Drones and Disclosure(無人機和披露)

Drones and Disclosure(無人機和披露)

What if the real target isn't our airspace but our minds?(如果真正的目標不是我們的領空,而是我們的思想呢?)

來源:Getting Ready for the Galactic Age(為銀河時代做好準備)
作者:Carolyn Brouillard(卡羅琳·布勞亞德)
Dec 13, 2024  

圖:drone sightings
Source: Fox5 New York
資料來源:Fox5 New York

As fleets of mysterious "drones" roam America's neighborhoods and approach sensitive military installations with apparent impunity, we find ourselves witnessing what more and more looks like a sophisticated public psychological operation playing out in real time. Many questions remain and that seems to be deliberate. These events may reveal an intricate effort to reshape our country’s consciousness—but toward what end? The answer is more complex—and potentially more alarming—than we may realize.


The Facts of the Phenomenon

The general consensus emerging from numerous reports are that many of these drones are very large, can sustain high altitudes and high winds, are not detectable by radio frequency, and often travel in swarms. These objects move with deliberate intent, display sophisticated evasive maneuvers when approached, and operate with impunity in restricted airspace. They appear to originate from offshore locations, suggesting capabilities beyond conventional range and allegedly staying aloft for several hours. Originally concentrated in New Jersey, they are now showing up across the country (and world).


Some drone reports contain high strangeness. Though anecdotal, some have stated that their personal drones are disabled via dead batteries when sent up to investigate. One couple reported that their car clock changed when they were chasing a drone and then changed back when out of range. Others have seen objects that look more like orbs and giant balls of light than drones, creating further confusion about what these things truly are.

    〈These observations create an unsettling paradox: these objects are visible enough to be widely witnessed yet elusive enough to maintain plausible deniability.〉

They are substantial enough to register on multiple tracking systems yet difficult or impossible to identify or intercept. They are concerning enough to warrant official acknowledgment yet apparently not threatening enough to trigger military response. Allegedly, spying and lurking are not threats that trigger military intervention, per federal law.

What is going on?  


The Official Narrative  

In a repeat of the spy balloon fiasco, the government apparently has no clue. On the one hand, authorities say they are baffled and have no significant information to share. On the other, when pressed by the media, the Deputy Defense press secretary debunked a claim from Rep. Jeff Van Drew that the drones are coming from an Iranian “mothership,” saying there is “no evidence these activities are coming from a foreign entity or the work of an adversary.” She categorically stated, “These are not US military drones.”
在間諜氣球慘敗的重演中,政府顯然毫無頭緒。一方面,當局表示他們感到困惑,沒有重要資訊可分享。另一方面,在媒體的追問下,國防部副新聞秘書駁斥了眾議員傑夫·范德魯 (Jeff Van Drew) 的說法,即無人機來自伊朗的“母艦”,稱“沒有證據表明這些活動來自外國實體或對手的工作”。她斬釘截鐵地表示,“這些不是美國軍用無人機。‘’

The most striking element is the intentional paradox in official statements - claiming both uncertainty about what these craft are while simultaneously ruling out the most logical explanations (US military and foreign adversaries). Where is the data to support knowing enough to claim what it isn’t while not knowing what it is?

    〈This type of deliberate cognitive dissonance, where new evidence contradicts existing beliefs, is often a hallmark of psychological operations designed to create specific mental and emotional states in a population.〉

In this case, it is producing a low-level anxiety and unease that something significant is happening beyond our understanding and control. We are forced into this ambiguous, suspended logic space of: If it's not ours and not our adversaries, then whose is it? How can we not know?
在這種情況下,它會產生一種低級的焦慮和不安,因為一些超出我們理解和控制範圍的重大事情正在發生。我們被迫進入這個模棱兩可、懸而未決的邏輯空間:如果它不是我們的,也不是我們的對手,那麼它是誰的? 我們怎麼可能不知道呢?

This creates a conspicuous gap in the narrative that begs to be filled, suggesting careful management of public perception rather than genuine uncertainty. It funnels us into a state of anticipation, creating psychological pressure for revelation or resolution. And with our logical frameworks disrupted, our minds become more open to previously rejected possibilities, like, well, aliens. It is creating a crack in our reality structure through which new ideas might enter.

