Metaphysics, the Science of Spirituality. How to Use “The Force” for Good(形而上學,靈性科學,如何善用 「原力」)

Metaphysics, the Science of Spirituality. How to Use  “The Force” for Good(形而上學,靈性科學,如何善用 「原力」)

#原力  #尤達  #絕地武士  #意識  #通靈  #5D  #羅斯威爾  #飛船  #外星人  #UFO  #冥想  #愛  #能量  #能量場

來源:Prepare For Change

By Rev. Kat Carroll - October 14, 2024
作者:Kat Carroll 牧師 - 2024年10月14日

Research and experiments into psychic phenomenon have proven that folks have a lot more they can do than what we’ve been told. In fact, the possibility scared the military who discovered this information after the Roswell crashes, and what they learned from the survivors.

Commander George Hoover finally revealed what he really knew about Roswell. He explained the truth as he had learned it all those decades ago, and the most important information is highlighted:
喬治·胡佛 (George Hoover) 指揮官終於透露了他對羅斯威爾的真正瞭解。他解釋了他幾十年前學到的真理,並強調了最重要的資訊:

    ▪︎ UFOs are not the “biggest secret” – it is the entities behind them that was of most concern
    ▪︎ 不明飛行物並不是「最大的秘密」——最令人擔憂的是它們背後的實體

    ▪︎ Roswell was in fact a crash event of “visitors from somewhere else”
    ▪︎ 羅斯威爾實際上是一場「來自其他地方的訪客」的墜機事件

    ▪︎ The entities were “not so much interplanetary as much as they were literally also time travelers.”
    ▪︎ 這些實體“與其說是星際的,不如說是真正的時間旅行者”。

    ▪︎ They are extra-temporal.
    ▪︎ 它們是超越時間的。

    ▪︎ The visitors are clearly “from the future.” There is reason to believe that they may even be “us” from a future Earth.
    ▪︎ 訪客顯然是 「來自未來」。我們有理由相信,他們甚至可能是來自未來地球的“我們”。

    ▪︎ These “future humans” have the ability to “manipulate reality around us”
    ▪︎ 這些 “未來人類” 有能力 “操縱我們周圍的現實”

    ▪︎ The government feared the intentions and abilities of the “visitors”
    ▪︎ 政府擔心「訪客」的意圖和能力

    ▪︎ These visitors are able to use the power of consciousness in extraordinary ways to morph reality
    ▪︎ 這些訪客能夠以非凡的方式利用意識的力量來改變現實

    ▪︎ We human beings are far more powerful in potential than we ever dreamed that we are. We don’t yet comprehend our extraordinary future capabilities.
    ▪︎ 我們人類的潛力遠比我們想像的要強大。我們還沒有理解我們非凡的未來能力。

    ▪︎ The visitors remain at essence, though “corporeal” and “physical” – and secret attempts at reverse-engineering the visitor’s crash material were made [successfully!]
    ▪︎ 訪客仍然是本質,儘管是「有形的」和「物質的」——並且秘密嘗試對訪客的墜機材料進行逆向工程 [成功!]

    ▪︎ Incredibly, Hoover admitted that he himself was engaged in such technology transfer as a Naval Intelligence Officer with Top Secret clearances.
    ▪︎ 令人難以置信的是,胡佛承認他自己作為擁有絕密許可的海軍情報官參與了此類技術轉移。

I have read about this as well as heard it from some of those discussing UFOs, (Phillip J. Corso, The Day After Roswell and from Sgt. Clifford Stone interviews on YouTube). This means WE can start making positive changes in our world. Emphasis on the positive; for it we wish to become something better than the powers that be (or were), we need to intentionally only use those powers for good in the world, and not for selfish and self-serving desires.
我讀到過這件事,也從一些討論不明飛行物的人那裡聽說過(Phillip J. Corso,《羅斯威爾之後的一天》和 YouTube 上對 Clifford Stone 中士的採訪)。這意味著我們可以開始對我們的世界做出積極的改變。強調積極因素;因為我們希望成為比現在(或曾經)更好的力量,我們需要有意識地只將這些力量用於世界上的善,而不是用於自私自利的慾望。

    The Robertson Panel was a scientific committee established in January 1953, headed by Howard P. Robertson. The panel was commissioned by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in response to widespread Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) reports, particularly in the Washington D.C. area. Also interesting to note that Valiant Thor arrived at the Pentagon a few years later, 1957…
    羅伯遜小組是一個成立於 1953 年 1 月的科學委員會,由 Howard P. Robertson 領導。該小組是由中央情報局 (CIA) 委託成立的,以回應廣泛的不明飛行物 (UFO) 報告,特別是在華盛頓特區地區。同樣有趣的是,Valiant Thor 在幾年後,即 1957 年來到五角大樓......

