Benjamin Fulford Report: Biden Trump debate psy-ops causes Kool Aid drinkers’ heads to explode – July 1, 2024(本傑明-富爾福德報告:拜登-特朗普辯論心理戰導致酷愛飲酒者的頭爆炸 - 2024年7月1日)

Benjamin Fulford Report: Biden Trump debate psy-ops causes Kool Aid drinkers’ heads to explode – July 1, 2024(本傑明-富爾福德報告:拜登-特朗普辯論心理戰導致酷愛飲酒者的頭爆炸 - 2024年7月1日)

來源:Prepare For Change

By Edward Morgan - July 4, 2024
經由:愛德華-摩根報導 -- 2024年7月4日

In a military-grade psychological warfare operation equivalent to a nuclear bomb, the so-called debate between US President Donald Trump and fake President Joe Biden destroyed the entire Democratic Party paradigm. This caused brainwashed Kool-Aid drinkers believing Joe Biden was actually president to freak out big time. Since this is all over the blogosphere we will not delve too deeply into their reaction. Instead, we have inserted a bunch of clips of Khazarian Mafia talking heads exploding on air. My personal favorite is an obviously drunk Nancy Pelosi appearing on TV to cling to the illusion Biden will somehow stay as president.

在一場相當於核彈的軍事級心理戰行動中,美國總統唐納德-川普和假總統喬-拜登之間的所謂辯論摧毀了整個民主黨的範式。這讓那些相信喬拜登真的是總統的被洗腦的 "酷愛者" 們抓狂不已。由於此事已在部落格圈傳得沸沸揚揚,我們就不對他們的反應進行過多的深入探討了。取而代之的是,我們插入了一些可薩黑手黨發言人在直播中爆炸的片段。我個人最喜歡的是明顯喝醉了的南希-佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)出現在電視上,堅持拜登會以某種方式留任總統的幻想。

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We also noticed the New York Times put out a panicked editorial saying basically “We have got to get someone other than Biden to front for us or else Trump is going to have us all killed.”


The debate psy-ops shows the avatar playing the role of “Biden” was likely coopted by the white hats to deliberately show the world he was mentally incompetent and unfit for office.

從辯論的心理戰中可以看出,扮演 "拜登" 角色的化身很可能是被白帽子們收買的,目的是故意向世人展示他精神不健全,不適合擔任公職。

Here is a typical example of the sort of reaction this debate has provoked:


Now that “Joe Biden” has been revealed as a hoax president, whole legions of public officials appear liable to criminal charges of the most serious degree: sedition, treason, mass murder, fraud, malfeasance, and in the case of the president himself, influence peddling and bribery. They must be desperate to avoid accounting for all that, losing their accrued fortunes to legal fees and going to prison (or worse). For example, outed just this week: news that then-CIA Director in 2020, Gina Haspel, knew about and participated in the infamous operation using 51 former Intel officers to cover up the veracity of Hunter Biden’s laptop days before the election. They knew the laptop was real. Their colleagues over at the FBI knew it was real.

既然 "喬-拜登" 被揭穿是個騙人的總統,那麼一大批公職人員似乎都有可能受到最嚴重的刑事指控:煽動叛亂、叛國、大屠殺、欺詐、瀆職,就總統本人而言,還包括影響力兜售和賄賂。他們一定很想避免交代這一切,避免因訴訟費和入獄(或更糟)而失去累積的財富。例如,本週剛曝光的消息稱,2020 年時任中情局局長吉娜-哈斯佩爾(Gina Haspel)知道並參與了大選前幾天利用 51 名前英特爾官員掩蓋亨特-拜登(Hunter Biden)筆記型電腦真實性的臭名昭著的行動。他們知道筆記型電腦是真的。他們在聯邦調查局的同事也知道這是真的。

The bigger story is this means a defeat for the Rockefeller/Obama/Hitler bloodline of the KM. That is because anybody who is aware knows “Biden” was a front for Barack “Thunder of Satan” Obama Hitler.

