Benjamin Fulford Report: The final showdown begins with the Chinese deep state – December 2, 2024(本傑明·富爾福德報告:最後的對決從中國深層政府開始 – 2024 年 12 月 2 日)
Benjamin Fulford Report: The final showdown begins with the Chinese deep state – December 2, 2024(本傑明·富爾福德報告:最後的對決從中國深層政府開始 – 2024 年 12 月 2 日)
By Edward Morgan -
作者:Edward Morgan -
December 5, 2024
Before we start our report we would like to ask our readers to support our Polish correspondent.
She is in in the hospital following a probable bomb attack on her life. Here is what she reports:
I am in the hospital in surgery, they are treating burns. There was a fire, an explosion, I jumped out of the window, I survived, and I am healing. They will move me somewhere because the apartment has no electricity, windows, or plaster, and the walls are also cracked at the neighbors’ in the tenement house. Donations for renovation, furniture, clothes, shoes, computers, phone, etc. are needed.
I am writing from a borrowed phone. My PayPal Thank you very much, best regards, Joanna
我正在用借來的手機寫信。我的PayPal 非常感謝你,最好的問候,喬安娜
We promise to hold the Satanist Donald Tusk personally responsible for this attack on a brave truth seeker. OK, now here is the report:
我們承諾追究撒旦主義者唐納德·圖斯克 (Donald Tusk) 對這次對勇敢的真相尋求者的攻擊的個人責任。好了,現在是報告:
The secret war for the planet Earth is reaching a crescendo as the Khazarian Mafia desperately tries to derail the Presidency of Donald Trump scheduled for January 20th. In addition to a fake Trump and now a fake Melania at Mar a Largo pretending vaccine murderers will be in charge of US healthcare, there are multiple public and secret wars raging. The aim of course is to keep KM control of the financial system and thus the planet.
隨著可薩黑手黨拚命試圖破壞定於1月20日舉行的唐納德·特朗普總統任期,地球的秘密戰爭正在達到高潮。除了假特朗普和現在假的梅拉尼婭在 Mar a Largo 假裝疫苗殺人犯將負責美國醫療保健之外,還有多場公開和秘密戰爭正在肆虐。目的當然是保持 KM (可薩黑手黨)對金融系統的控制,從而控制地球。
The White Hats, for their part, hand delivered a proposal for the take-over of the financial system to the Asian secret societies. This proposal is supported by the US military, the Vatican P3 Freemasons, the Anglo-Saxon Five Eyes alliance, the Russians and others. Here is the letter that was delivered (minus contact information) to the Lotus Chinese Freemasons:
白帽幫則親手向亞洲秘密社團提交了一份接管金融系統的提案。這一提議得到了美國軍方、梵蒂岡 P3 共濟會、盎格魯-撒克遜五眼聯盟、俄羅斯人和其他人的支援。以下是發送給蓮花華人共濟會的信件(減去聯繫資訊):
Esteemed Sirs and Madams,
This letter is being written to propose a new framework for managing our shared planet and biosphere. The current system is dysfunctional and needs to be replaced. As a species we are now causing the largest mass extinction event since the dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago. At the same time transnational criminals are creating war and terrorism with impunity around the world. These same transnational criminals torture 800,000 children to death every year in sacrifices to Satan. They are the controllers of the privately owned central banks and 90% of transnational corporations.
寫這封信是為了提出一個管理我們共同的地球和生物圈的新架構。目前的系統功能失調,需要被取代。作為一個物種,我們正在造成自6,500萬年前恐龍被殲滅以來最大的大規模滅絕事件。與此同時,跨國罪犯正在全球各地製造戰爭和恐怖主義,卻逍遙法外。這些跨國罪犯每年將 80 萬名兒童折磨致死,作為撒旦的祭品。他們是私人擁有的中央銀行和 90% 跨國公司的控制者。
The White Dragon Society and its Eastern allies are on the verge of removing these people from power. This is what the election of Donald Trump as US president represents.
We are now proposing to set up a world future planning agency to take over the functional parts of the BIS, World Bank, IMF etc. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II negotiated with Asian royals an agreement that from now on our purpose as a species will be to increase the amount and variety of life, including human life. This would be the driving principle of the agency. As its’ first task, the agency would plan a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.