Our consciousness is ever expanding and is aided whenever our sun goes into heightened activity, such as what we’ve been experiencing in solar cycle 25.
我們的意識不斷擴張,每當太陽進入高度活動時,我們的意識就會得到幫助,就像我們在太陽週期 25 所經歷的一樣。

Collective consciousness can have major effects in the world, and mass meditation has been proven time and time again to cause lasting effects.


The Maharishi Effect – 1974
瑪赫西效應 – 1974

As individual consciousness grows, collective consciousness rises; and as collective consciousness rises, individual consciousness grows. Individual consciousness is the basic unit of all levels of collective consciousness – family consciousness, community consciousness, national consciousness, and world consciousness – influencing them all and being in turn influenced by them.
– Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
-- Maharishi Mahesh 瑜伽士

When a group is in a state of cohesion (HeartMath Institute have dubbed this Heart/brain cohesion) they are protected, and their energy fields are strengthened, making efforts more powerful. This is called the Meissner Effect. While generally applying superconductivity and reducing or eliminating resistance, it applies to consciousness too. You might say it is the Law of Attraction in action.
當一個群體處於凝聚力狀態時(HeartMath Institute 將這種稱為 Heart/brain 凝聚力),他們就會受到保護,他們的能量場也會得到加強,從而使努力更加強大。這稱為 Meissner 效應。雖然通常應用超導性並減少或消除阻力,但它也適用於意識。你可能會說這是吸引力法則在起作用。


Meissner Effect – 1933
邁斯納效應 – 1933

Internally coherent systems possess the ability to repel external influences, while incoherent systems are easily penetrated by disorder from outside.

This may be one of the reasons chaos is unleashed on populations, especially before important events, (if you catch my drift). Your ability to remain calm in disruptive situations will help calm the situation itself. The more people doing this together, the faster the situation is resolved or at least reduced to something easier to handle.

I mentioned that the military was afraid of what humanity could become in the future based on what they learned from the pilots of those crashed UFOs.
我提到,軍方根據他們從那些墜毀的 UFO 飛行員那裡學到的知識,害怕人類未來會變成什麼樣子。

This means we’ll all should be receiving (or activating) them too, and you can start practicing now to become the Jedi Knights of the future.

I have read about this as well as heard it from some of those discussing UFOs, (Phillip J. Corso, The Day After Roswell and from Sgt. Clifford Stone). This means WE can start making positive changes in our world. Emphasis on the positive; for it we wish to become something better than the powers that be (or were), we need to intentionally only use those powers for good in the world, and not for selfish and self-serving desires.
我讀到過這件事,也從一些討論不明飛行物的人那裡聽說過(Phillip J. Corso,The Day After Roswell 和 Sgt. Clifford Stone)。這意味著我們可以開始對我們的世界做出積極的改變。強調積極因素;因為我們希望成為比現在(或曾經)更好的力量,我們需要有意識地只將這些力量用於世界上的善,而不是用於自私自利的慾望。

It’s also amusing to see how much of metaphysics and spirituality were written into the Star Wars stories by George Lucas.
看到喬治·盧卡斯 (George Lucas) 在《星球大戰》故事中寫了多少形而上學和靈性,這也很有趣。


Embracing the Greater Good

Luke’s ultimate goal is to use the Force for the greater good, not for personal gain or power. He sacrifices his own desires and confronts the darkness within himself, ultimately redeeming his father, Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, and bringing balance to the Force.


Lessons for Us

Luke’s story serves as a reminder that we, too, can use our inner strengths and abilities for good. By cultivating self-awareness, trust, and compassion, we can tap into our own inner power and make a positive impact on the world around us.


