CIA documents unveil evidence of enormous civilizations on ancient Mars(美國中央情報局(CIA)檔揭示了古代火星上巨大文明的證據)

CIA documents unveil evidence of enormous civilizations on ancient Mars(美國中央情報局(CIA)檔揭示了古代火星上巨大文明的證據)

來源:Prepare For Change

By Derek Knauss -
作者:Derek Knauss -

January 19, 2025

    Recently declassified CIA documents detail a secret experiment conducted as part of Project Stargate, a program aimed at harnessing psychic abilities for intelligence purposes during the Cold War.
    最近解密的 CIA 檔詳細介紹了作為 Stargate 計劃的一部分進行的秘密實驗,該計劃旨在利用通靈能力在冷戰期間進行情報目的。

    On May 22, 1984, a subject allegedly used astral projection to travel to Mars approximately one million years BCE. The subject reported observing large, intelligent beings, suggesting the presence of an advanced civilization on the red planet.
    1984 年 5 月 22 日,據稱一名物件使用星體投影穿越到西元前 100 萬年的火星。對象報告觀察到大型智慧生物,這表明這顆紅色星球上存在著先進的文明。

    The subject described seeing “very tall, thin” beings wearing precise clothing and using giant pyramids as shelters. These beings appeared to be searching for a new place to live due to their deteriorating environment.

    The experiment revealed structures similar to those found on Earth, such as pyramid-like forms and obelisks, raising the possibility of a shared architectural knowledge between ancient civilizations on Earth and Mars.

    The CIA documents’ findings have sparked significant debate and caused NASA and other space agencies to reconsider their research objectives, potentially shifting the paradigm of human understanding of extraterrestrial life and the origins of civilization.

In a stunning revelation that defies conventional scientific understanding, recently declassified Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) documents have surfaced, claiming that large, intelligent beings once inhabited the red planet.
最近解密的中央情報局 (CIA) 檔浮出水面,打破了傳統的科學理解,聲稱這顆紅色星球上曾經居住著大型智慧生物。

The document, titled “Mars Exploration May 22, 1984,” outlines a secret experiment conducted by the CIA as part of Project Stargate, a covert program aimed at harnessing psychic abilities for military and intelligence purposes.
這份題為“1984 年 5 月 22 日火星探索”的檔概述了中央情報局進行的一項秘密實驗,作為星際之門計劃的一部分,該計劃是一項旨在利用通靈能力用於軍事和情報目的的秘密計劃。

Project Stargate, established in 1977, was a U.S. government initiative focused on exploring anomalous phenomena, including remote viewing, telepathy and psychokinesis. (Related: Project Stargate: CIA, DoD had a well-funded secret program aimed at developing psychic abilities)
星際之門計劃成立於1977年,是美國政府的一項計劃,專注於探索異常現象,包括遠程觀察、心靈感應和念力。(相關新聞: 星際之門計劃 :CIA,DoD 有一個資金充足的秘密計劃,旨在開發通靈能力)

The goal was to develop psychic spies capable of infiltrating the minds of the Soviet Union’s enemies during the Cold War. Participants in the program were exposed to various stimuli, such as binaural beats and hemi-sync audio, to induce altered states of consciousness and enhance their extrasensory perception (ESP).
目標是培養能夠在冷戰期間滲透蘇聯敵人思想的通靈間諜。該計劃的參與者受到各種刺激,例如雙耳節拍和半同步音訊,以誘導意識狀態的改變並增強他們的超感官知覺 (ESP)。
One of the intriguing experiments had a subject transported to Mars using astral projection

According to declassified details, one of the most intriguing experiments was conducted on May 22, 1984, where a selected subject was transported to Mars using astral projection, a technique that involves projecting one’s consciousness across space and time. The subject was tasked with exploring Mars approximately one million years BCE, guided by geographic coordinates provided in a sealed envelope before the experiment.
根據解密的細節,最有趣的實驗之一於 1984 年 5 月 22 日進行,其中選定的物件使用星體投影被運送到火星,星體投影是一種涉及跨空間和時間投射一個人的意識的技術。該實驗對象的任務是探索西元前約 100 萬年的火星,實驗前由密封信封中提供的地理座標指導。

The subject reported an “oblique view” of a structure resembling a pyramid or pyramid-like form, a notion that immediately drew parallels with the ancient Egyptian civilizations on Earth. However, the most startling revelation came when the subject described encountering “very large, very tall people” who were searching for a new place to live due to the rapid corruption of their environment.

The CIA documents provide a detailed account of the subject’s observations. The “very tall, thin” beings were described as wearing unusual clothing that seemed to fit them precisely. These individuals were observed using giant pyramids as shelters during violent storms on Mars, suggesting the remnants of a sophisticated civilization.
CIA 檔提供了對物件觀察的詳細描述。這些「非常高、瘦」的生物被描述為穿著不尋常的衣服,似乎完全適合他們。在火星上的猛烈風暴期間,人們觀察到這些人使用巨大的金字塔作為庇護所,這表明這是一個複雜文明的遺跡。

Further details revealed that these beings were looking for a way to survive their deteriorating world. The subject reported seeing the inhabitants in a state of philosophical acceptance of their approaching end, emphasizing their search for a new habitat.

“This group went somewhere, like a long way, to find another place to live,” the subject stated. Their departure appeared to be a desperate attempt to escape their deteriorating environment, which was rapidly succumbing to violent storms and environmental degradation.

The experiment also hinted at the presence of advanced structures, including a long road leading to a monument resembling an obelisk, which was once a significant part of ancient Egyptian architecture. This similarity in structure design raises intriguing questions about the possibility of shared architectural knowledge between Earth and Mars.

Project Stargate, although officially shut down in 1995, had a wide-ranging impact, with participants engaging in various operations, from locating kidnapped hostages to tracing fugitives. The Mars Exploration experiment is one of the most controversial and fascinating endeavors undertaken by the program, challenging mankind’s current understanding of extraterrestrial life and the potential connections between ancient civilizations on Earth and Mars.

While these documents have been met with skepticism, they have undoubtedly ignited significant debate within the scientific and intelligence communities. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration and other space agencies are now revisiting their research objectives, considering the implications of these provocative findings.
雖然這些檔受到了懷疑,但它們無疑在科學和情報界引發了重大辯論。美國太空總署(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)和其他航太機構現在正在重新審視他們的研究目標,考慮這些挑釁性發現的影響。

As the world grapples with the implications of these CIA documents, the search for life on Mars has taken an unprecedented turn. These revelations not only alter humanity’s perception of the red planet’s potential for hosting intelligent life but also raise profound questions about the origins of civilization and the interconnectedness of life in the universe.
當全世界都在努力應對這些 CIA 文件的影響時,在火星上尋找生命的工作發生了前所未有的轉變。這些發現不僅改變了人類對這顆紅色星球承載智慧生命潛力的看法,還引發了關於文明起源和宇宙中生命相互聯繫的深刻問題。

The full implications of these findings remain to be seen, but they undoubtedly mark a pivotal moment in human exploration of the cosmos and mankind’s understanding of life beyond Earth.

Follow for more news about covert American programs.
關注 瞭解有關美國秘密計劃的更多新聞。

Watch the video below to know more about Project Stargate.
觀看下面的視頻以瞭解有關 Project Stargate 的更多資訊。

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