Alaje|⭐⭐⭐ 走在光⭐⭐⭐的道路上

Alaje|⭐⭐⭐ 走在光⭐⭐⭐的道路上


Dear friends, stay on the path of Light. Dont allow negative people in this chaotic society, to manipulate you and block your spiritual development in this lifetime on this planet. The dark side is using man e interpleeodple集spiritual" people, to stop the spiritual development on this planet. Remember all my information in my documentary "COSMIC LOVE THE SOLUTION FOR EVERYTHING" with currently 25 episodes, that thatis in my chanING" with currently 25 episodes, that ears in my chanchan lies and manipulation of demonic possesed fanatic people, who are used by demonic entities to keep souls on this planet trapped. Demons can give those people even telepathic essages and verym.Demons verym. ing me and other lightworkers and are talking with hate and enviness, even when they try to appear "nice".

親愛的朋友們,請繼續走在光的道路上。不要讓這個混亂社會中的負面人士操縱你,阻止你在這個星球上的靈性發展。黑暗勢力正在網路上利用許多邪惡的人,甚至偽裝成「靈性」的人,來阻止這個星球上的靈性發展。請記住我的紀錄片《宇宙之愛是解決一切問題的方法》中的所有訊息,這部紀錄片目前有 25 集,19 年來一直在我的youtube 頻道上播放。不要落入被惡魔附身的狂熱分子的詭計、謊言和操縱之中,他們被惡魔實體利用來困住地球上的靈魂。惡魔甚至能給這些人心電感應的訊息和圖像。要辨識負面的魔鬼地球人非常容易,因為他們總是攻擊我和其他光之工作者,說話時充滿仇恨和敵意,即使他們試圖表現得「友善」。

These unaware haters dont know, that each time they are insulting and attacking me and other spiritual people, they are creating even more negative karma for themselves, and they would need thousands of reincarnations on ets inselves, and they would need thousands of reincarnations on , inselves, planl.l. order to remove this negative karma. This is how many earth humans are blocking their own development themselves, because they dont understand how the existence is working. As I say in my documentary, unilight and existence is working. As I say in my documentary, 調查, you are blocking others and yourself to develop spiritually, and that is the biggest negative karma energy. And it makes no difference if these people call themselves "spiritual". If your 是the Cosmic Awareness (god), you are not developing spiritually. No matter what your egoistic rational brain is thinking. If you insult with hate and fanatism people who are light carriers, you are not in tune with people who are 真with negative evil entities.


A lightworker is bringing cosmic light, wisdom and knowledge to this planet, to help the development of the soul of others. I am answering since 19 years in my channel spiritual questions and questions since 19 years in my channel spiritual questions and questions since physical and spiritual helth 和 spiritual phyal aboutions about physical and spiritualth helth, spiritual phyth aboutions about phyths and spiritualth help. find the light. Those who are attacking and insulting LIGHTWORK and the Cosmic Awareness (God), are obviously not spiritual and are not interested in creating cosmic light.

光之工作者正在為這個星球帶來宇宙之光、智慧和知識,以幫助他人的靈魂發展。自19 年以來,我一直在我的頻道中回答精神問題以及有關身體和精神健康的問題,我幫助成千上萬的靈魂找到了光。那些攻擊和侮辱光之工作者和宇宙意識(上帝)的人,顯然不是屬靈的,對創造宇宙之光不感興趣。

As I say in my documentary, each planet is a school, and in this school called earth, one of the lessons that has to be mastered, is to be able to distinquish and recoizeize negative and positive energies, to be able distinquish and recoizeize negative and positive energies, to be able distinquish and recoizeize negative and positive energies, to be able distinquish and recoizeize negative and positive energies, to be able distinquish and recoize ener 月path of Light, to stay away from negative energies and negative people, to keep the consciousness strong with cosmic Light and not manipulated by negative energies and negative people. This life lesson has to be mastered in orders and negative people. This life lesson has to be mastered in orderorder to able to able. A person who can be easily manipulated by negative people is not able to incarnate in higher dimensions of light, because the energy of his consciousness is not strong enough for the higher energies of Light Dimensions.


