Pleiades Supreme Council Message(昴宿星團最高委員會致辭)

Pleiades Supreme Council Message(昴宿星團最高委員會致辭)

來源:Prepare For Change

By Derek Knauss -
作者:Derek Knauss -

January 13, 2025

Revelations many have awaited

The New World Order has already collapsed in 2021, arguing that the world is now – in its – final contraction after the death of the elite regime – the octopus head having been removed years ago.
新世界秩序已於 2021 年崩解,認為世界目前正處於精英政權死亡後的最後收縮階段 - 章魚頭已於多年前被移除。

Putin told Russian broadcaster NTV that the New World Order had failed because
普京告訴俄羅斯廣播公司 NTV,世界新秩序失敗是因為

“people around the world have woken up and realised the insidious truth about the plans of the elite”.

Finally, the time has come to present some revelations that many have been waiting for. Waiting has been a difficult decision, but an absolutely necessary one, as the revelations to come will shock many in the population. Especially those who are still in deep sleep. When they awaken from their illusion, they will not even understand the true reality.

For those who are awake and aware, important changes are afoot. Here is a look into the near future to confirm that we are on the right track in our lives. Be assured that everything is going as originally planned by our higher extraterrestrial helpers, the Galactic Federation. This time all the parameters are in place to ensure success. It is about to begin.
對於那些覺醒並覺察的人來說,重要的轉變正在進行中。以下是對不久的將來的展望,以確認我們的生活正走在正確的軌道上。請確信每件事情都按照我們更高的外星幫手 -- 銀河聯邦的最初計劃進行。這一次,所有參數都已準備就緒,以確保成功。它即將開始。

It brings us the light for higher levels of action to remove all negative forces and to completely cleanse planet Earth. To then enter the new positively polarised world. This is a huge undertaking, but in the end the triumph will be ours.

Most people have no idea what has happened on planet Earth and have not understood or do not want to understand what the removal of the Deep State means for the whole universe.

They will not and cannot follow the Ascension because they have stayed in lower vibrations and at least have not developed their 4th dimensional consciousness to be ready for their Ascension into 5D.

There are also those who do not want to believe in this change on planet Earth and still live in their comfort zone. It is their choice and no one can question it, for it is their soul that has decided it needs more time to develop the spirituality to ascend to higher vibrations.

Phil Schneider, a US government geologist and engineer with over 17 years’ experience working on black projects, is undoubtedly one of the most important whistle-blowers in modern history.
菲爾·施耐德 (Phil Schneider) 是一位美國政府地質學家和工程師,擁有超過 17 年的黑色專案工作經驗,無疑是現代歷史上最重要的告密者之一。

Phil toured the US in the 1990s, educating the public about aliens living beneath the surface of our planet. He even had a close encounter with a 2.15 metre tall alien called Grey and barely survived.
Phil 在 1990 年代在美國巡迴演出,向公眾宣傳生活在地球表面下的外星人。他甚至與一個名叫 Grey 的 2.15 米高的外星人近距離接觸,勉強活了下來。

He has posted a number of videos on the internet in which he mentions the Dulce Massacre of 1979 in which we lost 60 people and the Greys lost 35. It was then that the powers that be decided to begin an active programme of eliminating these alien races and eventually informing humans of their existence.
他在互聯網上發佈了許多視頻,其中提到了 1979 年的杜爾塞大屠殺,在這場大屠殺中,我們失去了 60 人,灰人失去了 35 人。就在那時,當權者決定開始一項積極的計劃,以消滅這些外星種族,並最終讓人類知道他們的存在。

With the help of friendly aliens such as the Pleiadians, Arcturians and Andromedans, this battle has recently been won. A war against some 20 million inter-dimensional beings, some of whom disguised themselves as humans to blend in. Phil Schneider was finally killed in 1996 and left videos for us to watch and learn from.
在昴宿星人、大角星人和仙女座人等友好外星人的説明下,這場戰鬥最近取得了勝利。一場針對大約 2000 萬次元生物的戰爭,其中一些人偽裝成人類以融入其中。菲爾·施耐德 (Phil Schneider) 最終於 1996 年被殺害,並留下了視頻供我們觀看和學習。


The collapse of the deep state cabal

The Deep State Cabal has collapsed on all levels, the cleansing is in full swing. Great changes are on their way to bring people into the higher consciousness of the 5th dimension as the Light advances.

The time in between has not been a waste of time. Earlier actions were needed to put everything in the right place. To bring our planet to a higher resonance frequency and to encourage people to move on.

The battle of the Global Mafia against the Light is definitely lost. They will have to answer for everything. No one will escape until justice is done. Their backs are literally against the wall. This time the victory is ours.

There is a monumental task ahead of us to prevent the hidden cabal mafias from wreaking havoc when they have to accept defeat.

In retrospect, much has been done in recent years. Life on Earth has been seriously threatened until 2012.
回想起來,近年來已經做了很多工作。直到 2012 年,地球上的生命一直受到嚴重威脅。

We can get extraterrestrial help, but we have to make the changes ourselves, because it is our planet. There will be no more fear psychosis. Planet Earth will become a peaceful, problem-free world where everyone can relax. Be assured that our new era has already begun. Better things are coming; our new lifestyle will be very different.


Get to know the secret

The continent of Antarctica contains a portal that allows selected global elites to travel to distant worlds in other galaxies of the Universe, where they will be well looked after, but forever are banished from Planet Earth.