Are we being guided toward specific new realities, and if so, by whom and for what purpose?


Multiple Layers of Operation

The sophistication of this operation suggests multiple potential objectives and agendas. First, it is possible this is just a distraction from other major national and world events going on or about to be revealed. However, given the steady drip of disclosure news over the years, it seems fair to assume there is more to the story.

Scenario 1: Disclosure Preparation
情景 1:披露的準備

A more charitable, optimistic view is that this collective “WTF” moment is preparing us for disclosure of our non-human brethren. It is exciting our curiosity and empowering us to share our experiences, problem-solve, and listen to the wisdom of community over government mouthpieces. That we are thus far processing this without panic is a positive sign.

Especially when taken in light of ongoing progressive disclosure, like the recent House oversight hearing, this scenario sees current events as a carefully managed program to test the waters and prepare the public for what governments already know about the existence of non-human intelligence (NHI). The idea is that we are being acclimated to unexplained anomalous phenomena in our skies, building a baseline of UAP characteristics, and normalizing limited government knowledge and control.
特別是考慮到正在進行的漸進式披露,例如最近的眾議院監督聽證會,這種情況將時事視為一個精心管理的計劃,以試水並讓公眾為政府已經知道的非人類智慧 (NHI) 的存在做好準備。這個想法是,我們正在適應天空中無法解釋的異常現象,建立UAP特徵的基線,並使有限的政府知識和控制正常化。

Additional elements include:

    ▪︎ Gradual exposure to advanced/ superior technology
    ▪︎ 逐漸接觸先進/卓越的技術

    ▪︎ Introduction of new terminology into public discourse (e.g. mothership)
    ▪︎ 在公共話語中引入新術語(例如母艦)

    ▪︎ Seeding of collective imagination related to NHI possibility
    ▪︎ 與 NHI 可能性相關的集體想像力的種子

    ▪︎ Creating frameworks and shared experiences for processing future revelations
    ▪︎ 創建框架和共享經驗以處理未來的啟示

We can think of the drone situation as a test run of how something like mass sightings could unfold. It is real-world and real-time practice in processing uncertainty. Knowing that the clock is ticking on disclosure, perhaps the government is studying people’s mental, emotional, and physical responses, the media’s handling of this topic, and the preparedness of our public institutions.

Though lacking in transparency and exacerbating the trust deficit, this could be part of an attempt to create a gradual recognition that something beyond conventional human technology is operating in our airspace. As noted by our study findings, this progressive disclosure may reduce societal shock while building collective capacity for paradigm-shifting information, including the introduction of our own advanced technology.

It both simultaneously undermines the credibility of traditional authorities and potentially keeps the government in control of the disclosure narrative, as that anticipatory tension is building for an official explanation. This could allow the government to selectively disclose certain aspects (limited hangout) while maintaining secrecy around others, thus maintaining existing power structures. It could also set the stage for dismissing legitimate NHI sightings as just more drones.
它既破壞了傳統當局的可信度,又可能使政府控制披露敘述,因為這種預期的緊張局勢正在為官方解釋而積累。這可能允許政府有選擇地披露某些方面(有限的聚會),同時對其他方面保持保密,從而維持現有的權力結構。它還可能為將合法的 NHI 目擊事件視為更多的無人機奠定基礎。

As such, the current situation could serve as either a preparation tool for genuine contact or a control mechanism for managing public perception of NHI or justifying power grabs and new laws, or both.

Scenario 2: Erosion of American Hegemony
情景 2:美國霸權的侵蝕

A darker view suggests a deliberate blow to the American sense of sovereignty and superiority, where we are being conditioned to a vulnerability other nations know all too well. Across the country, people are wondering how supposedly the most advanced military on Earth cannot catch, let alone identify, large drones hovering over sensitive sites. It doesn’t inspire confidence in our borders or the people tasked to protect them. That might be the point.