The Western military and industrial complex white hats propose using gold in their possession to finance the agency. The plan is to issue money backed by this gold and split it 50/50 with Asia in order to finance the agencies’ projects while the Asians finance their own humanitarian ventures. We are currently doing due diligence to confirm the gold really exists. If we cannot confirm it, we will need to use a basket of real world commodities to finance the agency. We are happy to accept a Chinese or Asian person as the first head of this agency.
In addition to this, the White Dragon Society proposes replacing the current UN Security Council with a new grouping. The idea would be to have representatives from seven regions decide matters affecting the entire planet by majority vote. The regions proposed are Africa, the Americas (North and South), China, East Asia excluding China but including Oceania, Europe including Russia, India and the Muslim world.
Vetoes would be limited to the region doing the vetoing. So for example, if the majority decided the ban gasoline vehicles, the Muslim world could use its veto to continue producing such vehicles in their region. Each of these regions would also have their own future planning agencies.
The Western Military industrial complex would be subject to this new council and would also be subject to international law under this proposal,
The other proposal is that we start the new world system with a jubilee type event. This would involve a one off cancellation of all debt, public and private as well as a redistribution of assets. The details would have to be negotiated with full participation of the global public.
The US Space Force tells us that if we can reach an agreement on this new system and thus attain world peace, the quarantine this planet is under will be lifted.
This proposal has the support of the US military, The British Commonwealth, The Russians, the Vatican and others.
For verification, our US military contact is xxx who can be reached at +xxx, our British contact is xxx at +44 xxxm our Russian Contact is xxx at +7-xxx and our Vatican contact is xxx at +39-xxx
為了驗證,我們的美國軍事聯繫人是 xxx,可以撥打 +xxx,我們的英國聯繫人是 xxx,電話是 +44 xxxm ,我們的俄羅斯聯繫人是 xxx,電話是 +7-xxx,我們的梵蒂岡聯繫人是 xxx,電話是 +39-xxx
We look forward to your response.
Respectfully yours.
By the way, the Lotus Freemasons are big Trump fans and have their own X page:
順便一提,蓮花共濟會是 Trump 的忠實粉絲,他們有自己的 X 頁面:
In any case, if a deal along these lines is not reached, the Western white hats will declare war on the Chinese deep state. There are already signs a major showdown is taking place in East Asia. China has sent a fleet of 10,000 “fishing boats” with their GPS turned off to the Japanese-held Senkaku Islands. The corporate media is refusing to report on this.
無論如何,如果不能達成這些協定,西方白帽子將向中國的深層政府宣戰。已經有跡象表明,東亞正在發生一場重大攤牌。中國已派出一支由 10,000 艘 GPS 關閉的「漁船」組成的艦隊前往日本控制的尖閣諸島。企業媒體拒絕報導此事。
Also, sources close to the Japanese imperial family say all the members of the Rothschild family have fled to Japan and Taiwan and are seeking protection from Asian royals.
They fled following the murder in Los Angeles of Will de Rothschild, a member of the Satanic French branch of that family.
威爾·德·羅斯柴爾德 (Will de Rothschild) 在洛杉磯被謀殺后,他們逃離了該家族的撒旦法國分支。
This means a confrontation with the Chinese deep state based in Taiwan and the Japanese deep state is now inevitable. The first target will be their Evergreen human, drugs, weapons, etc. network. Remember Evergreen from the container ship that blocked the Suez Canal? This was stopped and raided by white hat special forces to rescue children being transported in containers and to stop a planned mass casualty event in Europe, Pentagon sources say.
The character Dexter alluded to this company in his TV show (now available on Netflix) when he said “I don’t like this place, Something nameless lives here, something that comes from the deepest darkest hole…” Look at the screenshots of when he said this:
角色 Dexter 在他的電視節目(現已在 Netflix 上提供)中提到了這家公司,他說:“我不喜歡這個地方,這裡有一個無名的東西,它來自最深、最黑暗的洞......”,看看他說這句話時的截圖:
Before we dig more into this, though, we are glad to report we have heard from the real John F Kennedy Jr. The one who died in the plane crash was the illegitimate son of Aristotle Onassis who played the public persona of JFK Jr. before being killed, he says.