更重要的是,這意味著洛克斐勒/歐巴馬/希特勒血統的KM(可薩黑手黨)的失敗。這是因為任何知情人都知道 "拜登" 是 "撒旦之雷" 歐巴馬-希特勒的幌子。

What they do not realize is just how horrific the plans of this Nazi faction of the KM really were. A German whistleblower, Dr, Aysteha Enukuha Dominykas- an engineer involved in building underground bases throughout Germany- reveals part of the story. She says former Chancellor Angela Merkel Hitler had underground bunkers built in each major German city. A bunker she worked on was set up to house 200,000 soldiers and 16,000 support staff including Wahhabi Muslim preachers and sex workers. The facilities were equipped with Mosques but not Churches, she notes.

他們沒有意識到的是,KM(可薩黑手黨)這個納粹派別的計畫到底有多可怕。德國舉報人艾斯特哈-埃努庫哈-多明卡斯博士 -- 一位參與在德國各地建造地下基地的工程師 -- 披露了部分故事。她說,前總理梅克爾-希特勒在德國各大城市都建造了地下掩體。她參與建造的一個地堡可容納 20 萬名士兵和 16,000 名輔助人員,其中包括瓦哈比穆斯林傳教士和性工作者。她指出,這些設施配備了清真寺,但沒有教堂。

This is why the KM paid millions of military-aged Muslim males to enter Germany during and after Merkel’s rule. The plan was to use them to “eliminate at least 15 million Germans, predominantly old and economically weak, without mercy,” she says.

這就是為什麼在梅克爾執政期間和之後,KM(可薩黑手黨)出資讓數百萬適齡穆斯林男性進入德國。她說,計劃是利用他們 "毫不留情地消滅至少 1500 萬德國人,其中主要是老年人和經濟弱者"。

It was probably for her role in implementing this plan that Barack Hitler gave his cousin Angela Hitler the Presidential Medal of Freedom; the highest United States medal that can be awarded to non-American civilians.


It is a safe bet that at least 7.4 military-aged foreign illegal immigrants brought in by the Obama/Biden regime were going to implement a similar mass murder and enslavement operation in the United States.

可以肯定的是,歐巴馬/拜登政權帶來的至少 7.4 名軍齡外國非法移民將在美國實施類似的大屠殺和奴役行動。

Although this plan was scheduled to start in 2016, it was delayed by the election of Donald Trump and only restarted with the Obiden regime in 2021.


To understand why the people behind the Obiden administration fear execution with the return of Trump, take a look at the expressions of the Obamas and Clintons at the 2018 funeral of George Bush Sr. They had just been given copies of the confession Bush signed before he was executed and given notice to expect the same.

要理解奧比登政府的幕後黑手為何害怕川普復出後執行死刑,不妨看看奧巴馬夫婦和克林頓夫婦在 2018 年老布希葬禮上的表情,他們剛剛拿到布希被處死前簽署的供詞副本,並被告知會有同樣的結果。


This is what prompted the massive KM counter-attack that resulted in the Obiden administration, the attempted democide by vaccine and the rush to hire foreign illegal immigrant bodyguards.


In any case, the implosion of Biden at the debate led to a flurry of back-channel negotiations. The KM offered the white hats a proposal to install Gavin Newsom as an alternative to Biden. However, as far as they can tell, Newsom is an AI avatar used by the Silicon Valley branch of the KM and is not seen as acceptable. US public opinion polls also confirm he is a non-starter.

無論如何,拜登在辯論中的內訌導致了一連串的幕後談判。KM(可薩黑手黨)向白帽黨提出建議,讓加文-紐森(Gavin Newsom)出任拜登的替代人選。然而,據他們所知,紐森是KM(可薩黑手黨)組織矽谷分部使用的人工智慧化身,並不被接受。美國的民調也證實他是個不受歡迎的人。

Attempts to offer Michelle “Big Mike” Obama, a “Hillary Clinton” avatar looking 30 years younger, Kamala Harris, etc. as substitutes for Biden were also all nixed. The bottom line was the KM said they would accept anyone but Trump.

