8 Conspiracy Theories That The Mainstream Media Has Been Forced To Admit Are Actually True(主流媒體被迫承認的 8 個陰謀論實際上是真的)
8 Conspiracy Theories That The Mainstream Media Has Been Forced To Admit Are Actually True(主流媒體被迫承認的 8 個陰謀論實際上是真的)
來源:SHTF Plan
by Michael Snyder | Feb 14, 2025
作者:Michael Snyder | 2月14日,2025年
This article was originally published by Micahel Snyder at The End of the American Dream.
本文最初由 Micahel Snyder 發表在 The End of the American Dream 上。
The mainstream media is in the habit of labeling something a “conspiracy theory” whenever they are attempting to discredit a particular point of view. Of course such “conspiracy theories” have been proven to actually be true time after time.
Meanwhile, the mainstream media has been caught in lie after lie in recent years. As a result, trust in the media is the lowest that it has ever been in the entire history of our country. At this point, most people realize that our largest media outlets are going to push the agenda of the globalists that own them, and they are going to be extremely hesitant to expose the big pharmaceutical companies and other giant corporations that spend billions of dollars on advertising on their networks.
The good news is that we have entered a period of time when the truth is coming out about so many things. The American people are now demanding transparency and accountability from major institutions throughout our society, and that is a wonderful thing. It is especially gratifying to see the mainstream media publicly admit mistakes that they have made. The following are 8 “conspiracy theories” that the mainstream media has been forced to admit are actually true…
好消息是,我們已經進入了一個時期,很多事情的真相都大白於天下。美國人民現在要求我們社會的主要機構提供透明度和問責制,這是一件美妙的事情。特別令人欣慰的是,主流媒體公開承認他們所犯的錯誤。以下是主流媒體被迫承認的 8 個「陰謀論」實際上是真的......
#1 The Lab Leak Theory
#1 實驗室洩漏理論
For years, we were told that the lab leak theory was just “disinformation”. Of course now it has come out that certain individuals in very prominent positions waged a relentless campaign to discredit it. They were desperate to keep a lid on what really happened, but now the truth has come out. In fact, at this point, even the CIA is publicly admitting that it is more likely than not that the lab leak theory is accurate…
多年來,我們一直被告知實驗室洩漏理論只是「虛假資訊」。當然,現在已經發現,某些身居要職的人發動了一場無情的運動來詆毀它。他們不顧一切地想掩蓋真正發生的事情,但現在真相已經大白。事實上,在這一點上,即使是 CIA 也公開承認,實驗室洩漏理論很可能是準確的......
|The CIA has shifted its stance about the origin of the virus that causes Covid-19, NBC News reported on Saturday. The intelligence agency now believes that the coronavirus escaped from a Chinese lab, a shift from its previous stance, in which it did not take a position.
據 NBC 新聞週六報導,中央情報局已經改變了對導致 Covid-19 的病毒起源的立場。該情報機構現在認為,冠狀病毒是從中國實驗室逃逸的,這與之前沒有採取立場的立場不同。
“CIA assesses with low confidence that a research-related origin of the COVID-19 pandemic is more likely than a natural origin based on the available body of reporting,” a CIA spokesperson said in a statement to NBC News.
“根據現有的報告主體,CIA 以低置信度評估 COVID-19 大流行的研究相關起源比自然起源的可能性更大”,CIA 發言人在給 NBC 新聞的一份聲明中說。|
#2 MKUltra
#2 精神控制
For decades, anyone who went on the air and talked about MKUltra was considered to be a nut.
But now hundreds of government documents prove that this CIA mind control program really did exist…
但現在數百份政府文件證明,這個 CIA 精神控制計劃確實存在......
|Newly compiled records are spilling the beans on one of the CIA’s most notorious and shadowy programs: MKUltra, a wild attempt to develop mind control techniques through drugs, hypnosis, and psychological manipulation.
