Benjamin Fulford Report: Quarantine on planet earth about to be lifted – November 25, 2024(本傑明·富爾福德報告:地球上的隔離即將解除 – 2024 年 11 月 25 日)

Benjamin Fulford Report: Quarantine on planet earth about to be lifted – November 25, 2024(本傑明·富爾福德報告:地球上的隔離即將解除 – 2024 年 11 月 25 日)

來源:Prepare For Change

By Edward Morgan -
作者:愛德華摩根 -

November 28, 2024 

The quarantine on the planet Earth is about to be lifted, according to Secret Space Program and Asian Secret Society sources. Humans will be allowed to explore and colonize other planets and the universe as soon as the final Satanic presence is removed from this world, the sources say. This came up at a meeting on Sunday between representatives of the White Dragon Society and Asian secret societies. Of course, as always is the case with such talk, believe it when you see it.

However, there can be no doubt this planet is under quarantine. As a child, I remember being highly inspired by the Apollo moon landings. We were told we would be visiting Mars by the mid-1970s. Then everything suddenly stopped. Even now, every time Elon Musk tries to send a rocket to Mars, it gets blown up before it can leave the planet.
然而,毫無疑問,這個星球正在被隔離。我記得小時候,我深受阿波羅登月的啟發。我們被告知我們將在 1970 年代中期訪問火星。然後一切都突然停止了。即使是現在, 每次埃隆·馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 試圖將火箭送往火星時 ,火箭都會在離開火星之前被炸毀。

It turns out NASA is just a movie production company pretending to explore space so that it can swindle money from US taxpayers. NASA themselves admitted they are phony when they had a press conference to say they might have discovered a way to get through the ionosphere; the electric barrier surrounding the earth. Since you would have to get through the ionosphere to go to the moon, they basically admitted the moon landings were fake.
原來 NASA 只是一間電影製作公司,假裝要探索太空,好從美國納稅人那裡騙錢。NASA 自己也承認他們是偽造的,他們在記者會上說他們可能發現了穿越電離層的方法;電離層是環繞地球的電氣屏障。由於你必須穿過電離層才能到達月球,他們基本上承認登月是假的。

What came up at the East/West meeting and from other sources is that the planet is under quarantine because entities that survive by harvesting the life force from human and animal sacrifices have been cornered on this planet and are now being eliminated. Once they are fully eliminated, the quarantine will be lifted, or so they say.

Anyway, back to the here now news, the Khazarian mafia is still busy fighting for survival using a fake Donald Trump holding court at Mar a Largo. The head of MI6 and other sources say this is an operation being run by Elon Musk and Leo Zagami.
無論如何,回到現在的新聞上來,可薩黑手黨仍然忙於利用一個假的唐納德·特朗普在瑪阿拉戈島舉行法庭來為生存而戰。軍情六處負責人和其他消息來源表示,這是由埃隆·馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 和里奧·扎加米 (Leo Zagami) 進行的一項行動。

In their latest ruse, they put out an announcement that “Trump” had selected Scott Bessent to lead the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
在他們最新的詭計中,他們發佈了一份公告,稱“特朗普”已選擇斯科特·貝森特 (Scott Bessent) 領導美國財政部。

Supposedly a homosexual who made all his money from George Soros who “lives in Charleston with his husband and two children,” and who is a member of a Satanic Yale secret society is now in charge of the US dollar.

