How much positivity does it take to be fully awakened?(需要多少的積極性才能完全覺醒?)

How much positivity does it take to be fully awakened?(需要多少的積極性才能完全覺醒?)

來源:Prepare For Change

By Derek Knauss

November 20, 2024
11月 20,2024年

Many magnificent and advanced civilisations inhabited planet Earth in prehistoric times. Most of these civilisations were humanoid, but not one of these ancient human races originated on Earth. Today, the wisdom keepers of every culture on Earth tell the same story about their ancestors who came to Earth from the stars.


Millions of years ago, small groups of 5D star people migrated to Earth. These first star travellers to Earth are known as the Pre-Adamites. They are imposing beings known as the Lemurians and Atlanteans from prehistoric times, advanced humanoid beings from the Pleiades and eventually from the Lyra star system.
數百萬年前,小群的 5D 星人移民到地球。這些第一批來到地球的星際旅行者被稱為前亞當人(Pre-Adamites)。他們是史前時代被稱為 Lemurians(利穆里亞人)和 Atlanteans(亞特蘭提斯人)的強大生物,是來自昴宿星團,最後是來自天琴座恆星系統的進階類人生物。

These first humanoids to come to Earth were Earth’s original Terraformers. They introduced advanced humanoids, the ancestors of Erectus and Neanderthals, who were later evolved by the Anunnaki into modern Homo Sapiens.

These original advanced Terraformers and world planners left Earth millions of years ago at different times for different reasons and returned to their 5th dimension.
這些最初的高級 Terraformers 和世界規劃者在數百萬年前的不同時間出於不同的原因離開了地球,並返回了他們的第 5 維度。


How many positive stimuli will it take to reach full spiritual awakening?

An intense light is getting closer and closer to the Earth, gradually finding its way into every corner, even the most hidden. This light has been approaching the Earth for a long time and will help prepared people in spiritual ascension and bring peace and salvation at the same time.

It simply gradually enlightens this darkness-worshipping world. It will be a spectacular event for that part of humanity that knows about it and expects it. But this Light does not bring the gentle caress of the sun’s rays, but primarily manifests itself as a pressure exerted on everyone.

It supports the light in us as the dark shines through, and transforms with the participation of awakening people or destroys without our cooperation. This Light will bring everyone what they deserve, exactly according to the law of cause and effect:

What you sow, you will reap.

Everything bright will come to the fore and everything dark and destructive will gradually disappear. Those who are not on the dark side, but not on the light either, the frivolous will feel the pressure the most, because the Light will uncompromisingly force them to wake up from their passivity, frivolous naivety and spiritual slumber.

However, whoever chooses to remain in spiritual agony will be judged as dark. Now it is definitely not worth waiting for something and not being interested in what is happening.

There is only one way to escape and that is to awaken your soul.

It is high time to show that we have been good stewards of the being entrusted to us. The light will help lift up all those who are awake, but first it must clear out all the darkness. Before the new can arise, the old must fall.

A new building cannot be built on old foundations. This means that with the approaching Light, everything will not immediately become more beautiful, but everything will deteriorate and decline, exactly in the sense of the saying: that before the dawn there is the greatest darkness.

However, the cleansing of the accumulated enormous darkness around the entire Earth cannot take place without unpleasant consequences. We cannot think that what has been building for tens of thousands of years will be cleansed in a few months and we will suddenly all live in love and harmony, cleansed and without any problems.

On the contrary, problems will be brought, personal relationships will escalate even more, and emerging events will stir the inside of every person. Natural disasters, diseases and deaths will increase. All this will herald the final stage of the purification of humanity.

All the cracks from which darkness can spread must be closed. And there are many. And if the darkness is too deeply rooted for the person to give it up, the darkness disappears with its user.

Our spiritual maturity will depend on how quickly events will develop, how smoothly they will proceed and with what force the Light will break through the darkness.


Think about what the cosmos is trying to tell you

Let’s not sweet talk how easy and wonderful the coming change will be, because it certainly won’t be for the unpurified. Go to your familiar environment and see all necessary events as a positive development with confidence.

All fears, underappreciation or excessive pride are due to the dominance of reason over the spiritual part, which manifests itself as a deviation from important sensing. When a person is spiritually awakened, it naturally feels everything and thanks to this, is able to evaluate everything around impartially, because the awakened spirit illuminates the whole body and the mind. Due to the influence of a lighter spirit, it is no longer extremely attached to matter.

This makes one much more resistant to succumbing to all weaknesses and fears. Each of us is trapped in different patterns of thought, but for everyone there is only one way out of this prison and that is through the awakening of your soul.

Then we have to ask, examine, compare, search, notice, reason and finally sense correctly. Of course, Man will not be perfect immediately, but it is important and fundamental that he strives hard to eliminate his weak points and to live an honest and spiritual life. This sets him on the right path.

A sincere effort to make amends is important. A meaningful life is about our inner maturation and active work on ourselves and not just about exuberant commercial entertainment, enjoyment and remaining in spiritual stagnation.

Our weaknesses are much more forgivable if we are aware of our faults and strive hard to eliminate them. If a person really tries to change, then such a change will come and we will slowly but surely change for the better. In this case, we don’t have to feel inferior because of our weaknesses because we were willing to admit them and work on them!

Only our effort is authoritative. No change is easy, but it is more important than ever to embark on this journey, because time is really running out and the bells of fate are ringing.

    The coming time will not be easy for anyone at all.
    It will be very difficult at all levels.

The light will make its uncompromising way into every soul, and this pressure can cause us all kinds of physical and psychological problems depending on the level of our internal contamination.

Also, there can be very sharp changes in our life if we deserve it or need it for our knowledge. Therefore, do not cry over spilled milk, but ask what the Universe is trying to convey and tell you.

Remember: only a positive attitude and mindset will help you through this difficult transition.

Our liberation can only be achieved if the masses wake up and rise up to protest against, among other things, false information and unnecessary and dangerous covid injections. All designed to destroy 90% of the population.

Or that the cabal is crippled by

        A mass awakening

        The collapse of the monetary system, or

        Removal by extraterrestrial intervention

Remember this and don’t be tempted to follow other so-called solutions, because there are none!


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