試圖用米歇爾-"大麥克"-歐巴馬、年輕 30 歲的 "希拉蕊-柯林頓" 頭像、卡馬拉-哈里斯等人取代拜登的想法也都被否決了。底線是KM(可薩黑手黨)表示,除了川普,他們誰都可以接受。

In the end they agreed to accept


Colonel Douglas MacGregor as interim head of State. MacGregor himself, in the brilliant speech below, calls for new elections to be held immediately. In it, he notes:


destructive executive orders and policy directives, many of which were likely signed when President Biden was in a rapidly diminished state of mind, inflicted tremendous damage on our nation…It is time to ask, who truly governs this country? Is it we, the people, as our founders intended, or have we surrendered control to unelected bureaucrats, sprawling federal agencies, and affluent donors who do not have the best interests of ordinary Americans at heart?



To secure the blessings of liberty for this generation and those to come, we must reclaim the rightful sovereignty of the American people over a dysfunctional and unresponsive political establishment.


With today, July 1st, being Canada Day or Canada’s Independence Day and with US Independence Day on July 4th, the white hat alliance proposes making MacGregor interim leader of the new nation of the United States of North America.

今天,7 月 1 日是加拿大日或加拿大獨立日,7 月 4 日是美國獨立日,因此白帽聯盟提議任命麥克格雷戈為北美合眾國這個新國家的臨時領導人。

We note the “Q” site is saying a military lockdown is coming on July 4th so maybe this year finally, there will be a real independence day to celebrate for the first time since 1871. A military lockdown is going to be necessary if the swamp is to be drained and a new Republic to be started. 

我們注意到,"Q" 網站稱 7 月 4 日將實行軍事封鎖,因此,自 1871 年以來,也許今年終於可以第一次慶祝真正的獨立日了。如果要清除沼澤,建立一個新的共和國,軍事封鎖是必要的。

Take the example of Chicago to understand why the military is needed. In Chicago in 2023, police were unable to respond to more than half of calls made to 911 of a person being shot.

以芝加哥為例,我們就能理解為什麼需要軍隊。 2023 年的芝加哥,警方無法回應半數以上的 911 報警電話,即有人遭到槍擊。

In related news, the number of homeless Chicagoans tripled between January 2023 and January 2024 due to the huge influx of illegal immigrants.

在相關新聞中,由於非法移民的大量湧入,芝加哥無家可歸者的人數在 2023 年 1 月至 2024 年 1 月增加了兩倍。

In other words, only the military can deal with the large numbers of armed foreigners imported by the Obiden regime in an attempt to stay in power.


The “Q” people, of course, say Donald Trump is already Commander in Chief and President because he won the 2020 election. They say they would accept MacGregor as Field Marshall in charge of the US military.

當然,"阿 Q" 們說唐納德-特朗普已經是總司令和總統,因為他贏得了 2020 年大選。他們說,他們願意接受麥克格雷格擔任負責美國軍隊的元帥。

What is clear though is that no matter who takes power, a major Satanic infestation needs to be cleaned up. This is where the sudden “release” of whistleblower Julian Assange may play a role.

但顯而易見的是,無論誰掌權,都需要清除撒旦的重大侵擾。這就是檢舉人朱利安-阿桑奇突然 "出獄" 可能起到的作用。

We know the original Assange used to appear on the balcony of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London where he was taking shelter. Then he stopped appearing after the actress Pamela Anderson visited him in 2018 with a “birthday cake.” Later a story was concocted that he was grabbed and put in a UK jail. However, we sent people to visit the actual courts in the UK where Assange was supposed to be facing trial and he never appeared.