Never mind that Bennet hosted a fundraiser for Al Gore and has also donated to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
沒關係,班納特為阿爾·戈爾(Al Gore)舉辦了一場籌款活動,還向希拉蕊·克林頓(Hillary Clinton)和巴拉克·奧巴馬(Barack Obama)捐款。

Then there was the announcement Trump appointed “COVID contrarian” Dr. Martin Makary to lead the Food & Drug Administration. Never mind that Makary was telling pregnant women to take the toxic mRNA shots as late as 2023.
然後,特朗普宣布任命「COVID 反對者」Martin Makary 博士領導食品藥物管理局。不要忘記,Makary 曾告訴孕婦最遲在 2023 年注射有毒的 mRNA 疫苗。

The photo below of Anthony Fauci with his wife shows you exactly what sort of swamp creatures we are dealing with.
下面這張安東尼·福奇(Anthony Fauci)和他妻子的合照,正好向您展示了我們所面對的是什麼樣的沼澤生物。

If you believe the real Donald Trump nominated these people, then I have some real estate on the moon I would like to sell to you.

In addition to trying to fool us with a fake Trump cabinet, the Satanists have been once again busy trying to start World War III and kill most of us. As has been widely reported, they started shooting long-range missiles into Russia for this very purpose.

Then they activated their network in Russia to try to fan the flames of all-out thermo-nuclear war. Thus Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said: “If the escalation scenario continues to unfold, it won’t be possible to exclude anything because NATO countries have in fact joined the conflict.”
然後,他們啟動了在俄羅斯的網路,試圖煽動全面熱核戰爭的火焰。因此,俄羅斯安全會議副主席德米特裡·梅德韋傑夫 (Dmitry Medvedev) 表示:“如果升級情景繼續發展,就不可能排除任何事情,因為北約國家實際上已經加入了衝突。

There used to be a photograph of Medvedev making a Satanic hand sign when meeting Putin but it seems to have been removed from the internet. Nonetheless, he is a known Satanic agent.

The real Russian government, however, is fully aware of the Khazarian Mafia plot to start WWIII and kill 90% of humanity so they were not fooled into attacking a NATO country. Instead, they demonstrated a very devastating non-nuclear weapon inside Ukraine.

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MI6 confirms that, after the Russian missile counter-attack, there was a hysterical attempt inside NATO to use this as an excuse for retaliation with nuclear weapons. Again though, cooler heads prevailed.

Secret Space force sources affiliated with the real Donald Trump at Cheyenne Mountain promise to take action soon against the frauds at Mar a Largo and NATO.

A source in direct contact with Trump says the plan is for the Supreme Court to “announce the Brunson case with a decision for the Plaintiffs. This will be the end of the fake Biden presidency and all that went with it. This will catch the Deep State off guard. The real Trump will come out and take over as President of the Republic of America. He will need to declare Martial Law, in order to fulfill his promise of mass deportation of illegal immigrants and keep the country from going into a full-blown civil war. The National Guard will be called into action, along with all law enforcement officers as well. There will be blood flowing in the streets. There may be variables to this plan as the script continues to change.”
一位與特朗普直接有接觸的消息人士表示,最高法院的計劃是「宣佈布倫森案的決定,支持原告。這將是虛假拜登總統任期的終結,以及隨之而來的一切。這將使 「深層國度 」措手不及。真正的特朗普將會出來接任美國共和國總統。他將需要宣佈戒嚴令,以實現他大規模遞解非法移民的承諾,並防止國家陷入全面內戰。國民衛隊(National Guard)以及所有執法人員將被召喚行動。街上將會血流成河。隨著劇本的不斷變化,這個計劃可能還有變數"。

The Supreme Court itself says the case: involves the possible removal of a sitting President and Vice President of the United States along with members of the United States Congress, while deeming them unfit from ever holding office under Federal, State, County or local Governments found within the United States of America,

The court also asserts it has the legal right to do this.