不過,在我們進一步深入研究之前,我們很高興地報告我們已經聽到了真正的小約翰·甘迺迪 (John F Kennedy Jr.) 的消息。他說,在飛機失事中喪生的人是亞里士多德·奧納西斯 (Aristotle Onassis) 的私生子,他在被殺前扮演了小肯尼迪的公眾形象。
The real one has one of the most horrific and disturbing stories to tell. After his father was assassinated, he was sold to a Satanic family that kept pigs used to dispose of the many bodies of the people they killed. He has put out a book describing what happened to him.
He says his mother was killed and replaced by a look-alike after her husband Onassis was killed. The purpose of this was to use the avatar to steal the Onassis fortune; this is standard KM operating procedure for stealing the fortunes of non-KM billionaires.
他說,他的母親被殺害,在她的丈夫奧納西斯被殺后,取而代之的是一個長得很像的人。這樣做的目的是利用替身竊取 Onassis 的財富;這是竊取非 KM (可薩黑手黨)億萬富翁財富的標準 KM 操作程式。
This was just part of the trauma JFK Jr. went through. He says he was raped at the age of five, put in a bathtub with a dead body and told he could not leave until he cut the body into small pieces, witnessed many children being tortured to death in Satanic rituals, etc. This 30-minute video summarizing his story is one of the most disturbing and mind-blowing things I have seen in a long time.
這只是小甘迺迪所經歷的創傷的一部分。他說他在五歲時被強姦,被放在有屍體的浴缸裡,並被告知除非他把屍體切成小塊才能離開,目睹了許多孩子在撒旦儀式中被折磨致死,等等。這段 30 分鐘的視頻總結了他的故事,是我很長一段時間以來看到的最令人不安和令人興奮的事情之一。
The details in his story are too granular and fact-checkable to be fake. For example, if you do not believe Kennedy was murdered by Satanists here you can watch the participants at Lady Bird Johnson’s funeral all make satanic hand signs
The Bushes, Clintons, etc. were all there. Remember Barbara Bush was the daughter of the Satanist Aleister Crowley. Even Tucker Carlson is now openly saying Satanists are running America.
布希、柯林頓等人都在那裡。請記住,芭芭拉·布希 (Barbara Bush) 是撒旦主義者阿萊斯特·克勞利 (Aleister Crowley) 的女兒。甚至塔克·卡爾森(Tucker Carlson)現在也公開表示,撒旦主義者正在統治美國。
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In a sign Kennedy might finally get justice, Trump and Robert F Kennedy Jr. have just ordered the Dallas, Texas police to arrest Ruth Paine on charges of conspiracy to murder President John F. Kennedy.
特朗普和小羅伯特·甘迺迪(Robert F Kennedy Jr.)剛剛命令德克薩斯州達拉斯警方逮捕露絲·潘恩(Ruth Paine),罪名是陰謀謀殺約翰·甘迺迪總統。
CIA sources tell us Paine “is/was a CIA Agent, she was Lee Harvey Oswald’s handler.” She is still alive and her arrest will lead inevitably to the Satanic controllers of the Federal Reserve Board who killed Kennedy to prevent him from giving control of the financial system back to the people.
中情局的消息來源告訴我們培恩 「是/曾經是一名中情局特工,她是李-哈維-奧斯瓦德的經手人」。她還活著,她的被捕將不可避免地引出聯邦儲備局的撒旦控制者,他們殺了肯尼迪,阻止他把金融體系的控制權交還給人民。
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Ok, so that now takes us back to Evergreen and the Taiwan based partners in crime who to this day control the FRB.
好了,現在我們回到 Evergreen 和臺灣的 犯罪夥伴,他們至今仍控制著 FRB 。
The article linked below connects many of the Evergreen dots. To summarize, it is tied to the United Fruit Company, now Chiquita, and is involved in chemtrails, terrorism, human trafficking, the black hat CIA, the fake space program and much more. It is also linked to the Clinton/Rockefeller crime family.
下面連結的文章將許多常榮的點連接起來。總而言之,它與聯合水果公司(United Fruit Company,即現在的 Chiquita)有聯繫,並參與了化學尾跡、恐怖主義、人口販運、黑帽中央情報局、假太空計劃等等。它還與柯林頓/洛克菲勒犯罪家族有關。
Here are some illustrations from the article.