我們知道,最初的阿桑奇經常出現在他避難的厄瓜多爾駐倫敦大使館的陽台上。後來,在 2018 年女演員帕梅拉-安德森帶著 "生日蛋糕" 拜訪他之後,他就不再露面了。後來有人編造了他被抓進英國監獄的故事。然而,我們派人走訪了阿桑奇本應面臨審判的英國實際法庭,他從未露面。

Some white hat sources connected to “Q” are saying the person killed in 2018 was a body double and the very different-looking Assange now appearing in the media is the real deal.

一些與 "Q" 有關的白帽子消息人士稱,2018年被殺的人是替身,現在出現在媒體上的阿桑奇面目全非,才是真身。

As a part of this new show Assange’s supposed wife Stella spoke to the BBC in her Barbie pink sweater.

作為這個新節目的一部分,阿桑奇所謂的妻子史黛拉穿著芭比娃娃的粉紅色毛衣接受了 BBC 的採訪。

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“Have you ever seen a real human blink that much while talking?” a Canadian intelligence source comments.


Regardless, the important thing is to see if they start using the new Assange to release information to the general public about the KM. In particular, we need to see if he is used to disclose information about the industrial-scale murder and torture of children by the KM elite.

無論如何,重要的是看他們是否開始利用新的阿桑奇向公眾發布關於KM(可薩黑手黨)組織的資訊。尤其是,我們需要看看他是否被用來披露有關 KM 精英對兒童進行大規模謀殺和折磨的資訊。

Here as a reminder, is an email from John Podesta Rockefeller saying he plans to heat the pool because “Bonnie will be an Uber service to transport Ruby, Emerson and Maeve Luzzato (11, 9 and almost 7) so you’ll have some further entertainment.”

作為提醒,這裡有一封來自約翰-波德斯塔-洛克菲勒的電子郵件,說他計劃給游泳池加熱,因為 "邦妮將提供 Uber 服務,接送魯比、愛默生和梅芙-盧扎托( 11 歲、9 歲和快 7 歲了),這樣你們就有更多的娛樂了"。

Then there is the frazzledrip video of Hillary Clinton Rockefeller Hitler torturing a young girl to death by ripping the skin off her face etc. This sort of practice is widespread among the KM.


Next, take a look at the expression of Winfrey Oprah in this recently re-released old video of someone discussing adrenochrome on her show.


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In another example, according to a Pentagon source, the McDonald’s Logo is from the book of Black Magic and the letter ‘M’ in the Logo is a ‘Sigil’ (which is used as a Symbol in Black Magic).

另一個例子是,根據五角大廈的消息來源,麥當勞的標誌來自《黑魔法》一書,標誌中的字母 "M" 是一個 "Sigil"(在黑魔法中用作符號)。

“The McDonald’s Founder Raymond Albert Kroc was a 33° Freemason. That’s how he got the money to start his business. Kroc was also a High Priest in the Church Of Satan. McDonald’s has always had a close partnership because of the Masonic Brotherhood. Masons are closely connected to all charities involving children. The Golden Arch (in the Logo) itself is Masonic. It also represents the arch of Baal (a Satanic God whom the Cult worships).”

‘’麥當勞創辦人雷蒙德-阿爾伯特-克羅克是33 級共濟會會員。因此,他才有了創業的資金。克洛克也是撒旦教會的大祭司。由於共濟會兄弟會的關係,麥當勞一直保持著密切的合作關係。的撒旦神)的拱門"。

Then of course there is Disney. The Jeffrey Epstein & Disney connection just got more exposed. Here is a picture of a little girl being clutched at Disney next to Epstein who then shows up with Epstein again outside of Disney. Disney staged regular snorkeling trips to Epstein Island and Disney Cruise Ships stopped at Epstein Island



These examples are just the tip of the iceberg. Since 8 million children disappear worldwide every year, this is a huge problem involving an estimated one million Satanic practitioners.