Trump needs to take action because, in addition to trying to start world war, the KM are rushing to hide evidence of their crimes. Shredder trucks have been spotted in front of the Department Justice. This shows the shredders inside the building are being overwhelmed by the sheer amount of evidence destruction that is taking place.
特朗普需要採取行動,因為除了試圖發動 世界大戰之外,KM(可薩黑手黨)還急於隱藏他們的犯罪證據。在司法部門前發現了碎紙機卡車。這表明建築物內的碎紙機被正在發生的大量證據銷毀所淹沒。

Also Homeland Security hearings have been suddenly postponed after FBI Director Christopher Wray and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas refused to testify.
此外,在聯邦調查局局長克裡斯托弗·雷(Christopher Wray)和國土安全部長亞歷杭德羅·馬約卡斯(Alejandro Mayorkas)拒絕作證後,國土安全部的聽證會突然被推遲。

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They need to be brought in with handcuffs and forced to testify. That is why Trump needs to act before January 20th.
他們需要戴上手銬被帶進來,被迫作證。這就是為什麼特朗普需要在 1 月 20 日之前採取行動。

President Trump himself confirms he is prepared to declare a National Emergency and use the military to deport illegal immigrants.

Trump posted that he approved the following message:

“If Trump becomes President again in 2024, it will be the final death blow to what remains of the global order.”
“如果特朗普在 2024 年再次成為總統,這將是對全球秩序殘餘的最後致命打擊。”

-Yuval Harari  

Here is what the real Trump is promising:

“My plan to dismantle the deep state and reclaim our democracy from Washington corruption, once and for all – and corruption it is.”
「我的計劃是瓦解深層國家,從華盛頓的腐敗中一勞永逸地奪回我們的民主 -- 腐敗就是腐敗」。

Trump says he will:   

Remove rogue bureaucrats…clean out all of the corrupt actors in our national security and intelligence apparatus…totally reform FISA courts to expose the hoaxes and abuses of power that have been tearing our country apart…establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission…establish an Independent Auditing System…continually monitor our intelligence agencies to ensure they are not spying on our citizens or running disinformation campaigns against the American People…move parts of the sprawling Federal bureaucracy to new locations, outside the Washington swamp… ban Federal bureaucrats from taking jobs at the companies they deal with and that they regulate like with Big Pharma. This is how I will shatter the Deep State and restore government that is controlled by the People and for the People.
拿掉流氓官僚....清除我們國家安全和情報機構中的所有腐敗行為者....徹底改革 FISA 法院,揭露一直在撕裂我們國家的騙局和濫用權力....成立真相與和解委員會....建立獨立審計系統....持續監控我們的情報機構,以確保他們不會監視我們的公民或針對美國人民進行虛假資訊宣傳....將龐大的聯邦官僚機構的一部分搬到華盛頓沼澤之外的新地點....禁止聯邦官僚在他們與之打交道的公司工作,並且他們像對大型製藥公司一樣進行監管。這就是我將如何粉碎深層政府並恢復由人民控制併為人民服務的政府。

His right-hand man Robert F Kennedy Jr, chimes in by saying:
他的得力助手小羅伯特·肯尼迪 (Robert F Kennedy Jr) 插話說:

FDA’s war on public health is about to end. This includes its aggressive suppression of psychedelics, peptides, stem cells, raw milk, hyperbaric therapies, chelating compounds, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, vitamins, clean foods, sunshine, exercise, nutraceuticals and anything else that advances human health and can’t be patented by Pharma. If you work for the FDA and are part of this corrupt system, I have two messages for you: 1. Preserve your records, and 2. Pack your bags.
FDA 對大眾健康的戰爭即將結束。這包括它對迷幻藥、勝肽、幹細胞、生牛奶、高壓療法、螯合化合物、伊維菌素、羥氯喹、維生素、清潔食品、陽光、運動、營養保健品以及其他任何促進人類健康且無法被製藥公司申請專利的產品的積極打壓。如果您在 FDA 工作,並且是這個腐敗體系的一員,我有兩個訊息要告訴您:1. 保存您的記錄,以及 2. 收拾您的行李。

