Benjamin Fulford Report: Trump revolution will lead to a system collapse, communist China will be the last domino to fall – February 24, 2025(本傑明·富爾福德報告:特朗普革命將導致系統崩潰,共產主義中國將是最後倒下的多米諾骨牌 – 2025 年 2 月 24 日)
Benjamin Fulford Report: Trump revolution will lead to a system collapse, communist China will be the last domino to fall – February 24, 2025(本傑明·富爾福德報告:特朗普革命將導致系統崩潰,共產主義中國將是最後倒下的多米諾骨牌 – 2025 年 2 月 24 日)
來源:Prepare For Change
By Edward Morgan -
作者:愛德華.摩根 -
February 27, 2025
The revolution that US President Donald Trump is carrying out will have far bigger effects than most people realize. It is going to lead to complete regime collapse in many countries with communist China the last domino to fall. This is not speculation, it is a mathematical certainty and it has a lot to do with Fort Knox as we will explain below.
The Department of Government Efficiency or DOGE has discovered that two thirds of government expenditures, $4.7 trillion, were untraceable. This money flow has now been cut off. As the financial tide recedes it is only a matter of time before we discover who is not wearing shorts. However, it is a good guess we are talking about Rockefeller/Rothschild fronts like BlackRock, State Street & Banking and Vanguard.
政府效率部 ( DOGE ) 發現,三分之二的政府支出(4.7 萬億美元)無法追蹤。這種資金流動現在已經被切斷了。隨著金融浪潮的退去,我們發現誰沒有穿短褲只是時間問題。然而,我們談論的是像 BlackRock、State Street & Banking 和 Vanguard 這樣的 Rockefeller/Rothschild 前線。
There is a lot more dark money than that in the US. We note Kash Patel is taking over the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. This is going to expose another monetary black hole. When you pay $20 for a bottle of whisky that only costs 50 cents to make, that extra money goes into a black hole known as the ATF. The same is true of tobacco and firearms. This is true of many other things like gasoline as well where hidden taxes go to hidden people.
黑錢比美國多得多。我們注意到 Kash Patel 正在接管酒精、煙草、槍支和爆炸物管理局。這將暴露另一個貨幣黑洞。當你花 20 美元買一瓶威士卡,只需 50 美分時,多餘的錢就會進入一個被稱為 ATF 的黑洞。煙草和槍支也是如此。許多其他事物也是如此,例如汽油,其中隱藏的稅收流向了隱藏的人。
What is being uncovered in the US is part of a worldwide parasitic network that has been sucking the lifeblood out of our planet for millennia. Most countries have similar huge flows of money created out of nothing or stolen via hidden taxes that go via untraceable routes to Switzerland.
Japan is another example. There have been massive protests in front of the Finance Ministry calling for it to be abolished. They preside over hidden taxes on tobacco, alcohol, salt etc. The ministry is under attack now because they are forcing the Japanese people into poverty through ever-growing tax burdens and engineered price hikes on necessities like food.
Last week Japanese member of Parliament Kazuhiro Haraguchi (原口一博) made a speech in front of the ministry that has gone viral in Japan. In it, he talks about a series of secret slush funds run by the ministry that send trillions of dollars to Switzerland, North Korea and other places. He notes for example the ministry just sent $60 billion to the crime state known as the Ukraine.
上周,日本國會議員原口一博 (Kazuhiro Haraguchi) 在內閣前發表了在日本風靡一時的演講。在書中,他談到了該部運營的一系列秘密 slush 基金,這些基金向瑞士、朝鮮和其他地方輸送了數萬億美元。例如,他指出,該部剛剛向被稱為烏克蘭的犯罪國家發送了600億美元。
Haraguchi was a colleague of former MP Koki Ishii. Ishii was fatally stabbed with a sword in front of his house the day before he was going to testify in parliament about these secret budgets. His daughter says it took the ambulance more than an hour to arrive at his house and he died in her arms.