這些例子只是冰山一角。全世界每年有 800 萬兒童失踪,因此這是一個涉及約 100 萬撒旦信徒的巨大問題。

So, the real reason for the widespread panic among the Obiden supporters is they fear mass execution for these crimes under Trump. That is why they are desperately seeking an alternative like MacGregor who might offer them truth and reconciliation instead of death.


In any case, as Russian President Vladimir Putin notes, the current US Corporate government owes the rest of the world more than $54 trillion. The St. Louis Fed and others also note they owe more than $200 trillion to their own citizens. What it means is the US cannot continue in its current form and must declare bankruptcy and be replaced.

無論如何,正如俄羅斯總統弗拉基米爾-普丁指出的那樣,美國現任企業政府欠世界其他國家的債務超過 54 兆美元。聖路易斯聯邦儲備銀行和其他機構也指出,他們欠本國公民的債務超過 200 兆美元。這意味著美國不能以目前的形式繼續存在下去,必須宣布破產並被取代。


In a sign of bankruptcy preparations, “Elon Musk’s SpaceX will build a vehicle to tow the International Space Station back through the atmosphere and crash it into the ocean.” What this really means is NASA (Not A Space Agency) is shutting down its fake space travel movie studio and transitioning to “commercially owned space destinations closer to home.” That is because they know they can no longer use debt to finance their fake space program.

作為破產準備的標誌,"伊隆-馬斯克(Elon Musk)的SpaceX公司將製造一種飛行器,將國際太空站拖回大氣層,並將其墜入海洋‘’。這實際上意味著美國國家航空暨太空總署(NASA,並非航太局)將關閉其虛假的太空旅行電影工作室,並過渡到 "離家更近的商業太空目的地"。這是因為他們知道不能再用債務來資助他們的虛假太空計畫了。

Speaking of debt please take notice of the picture below it says USA Treasury not U.S. Treasury. That shows what is bankrupt is not the U.S. Republic but the USA corporation.

說到債務,請注意下面的圖片,上面寫的是美國財政部(USA Treasury),而不是美國財政部(U.S. Treasury)。這說明破產的不是美國聯邦共和國,而是美國公司。

Needless to say, it is not just the US Corporate government that needs to be replaced.


There is also a huge fight underway in the UK. Here the British faction led by Reform Party leader Nigel Farage is fighting against a KM-controlled Keir Starmer. MI5 sent us copies of Starmer’s visa to visit communist-ruled Czechoslovakia in 1986 and say Slovak authorities refuse to disclose what he was doing there. MI5 says if he was not a communist agent, the files would have been released. MI6 for their part says Starmer is being blackmailed over participation in human sacrifice rituals and will take the UK back into the EU if he takes power after the July 4th election.

英國也正在進行一場巨大的鬥爭。在這裡,由改革黨領導人奈傑爾-法拉奇領導的英國派別正在與受KM(可薩黑手黨)組織控制的基爾-斯塔默(Keir Starmer)進行鬥爭。軍情五處給我們寄來了斯塔默 1986 年訪問共產黨統治下的捷克斯洛伐克的簽證複印件,並稱斯洛伐克當局拒絕透露他在那裡做了什麼。軍情五處說,如果他不是共產黨特工,這些文件早就被公開了。軍情六處則稱斯塔默因參與人祭儀式而受到敲詐,如果他在7月4日大選後掌權,將把英國帶回歐盟。

There was a related incident involving the UK Royal Family. Princess Anne was beaten andsent to the hospital with serious concussions on June 23rd. Princess Anne is known to be associated with the white hat alliance, MI6 sources say. Princess Anne was designated by Queen Elizabeth to act as regent for Prince George, the eldest son of Crown Prince William, according to royal family sources. This was because King Charles is known to be compromised and blackmailed by the Nazi faction of the KM, the sources say. Crown Prince William is also disqualified for participating in the Satanic sacrifice of his wife Kate Middleton, the sources say.