Through the lens of psychological warfare, this scenario views current events as a sophisticated campaign to systematically undermine American sovereignty by seeding vulnerability and fear in the American psyche through the loss of presumed security. The idea is that the drone’s technological prowess is conditioning us to accept powerlessness in defending our borders and airspace, thus deconstructing the perception of American military dominance.

Additional elements include:

    ▪︎ Repeated displays of military impotence against incursions
    ▪︎ 一再展示軍事對侵略的無能為力

    ▪︎ Global humiliation of defense capabilities
    ▪︎ 國防能力的全球羞辱

    ▪︎ Loss of faith in protective institutions and elected authorities
    ▪︎ 對保護機構和民選當局失去信心

    ▪︎ Adjustment to power dynamics of decline
    ▪︎ 對衰落的權力動態的調整

Perhaps the drone situation is an experiment or next step in the controlled demolition of a country’s standing. It plants the mental seeds of defeat - something the American psyche has little experience with. By operating with impunity around sensitive military installations and strategic locations, these craft send an unmistakable message: your defenses don’t work.

The psychological impact is magnified by the uncontrolled influx of undocumented immigrants, including men of military age and unknown state allegiances. The apartment building takeovers and high-profile murders of young women by violent criminals, who like the drones are entering and traveling our country with impunity, challenge our personal and collective sense of safety on a subconscious or conscious level.

The apparent helplessness of military and security forces to explain, prevent, or respond to these drone events serves multiple purposes. It demonstrates technological weakness while simultaneously forcing official acknowledgment of subordination. This creates a form of learned defenselessness - a psychological state where a population becomes accustomed to its inability to control significant national security threats.

It also potentially represents a shift in global power dynamics, as the regular display of superior technology without consequence suggests the existence of capabilities that render traditional military might obsolete. This could be preparing Americans psychologically for a post-superpower reality where technological dominance belongs to others - whether terrestrial adversaries or NHI. Consider that immediately preceding the drone sightings Russia debuted its intermediate-range ballistic missile. We are not necessarily outmatched but technological advances are bringing our adversaries ever closer and our aggressive foreign policy actions are inviting greater resistance. A next step in this scenario might be a false flag or legitimate foreign attack. Or the cancellation of a certain inauguration.
它還可能代表全球權力動態的轉變,因為經常展示卓越技術而沒有後果表明存在使傳統軍事可能過時的能力。這可能是讓美國人在心理上為後超級大國的現實做好準備,在這種現實中,技術主導權屬於他人——無論是地面對手還是 NHI。想想看,在無人機目擊事件發生之前,俄羅斯首次推出了其中程彈道導彈。我們不一定不敵對手,但技術進步正在使我們的對手越來越近,我們激進的外交政策行動正在招致更大的抵抗。這種情況的下一步可能是虛假標記或合法的外國攻擊。或者取消某個就職典禮。

As such, the drone situation could serve as a deliberate destabilization of a former world power or unintended consequence of clashing jurisdictions, missing authorizations, and genuine mystery. Either way, the psychological impact on national confidence and authority may be profound, lasting, and justification for taking away our freedoms.

Scenario 3: Catalyzing Collective Evolution
情景 3:催化集體進化

Though unlikely to be the driving intent behind the drones, this scenario views the current events as neither purely benevolent preparation nor malevolent manipulation, but rather as a necessary disruption of outdated paradigms to catalyze societal transformation. If we are willing, the drone phenomenon could serve as a collective initiation experience - challenging our assumptions, exposing our vulnerabilities, and ultimately strengthening our capacity for adaptation and growth.

It could be the manifestation of a power structure that is itself uncertain how disclosure will unfold, knowing that the final decision is not humanity’s to make.