新彙編的記錄揭露了 CIA 最臭名昭著和最陰暗的計劃之一:精神控制(MKUltra),這是一個通過藥物、催眠和心理操縱來開發精神控制技術的瘋狂嘗試。
The collection was published by the Digital National Security Archive of The George Washington University in December 2024, detailing more than 1,200 documents on the CIA’s foray into behavioral and mind control experiments from 1953 until the 1970s.
該檔案庫由喬治華盛頓大學數位國家安全檔案館於 2024 年 12 月出版,詳細介紹了 1,200 多份關於中央情報局從 1953 年到 1970 年代涉足行為和精神控制實驗的檔案。
Much of the information comes from records gathered by John Marks, a former State Department official who initiated the first Freedom of Information Act requests on the topic and authored the 1979 book The Search for the Manchurian Candidate.
大部分資訊來自前國務院官員約翰·馬克斯 (John Marks) 收集的記錄,他發起了關於該主題的首個資訊自由法請求,並在 1979 年撰寫了《尋找滿洲候選人》一書。|
We are actually very fortunate that these documents still exist because, in 1973, the director of the CIA specifically ordered that all records related to MKUltra must be destroyed…
|In 1973, the director of the CIA, Richard Helms, ordered that all documents related to MKUltra be destroyed. However, a cache documents was discovered following a freedom of information request in 1977, which led to Senate hearings. MKUltra was declassified in 2001.
1973年,中央情報局局長理查·赫爾姆斯 (Richard Helms) 下令銷毀所有與精神控制(MKUltra)相關的檔。然而,在 1977 年提出資訊自由請求後,發現了一份緩存檔,這導致了參議院聽證會。精神控制(MKUltra)於 2001 年解密。|
#3 Fluoride In Our Drinking Water Is Bad
#3 我們飲用水中的氟化物有害
For ages, authorities insisted that putting fluoride in our drinking water was good for us. But now a federal judge has ruled that there is evidence that fluoride in the water could harm the intellectual development of our children. The following comes from CNN…
|A federal judge has ordered the US Environmental Protection Agency to further regulate fluoride in drinking water because high levels could pose a risk to the intellectual development of children.
US District Judge Edward Chen cautioned that it’s not certain that the amount of fluoride typically added to water is causing lower IQ in kids, but he concluded that mounting research points to an unreasonable risk that it could be. He ordered the EPA to take steps to lower that risk, but didn’t say what those measures should be.
美國地區法官愛德華·陳 (Edward Chen) 警告說,目前尚不確定通常添加到水中的氟化物量是否會導致兒童智商降低,但他得出結論,越來越多的研究表明,這可能是不合理的風險。他命令 EPA 採取措施降低這種風險,但沒有說明這些措施應該是什麼。|
#4 There Are Cancer-Causing Chemicals In Our Drinking Water
#4 我們的飲用水中含有致癌化學物質
Over the past several years, the mainstream media has actually begun reporting on all of the nasty things that are showing up in the water that is coming out of our taps.
In fact, a study that was conducted in 2019 actually found 22 separate carcinogens in our drinking water…
事實上,2019年進行的一項研究實際上在我們的飲用水水中發現了 22 種不同的致癌物......
▪︎ Increased cancer risks were linked to 22 carcinogens found in the drinking water.
▪︎ 癌症風險增加與飲用水水中發現的 22 種致癌物有關。
▪︎ Contaminants include arsenic, radioactive materials, such as uranium and radium, and disinfectant byproducts, which are substances produced when chlorine and other additives are used in the treatment process.
▪︎ 污染物包括砷、放射性物質(如鈾和鐳)和消毒劑副產品,這些物質是在處理過程中使用氯和其他添加劑時產生的物質。
▪︎ Systems that rely on groundwater sources, such as aquifers, have higher concentrations of arsenic and radioactive materials and contribute to a higher risk of cancer.
▪︎ 依賴地下水源(如含水層)的系統含有更高濃度的砷和放射性物質,導致更高的癌症風險。
▪︎ Systems that rely on surface water sources, such as reservoirs, have a lower risk, but serve larger populations.
▪︎ 依賴地表水源(如水庫)的系統風險較低,但服務於更多的人群。
▪︎ Water systems where droughts are more common may pose a higher risk, in part because drier conditions create an environment where contaminants become concentrated as water levels are reduced.