Use the Force For Good

Let’s start with the weather as an example. I wish I had gotten this information out before Hurricane Helene and Milton, but I was not anticipating it could reach the levels it did, because I was trying to manifest something softer and less destructive.

Rather than be the victims, or the people on the sidelines looking on in shock and awe, let’s start using those vast mental abilities that have lain dormant for a long time. It’s time to wake up and embrace our true nature. And let’s “use the Force for good” as Yoda would say.

When you practice any kind of psychic skill, it only makes you stronger.  There are many modalities of activating and growing those receptors, the antenna in your brain. This is the simple place to start…

Meditation, especially mindful meditation on peaceful thoughts, and the feeling and emotions associated with love, compassion, joy and especially, gratitude.

You can’t be in a state of fear if you are focusing your thoughts on positive emotions and memories, (thus producing a Meissner Effect).

Gratitude is important as it implies you are grateful for that which you already have. In prayer, you are asking for help, thus acknowledging that you don’t have what you want/need. Do you see the difference? Here is an example of using your mind to solve a problem, in this case, what many did to avert the hurricanes and tornados:

    ▪︎ Fire up the electromagnetic field of your heart so it becomes more expansive and strengthens the field of possibility with those positive thoughts, feelings, emotions. Dig up a positive memory if you can’t generate that feeling without an image; Use whatever gets you into a positive state of mid.
    ▪︎ 啟動你心臟的電磁場,讓它變得更寬廣,並藉由這些正面的想法、感受、情緒來強化可能性的領域。如果您沒有影像就無法產生那種感覺,那就挖出正面的記憶;使用任何能讓您進入正面狀態的東西。

    ▪︎ Make your intention for what you wish to occur and be sure that it’s for the best and highest good of everyone concerned. In this case of hurricanes and tornados, it would have been disrupting the spin of the storms. But you can visualize anything related to your circumstance to make any situation better; healing, getting the right job, finding a life partner, etc.
    ▪︎ 為您希望發生的事情制定您的意圖,並確保這是為了所有相關人員的最佳和最高利益。在颶風和龍捲風的情況下,它會擾亂風暴的旋轉。但是你可以可視化與你的情況相關的任何事情,以使任何情況變得更好;治癒、找到合適的工作、尋找生活伴侶等。

    Use your imagination in a way you think will help. These were some visualizations from working with Helene and Milton:
    以您認為會有所説明的方式使用您的想像力。以下是與 Helene 和 Milton 合作的一些可視化效果:

        1. Create a wall or dome that the storms cannot penetrate around Florida
        1. 在佛羅里達州周圍建造一堵風暴無法穿透的牆或圓頂

        2. Interrupting the spin by seeing it reversing and confusing the energies
        2. 通過看到旋轉反轉和混淆能量來中斷旋轉

        3. Visualize something from above disrupting the storm (whatever you can imagine)
        3. 從上方想像一些東西擾亂了風暴(你能想像到的任何東西)

    ▪︎ After you have set your intention and done your visualization, express gratitude, as if it has already happened. Let go of any expectation of how this will occur at this time and just accept that it’s done.
    ▪︎ 在你設定了你的意圖並完成了你的觀想之後,表達感激之情,就好像它已經發生了一樣。放下對此時將如何發生的任何期望,接受它已經完成。

This process does not take long. I’ve had some complain that it didn’t work, but that’s their perspective. Things could have been much worse, and were in fact, less severe than anticipated or originally reported! So, did psychic attempts and mass meditation efforts to reduce the storms really fail?  Not at all!  My friends in that area checked in and are fine, just dealing with the wait for water, power and the cleanup. I also see how these storms brought out the best in humanity when government agencies were slow or unable to respond. So yes, we can affect weather and people with our consciousness when enough of us join together for that purpose.


Thoughts on these storms…

Others were not so lucky, but we do what we can, and hopefully, all good souls were protected and/or spared. Could there have been some kind of clearing taking place in those areas, or something that needed to be exposed? If you read my previous articles about the storms, you’ll know more of what happened, but not necessarily all the details of why. Remember, when you make a request the universe, sometimes the answer is no for reasons we may not fully understand. There is also the concept of karma that may have been taking place in some individual’s lives. Imagine the best and let God do the rest!

I found this channeled message on Facebook and wanted to share it. It’s the more spiritual side of metaphysics which exemplifies our conscious connection to all things and how our thoughts and actions are affecting others.