Additional elements include:

    ▪︎ Breaking down illusions of absolute control and security
    ▪︎ 打破絕對控制和安全的幻想

    ▪︎ Forcing evolution of institutional structures and accountability of traditional authorities
    ▪︎ 迫使機構結構的演變和傳統權威的問責制

    ▪︎ Activating grassroots investigative and problem-solving capacity
    ▪︎ 激活基層調查和解決問題的能力

    ▪︎ Building new forms of community resilience
    ▪︎ 建立新形式的社區復原力

    ▪︎ Creating shared frameworks for processing uncertainty
    ▪︎ 為處理不確定性創建共用框架

    ▪︎ Developing more sophisticated information discernment
    ▪︎ 發展更複雜的信息辨別能力

This perspective suggests that whether orchestrated by humans or non-humans, for good or ill will, these events are pushing us toward necessary growth and preparing us for the inevitability of contact. Just as individuals often require destabilizing or disorienting experiences to examine and evolve beyond limiting beliefs, perhaps our society needs this kind of controlled challenge to choose new modes of thinking and operating. This scenario empowers the people to assign meaning to these events in a way that fosters human evolution.


The Messages Being Sent  

Former counterintelligence officer at the Department of Defense, Lue Elizondo, testified at a recent House oversight committee that:
國防部前反間諜官員 Lue Elizondo 在最近的眾議院監督委員會上作證說:

〈…the Pentagon’s very own Public Affairs Office openly employs a professional psychological operations officer as the singular point of contact for any UAP-related inquiries from citizens and the media.〉
〈…五角大樓自己的公共事務辦公室公開聘請一名專業的心理行動官員作為公民和媒體任何與 UAP 相關的詢問的唯一連絡人。〉

Given that psyops are designed to shape perceptions and manipulate behaviors, what are the messages being planted in the American psyche? What are we being prepared for or driven toward?

圖:The Army's psychological operations community is ditching the term Military Information Support Operations and going back to its roots. (Army)

    〈The confluence of recent events – drones specifically and geopolitical tensions and domestic strife more broadly – could be reinforcing powerful messages of vulnerability to the American psyche.〉
    〈 最近發生的一系列事件 -- 具體來說是無人機,更廣泛來說是地緣政治緊張和國內紛爭 -- 可能正在強化美國心理脆弱的強烈信息。〉

It is important to make explicit these implicit messages so that we can address them consciously and thoughtfully and decide whether to accept, reject, or modify them.

1. "You Are Not In Control"
1. “你無法控制”

The demonstrations of air space impunity create a profound psychological impact, challenging fundamental assumptions about security, sovereignty, and technological superiority. Related to NHI, a sub-message might be, “You are not the most advanced species.”
對領空有罪不罰的示威造成了深遠的心理影響,挑戰了關於安全、主權和技術優勢的基本假設。與 NHI 相關的一個子資訊可能是,“你並不是最先進的物種。‘’

2. “Your Protectors Cannot Protect You"
2. “你的保護者無法保護你”

The inability of traditional authorities to explain or address these intrusions undermines what little faith remains in institutional competence. Each contradictory statement or failed response further erodes public confidence and suggests hidden power structures pulling the strings.

3. “You Are Being Watched”
3. “你正在被監視”

The drones represent the possibility and threat of constant surveillance without consent. That could be our strategic locations or our backyards (literally). This is amplified by the surveillance evidence shared in the hunt for the United Healthcare CEO killer, which also had the paradox of being near total and yet seemingly inadequate to catch him.
無人機代表了未經同意進行持續監視的可能性和威脅。那可能是我們的戰略位置或我們的後院(字面意思)。在追捕 United Healthcare 首席執行官殺手時分享的監控證據放大了這一點,該證據也存在一個悖論,即幾乎完全有效,但似乎不足以抓住他。

4. “Your Reality Is Not What You Thought"
4. “你的現實不是你想象的那樣”

The doubt in official explanations raises questions about what else might be hidden or manipulated, which could challenge presumptions about the prima facie nature of the external world.
官方解釋中的疑問引發了關於還有什麼可能被隱藏或操縱的問題,這可能會挑戰關於 外部世界表面性質的假設。

5. “Everything You Know May Change”
5. “你所知道的一切都可能會改變”

The crack in accepted truths may be preparing us for paradigm shift and the normalization of previously unfathomable actualities. While changing perceptions is part of maturity, a complete revision of prior worldviews and foundational assumptions could be incredibly destabilizing and distressing.