These few chosen global elites are Claus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, and Christine Lagarde, president of the ECB, who attended a secret meeting in Antarctica last July. Two other participants were Brad Garlinghouse and David Schwartz, respectively president and chief technical officer of Ripple Labs, a computer software company specialising in online payment systems.
這少數被選中的全球精英是世界經濟論壇(World Economic Forum)創始人兼執行主席克勞斯·施瓦布(Claus Schwab)和歐洲央行行長克莉絲蒂娜·拉加德(Christine Lagarde),後者去年7月在南極洲參加了一次秘密會議。另外兩名參與者是 Brad Garlinghouse 和 David Schwartz,他們分別是 Ripple Labs 的總裁和首席技術官,Ripple Labs 是一家專門從事在線支付系統的計算機軟體公司。

On the basis of an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, they will be spared in return for helping to dismantle the existing Deep State money system to allow a smooth transition to the new QFS money system run by the people themselves.
在以牙還牙、以眼還眼的基礎上,他們將獲得赦免,作為回報,他們將協助瓦解現有的 「深層國家 」貨幣系統,以便順利過渡到由人民自己管理的新 QFS 貨幣系統。

Before they can leave for their new world, they must first help with the transition from the global financial system to the QFS and undo all the black magic that has been used to enslave humanity and the Earth itself.
在他們前往新世界之前,他們必須先協助從全球金融系統過渡到 QFS,並解除所有用來奴役人類和地球本身的黑魔法。

They are the only ones who can dismantle the dark web they have created. Designed to destroy societies based on unimaginable pathological criminality.

It was the decision of the higher hierarchy of Earth and the Earth Alliance that no great chaos should result from this transfer of power.

An economic collapse would have caused even more suffering and hardship for the population in these already difficult times on Earth. We, the people, have suffered too much already. Therefore, the Galactic Federation and the Earth Alliance are ensuring that this transition causes as little damage as possible.

This transition is directly linked to the introduction of the Quantum Financial System (QFS), which has been the subject of much speculation. Read more about it here.
這種轉變與量子金融系統 (QFS) 的引入直接相關,這一直是許多猜測的主題。在此處閱讀更多相關信息。


QFS system advanced without equivalent
QFS 系統的先進,無與倫比

Little is known that this new system was invented in preparation for the takeover of the Central Bank Debt System to end financial slavery and control over the population. Why the Alliance gave President Trump the magic wand to take over the old banking system without changing it.

The Quantum Financial System – QFS is unlike anything that has ever been introduced to the world before. It has no peer; it has no equivalent in advanced technology to any other system before it. It is brand new.
量子金融系統 (Quantum Financial System) -- QFS 是前所未有的。它沒有同級產品;在先進技術方面,它與之前的任何其他系統都無法相提並論。它是全新的。

It reigns supreme in the technology it uses to achieve the one hundred percent financial security and transparency that all currency account holders demand. With the QFS, the world’s monetary system can be easily converted to gold/silver backed currencies, completely eliminating the need for the old cabal central banking system transfers.
它以其所使用的技術達到所有貨幣帳戶持有人所要求的百分之百的金融安全性和透明度而傲視同儕。有了 QFS,全世界的貨幣系統都可以輕易轉換成以黃金/白銀為基礎的貨幣,完全不需要舊有的陰謀集團中央銀行系統轉帳。

Unfortunately, there’s no equivalent technology to fully understand the advanced QFS structure.
不幸的是,目前還沒有對等的技術可以完全了解先進的 QFS 結構。


Politicians and bankers caught red-handed in real time

No one ever suspected or knew that this powerful quantum computer system could assign a digital number to every fiat dollar/euro/yen in every bank account in the world and monitor it in real time; knowing exactly where it went, when it was transferred, who sent it with their login details and which account received it.

Imagine the frustration of a banker who has just stolen money and illegally transferred it to another account, only to be arrested in real time for theft.

Does anyone believe that this will happen without the Deep State controlled bankers doing everything they can to stop it? Would they not use every criminal trick, every disgusting false flag, anything and everything to stop it?

Of course they have tried and are still are trying to stop it. They have explored every avenue to hack and destroy this system, but to no avail! The cabals are gasping for their last breath, but rest assured, they are definitely on their way out. Their battle is lost; our victory is at hand.


QFS stops the Deep State in its tracks
QFS 阻止了深層政府

The Alliance had to intervene with alien, or rather off-dimensional, technologies to bring us Earthlings this super-technologically advanced monetary system. It is rooted in quantum computer intelligence, which comes without any third dimensional creation. No 3D creation comes with an omniscient ‘recognition system’ that mimics the creation of a living being. It is simply Artificial Intelligence (AI) that comes with something capable of replacing conscious human beings.
聯盟不得不以外星,或者說是異次元的技術介入,為我們地球人帶來了這個超級科技先進的貨幣系統。它植根於量子電腦智慧,不附帶任何三維創造。沒有任何三維創造來自於全知全能的「識別系統」,模仿生物的創造。它只是人工智慧 (AI),附帶一些能夠取代有意識的人類的東西。

The Deep State is in a panic as people wake up and realise they cannot stop it. They are constantly trying to prevent or suppress it, but the truth is coming out.

Now is the time for people to learn to think for themselves by getting away from the hypes, where for example a mass of people come to the conclusion that something is valuable because of a mindless kind of group think, when if they were to think logically they would come to the conclusion that it is not.

The existing monetary system is protected by secret codes. These codes are essential for a smooth transition from the cabal’s old fraudulent money system to the new value-based QFS system. Without these codes, the transition is long and complicated, even if the QFS system is fully functional.
現有的貨幣體系受到密碼的保護。這些代碼對於從陰謀集團的舊欺詐性貨幣系統平穩過渡到新的基於價值的 QFS 系統至關重要。如果沒有這些代碼,即使 QFS 系統功能齊全,過渡也會漫長而複雜。

The use of these codes will streamline the transition from the old to the new system by completely removing unexpected obstacles. This will avoid unnecessary loss of time and inconvenience to users.

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