He is just one of hundreds of politicians who met similar fates. Haraguchi knows what he is talking about because he once supervised the Finance Ministry on behalf of Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi. Obuchi was also killed for investigating these budgets. Ryutaro Hashimoto was another Prime Minister who was killed by the Khazarian Mafia for looking into these slush funds. The KM finally put out resistance from Japanese politicians by taking Prime Minister Noboru Takeshita to Alaska where they hung him from a helicopter, chased him naked through the snow, and stomped on his testicles before killing him. A video of this murder has been shown to every Prime Minister since. A Japanese royal family member and Japanese military intelligence sources both told me they had seen that video.
After Takeshita’s murder, WEF member Heizo Takenaka handed over control of all of Japan’s listed companies to Vanguard, State Street, etc.
竹下被謀殺后,世界經濟論壇成員竹中平藏將日本所有上市公司的控制權移交給了 Vanguard、State Street 等。
The KM have been doing this sort of thing all over the world. I have heard similar stories about Australian Prime Ministers, not to mention countless rulers of developing countries.
The trail leads to the Institute of Religious Works commonly referred to as the Vatican Bank. According to Japanese royals and other sources, whenever a leader is selected somewhere in the world, they get a visit from a representative of the Vatican Bank who gives them a bank book with a huge amount of money in it and says “Welcome to the rich man’s club. All you have to do is accept the money and obey us. If you don’t we will kill you.” In other words, it is the classic mafia offer of a choice between lead or silver.
This system is now collapsing and that is why they are preparing to announce the death of “Pope Francis.” He is likely to be the last pope, thus ending the 1995 year rule of the Catholic Church. Of course, the real Francis died in 2020 so we are talking about the end of the charade using a rubber-masked pope.
這個系統現在正在崩潰,這就是為什麼他們準備宣佈「教皇弗朗西斯」的去世。他很可能成為最後一任教皇,從而結束天主教會 1995 年的統治。當然,真正的法蘭西斯在2020年去世了,所以我們談論的是用橡膠面具的教皇來結束這個騙局。
The impending end of the Vatican is connected to the financial collapse alluded to above. The trigger for the collapse is likely to be Fort Knox because the gold there is almost entirely fake. A US Space Force source explains the story as follows:
Back in October of 2009, certain information was scrubbed by the MSM but was being discussed among the Central Banks and the Federal Reserve. It involved the gold stored in Fort Knox, the US Treasury gold which belongs to the citizens of America. The bottom line, hundreds of thousands of gold bars are fake.
早在 2009 年 10 月,MSM(主流媒體)就刪除了某些資訊,但中央銀行和美聯儲正在討論這些資訊。它涉及儲存在諾克斯堡的黃金,這是屬於美國公民的美國國庫黃金。最重要的是,數十萬根金條是假的。
Who did this? Apparently, the US government.
This is how it started: In October of 2009 the Chinese received a shipment of gold bars. Gold is regularly exchanged between countries to pay debts and to settle the so-called balance of trade. Most gold is exchanged and stored in vaults under the supervision of a special organization based in London, the London Bullion Market Association (or LBMA). When the shipment was received, the Chinese government asked that special tests be performed to guarantee the purity and weight of the gold bars. In this test, four small holed are drilled into the gold bars and the metal is then analyzed.
事情是這樣的開始:2009 年 10 月,中國收到了一批金條。國家之間定期交換黃金以償還債務和結算所謂的貿易差額。大多數黃金在倫敦的一個特殊組織——倫敦金銀市場協會 (LBMA) 的監督下進行交易和儲存在金庫中。收到貨物后,中國政府要求進行特殊測試,以保證金條的純度和重量。在該測試中,在金條上鑽四個小孔,然後分析金屬。
Chinese officials were shocked to learn that the bars were fake. They contained cores of tungsten with only an outer coating of real gold. What’s more, these gold bars, containing serial numbers for tracking, originated in the US and had been stored in Fort Knox for years. There were reportedly between 5,600 to 5,700 bars, weighing 400 oz. each, in the shipment. That is approximately 70 metric tons. Today’s value $6.6 billion.
中國官員在得知這些金條是假貨後感到非常震驚。這些金條的核心是鎢,只有外層是真金。更重要的是,這些含有序列號的金條來自美國,並已在諾克斯堡儲存多年。據報導,這批貨物中有 5,600 到 5,700 條金條,每條重 400 盎司。大約是 70 公噸。今日價值 66 億美元。
The Chinese government was quick to investigate and issued a statement that implicated the US government in the scheme.