The rest of the world is already taking action. The International Criminal Court (ICC) on Nov. 21 issued arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Yoav Gallant for alleged “crimes against humanity and war crimes,“ including starvation as a method of warfare, intentionally directing attacks against civilians, as well as ”murder, persecution, and other inhumane acts.”
世界其他地區已經在採取行動。國際刑事法院(ICC)於11月21日對以色列總理本雅明·內塔尼亞胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)和前國防部長約阿夫·加蘭特(Yoav Gallant)發出逮捕令,罪名包括“危害人類罪和戰爭罪”,包括以饑餓為戰爭手段,故意攻擊平民,以及“謀殺、迫害和其他不人道行為”。

The arrest warrant is supported by most countries around the world including Canada, France the EU, etc. What is interesting is that the warrant flushed out leaders and countries who support the ongoing genocide in Gaza. These include Israel and the US, of course, as well as Xavier Milei, the Satanic ruler of Argentina. More surprisingly, Victor Orban of Hungary also came out in opposition. Clearly, someone has got something serious to hold over Orban.
逮捕令得到了世界上大多數國家的支援,包括加拿大、法國、歐盟等。有趣的是,該逮捕令驅逐了支援加沙正在進行的種族滅絕的領導人和國家。這些國家當然包括以色列和美國,以及阿根廷的撒旦統治者澤維爾·米萊 (Xavier Milei)。更令人驚訝的是,匈牙利的維克托·歐爾班(Victor Orban)也站出來反對。顯然,有人要對歐爾班有重大影響。

Also, needless to say, the various Zionist stooges in the so-called US government also showed who they work for.

For example, Senate Republican Leader-Elect ZIONIST John Thune slams ICC arrest warrant for Bibi Netanyahu as “outrageous, unlawful, and dangerous.”
例如,參議院共和黨當選領袖、猶太復國主義者約翰·圖恩 (John Thune) 抨擊國際刑事法院對比比·內塔尼亞胡的逮捕令是“令人髮指、非法和危險的”。

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Next Senator John Fetterman states, “I actually like what I see” regarding the [fake] incoming administration’s pro-Israel stance.
接下來,參議員約翰·費特曼 (John Fetterman) 表示,“我實際上喜歡我所看到的”關於 [假的] 即將上任的政府的親以色列立場。

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“This is NOT the original Fetterman. It is an avatar. It has been proven in several different photos already. Also a Zionist puppet,” comments a CIA source. 

What all these so-called leaders have in common is they have visited the fake Trump run by Leo Zagami at Mar a Largo.
所有這些所謂的領導人的共同點是,他們都去過馬阿拉戈島(Mar a Largo)拜訪過里奧·扎加米(Leo Zagami )經營的假特朗普。 

As an example of the fakery going on, there were press reports claiming

“President-elect Donald Trump and NATO chief Mark Rutte ‘discussed the range of global security issues facing the Alliance,’ NATO said.”

Look at the picture Zagami posted on his website. It is an obvious fake as the heads are way out of proportion in size relative to the bodies.
看看 Zagami 在他的網站上發佈的圖片。這是一個明顯的假貨,因為頭部的大小相對於身體來說遠遠不成比例。

Also -while we know the original Satanyahu is long gone- what is important here is that the people who use his avatar as a front for power are now international pariahs.

Hossein Salami, the head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards says “This means the end and political death of the Zionist regime, a regime that today lives in absolute political isolation in the world and its officials can no longer travel to other countries.”
伊朗革命衛隊(Revolutionary Guards)負責人海珊·薩拉米(Hossein Salami)說:“這意味著猶太復國主義政權的終結和政治死亡,這個政權今天在世界上處於絕對的政治孤立狀態,其官員不能再前往其他國家。

