new Netflix movie which under certain circumstances supposedly could actually kill the people who hear it.

不過,有可能為歐巴馬死亡人數花名冊增添可觀傷亡人數的,可能只是 Netflix 新電影中的一種聲音,據說在某些情況下,聽到這種聲音的人可能真的會因此喪命。

Actually, the sound resembles the collective scream of desperate human beings uttering the final cry of their fruitless existence, soon to echo throughout the land, if not the world.



The newest death technology

Can a sound from a movie trigger molecules of poison you received when you took the COVID jab to burst and release a deadly poison and even worse, possibly then turn you into a zombie?

電影中的一個聲音就能觸發你在注射 COVID 時接受的毒藥分子爆裂並釋放出致命的毒藥,甚至更糟的是,還可能把你變成殭屍?

This latest gift from your ex-president is potentially a real killer.


But before I tell you about the movie from hell, let me tell you about Todd Callender. I wish I could have the same kind of street cred as this brave lawyer/helicopter pilot because when you click his name the link it leads to won’t let you go there without changing your security settings. Try it yourself.

但在我向你們介紹這部地獄電影之前,請容許我向你們介紹托德-卡倫德(Todd Callender)。 我希望我也能像這位勇敢的律師/直升機駕駛員一樣擁有街頭信譽,因為當你點擊他的名字時,如果不更改安全設置,鏈接將不會讓你進入。自己試試看。

Todd Callender  is an American lawyer. He has worked in the disability, health and life insurance industry for more than 20 years and focuses on the international convergence of biomedical, morbidity and mortality risks in the global legal context.  He currently serves as lead plaintiff’s counsel in the ongoing federal litigation relating to the compulsory covid vaccination of members of the US Armed Services.

托德-卡倫德是美國律師。他在殘疾、健康和人壽保險行業工作了 20 多年,專注於全球法律背景下生物醫學、發病率和死亡率風險的國際整合。目前,他是正在進行的美國武裝部隊成員強制接種 Covid 疫苗聯邦訴訟案的首席原告律師。

Using patents and government research, Callender explained that using 5G to trigger the release of a previously injected pathogen has already been explored and tested, and in the US the legal instruments to deal with a Marburg pandemic are already in place.

卡倫德利用專利和政府研究解釋說,利用 5G 觸發釋放先前注射過的病原體的做法已經過探索和測試,在美國,應對馬爾堡大流行的法律文件已經到位。

“We were directed to a litany of papers that make reference to the use of 18 gigahertz signals and the 5G system to cause the swelling of lipid nanoparticles … Three one-minute blasts, it’s called a pulse, cause the lipid nanoparticles to swell.

"我們查閱了一連串的論文,其中提到使用 18 千兆赫信號和 5G 系統來引起奈米脂質顆粒的膨脹......三次一分鐘的爆炸,它被稱為脈衝,會引起奈米脂質顆粒的膨脹。

“In the hydrogel in the kill shots, as I call them, for covid there are some commonalities. Those commonalities were the use of lipid nanoparticles to carry synthetic DNA and RNA to reprogram people’s bodies.

"在我所說的水凝膠致命一擊中,covid 有一些共同點。這些共同點是使用脂質奈米顆粒攜帶合成 DNA 和 RNA 來重新編程人們的身體。

“These same lipid nanoparticles were filled with all kinds of different pathogens. It wasn’t just three different types of HIV proteins. It wasn’t just the spike proteins. It wasn’t just the coronavirus. It was these strange chimeric diseases … part viral part bacterial – staphylococcus Ebola, Marburg, E.coli.”

"這些相同的脂質奈米顆粒充滿了各種不同的病原體。不僅僅是三種不同類型的愛滋病毒蛋白。不僅僅是刺突蛋蛋白。不僅僅是冠狀病毒。而是這些奇怪的嵌合疾病.. ....一部分是病毒,一部分是細菌 -- 伊波拉葡萄球菌、馬堡病毒、大腸桿菌"。

Of all the great heroes in the ongoing battle to expose the COVID scam, Todd Callender ranks right at the top. He has been interviewed by everyone, and in those interviews he has said repeatedly . . .

在揭露 COVID 騙局的持續戰鬥中,托德-卡倫德是所有英雄中的佼佼者。他接受了所有人的採訪,在這些採訪中,他一再表示....

The Marburg virus has a high fatality rate. Inside lipid nanoparticles, the hydrogel, there exist pathogens (that) have not yet opened . . . E. coli, marburg, ebola staphylococcus . . .