▪︎ 乾旱更常見的供水系統可能會帶來更高的風險,部分原因是較乾燥的條件創造了一個環境,隨著水位的降低,污染物會集中。
#5 The “Dumbing Down” Of America
#5 美國的“愚蠢”
For a lot of years, many of us in the alternative media have been talking about the “dumbing down” of America, but the mainstream media has continued to defend our system of education.
Unfortunately, it has become exceedingly clear that our kids are not all right. The following comes from the Wall Street Journal…
|The reading skills of American students are deteriorating further, according to new national test scores that show no improvement in a yearslong slide.
The 67% of eighth-graders who scored at a basic or better reading level in 2024 was the lowest share since testing began in 1992, results from a closely watched federal exam show. Only 60% of fourth-graders hit that benchmark, nearing record lows.
一項備受關注的聯邦考試結果顯示,到 2024 年,67% 的八年級學生的閱讀成績達到基本或更好的閱讀水準,這是自 1992 年開始測試以來的最低比例。只有 60% 的四年級學生達到該基準,接近歷史最低水準。
The declines started before the pandemic, continued during it, and have persisted since.
#6 Prescription Drugs Kill Large Numbers Of Americans Every Single Year
#6 處方藥每年導致大量美國人死亡
For decades, alternative health practitioners and “conspiracy theorists” have been asserting that negative reactions to prescription drugs are one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Thankfully, the mainstream media has been forced to admit this as well. The following comes from a Vanity Fair article entitled “Deadly Medicine“…
|Prescription drugs kill some 200,000 Americans every year. Will that number go up, now that most clinical trials are conducted overseas—on sick Russians, homeless Poles, and slum-dwelling Chinese—in places where regulation is virtually nonexistent, the F.D.A. doesn’t reach, and “mistakes” can end up in pauper’s graves?
處方藥每年導致大約 200,000 名美國人死亡。既然大多數臨床試驗都是在海外進行的——在生病的俄羅斯人、無家可歸的波蘭人和居住在貧民窟的中國人身上——在幾乎沒有監管、FDA無法觸及的地方進行,而且“錯誤”最終可能會被送進乞丐的墳墓,這個數位還會上升嗎?|
#7 Aspartame Is Not Good For Our Health
#7 阿斯巴甜對我們的健康不利
Many of us have been warning about aspartame for ages, but the mainstream media just kept defending it. Well, after reviewing the evidence, the International Agency for Research on Cancer was forced to classify aspartame as “possibly carcinogenic to humans”…
我們中的許多人多年來一直在警告阿斯巴甜,但主流媒體一直在為它辯護。好吧,在審查了證據之後,國際癌症研究機構被迫將阿斯巴甜歸類為 「可能對人類致癌」......
|Assessments of the health impacts of the non-sugar sweetener aspartame are released today by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA). Citing “limited evidence” for carcinogenicity in humans, IARC classified aspartame as possibly carcinogenic to humans (IARC Group 2B) and JECFA reaffirmed the acceptable daily intake of 40 mg/kg body weight.
國際癌症研究機構 (IARC)、世界衛生組織 (WHO) 和聯合國糧食及農業組織 (FAO) 食品添加劑聯合專家委員會 (JECFA) 今天發佈了對非糖甜味劑阿斯巴甜對健康影響的評估。國際癌症研究機構援引對人類致癌性的“有限證據”,將阿斯巴甜歸類為可能令人類患癌(國際癌症研究機構第 2B 組),而專家委員會重申每日可攝入量為每公斤體重 40 毫克。|
#8 Operation Paperclip
#8 迴紋針行動
Did you know that hundreds of Nazi scientists were smuggled out of Germany and brought to the United States in the aftermath of World War II?
And did you know that many of those scientists were used “to help develop America’s arsenal of rockets and other biological and chemical weapons”?…
|As World War II was entering its final stages, American and British organizations teamed up to scour occupied Germany for as much military, scientific and technological development research as they could uncover.