The Rockefeller/CIA faction has been dealing with Asian royals and triads for a long time. Evergreen is just one of their fronts. David Rockefeller had about 30 illegitimate children who run various foundations in China, according to CIA white hats. These are the people responsible for the Asian side of the Wuhan Covid/Vaccine mass murder event. As we now know, this was an attempt to turn the planet into a giant animal farm controlled by them.
洛克菲勒/中央情報局派系長期以來一直在與亞洲皇室成員和黑社會打交道。Evergreen 只是他們的前線之一。據中央情報局白帽子稱,大衛·洛克菲勒有大約30個私生子,他們在中國經營著各種基金會。這些人是武漢 Covid/疫苗大屠殺事件亞洲方面的負責人。正如我們現在知道的那樣,這是一次將地球變成由他們控制的巨大動物農場的嘗試。
The FRB has worked with certain Asian royals to control the US dollar/Euro/Yen-based financial system by using fraudulent bonds issued in the 1930s.
FRB 與某些亞洲皇室合作,通過使用 1930 年代發行的欺詐性債券來控制以美元/歐元/日元為基礎的金融體系。
Now the Lotus Freemasons and other Asian secret societies have taken action against this network. We do not know the details but, we do know Liu Liange, the former Chairman of the Bank of China had his death sentence suspended after he sang like a canary to the authorities. Former deputy central bank governor Fan Yifei also had his death sentence suspended in return for detailed testimony.
現在,Lotus (蓮花)共濟會和其他亞洲秘密社團已經對這個網路採取行動。我們不知道細節,但我們知道中國銀行前董事長劉良閣在像金絲雀一樣向當局唱歌後被判處死刑緩期。前央行副行長范逸飛也被緩期執行死刑,以換取詳細的證詞。
Not all were so lucky. Bai Tianhui, a former executive at one of the country’s largest state-controlled asset management firms was sentenced to death for accepting bribes worth nearly $152 million.
Also, AstraZeneca’s China top man in China has been arrested and is being interrogated about the recent vaccine mass murder, Asian secret society sources say.
The society sources say in total 32 individuals have been “removed” for involvement in the ongoing attempt to kill us all with bioweapons. This prompted Bill Gates to approach the Asian secret society recently to ask for protection which was not granted, the sources say.
該協會的消息來源說,共有 32 人因參與正在進行的用生物武器殺死我們所有人的企圖而被“驅逐”。消息來源說,這促使比爾·蓋茨最近接觸亞洲秘密社團,要求保護,但沒有得到批准。
In Japan meanwhile, Japanese military intelligence informs us the KM have about 200 child torturing proxies, many of them Japanese royals, who they have been using to run this country. They will be removed.
與此同時,在日本,日本軍事情報告訴我們,KM (可薩黑手黨)有大約 200 名虐待兒童的代理人,其中許多是日本皇室成員,他們一直在利用這些代理人來管理這個國家。他們將被刪除。
First, though, the clean-up operation in the United States needs to be finished. The battle is far from over.
We are seeing the cabal using a fake Trump to issue disturbing personnel announcements even as the real Commander in Chief Trump makes encouraging announcements.
Let us start with the activities of the fake Trump, often publicized via the fake news AP (Absurd Propaganda).
讓我們從假特朗普的活動開始,這些活動經常通過假新聞美聯社(Absurd Propaganda)進行宣傳。
People are catching on though:
“Scott Bessent, Trump’s nominee for Treasury Secretary, is an openly gay man who abducted two children with his “husband” via surrogacy.
“特朗普提名的財政部長候選人斯科特·貝森特(Scott Bessent)是一位公開的同性戀者,他通過代孕與他的”丈夫“綁架了兩個孩子。
He worked as George Soros’ right-hand man for nearly a decade and was involved in Soros’ strategy to short the British pound during the 1992 financial crisis.” is a typical reaction to this announcement.
他作為喬治·索羅斯的得力助手工作了近十年,並參與了索羅斯在 1992 年金融危機期間做空英鎊的策略。“是對這一宣佈的典型反應。
Trump’s Surgeon General Pick: Pro-Vax Double-Masker Who Praised Facebook’s COVID-19 Censorship.