馬爾堡病毒的致死率很高。在脂質奈米顆粒、水凝膠內部,存在著尚未開放的病原體...。大腸桿菌、馬堡病毒、伊波拉葡萄球菌 ....

We know from the broadcast of the 5G system, when they broadcast an 18 gHz signal for one minute 3 different times, it will cause these lipid nanoparticles to swell and release the pathogenic contents, thereby causing a Marburg epidemic that they’ve already spent the money on.

我們從 5G 系統的廣播中了解到,當他們播放 18 千兆赫信號一分鐘,播放 3 次不同的頻率時,就會導致這些奈米脂質顆粒膨脹並釋放出病原體內容物,從而引發他們已經花錢購買的馬爾堡疫情。

Then, almost in passing, he mentions something about a . . .


. . . 1p36 gene deletion that will turn those poor people into zombies . . .

. . . 1p36 基因缺失會把那些可憐的人變成殭屍....

Before I join the analysis of Obama’s movie, I have to mention Katherine Watt, who adds yet another dimension to this story, but because it is so complex already it will have to wait for a separate story. But in case you want to jump ahead . . .

在分析歐巴馬的電影之前,我必須先提到凱瑟琳-瓦特(Katherine Watt),她為這個故事增添了另一個維度,但由於這個故事已經非常複雜,只能等另一篇報道了。不過,如果你想跳過去的話..........

Katherine Watt Exposes DOD ‘Kill Box’ Against Humanity using public health laws to carry out a military campaign
凱瑟琳-瓦特(Katherine Watt)揭露國防部利用公共衛生法進行軍事行動的 "殺人魔盒"。

So now, without further ado, we can get to the main point of this sorry tale, which is the Netflix movie of which the executive producers are none other than Barack and Michelle “Big Mike” Obama, perhaps past, present and future presidents.

現在,話不多說,我們可以進入這個令人遺憾的故事的重點,那就是 Netflix 電影,其執行製片人正是巴拉克-奧巴馬(Barack Obama)和米歇爾-"大麥克"-奧巴馬 (Michelle "Big Mike" Obama),也許是過去、現在和未來的總統。


Sonic violence

When podcasters, Bonnie and John Mitchell of AwakenVideo uploaded the new, dystopian Netflix disaster thriller, ‘Leave the World Behind’ into their editing program, they were surprised to find four soundtracks, instead of one, something they had never seen before. One of these four audio tracks is inaudible to humans, because it’s entirely in the infrasonic range.

當 AwakenVideo 的播客邦妮和約翰-米切爾將 Netflix 新推出的反烏托邦災難驚悚片《把世界拋在後面》上傳到他們的編輯程式中時,他們驚訝地發現四首配樂,而不是一首,這是他們以前從未見過的。這四個音軌中,有一個是人類聽不到的,因為它完全在次聲波範圍內。

The video of their Dec. 22 livestream is on Rumble; you can download it yourself.

他們 12 月 22 日的直播影片已在 Rumble 上發布,您可以自行下載。

Leave the world behind: Hidden Mind control audio files
found in Netflix/Obama film

在 Netflix/歐巴馬電影中發現

“The Obama movie is satanic ritual abuse,” Bonnie said, “mind control weaponry with an infrasonic wave, not audible to human ears.”


Both Mitchells repeated how surprised they were at discovering the movie had four different audio files. Despite many years of experience it was the first time they had ever seen this in a movie file.


The psychoacoustic effect of infrasonic, sonic and ultrasonic frequencies within non-lethal military warfare techniques clearly influences humans psychologically.


Sonic violence and acoustic trauma are not sci-fi concepts suggested for a distant future. In fact, they’re already here and can inflict effects from hearing loss to traumatic brain injury.


This analysis of Infrasonic frequencies was generated by Ryan Littlefield of officially published by the University of Portsmouth in England. The Mitchells write:

這份關於次聲波頻率的分析報告由 的 Ryan Littlefield 生成,並由英國朴茨茅斯大學正式發表。米切爾夫婦寫道:

The term ‘infrasound’ defines itself as the inaudible frequency rate below the human bandwidth of around 20 Hz. When discussing infrasound it’s often associated with acts of nature, sources such as the Fuego volcano in Guatemala emitted 120 decibels of infrasonic sounds ranging around 10 Hz that humans could never consciously hear.

‘’次聲波"一詞的定義是低於人類頻寬(約20 赫茲)的不可聽頻率。在討論次聲波時,人們通常會將其與大自然的行為聯繫在一起,例如危地馬拉的富埃戈火山就會發出 120 分貝的次聲波,頻率在10 赫茲左右,而人類永遠無法有意識地聽到這些次聲波。

This kind of sound is used by dictatorships like ours to stifle public dissent aiming, the generals say, to produce “war without death”, only a terrified public fleeing for their lives from zombie cops just following orders. These are sounds that animals can probably hear but humans cannot.

