The Intelligence Hub for the Victory of Light(光明勝利的情報中心)
The Intelligence Hub for the Victory of Light(光明勝利的情報中心)
來源:The Portal(門戶)
Saturday, December 28, 2024
2024 年 12 月 28 日星期六
Situation Update
A huge breakthrough happened on December 21st, when one portion of Pleiadian fleet was able to permanently anchor itself in key postilions throughout the Agartha network, and in the stratosphere as cloaked ships above key surface locations. This is a very important key step towards the final liberation of the surface.
One part of this Pleiadian fleet will start attempting strong healing sequences to many Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, healing their inner child, their connection with the soul star chakra, healing their wounded heart chakra and connection between their heart chakra and sexual energy. The success of these healing sequences greatly deepens on how the anomaly will react, but there have been certain successes already:
Another part of this fleet will work with the planetary energy grid by activating energy vortexes around the planet and by upgrading the Tachyon chambers, cintamani stones and moldavites to the next level. At this point, more Tachyon chambers are needed on the surface of the planet to strengthen that grid.
Now Ascension process can finally begin again inside Agartha after long wait since 1996, and a group of Agarthans is scheduled to Ascend in 2025:
自 1996 年以來的漫長等待後,現在揚升過程終於可以在 Agartha 內部重新開始,一群 Agarthans 計劃在 2025 年揚升:
The Agartha network has fully activated their global system of underground tunnels that is roughly following Dragon leylines, connecting many underground Agarthan cities with high speed magnetohydrodynamic trains. Blue Dragon Agartha network has completely activated its main tunnel network that goes below Xian-Wuhan-Fuzhou-Taipei-Keelung-Kagoshima-Kyoto.
Agartha 網路已經完全啟動了他們的全球地下隧道系統,該系統大致沿著 Dragon 地脈,用高速磁流體動力列車連接許多地下 Agarthan 城市。Blue Dragon Agartha 網路已完全啟動其主要隧道網路,該網路位於西安-武漢-福州-臺北-基隆-鹿兒島-京都以下。
Here are some abandoned entrances into that tunnel network that were closed many decades ago:
This huge breakthrough was only possible because all negative Jesuit factions have been removed from the interplanetary space.
This has allowed the full return inside the interplanetary space of the Pleiadian fleet, the Silver fleet and many fleets of other cosmic races beyond the usual Andromedan, Aldebaran and Arcturian fleets that are already involved in the liberation operations. All those fleets are sending a strong network of ATVOR rays, effectively clearing the anomaly around planet Earth.
這使得昴宿星艦隊、白銀艦隊和許多其他宇宙種族的艦隊在星際空間內完全返回,這些艦隊超出了通常的仙女座、畢宿五和大角星艦隊,這些艦隊已經參與了解放行動。所有這些艦隊都在發送一個強大的 ATVOR 射線網路,有效地清除了地球周圍的異常。
The only fleets not fully active yet are the Sirian fleet and certain parts of the Ashtar Command, both awaiting their full activation in the Solar system in 2025.
唯一尚未完全活躍的艦隊是 Sirian 艦隊和 Ashtar Command 的某些部分,它們都在等待 2025 年在太陽系中完全啟動。
The Light forces have also cleared most of dark matter plasmoid beings that have invaded the Solar system in 1996 and were until now hindering the progress of the Light. These beings are made of axion dark matter plasmas on physical / etheric and astral planes, are neutral by themselves but become rabid when the Lurker subquantumly entangles with them:
With the big breakthrough on December 21th, the Light forces were able to clear the vast majority of dark matter plasmoid beings in the interplanetary space that is gravitationally coupled with the Sun. This now allows a huge intake of Light into the interplanetary space, which now finally became a Galactic confederation domain. All Secret space program entities were either removed from the Solar system or were forced to escape closer to Earth. Secret space program entities are not allowed by the Light forces to travel beyond L2 Lagrange point. The only Earth-based space vehicles allowed beyond L2 from now on are space probes of the public space programs.
隨著12月21日的重大突破,光明力量能夠清除與太陽引力耦合的行星際空間中的絕大多數暗物質等離子體生物。這現在允許將大量光引入行星際空間,現在終於成為銀河聯盟的領域。所有秘密太空計劃實體要麼被從太陽系中移除,要麼被迫逃離離地球更近的地方。光之部隊不允許秘密太空計劃實體超出 L2 拉格朗日點。從現在開始,唯一允許超過 L2 的地球太空飛行器是公共太空計畫的太空探測器。
L2 Lagrange point is the point where Earth gravity overcomes the Solar gravity and thus defines the edge of interplanetary space. Dark matter plasmoid beings that are gravitationally bound to Earth's gravitational well can not be fully cleared yet, and thus the Light can not yet fully penetrate closer to Earth than L2:
L2 拉格朗日點是地球引力克服太陽引力的點,從而定義了行星際空間的邊緣。與地球引力井引力結合的暗物質等離子體生物還不能被完全清除,因此光還不能完全穿透到比 L2 更靠近地球的地方:
Dark matter plasmoids closer to Earth will be cleared in the subsequent phase of the liberation operations, allowing the Light to reach the surface:
This huge breakthrough has also precipitated to the surface of the planet to a small degree, in this brilliant move:
Meanwhile, here on the surface, the battle between Light and dark continues. The Zionist faction has started to pressure Trump with hidden nuclear weapons:
Most of the mysterious drones currently swarming USA are actually nuclear sniffers, trying to find those hidden nukes:
Some of the “drones” are plasma engine craft similar to TR3-B:
一些「無人機」是類似於 TR3-B 的等離子引擎飛船:
Those belong to Secret space program military factions and they are searching for Aldebarans that are emerging from their underwater and underground locations:
Some of the “drones” especially the spherical ones, belong to the Aldebarans:
一些 「雄蜂」,尤其是球形的,屬於畢宿五:
Potentially concerning development is the strong influence of Christian Zionism on the incoming Trump administration:
Here I am allowed to post a cryptic remark that the Order of the Holy Sepulchre does not contain only great darkness, but also great Light:
Depending on Trump's free will and other factors involved, the situation can take a negative turn:
Or a positive one:
The critical time to determine this will be the second part of January.
Until then, you can enjoy this beautiful book:
Or participate in our conference in Kyoto:
You are also more than welcome to join our workshop in Phoenix in the beginning of February:
也非常歡迎您參加我們 2 月初在鳳凰城舉行的研討會:
Victory of the Light!