“Your Gift to the World”

A channeled Message from the Angels, through Ann Albers
來自 Angels 的通靈訊息,通過 Ann Albers

So many of you strive to live in peace, reach for the light, and abide in love. We celebrate each and every one of you.

Every time you make a decision to forgive, you contribute to your world’s peace. Every time you decide to be kind to yourself (rather than criticize), you withdraw energy from the vibrations of war. Each time you take a breath and choose patience and tolerance, you begin to build a bridge that will eventually link nations.

Your every thought, word, and deed sends a ripple into the human pond of human consciousness. Your negative energies are weak ripples that do not travel far. Your positive energies are powerful ripples — transmissions of love from the Source itself that you allow to flow freely through you.
你的每一個想法、一句話和一舉一動,都會在人類意識的池塘裡掀起一陣漣漪。你的負能量是微弱的漣漪,不會傳播得很遠。你們的正面能量是強大的漣漪 — 來自源頭本身的愛的傳輸,你們允許它自由地流經你自己。

When you say a kind word to another, you allow the Source to flow its love through you to that person.

When you acknowledge yourself, you allow the light within to bubble up to the surface and shine more brightly.

When you feel a tiny bit of compassion for anyone, especially someone who annoys you, in that moment, you are granting the vibration of mercy to all.

You are never insignificant, unimportant, or irrelevant to the One. Your smallest choices have a powerful impact on the field. Your Love, dear ones, can help and assist in elevating all beings.

So, rather than feeling powerless to change your world, realize that you change the world in every moment.

Each time you refrain from criticizing yourself or another, you diffuse the energy that attacks nations.

Each time you help a tiny creature, you share a vibration of hope.

Each time you allow yourself a moment of joy you rob the darkness of the power it can only sustain by wobbling you out of your light.

You are all so much more powerful than you know. Your love is a superpower that can elevate worlds. Your joy is a healing balm that dissolves the darkness. Your kindness and compassion are the bridges that help heal hateful differences.

In the world of form, you may never know how much you do. But someday, when you see things through the eyes of the Divine in heaven, you will come to know the powerful energetic impact you have had upon your Earth and the great gifts of love that you have left behind.

Do not fear for your world. Light it up, starting with the smallest kind thoughts, words, and deeds and spiraling out with your ever-increasing love, joy, compassion, kindness, and care.

You are indeed the lights of the world, and the light you shine is the love that lives and breathes in all creation. Allow this love to flow freely within you, whenever and wherever you can, and know that in so doing, you are leaving a gift for this world that will last for eternity.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.

~ The Angels
~ 天使

©Ann Albers,
© 安·阿爾伯斯,


So, use the force for good my Padawans. And…
所以,用這股力量來做好事,我的學徒們 還有...

Want more details related to this article?

▪︎ Scientists who studied Roswell UFO crash debris and bodies named
▪︎ 研究羅斯威爾 UFO 墜毀碎片和屍體的科學家

▪︎ The Latest News for Solar Cycle 25
▪︎ 太陽週期 25 的最新消息

▪︎ The Day After Roswell, Colonel Philip Corso
▪︎ 羅斯威爾之後的第二天,菲力浦·科爾索上校

▪︎ Solar Consciousness
▪︎ 太陽意識

▪︎ The Law of Attraction, the universe responds to what you are grateful for
▪︎ 吸引力法則,宇宙會回應你感激之情


Speaking of Karma… 

▪︎ Bombshell!!! List of Indictments, Arrests and Executions – Dismantling the Deep State Operatives and Doubles – “We Have It All” ~Q!
▪︎ 炸彈!!起訴、逮捕和處決清單 – 瓦解深層政府特工和替身 – “我們擁有一切” ~Q!

▪︎ David Wilcock LIVE: What If It’s a Normal November?  He mentions that Milton was in fact a category 2 hurricane, not a 5, something I reported and was chided for stating. It’s at the 3 hour 10 min mark.
▪︎ 大衛威爾科克現場直播:如果這是一個正常的 11 月怎麼辦? 他提到米爾頓實際上是 2 級颶風,而不是 5 級颶風,我報告了這一點,並因此受到了指責。現在是3小時10分鐘。

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