將軍們說,這種聲音被像我們這樣的獨裁政權用來扼殺公眾的不同意見,目的是製造 "沒有死亡的戰爭",只有驚恐萬分的公眾在逃命,而殭屍警察只是奉命行事。這些聲音動物可能聽得到,但人類聽不到。

The Mitchells claim to have discovered pneumonic mind control around 2012-13 “because we were not using cellphones and being programmed.


“We discovered it because we’re not under the mind control, not being hit by the constant pulsing of these devices and that’s what allows us to see these things.


“This is psychotropic warfare imperceptible to the ear, capable of extensive physical and behavioral control, a prevalent theme of conspiracy theorists and mind control victims.”


Basically, the techniques are used for the artificial implantation of fear, acoustic psycho direction to suppress riots, control dissidents, demoralize or disable opposing forces, as well as transmitting specific commands via static or white noise.


Bonnie explained the danger of the movie produced by the Obamas. “Number 4 track is infrasonic. It is in fact an audio weapon and a danger to anyone listening to it in the audience.”

邦妮解釋了歐巴馬夫婦製作的電影的危險性。" 4 號軌道是次聲波。它實際上是一種音頻武器,對觀眾中的任何收聽者都是一種危險"。

“The Obama movie is satanic ritual abuse,” Bonnie said, “mind control weaponry with an infrasonic wave, not audible to human ears.”


The sounds you hear in this movie took the actors by surprise. They didn’t have to act to demonstrate the distress these sounds caused.

你在這部電影中聽到的聲音讓演員們大吃一驚。 他們不需要表演就能表現出這些聲音帶來的痛苦。

“It vibrates our whole body, the physical body just can’t take it,” Bonnie explained. “One minute and 16 seconds, this is the weapon used in the movie, a low rumbling, you can’t actually hear it but your body can feel it.”

"邦妮解釋說:它震動了我們的全身,身體根本無法承受"。1 分 16 秒,這是電影中使用的武器、"低沉的隆隆聲","你聽不到,但你的身體能感覺到"。

“The low frequency sound makes your organs vibrate.”


The Obama movie, she explained, shows the collapse of the United States.


The sound causes a reaction in the vaccinated blood, precipitating the reaction explained by Callender releasing the deadly pathogens hidden in the jab.


Acoustic trauma through sonic violence

The Mitchells refer to a recent event called the Havana syndrome in which Americans were subjected to acoustic trauma through sonic violence. Bonnie Mitchell tried to explain it with phrases like “sounds animals can hear but humans cannot: “vertigo, imbalance, incapacitation and uncontrollable defecation.”

米切爾夫婦提到了最近發生的一起名為 "哈瓦那綜合症" 的事件,在這起事件中,美國人受到了聲波暴力造成的聲波創傷。邦妮-米切爾試圖用 "動物能聽到而人類聽不到的聲音" 這樣的短語來解釋:"眩暈、失衡、喪失能力和無法控制的排便"。

Thus our demise begins with a movie about the end of the world, actually, perhaps, beginning the end of the world.


The zombification of America has already taken place. The stage was set by decades of watching television.


Then by decades of false wars and economic swindles climaxing in the 9/11 false narrative which forced people to believe in things that were not true. The 9/11 coverup made the COVID disaster possible.

然後是數十年的假戰爭和經濟詐騙,最後以 9/11 的虛假敘述達到高潮,迫使人們相信那些不真實的事情。 9/11 事件的掩蓋使得 COVID 災難成為可能。

And now that COVID has made the endless slaughter in Gaza and the black invasions of the white countries not only possible but already happening, and maybe just maybe, when some inaudible trigger mechanism releases a disease that cannot be cured or a bomb that cannot be defused makes not only World War 3 possible but also the extermination of most of but maybe all of the world’s population possible . . .

現在,COVID 使加薩無休止的屠殺和黑人對白人國家的入侵不僅成為可能,而且已經發生,也許只是也許,當某種聽不見的觸發機制釋放出一種無法治癒的疾病或無法拆除的炸彈時 ,不僅第三次世界大戰可能發生,而且滅絕世界上大多數人,也許是所有的人都可能發生........................ ..

The infrasound immersion is the sound of your extinction. It is the sound of death you will not hear as your audio gets turned off for the last time.


Executive producers? Barry and Big Mike Obama, prominent homosexual fraudsters.


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