The arrest warrants against Netanyahu etc. are likely to be the first of many. The next one is probably going to be issued against Bill Gates. A court in the Netherlands has ordered him to appear on Wednesday, November 27th to testify about why he lied about the safety of COVID vaccines. If he fails to appear, it is certain an international arrest warrant will be issued for him by the ICC. Since he is now hiding at his underground bunker surrounded by police in Karuizawa, Japan, he is likely to be arrested by Japanese police and deported to Holland. Japan is a signatory to the ICC,
對內塔尼亞胡等人的逮捕令可能是眾多逮捕令中的第一個。下一個可能會針對比爾·蓋茨 (Bill Gates) 發出。荷蘭一家法院已命令他於 11 月 27 日 星期三出庭作證,說明他為什麼在 COVID 疫苗的安全性方面撒謊。如果他沒有出庭,國際刑事法院肯定會對他發出國際逮捕令。由於他現在躲在日本輕井澤的地下掩體中,被員警包圍,他很可能會被日本員警逮捕並被驅逐到荷蘭。日本是國際刑事法院的締約國,

We also noticed Gates’ mind-controlled slave WHO head and wanted terrorist Tedros Ghebreyesus, who is fully vaccinated, was rushed to a hospital in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on Wednesday night due to a “heart emergency.” This sounds like Karma to me.
我們還注意到蓋茨的精神控制奴隸 WHO 頭目和通緝恐怖分子譚德塞已完全接種疫苗,由於「心臟緊急情況」,他於週三晚上被緊急送往巴西里約熱內盧的一家醫院。這聽起來像是因果報應。

Getting back to the arrests, it is now looking certain a roundup of pedophiles is coming soon to the US and elsewhere. The fake Trump Attorney General candidate Matt Gaetz -who faces his own pedophilia allegations- has withdrawn his candidacy. In his place former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi has been nominated. In Florida Bondi championed a law enforcement agency’s plan to end human trafficking.
回到逮捕問題上,現在看起來可以肯定的是,美國和其他地方很快就會出現對戀童癖者的圍捕。假特朗普總檢察長候選人馬特·蓋茨(Matt Gaetz)——他面臨自己的戀童癖指控——已經撤回了他的候選人資格。佛羅里達州前總檢察長帕姆·邦迪 (Pam Bondi) 被提名接替他的位置。在佛羅里達州,邦迪支援一個執法機構結束人口販運的計劃。

Furthermore, Trump’s incoming border czar Tom Homan says he will prioritize locating or rescuing unaccounted-for children who entered the United States as illegal immigrants during the Biden administration. “Over half a million children have been trafficked into the United States…We already found some in forced labor, some of them are in for sex trafficking, some of them are with pedophiles,” Homan said.
此外,川普即將上任的邊境專員 Tom Homan 表示,他將優先考慮尋找或解救在拜登執政期間以非法移民身份進入美國而下落不明的兒童。"Homan 說:「超過 50 萬名兒童被販賣到美國......我們已經發現有些兒童被強迫勞動,有些兒童被性販賣,有些兒童與戀童癖者在一起。

In Indiana, Attorney General Todd Rokita announced his office sent a civil investigative demand (CID) to Tyson Foods in Logansport seeking information related to human labor trafficking. 
在印第安那州,司法部長托德·羅基塔 (Todd Rokita) 宣佈,他的辦公室向洛根斯波特的泰森食品公司 (Tyson Foods) 發送了一份民事調查要求 (CID),要求提供與人口販運有關的資訊。

In a sign that the child predators will soon have nowhere to hide, watch Epstein Lawyer Alan Dershowitz get repeatedly asked by multiple people: “What did you and your wife do on Epstein’s Island?” Dershowitz then tries to get a photo of a questioner so he can SUE. Guess what Dershowitz, your people no longer control the legal system.
有跡象表明掠奪兒童的人很快就會無處遁形 看Epstein的律師Alan Dershowitz 被多人重複詢問 「你和你的妻子在愛潑斯坦(Epstein)的島上做了什麼?」 Dershowitz 然後試圖拍下詢問者的照片,這樣他就可以起訴了。你猜怎麼著,Dershowitz,你的人不再能控制法律系統。