特朗普的外科醫生選擇:讚揚 Facebook 的 COVID-19 審查制度的 Pro-Vax 雙重口罩。
President-elect Donald Trump selected Dr. Jeanette Nesheiwat She has spoken radically in favor of the COVID vaccines, mask mandates, and even government-backed censorship of vaccine critics.
The fake Trump also threatens a 25% tariff on Canada and Mexico and a 100% tariff on the BRICS block of nations “if they act to undermine the US dollar.” Since the US Corporation running the fake Trump is bankrupt, this tariff threat is meaningless. All it would lead to is an economic implosion of the US.
假特朗普還威脅要對加拿大和墨西哥徵收 25% 的關稅,並對金磚國家集團徵收 100% 的關稅,“如果他們採取行動破壞美元”。既然經營假特朗普的美國公司已經破產,那麼這個關稅威脅就毫無意義了。它只會導致美國的經濟崩潰。
Next, we look at who is meeting the fake Trump. Last week saw Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg Rockefeller dine with Trump at Mar-a-Lago. Never mind that Meta censored the real Trump.
接下來,我們看看誰在與假特朗普會面。上周,Meta 首席執行官馬克·紮克伯格·洛克菲勒 (Mark Zuckerberg Rockefeller) 與特朗普在馬阿拉歌莊園共進晚餐。沒關係,Meta 審查了真正的特朗普。
Zuckerberg, by the way, is the largest donor to a Satanic Temple that boasts of having the world’s first “religious abortion clinic.”
Next, we see reports that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Castrudeau visited Trump. Look at the hilariously photobombed picture issued after this meeting, Notice how Trump is out of focus and Castrudeau looks very young…As you can see from the photo, they are both body doubles. Not the real deal.
接下來,我們看到加拿大總理 Justin Castrudeau 拜訪川普的報導。看看這張在會面之後發佈的搞笑照片,注意川普是如何失焦的,而卡斯楚多看起來非常年輕......從照片中可以看出,他們都是替身。不是真的。
Of course, Castrudeau is a dead man walking and no fake Trump will be able to protect him. “Seized footage from Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs’ notorious parties allegedly feature Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in scenes that will rock the political establishment in Canada and send shock waves around the world.”
當然,卡斯特魯多是一個行屍走肉,任何假特朗普都無法保護他。“據稱,從 Sean 'Diddy' Combs 臭名昭著的派對中繳獲的鏡頭中出現了總理賈斯汀·特魯多 (Justin Trudeau) 的場景,這些場景將震撼加拿大的政治建制派,並在全世界引發衝擊波。”
Our Canadian intelligence agency sources say he has been videotaped murdering small children.
We are also now finding out why his cuckold father Pierre Trudeau betrayed Canada by handing over control of the Bank of Canada to the KM.
我們現在也在找出為什麼他戴綠帽子的父親皮埃爾·特魯多 (Pierre Trudeau) 通過將加拿大銀行的控制權交給 KM (可薩黑手黨)而背叛了加拿大。
Another MK Ultra child slave has come forward with testimony about him.
另一名 MK Ultra 兒童奴隸站出來提供了關於他的證詞。
Anneke Lucas says she once “served” Pierre Trudeau at the age of 9 where he insinuated he wanted a child given to him that he could kill. She says David Rockefeller trained her to be a sex slave and a spy. She claims Rockefeller asked permission from Evelyn de Rothschild to make her an elite sex slave. Here is the entire video interview, it is almost 2 hours long.
安妮克·盧卡斯(Anneke Lucas)說她曾在 9 歲時為皮埃爾·特魯多(Pierre Trudeau)「服務」,當時 Pierre Trudeau 含沙射影地說,他想要一個能讓他殺人的小孩。她說大衛·洛克菲勒(David Rockefeller)訓練她成為性奴和間諜。她聲稱洛克菲勒(Rockefeller)徵求伊芙琳·德·羅斯柴爾德(Evelyn de Rothschild)的同意,讓她成為精英性奴隸。以下是整段訪談影片,長達將近二小時。
You can be sure the real Trump will deal with Castrudeau etc. as soon as he becomes President of the United States of North America.