Trailing behind Allied combat troops, groups such as the Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee (CIOS) began confiscating war-related documents and materials and interrogating scientists as German research facilities were seized by Allied forces. One enlightening discovery—recovered from a toilet at Bonn University—was the Osenberg List: a catalogue of scientists and engineers that had been put to work for the Third Reich.
隨著德國研究設施被盟軍佔領,聯合情報目標小組委員會 (CIOS) 等團體緊隨盟軍作戰部隊的身後,開始沒收與戰爭相關的檔和材料,並審問科學家。從波恩大學的一個廁所裡發現的一個有啟發性的發現是奧森伯格名單:一份為第三帝國工作的科學家和工程師的目錄。
In a covert affair originally dubbed Operation Overcast but later renamed Operation Paperclip, roughly 1,600 of these German scientists (along with their families) were brought to the United States to work on America’s behalf during the Cold War. The program was run by the newly-formed Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA), whose goal was to harness German intellectual resources to help develop America’s arsenal of rockets and other biological and chemical weapons, and to ensure such coveted information did not fall into the hands of the Soviet Union.
在一次最初被稱為「陰天行動」但後來更名為「迴紋針行動」的秘密事件中,大約 1,600 名德國科學家(以及他們的家人)在冷戰期間被帶到美國代表美國工作。該計劃由新成立的聯合情報目標局 (JIOA) 運營,其目標是利用德國的智力資源幫助開發美國的火箭和其他生物和化學武器庫,並確保這些令人垂涎的資訊不會落入蘇聯手中。|
I could list many other examples, but I think that you probably get my point by now.
Just because something is labeled a “conspiracy theory” does not mean that you can automatically dismiss it.
In fact, many of those who love to accuse others of spreading “disinformation” are some of the biggest liars of all.
In this day and age, it is so important to think for yourself and it is so important to know why you believe what you believe.
Let me give you a piece of advice that really helped me.
Question everything.
Hold on to what is true, and discard what is false.
We live at a time when deception is running rampant, and it is getting worse with each passing day.
Michael’s new book entitled “Why” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can subscribe to his Substack newsletter at michaeltsnyder.substack.com.
Michael 的新書名為“為什麼”(Why),有平裝本和 Kindle Amazon.com 版,您可以在 michaeltsnyder.substack.com 訂閱他的 Substack 時事通訊。
About the Author: Michael Snyder’s new book entitled “Why” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com. He has also written eight other books that are available on Amazon.com, including “Chaos,” “End Times,” “7 Year Apocalypse”, “Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America,” “The Beginning Of The End,” and “Living A Life That Really Matters.” When you purchase any of Michael’s books you help to support the work that he is doing. You can also get his articles by email as soon as he publishes them by subscribing to his Substack newsletter. Michael has published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse Blog, End Of The American Dream, and The Most Important News, and he always freely and happily allows others to republish those articles on their own websites. These are such troubled times, and people need hope. John 3:16 tells us about the hope that God has given us through Jesus Christ: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” If you have not already done so, we strongly urge you to invite Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior today.
關於作者:邁克爾·斯奈德 (Michael Snyder) 的新書《為什麼》有平裝本和 Kindle Amazon.com 版。他還寫了其他八本書,可在 Amazon.com 上觀看,包括《混沌》、《末日》、《七年啟示錄》、《美國未來的失落預言》、《終結的開始》和《過著真正重要的生活》。當您購買 Michael 的任何書籍時,您都是在幫助支援他正在做的工作。您還可以在他發佈文章后立即通過訂閱他的 Substack 時事通訊通過電子郵件獲取他的文章。邁克爾在 The Economic Collapse Blog、End Of The American Dream 和 The Most Important News 上發表了數千篇文章,他總是自由而愉快地允許其他人在自己的網站上轉發這些文章。現在是這樣一個動蕩的時代,人們需要希望。約翰福音 3:16 告訴我們上帝通過耶穌基督賜給我們的希望:“上帝愛世人,甚至將他的獨生子賜給他們,叫一切信他的,不至滅亡,反得永生。如果您還沒有這樣做,我們強烈敦促您今天邀請耶穌基督成為您的主和救主。