曾發生過一起涉及英國王室的相關事件。 6 月 23 日,安妮公主遭到毆打,因嚴重腦震盪被送往醫院。軍情六處的消息來源稱,安妮公主與白帽聯盟有關。據王室消息來源稱,安妮公主被伊麗莎白女王指定為威廉王儲的長子喬治王子的攝政王。消息來源稱,這是因為眾所周知查爾斯國王受到了KM(可薩黑手黨)納粹派的妥協和勒索。消息人士稱,威廉王儲也因為參與了妻子凱特王妃(Kate Middleton)的撒旦獻祭而失去了資格。

The attack also came as the Japanese Emperor visited the UK to meet with either King Charles or the avatar who was playing his role. Our own Japanese sources close to the Emperor would not talk much about what happened other than to say Naruhito would be inducted into the Order of the Garter established by Queen Elizabeth I.


The Emperor Naruhito himself is also under siege. He bears ultimate responsibility for the murder of 500,000 Japanese by vaccine. Japanese Neuroscientist Dr. Hiroto Komano says that in addition to this, a study of 550,000 people in Japan reveals the vaccines caused Alzheimer’s disease to increase by 20%.

成仁天皇本人也受到圍攻。他對 50 萬日本人被疫苗殺害負有最終責任。日本神經科學家駒野弘人博士說,除此之外,一項對日本 55 萬人進行的研究顯示,疫苗導致阿茲海默症增加了 20%。


Asian Secret Society sources say so many people were involved in the vaccine crimes that there will be a total collapse of the social order unless the clean-up is done in stages. That is what is underway now, they say.


Needless to say, the vaccine murderers have not given up on trying to kill us all before we arrest them.


The Russian military says an Obiden-owned company by the name of Metabiota has relocated its bioweapons operations to various African countries after they were shut down in Ukraine. The Russians say these laboratories are preparing a new pandemic in time for the 2024 US elections.

俄羅斯軍方稱,奧比登旗下一家名為 "Metabiota" 的公司在烏克蘭被關閉後,已將其生物武器業務轉移到非洲多個國家。俄羅斯人說,這些實驗室正在為2024年的美國大選準備新的疫情。


For an example, as Republic of the Congo leader Denis Sassou-Nguesso met Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss his country joining the BRICS alliance.


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This news came out: the “most dangerous strain yet” of monkeypox virus is spreading quickly along the eastern border of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the WHO says.

世衛組織稱,"迄今為止最危險的猴痘病毒株" 正在剛果民主共和國東部邊境迅速蔓延。

It shows the current leadership of the West spreads disease and threats of disease to try to stay in control.


There is a lot of money at stake. As the First Lady of Sierra Leone notes as things stand her country gets paid $10,000 for every $100 million worth of minerals taken from her country. That is 0.0001%. This is why more and more African countries are kicking out Western oligarchs.

這關係到大量金錢。正如塞拉利昂第一夫人所指出的那樣,在目前情況下,她的國家每被奪走價值 1 億美元的礦產,就能得到 1 萬美元的報酬。這相當於 0.0001%。這就是為什麼越來越多的非洲國家正在趕走西方寡頭。


Overall it has been estimated Africa is looted to the tune of $500 billion a year by KM oligarchs.

據估計,非洲每年被高棉寡頭掠奪的金額高達 5,000 億美元。

The KM are also still trying to kill Western populations in a desperate bid to stay in power. They are now planning to use our food supply to vaccinate us. “The next big product being developed is edible vaccines. These are food products like tomatoes and other things, which can have the effect of a vaccination when you eat them. And now a group of Chinese scientists has found that they can relay mRNA vaccines using cow’s milk,” says Joshua Philipp.


The vaccines may be related to a recent epidemic of fake food in the US. Take a look at the examples in the disturbing video below. We recommend you shop at local farmers’ markets if you can.



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These criminals are also still trying to push the previous types of vaccines. The paid-off puppets at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on June 27 recommended forthcoming COVID-19 vaccines for virtually all Americans.