The Chinese investigators found out that during part of the Clinton Administration (1995-1997) while Alan Greenspan was the chairman of the Federal Reserve, approximately 1.2 million 400 oz tungsten blanks were ‘allegedly’ manufactured by a very high-end, sophisticated refiner in New Jersey, USA. Nearly 15 Thousand metric tons. As part of this operation, 640,000 of these tungsten blanks received their gold plating and were shipped to Ft. Knox. Most of it is there now. (Approximately 7,962 metric tons).
中國調查人員發現,在柯林頓政府期間(1995-1997年),當艾倫·格林斯潘擔任美聯儲主席期間,大約 120 萬塊 400 盎司鎢坯“據稱”由美國新澤西州的一家非常高端、複雜的煉油廠製造。近 15,000公噸。作為此次作的一部分,其中 640,000 塊鎢坯料進行了鍍金處理,並被運往諾克斯堡。大部分現在都在那裡。(約 7,962 公噸)。
According to the Chinese investigation, the balance of this 1.2 million 400 oz tungsten cache (560,000 tungsten blanks) was also gold plated and then allegedly sold into the international market. Apparently, the global market is saturated with 400 oz salted bars, with a current value as much as $650 billion.
根據中方的調查,這批120萬條400盎司鎢坯塊(56萬條鎢坯塊)的剩餘部分也被鍍了金,然後據稱銷往國際市場。很明顯,全球市場上的 400 盎司鹹味棒(鎢坯棒)已經飽和,目前的價值高達 6,500 億美元。
Facts about tungsten. Tungsten is a fraction of the price of gold, $45 per kilo (Shanghai metal market) compared to $93,000 per kilo at current prices. Gold and tungsten have very similar densities, with gold at approximately 19.3 g/cm³ and tungsten slightly less at around 19.2 g/cm³.
關於鎢的事實。鎢的價格只是黃金價格的一小部分,每公斤 45 美元(上海金屬市場),而目前價格為每公斤 93,000 美元。金和鎢的密度非常相似,金約為 19.3 g/cm³,鎢略低,約為 19.2 g/cm³。
What makes the situation even worse is that Bill Clinton et al also allowed this fake gold to be leveraged a thousand times creating the countless $ quadrillions of derivatives that are destroying the financial system.
This is why Trump is repeatedly talking about Fort Knox these days.
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This is also why they do not let Senators like Mike Lee visit Fort Knox.
The center of this financial black hole is the Bank for International Settlements in Basel Switzerland. The BIS reports to no government on earth and even members of the Swiss Government are forbidden from entering its headquarters.
這個金融黑洞的中心是位於瑞士巴塞爾的國際清算銀行。BIS 不向地球上的任何政府報告,甚至瑞士政府成員也被禁止進入其總部。
By cutting off the flow of funds from the US to the BIS, Trump has set in motion a chain of events that will unravel the whole system.
Russian mathematician Georgy Kvasha, a member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RAS) uses numbers and formulas to predict historical cycles. He says: Trump is breaking the old order, which means old ties, both political and economic. One of the expected results of such steps is the collapse of the “entire Washington regional committee,” after which the scales of the global political arena will soon tilt in the other direction.:
俄羅斯數學家 Georgy Kvasha 是俄羅斯自然科學院 (RAS) 的成員,他使用數位和公式來預測歷史週期。他說: 特朗普正在打破舊秩序,這意味著舊的政治和經濟紐帶。這些步驟的預期結果之一是「整個華盛頓地區委員會」的崩潰,之後全球政治舞臺的天平將很快向另一個方向傾斜。
I’m sure. I insist that the main events of the collapse of the “English world” will take place in the middle of 2025. In general, the whole year will be very busy. One thing after another will collapse, and a gigantic global catastrophe awaits us.
我確定,我堅信「英語世界」崩潰的主要事件將發生在 2025 年中。一般而言,整年都會非常忙碌。一件事情接一件事情地發生,等待我們的將是巨大的全球災難。
There can be no doubt the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is part of the old order that was trying to set up the mark of the beast-type tyrannical rule of the planet. First of all, Communism was invented by the KM. The KM established the CCP. With their ubiquitous digital currency tied to social credit scores, the Chinese have the closest approximation to a mark-of-the-beast system already up and running.