Okay now let’s look at what real Trump appointees are saying. For example, Trump’s Border Czar Tom Homan says:
好,現在讓我們看看真正的特朗普任命者在說什麼。例如,特朗普的邊境沙皇湯姆·霍曼 (Tom Homan) 說:
“Joe Biden is the first president who came into office and unsecured the border on purpose. This isn’t mismanagement this isn’t incompetence, this is by design. The result is a 600% increase in sex trafficking, fentanyl coming across the border killed a quarter of a million Americans, a record number of people on the terrorist watch list coming across the border, so it’s more than just illegal immigration. Let me be clear there is going to be a mass deportation because we just faced a mass illegal immigration crisis on the border.”
“喬·拜登是第一位上任並故意解除邊境安全的總統。這不是管理不善,也不是無能,這是有意為之。結果是性販運增加了 600%,芬太尼越境導致四分之一的美國人死亡,恐怖分子觀察名單上越境的人數創下了紀錄,所以這不僅僅是非法移民。讓我明確一點,將會出現大規模驅逐出境,因為我們剛剛在邊境面臨大規模非法移民危機。
The real Trump also announced he’s picked Kash Patel to replace Christopher Wray as the head of the FBI. Patel has been a longtime critic of the bureau who calls for shutting down the agency’s Washington headquarters, removing corrupt actors from the top leadership, and bringing the nation’s law enforcement agencies “to heel.”
真正的特朗普還宣佈,他已選擇卡什·派特爾(Kash Patel)取代克裡斯托弗·雷(Christopher Wray)成為聯邦調查局局長。派特爾長期以來一直是該局的批評者,他呼籲關閉該機構在華盛頓的總部,將腐敗行為者從最高領導層中清除,並讓國家的執法機構“屈服”。
In a sign this is a good move – in 2021 when Trump floated Patel for deputy director of the CIA or the FBI, former AG William Barr said that would happen “over my dead body.”
從跡象來看,這是一個很好的舉動——2021 年,當特朗普提名派特爾擔任中央情報局或聯邦調查局副局長時,前總檢察長威廉·巴爾 (William Barr) 表示,這將發生在“我的屍體上”。
Patel also promises to investigate and possibly prosecute regime-puppet journalists.
“Yes, we’re going to come after the people in the media who lied about American citizens, who helped Joe Biden rig presidential elections — we’re going to come after you,” Patel said last year. “Whether it’s criminally or civilly, we’ll figure that out.”
“The reason this appointment took so long, is that it is an order from the real CIC Trump not the Mar-A-Lago double. There are definitely power struggles taking place,” a Pentagon source says.
“這個任命花了這麼長時間的原因是,這是來自真正的 CIC 特朗普的命令,而不是馬阿拉歌莊園的雙重命令。肯定有權力鬥爭正在發生,「五角大樓的一位消息人士說」。
There is also some last-minute looting going on. Joe Biden has requested another $24 billion for Ukraine even while pardoning his Ukraine money laundering son Hunter.
還有一些最後一刻的搶劫正在進行。喬·拜登 (Joe Biden) 在赦免他在烏克蘭洗錢的兒子亨特 (Hunter) 的同時,仍要求再向烏克蘭提供 240 億美元。
Former Polish Minister Piotr Kulpa is the latest figure to go public by saying US aid to Ukraine was laundered by Ukrainians, and much was given to US Democrats. Maybe that’s why the Democrat lawmakers were waving Ukrainian flags on the House floor?
波蘭前部長彼得·庫爾帕 (Piotr Kulpa) 是最新公開的人物,他表示美國對烏克蘭的援助是由烏克蘭人洗白的,而很多都給了美國民主黨人。也許這就是民主黨立法者在眾議院地板上揮舞烏克蘭國旗的原因?
In another sign of last-minute looting, corporate Insiders are dumping shares at the fastest pace in AT LEAST the last 2 decades.
在最後一刻掠奪的另一個跡象是,企業內部人士正在以至少過去 2 年來最快的速度拋售股票。
This is because they know Trump is about to enforce Executive Order 13818-Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption.
In another sign, a reckoning is coming eleven state Attorney Generals are suing BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard for violating antitrust laws. “Texas will not tolerate the illegal weaponization of the financial industry,” Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton says.