這些罪犯還在試圖推廣以前的疫苗類型。 6 月 27 日,美國疾病管制與預防中心(CDC)的受賄傀儡們建議幾乎所有美國人接種即將到來的 COVID-19 疫苗。

This comes as “Five states — Texas, Utah, Kansas, Mississippi, and Louisiana — suing Pfizer for knowing and concealing the vaccine causing myocarditis, pericarditis, failed pregnancies and deaths. That’s 10% of US states…The tide is turning,” US Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy notes.

德州、猶他州、堪薩斯州、密西西比州和路易斯安那州等五個州起訴輝瑞公司,指控其在知情的情況下隱瞞疫苗導致心肌炎、心包膜炎、懷孕失敗和死亡的事實。美國總統候選人羅伯特-甘迺迪(Robert F.Kennedy)指出:「這占美國各州總數的 10%......潮流正在轉向。

In another sign the tide is turning, the Ashkenazi Jewish Zionist Sackler family has been stripped by the Supreme Court of immunity related to all the opioid deaths their products have caused. This is a sign they will also strip Pfizer, etc. of their supposed immunity from vaccine lawsuits.


In Canada, the Ontario Court of Justice ruled a PCR test is an instrument that is inserted into the body and therefore contravenes section 14 of the Quarantine Act.

在加拿大,安大略省法院裁定 PCR 檢測是一種插入人體的儀器,因此違反了《檢疫法》第 14 條。

It is only a matter of time before they figure out, like the Chinese already have, the tests themselves are fraudulent.


As this sort of truth comes out New Brunswick MP Wayne Long has joined the chorus openly calling for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to resign,

隨著這類真相的曝光,新不倫瑞克省議員韋恩-朗(Wayne Long)也加入了公開要求總理賈斯汀-特魯多辭職的大合唱、

Canada is also being forced to release people who were unlawfully detained for protesting the fake pandemic and associated martial law. This is happening in the US as well. The Supreme Court ruled on June 28 in effect that hundreds of Jan. 6 defendants would have to be released after being bogusly charged under an accounting law.

加拿大也被迫釋放因抗議假流感和相關戒嚴令而被非法拘留的人。這種情況也發生在美國。最高法院於 6 月 28 日做出裁決,數百名在 1 月 6 日被假冒會計法指控的被告將被釋放。

There is also an ongoing revolt against the KM in Poland. There, according to Polish intelligence “miners have joined farmers, they are fed up with the idiocracy created by the government regarding burning coal for power plants generating electricity and the Green Deal, as well as importing coal from Russia and blocking Polish mining.”


In a positive sign for Europe, Hungary began its six-month presidency of the European Council. Hungarian President Victor Orban’s motto is “Let’s make Europe great again!,” He wants a prompt end to the conflict in the Ukraine and an end to uncontrolled immigration.

匈牙利開始擔任為期六個月的歐洲理事會主席國,這是歐洲的正面訊號。匈牙利總統維克多-歐爾班的座右銘是 "讓歐洲再次偉大!"他希望盡快結束烏克蘭衝突,結束無節制的移民。

Also, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz have now both publicly declared NATO will not take part in the Ukraine war.


Russian FSB sources say NATO has secretly agreed to join a new security architecture in Eurasia proposed by Russia. This will force external players to curtail their military presence on the continent, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova says.

俄羅斯安全局消息稱,北約已秘密同意加入俄羅斯提出的歐亞大陸新安全架構。俄羅斯外交部發言人瑪麗亞-扎哈羅娃(Maria Zakharova)說,這將迫使外部參與者減少在歐亞大陸的軍事存在。

North Korea has already joined and says it will send troops to Ukraine to fight alongside Russia.


The North Korean News Agency reports “The U.S. strategy for world domination to encircle and contain independent and sovereign states and secure its military hegemony has already crossed the red-line and is bringing about a very negative change in the world security environment and geopolitical mechanical structure.”


India has also joined this Russian military alliance.