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They are also about to lose control of the financial system. The real Trump sent envoys last week to the Philippines to verify the Santa Romana gold to be used to finance the Future Planning Agency really exists. These envoys have previously demonstrated Nicola Tesla technology to this writer that is beyond anything current earth science is capable of. They showed us a document supported by Trump claiming barter-based trade will facilitate “technology collaboration with Star races.”
他們也即將失去對金融體系的控制。真正的川普上周派遣特使前往菲律賓,以驗證將用於資助未來規劃局的聖羅馬納黃金是否真的存在。這些特使之前曾向本作者展示過尼可拉‧特斯拉(Nicola Tesla)技術,這是目前地球科學所無法做到的。他們向我們展示了一份得到川普支持的文件,聲稱以物易物的貿易方式將促進 「與星際種族的技術合作」。

Again, believe it when you see it. However, the WDS and the Asian Secret Society agreed that if the gold was not verified to actually exist, a basket of real-world commodities would be used to finance the Future Planning Agency. They also confirmed a 50/50 split between East and West would be the basic principle behind this agency.
同樣,當你看到它時,請相信它。然而,白龍會和亞洲秘密社團一致認為,如果黃金 沒有被證實確實存在,那麼一籃子現實世界的商品將被用來資助未來規劃局。他們還證實,東西方 50/50 的劃分將是該機構背後的基本原則。

In a sign East and West are on the same page, Chinese President Xi Jinping told G20 leaders last week:
中國國家主席習近平上周對 G20 領導人表示:

“We must see the world as one community with a shared future, and shoulder our historical responsibility….To build such a world, we need to support developing countries in adopting sustainable production and lifestyle, properly responding to challenges like climate change, biodiversity loss and environmental pollution, enhancing ecological conservation, and achieving harmony between man and nature.”

The WDS and the Asians are now using handwritten and hand-delivered messages to work out the details because everything digital is visible to the rogue AI that is trying to take over this planet. This means the process will be somewhat time-consuming. We will keep readers posted on new developments.
WDS 和亞洲人現在正在使用手寫和手傳遞的資訊來制定細節,因為試圖接管這個星球的流氓 AI 可以看到所有數字內容。這意味著該過程將有些耗時。我們將讓讀者瞭解新的進展。

In case you do not believe we are dealing with a rogue AI, let us look at what the current controllers of the international financial system are up to. The IMF, UN, and BIS nexus just had a meeting with representatives from “200 nations” in Baku, Azerbaijan where they called for $1.3 trillion per year to fight “climate change.”
如果您不相信我們正在與流氓 AI 打交道,讓我們看看當前國際金融體系的控制者在做什麼。國際貨幣基金組織、聯合國和國際清算銀行的聯繫剛剛在亞塞拜然巴庫與來自“200 個國家”的代表舉行了一次會議,他們呼籲每年投入 1.3 萬億美元來應對“氣候變化”。

These globalist goofballs like the International Monetary Fund want to “achieve a net zero carbon goal by 2030 in order to avoid the ‘climate cliff.’”  
這些像國際貨幣基金組織這樣的全球主義傻瓜希望“到 2030 年實現淨零碳目標,以避免'氣候懸崖'”。  

In other words, they want to de-carbonize the planet. Never mind that we are carbon-based life forms.

To prove these people are actively trying to destroy the life force on this planet, let us look at some real science. First of all, carbon does not cause global warming. As this chart below shows, high levels of carbon have been associated with low temperatures in our planetary history. 

That is because lower temperature inhibits the growth of carbon-based life, so more carbon enters the atmosphere as living beings die.

Right now the earth is cooler than the historical average, meaning less life on the planetary surface and thus more carbon in the atmosphere. 

Now listen to a real scientist explain how people who grow crops in greenhouses pay money to increase the amount of carbon by many multiples because it leads to far greater plant growth.