Having been seeded over the past several years, these messages appear designed to fundamentally reshape American collective psychology from one of assumed dominance and security to one of acknowledged subordination and uncertainty. The gradual, persistent nature of these operations could suggest a long-term strategy for psychological transformation of the population through fear, which makes people easier to control.


Moving Through Uncertainty with Grace

Whether these events represent disclosure preparation, sovereignty decline, or evolutionary catalyst - or something totally different - our task remains the same: to engage consciously rather than react unconsciously.

    〈The drones are presenting us with a choice - succumb to fear and uncertainty or rise to the occasion for growth and evolution.〉
    〈無人機向我們展示了一個選擇 - 屈服於恐懼和不確定性,或者抓住成長和進化的機會。〉

Even the most concerning scenario can be a positive catalyst, as we get to individually decide whether or how to internalize these messages.

If this is preparation for impending disclosure, we can use this time to build our collective capacity for paradigm-shifting information. If it's an attempt to erode American confidence and push us into submission, we can develop new forms of resilience and influence not dependent on technological or military dominance. If it's pushing us toward evolution, we can embrace the opportunity to outgrow limiting patterns and walk bravely into what Dr. Michael Salla calls our “Star Trek Future.”

The key lies in maintaining sovereignty of mind while remaining open to transformation. This means:

    1. Practicing Discernment  
    1. 練習辨別力

    ▪︎ Question official narratives without becoming paranoid
    ▪︎ 質疑官方敘事,但不要變得偏執

    ▪︎ Consider multiple interpretations without becoming paralyzed
    ▪︎ 考慮多種解釋而不會癱瘓

    ▪︎ Hold possibilities lightly while staying grounded in direct experience and factual confirmations
    ▪︎ 輕描淡寫地保留可能性,同時以直接經驗和事實確認為基礎

    2. Building Community Resilience
    2. 建立社區韌性

    ▪︎ Create local discussion forums for processing experiences
    ▪︎ 為處理體驗創建本地論壇

    ▪︎ Share information and insights across traditional boundaries
    ▪︎ 跨傳統界限共用資訊和見解

    ▪︎ Develop collective wisdom independent of official channels
    ▪︎ 發展獨立於官方渠道的集體智慧

    3. Cultivating Personal Agency

    ▪︎ Focus on what we can control
    ▪︎ 專注於我們可以控制的事情

    ▪︎ Choose curiosity amid uncertainty
    ▪︎ 在不確定性中選擇好奇心

    ▪︎ Use challenges as opportunities for growth
    ▪︎ 將挑戰視為增長的機遇

Perhaps most importantly, we can recognize that periods of profound change often appear chaotic while they are happening. What looks like deterioration to one person might be metamorphosis to another. It depends on how high, broad, and long term a perspective one can hold, which is a function of consciousness. The question becomes not just what is being done to us, but what we might become through this process.

My tentative assessment is that we are witnessing a potential disclosure process in real-time. I see it as a test run representing a convergence of agendas - some human, some not, some benevolent, some not – designed to seed collective consciousness for revelation. Whether the ultimate purpose is disclosure, power shift or consolidation, or evolution remains to be seen. What matters most is how we choose to engage with and make sense of it, particularly on an emotional level.

    〈We can move from the discomfort of cognitive dissonance to the assurance of cognitive resonance.〉

Let’s pay attention to what comes next. As these events continue to unfold, maintaining critical awareness of the psychological dynamics at play becomes increasingly important. By maintaining awareness while building resilience, we can transform what might be intended as control mechanisms into catalysts for conscious evolution. In doing so, we might emerge from this period not weakened, but strengthened - not confused, but clarified - not diminished, but expanded in our understanding of reality and our place within it.

The drones above our heads may be messengers of change, but we remain the authors of our response. In that choice lies our true sovereignty.

Carolyn Brouillard is Managing Partner of ExoFuturesConsulting, which partners with forward-thinking organizations ready to explore the profound implications of contact with NHI.
Carolyn Brouillard 是 ExoFuturesConsulting 的管理合夥人,該公司與準備探索與 NHI 接觸的深遠影響的前瞻性組織合作。