With the Obiden regime now collapsing and Europe joining with Russia, the last domino appears to be Israel. However, it looks certain that Israeli Crime Minister Benyamin Satanyahu’s days are numbered. Sarah Netanyahu accuses Israel’s army chiefs of seeking to carry out a coup against her husband.


Also, in what may be the final straw to put an end to Benjamin Satanyahu and his cronies “Israel’s Supreme Court rules that the military must draft ultra-Orthodox men in a decision that could lead to the collapse of Netanyahu’s governing coalition.”

此外,可能是終結本雅明-薩塔尼亞胡及其親信的最後一根稻草,"以色列最高法院裁定軍隊必須徵召極端東正教男子入伍,這一決定可能導致內塔尼亞胡的執政聯盟崩潰" 。

In a desperate last-minute gambit to stay in power, Satanyahu is desperately trying to start a war with Lebanon. As a result, the following countries have begun evacuating their civilians from Lebanon:


1) Canada 🇨🇦
1) 加拿大 🇨🇦

2) Kuwait 🇰🇼
2) 科威特 🇰🇼

3) Germany 🇩🇪
3) 德國 🇩🇪

4) Netherlands 🇳🇱
4) 荷蘭 🇳🇱

5) Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦
5) 沙烏地阿拉伯 🇸🇦

6) North Macedonia 🇲🇰
6) 北馬其頓 🇲🇰

7) Russia 🇷🇺
7) 俄羅斯 🇷🇺

8) USA 🇺🇸
8) 美國 🇺🇸

9) Ireland 🇮🇪
9) 愛爾蘭 🇮🇪

10) Jordan 🇯🇴
10) 約旦 🇯🇴

11) Australia 🇦🇺
11) 澳洲 🇦🇺

In addition to still trying to start war, the KM is also trying to start cyberwar. That is why the World Economic Forum warns “Cyber Attacks Against Car Dealers and the Federal Reserve Put U.S. Economy at the Brink of Failure.”


It is not just the US Economy that is on the brink of failure. China’s home sales have plunged over 30% in the past five months despite government rescue efforts. Since real estate loans account for approximately 40 percent of total Chinese bank credit over the long term “It will severely impact the entire real estate industry and its 56 related industries.”

瀕臨崩潰的不僅是美國經濟。在過去的五個月裡,儘管政府努力救市,但中國的房屋銷售量仍驟降了 30% 以上。由於房地產貸款長期約佔中國銀行信貸總額的 40%,"這將嚴重影響整個房地產業及其 56 個相關行業"。

What this means is that, while China’s problems are not nearly as huge as those facing the US Corporation, it also needs a financial reboot. Our sources say this is coming.


In Mexico meanwhile, it looks like the KM may be winning there. It turns out President-Elect Claudia Steinbaum is a likely KM agent. Remember this cover story about the year ahead in the Rothschild and Agnelli family-owned Economist Magazine. On the top left you see a profile of a woman. Compare that to this profile picture of Steinbaum. A coincidence?

與此同時,在墨西哥,看起來KM(可薩黑手黨)可能會在那裡獲勝。事實證明,候任總統克勞迪婭·斯坦鮑姆很可能是KM的代理人。記住羅斯柴爾德和阿涅利家族所有的《經濟學人》雜誌上關於未來一年的封面故事。 在左上角,你可以看到一個女人的側影。將其與 Steinbaum 的個人資料圖片進行比較。巧合?

Our Mexican sources say Mexico was threatened with earthquake and weather weapons and over 30 politicians were killed before they accepted her as president.


Some sources say she was installed by the white hats to clean up the narco and human trafficking there so we will need to see what she actually does after taking office on October 1st.


Finally, in a sign the rabbit hole runs deep, take a look at this commemorative coin issued in 1932, it has a Star of David, a Swastika and an all-seeing eye all in one.


Hopefully, the truth behind all of this will soon set us free. Certainly, the news shows the white hats are close to winning. However, it is not over until it is over so we must keep fighting until humanity is finally freed from millennia of Satanic slavery.



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