“We are in a kind of CO2 famine at the moment, ” says Dr. William Happer, Professor Emeritus of Physics at Princeton University:
“我們目前正處於一種二氧化碳饑荒中,”普林斯頓大學物理學名譽教授 William Happer 博士說:

“If you look at geological history, most of the time it has been much higher than now…Most plants do better with more CO2 than they have now. So calling it a pollutant is a complete distortion of the truth. It is not a pollutant at all…People [like Al Gore] saw a way to make money by demonizing CO2, and that’s what happened.”
“如果你看一下地質歷史,大多數時候它比現在高得多......大多數工廠使用更多的 CO2 後比現在表現得更好。因此,稱其為污染物完全是歪曲事實。它根本不是污染物...... [像阿爾·戈爾這樣的人] 看到了一種通過妖魔化二氧化碳來賺錢的方法,這就是正在發生的事情。

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Elon Musk -one of the leading anti-carbon activists- has been pushing to eliminate carbon-based fuels. Musk is described as the “world’s richest man” when in reality he is the world’s top money launderer of central bank funny money created out of nothing. His push to force us to all use electric vehicles has run into the brick wall of the reality that they are far more expensive to run than traditional gasoline cars. That is why global EV sales are now plunging.
埃隆·馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 是領先的反碳活動家之一,一直在推動消除碳基燃料。馬斯克被描述為「世界首富」 而實際上他是世界頂級的央行洗錢者,這些有趣的錢是無中生有的。他推動我們所有人都使用電動汽車的努力遇到了現實的磚牆,即它們的運行成本比傳統的汽油車高得多。這就是全球電動汽車銷量現在暴跌的原因。

It is only a matter of time before Japanese advanced hydrogen technology takes over the automotive industry. In the meantime, if you are in the market for a car, stick to gasoline or diesel and save yourself a lot of headaches and money.

Of course, I agree with Musk on many things, especially his recent comment that blackmailed pedophile UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer “is going full Stalin” as he shows his anti-life credentials by trying to put farmers out of business with huge inheritance taxes.  
當然,我在很多事情上都同意馬斯克的觀點,尤其是他最近發表的評論,即勒索戀童癖的英國首相基爾·斯塔默(Keir Starmer)“正在徹底斯大林化”,因為他試圖通過巨額遺產稅讓農民失業,以展示他的反生命資格。

Starmer is so hated now that a MILLION people signed a petition demanding a general election amid mounting fury at Labour’s Budget tax raid.
斯塔默現在被如此憎恨,以至於在對工黨預算稅突襲的憤怒日益高漲的情況下,有 100 萬人簽署了一份請願書,要求舉行大選。

The petition on the Parliament website, posted by a pub owner and complaining that Keir Starmer has ‘gone back on promises’, has been gaining over 100,000 backers an hour.
一位酒吧老闆在議會網站上發佈請願書,抱怨基爾·斯塔默“違背承諾”,每小時獲得超過 100,000 名支援者。

A poll last week found support for Labour has slumped to a new record post-election low.

Sir Keir’s party is now three points behind the Tories – and just six ahead of Reform – down two on 25 percent after a week of battles over its plan to make agriculturalists pay a low rate of inheritance tax
基爾爵士的政黨現在落後保守黨 3 個百分點,僅領先改革黨 6 個百分點,在圍繞讓農業戶支付低遺產稅的計劃進行了一周的爭論後,該黨下降了 2 個百分點,達到 25%.

MI6 assures us Starmer and the Satanic fake King Charles operation behind his government is being taken down by a group led by Prince William. They say Nigel Farage will soon be Prime Minister and Starmer will be arrested on charges of raping and murdering children.
軍情六處向我們保證,斯塔默和他政府背後的撒旦假查爾斯國王行動正在被威廉王子領導的一個團體摧毀。他們說奈傑爾·法拉奇(Nigel Farage)將很快成為首相,斯塔默(Starmer)將因強姦和謀殺兒童的指控而被捕。