另一個跡象是,清算即將到來 11 個州的總檢察長正在起訴貝萊德、道富和先鋒違反了反壟斷法。“德克薩斯州不會容忍金融業非法武器化”,德克薩斯州總檢察長肯·派克斯頓 (Ken Paxton) 說。
The tech giants are also being sued for stealing information. In the latest example, Canadian news outlets launched a joint lawsuit claiming copyright infringement against ChatGPT creator OpenAI saying: “OpenAI regularly breaches copyright and online terms of use by scraping large swaths of content from Canadian media and profiting from the use of this content, without getting permission or compensating content owners.”
這些科技巨頭也因竊取資訊而被起訴。在最新的例子中,加拿大新聞媒體發起了一項聯合訴訟,聲稱 ChatGPT 建立者 OpenAI 侵犯了版權,稱:“OpenAI 經常違反版權和在線使用條款,從加拿大媒體上抓取大量內容並從中使用這些內容中獲利,而沒有獲得許可或補償內容擁有者。
Personally, Google, Meta, etc. have ripped me off of millions of dollars by selling advertising on content stolen from me even as they have systematically banned me from posting directly on their platforms. This is true of most if not all independent real-world journalists.
就個人而言,Google、Meta 等通過在竊取我的內容上出售廣告騙走了我數百萬美元,儘管他們系統性地禁止我直接在他們的平臺上發佈。大多數(如果不是全部)獨立現實世界的記者都是如此。
Of course, the fake corporate news outlets have lost most of their readership after telling so many lies for so long.
The BBC is a case in point. For example, right now they are not reporting mass slaughter taking place in Syria. This was yet another attempt by rogue actors in the Western intelligence agencies to induce all-out thermo-nuclear war, the head of MI6 says. He adds many MI6 members are about to be executed for war crimes committed in Syria.
BBC 就是一個很好的例子。例如,目前他們沒有報告敘利亞發生的大規模屠殺。軍情六處負責人說,這是西方情報機構中的流氓行為者再次試圖引發全面的熱核戰爭。他補充說,許多軍情六處成員即將因在敘利亞犯下的戰爭罪而被處決。
Of course, the KM are not going to go quietly into the night. It seems some sort of battle is about to take place in London. Almost all the Webcams in London have been shut down since early September. This could either be for a false flag mass casualty event to blame or Russia, or for a white hat move to end the entire Satanic fake King Charles show going on there. Events will prove.
當然,KM(可薩黑手黨)不會悄無聲息地進入黑夜。倫敦似乎即將發生某種戰鬥。自 9 月初以來,倫敦幾乎所有的網路攝像頭都已關閉。這可能是因為假旗大規模傷亡事件或俄羅斯,也可能是白帽行動結束了那裡正在進行的整個撒旦假查爾斯國王表演。事件會證明這一點。
However, there are signs that white hats are gaining the upper hand in the UK. Pedophile blackmailed Prime Minister Keir Starmer tried to hand over the Chagos Islands, including the US Diego Garcia base, to the Chinese in exchange for a massive bribe, according to MI5 sources. However, the Chinese puppet government there has been overthrown and the plan to hand over the base to the Chinese before Trump takes office has been stopped.
然而,有跡象表明,白帽在英國正在佔據上風。據軍情五處的消息來源稱,戀童癖勒索的首相基爾·斯塔默(Keir Starmer)試圖將查戈斯群島(Chagos Islands),包括美國的迭戈加西亞基地(Diego Garcia)基地,交給中國人,以換取巨額賄賂。然而,那裡的中國傀儡政府已被推翻,在特朗普上任前將基地移交給中國的計劃已被停止。
Nonetheless, there is still a lot of KM black hat activity in the Anglo world that needs to be stopped.
儘管如此,盎格魯世界仍有許多 KM(可薩黑手黨)黑帽活動需要停止。
In Australia Prime Minister Anthony Albanese passed a “Social Media Minimum Age” bill that requires Digital IDs for Social Media. This is not about kid’s safety it’s about surveillance and control.