In a sign many of the elite are now trying to switch sides, KM-funded Antifa is now holding demonstrations condemning the Satanists. Here you can watch thousands of Antifa protesters accuse Israel, NATO and Ukraine of war crimes.
許多精英現在正試圖改變立場,KM(可薩黑手黨)資助的 Antifa 現在正在舉行示威活動,譴責撒旦主義者。在這裡,你可以看到成千上萬的 Antifa 抗議者指責以色列、北約和烏克蘭犯有戰爭罪。

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The KM have not given up yet though. Alex Soros has just issued a veiled threat in reaction to the appointment of RFK Jr. tweeting: “They are playing with fire! Americans will be screwed if there is another pandemic!”
不過,KM(可薩黑手黨)還沒有放棄。亞歷克斯·索羅斯 (Alex Soros) 剛剛在推特上發佈了對 RFK Jr. 的任命的隱晦威脅:“他們在玩火!如果再發生一場大流行病,美國人就會完蛋了!

Also, MI6 informed us that Scott Bennet, a US military hero and patriot, was killed for revealing the detailed, forensic evidence of election theft. Please read the information in the link below for details.
此外,軍情六處告訴我們,美國軍事英雄和愛國者斯科特·班納特 (Scott Bennet) 因披露選舉盜竊的詳細法醫證據而被殺害。請閱讀以下連結中的資訊以瞭解詳細資訊。

We will avenge you, Scott.

Also, the KM may have killed Putin number 7 and forced the Russians to use an AI-generated Putin until they can get a new Putin. As the picture below shows, his hands are unnaturally still in his latest video, a good indication of computer graphics.
此外,KM(可薩黑手黨)可能已經殺死了 7 號普丁,並迫使俄羅斯人使用 AI 生成的普丁,直到他們能夠獲得新的普京。如下圖所示,在他的最新視頻中,他的手不自然地靜止不動,這很好地表明了計算機圖形學。

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In another sign the KM is up to nefarious stuff, ask yourself “What is the Coca-Cola company doing sending mobile morgues to Ukraine?”
另一個跡象表明 KM(可薩黑手黨)正在從事邪惡的事情,問問自己‘’可口可樂公司向烏克蘭發送移動停屍房是做什麼用的?‘’

One can speculate there is a lot of last-minute killing going on to cover up the massive money laundering, bio-warfare and human trafficking operation in Ukraine. At least $183 billion of US taxpayer money was laundered to the KM via the Ukraine.
人們可以推測,為了掩蓋烏克蘭的大規模洗錢、生物戰和人口販運活動,有很多最後一刻的殺戮正在進行。至少有 1830 億美元的美國納稅人的錢通過烏克蘭洗錢給 KM(可薩黑手黨)。

The real US military has had enough. Admiral Sam Paparo, Commander of US Indo-Pacific Command says advanced defense tech currently being shipped to Ukraine presents a serious problem for the United States’ long-term defense needs. “And to say otherwise would be dishonest,” the naval commander continued. Given he’s in charge of the Pacific region, he underscored that this could weaken America’s defense posture in the region for the long term, at a moment when Beijing is vying for military primacy.
真正的美國軍隊已經受夠了。美國印太司令部司令薩姆·帕帕羅 (Sam Paparo) 海軍上將表示,目前運往烏克蘭的先進國防技術對美國的長期防禦需求構成了嚴重問題。 “不這麼說是不誠實的”,這位海軍指揮官繼續說道。鑒於他負責太平洋地區,他強調,這可能會在北京爭奪軍事主導地位之際,從長遠來看削弱美國在該地區的防禦態勢。

Hopefully, the Secret Space Force will soon come out of the closet with military tech so advanced Paparo will not have to worry about a few missiles.

In a sign this process MAY have begun, here you see what is purported to be a demonstration of a med bed.

Personally, I am still waiting to be taken for a joy ride on a flying saucer. I will let you know if and when it happens. In the meantime, keep your fingers crossed and your powder dry.

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