在澳大利亞 ,總理安東尼·阿爾巴尼斯 (Anthony Albanese) 通過了一項“社交媒體最低年齡”法案, 要求社交媒體使用數位 ID。這不是關於孩子的安全,而是關於監視和控制。
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The law will make platforms including TikTok, Facebook, Snapchat, Reddit, X and Instagram liable for fines “for failing to protect children.”
該法律將使包括 TikTok、Facebook、Snapchat、Reddit、X 和 Instagram 在內的平臺因“未能保護兒童”而被罰款。
In New Zealand meanwhile, an airport forbids hugging for more than 3 minutes. The sign is real… What will they try to regulate next? How long we smile? Or laugh? Or cry?
In another disturbing sign, the FDA approved the new ACAM2000 smallpox vaccine for use against monkey pox. The warning label of this vaccine says:
另一個令人不安的跡象是, FDA 批准了新的 ACAM2000 天花疫苗用於對抗猴痘。這種疫苗的警告標籤上寫著:
“Individuals who are vaccinated with this vaccine should quarantine for 4 weeks after injection. During this quarantine individuals cannot handle babies, be around pregnant women, cannot go swimming or be in hot tubs, cannot use public restrooms, share a bed, clothing, or be in close contact with an unvaccinated individual.”
“接種這種疫苗的人應在注射後隔離 4 周。在隔離期間,個人不能照顧嬰兒,不能與孕婦在一起,不能游泳或泡熱水澡,不能使用公共衛生間,不能共用床鋪、衣服,也不能與未接種疫苗的人密切接觸。
It also says on the warning label that this ACAM2000 smallpox vaccine “may cause the spread of smallpox”.
But the worst part. . .at the bottom of this vaccine insert, it states- “Death of unvaccinated individuals who have contact with vaccinated individuals may occur.”
但最糟糕的是...... 在此疫苗插頁的底部,它寫道 -- “與接種疫苗的人接觸的未接種疫苗的人可能會死亡。
This is a good example of why you should always read the fine print.
There is also still a war going on to put farmers out of business and impose debt slavery on Europeans. “Irresponsible government green energy policy is leading an increase in debt, enforcement by bailiffs, the repossession of houses, farms, and the collapse of enterprises – especially the smallest ones. Rising costs are the consequence of the deliberately adopted policy of thoughtless displacement of energy from fossil fuels,” says Łukasz Bernaciński – Member of the Board of the Ordo Iuris Institute for Legal Culture.
還有一場讓農民失業並對歐洲人實行債務奴隸制的戰爭仍在進行。“不負責任的政府綠色能源政策導致債務增加、法警執法、房屋、農場被收回以及企業倒閉——尤其是最小的企業。成本上升是故意採取的輕率地從化石燃料中取代能源的政策的結果,”Ordo Iuris 法律文化研究所董事會成員 Łukasz Bernaciński 說。
In Denmark, all telecoms -including emergency calls- and train transportation were shut down last week. When things reopened the government suddenly announced it was going to put most farmers out of business by imposing the world’s first tax on agricultural emissions, including flatulence by livestock.
However, there was also good news from Europe. Calin Georgescu a former Club of Rome President man who says the world is run by blackmailed pedophiles who kill 8 million children every year- is about to become president of Romania after a surprise election victory there.
然而,歐洲也傳來了好消息。卡林·喬治斯庫 (Calin Georgescu) 是羅馬俱樂部的前主席,他說世界是由勒索的戀童癖者控制的,他們每年殺死 800 萬名兒童 -- 在羅馬尼亞出人意料地贏得選舉後,他即將成為羅馬尼亞總統。
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There is also good news coming from Israel, in a sign that Benjamin Satanyahu is about to be taken down, Mossad sent us a video of his police interrogation. It turns out he is a common criminal as well as a mass murderer.
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Also, in a sign Jewish supremacists are getting a comeuppance, watch a pro-Israel agitator get promptly arrested after telling the Toronto Police he is a Jew and he is their boss and that they need to listen to him. Enjoy the video.
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Finally this week, we were sent documents by Mossad showing lies that have been made about concentration camps. The documents speak for themselves.
My own understanding is that most of the killings of German, Russian, Polish, Jewish, etc. civilians during World War II involved lining civilians against ditches and mowing them down with guns.
The Satanic scum who did this are all being hunted down now. Long overdue justice is coming. Enjoy the show.
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