毫無疑問,中國共產黨 (CCP) 是舊秩序的一部分,該秩序試圖為地球的野獸式暴政樹立印記。首先,共產主義是由 KM(可薩黑手黨)發明的。KM(可薩黑手黨)建立了中國共產黨(CCP)。由於無處不在的數位貨幣與社會信用評分挂鉤,中國人已經建立並運行了最接近野獸印記的系統 。
You can also tell the CCP follows central planning orders from the Octagon group by looking at what technologies they pursue. For example, they forbid hydrogen cars and promote remote controllable electric cars. They also forbid any medical technology that could make people stronger, smarter and live longer.
In an example of CCP collusion with the KM. US investigative journalist George Webb reveals the biggest scandal of the USAID corruption story. Igor Kolomoisky, got $11 billion through USAID to pay Chinese bagmen to do bio-surveillance on every man woman and child in the United States!
在中共與KM(可薩黑手黨)勾結的例子中。美國調查記者喬治‧韋伯(George Webb)揭露了美國國際開發署(USAID)貪腐故事的最大醜聞。伊戈爾·科洛莫伊斯基(Igor Kolomoisky),透過USAID獲得110億美元,用來支付中國皮包客對美國每一個男人、女人和小孩進行生物監視!
This is the same oligarch who aided Vladimir Zelensky’s rise to power and siphoned billions out of PrivatBank (Ukraine’s largest bank)
正是這個寡頭説明弗拉基米爾·澤倫斯基 (Vladimir Zelensky) 上臺並從 PrivatBank(烏克蘭最大的銀行)中吸走了數十億美元
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In another sign of CCP collusion with the KM, researchers at the infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology have announced a new and deadly coronavirus living within bats.
中共與 KM(可薩黑手黨)勾結的另一個跡象是,臭名昭著的武漢病毒研究所的研究人員宣佈了一種新的致命冠狀病毒生活在蝙蝠體內。
It looks to me like the Chinese faction involved in the pandemic and vaccine murders is making bioweapon threats to avoid justice.
The financial system behind this is doomed because of the collapsing Chinese real estate bubble. Real estate accounts for 70% of Chinese assets. Yet in some places, the average worker needs to spend 44 years of income to buy a modest apartment. This is worse than the peak of the Japanese real estate bubble of the early 1990s. In Japan, commercial real estate prices fell 90% from their peak after the bubble burst. Chinese prices will have to do the same in order to get in line with reality. What this means is the Chinese will have to unplug and reprogram their financial system computers.
這背後的金融體系由於中國房地產泡沫的破滅而註定要失敗。房地產佔中國資產的70%。然而,在一些地方,普通工人需要 花費 44 年的收入才能買到一套普通的公寓。這比 1990 年代初日本房地產泡沫的高峰期還要糟糕。在日本,商業房地產價格從泡沫破滅後的峰值下跌了90%。中國的價格也必須這樣做,才能與現實保持一致。這意味著中國人將不得不拔掉插頭並重啟程式設計他們的金融系統計算機。
This will happen first in the West though. Here is how the Space force source reads the situation:
不過,這將首先發生在西方。以下是 Space force 來源對情況的解讀:
“China is busy dismantling the USD. That is its mission. They must take down the dollar before the Yuan- RMB is destroyed. This is a battle about the worthless paper of both countries. As for Trump saying he will dismantle BRICS plus…. It won’t happen. It is a bluff. In closing- Trump has a higher authority behind him, just as Putin and Xi Jinping do.”
"中國正忙著拆解美元。這是它的使命。他們必須在人民幣被摧毀之前打倒美元。這是一場關於兩國一文不值的紙張之戰。至於川普說他會拆解金磚五國加.... 這不會發生。這是一個虛張聲勢。在結束時 -- 特朗普有一個更高的權力在他背後,就像普京和習近平這樣做一樣"。
This higher power is known to us as reality. The financial system will have to align itself to physical reality which will probably mean linking it to a basket of commodities.
However, what we are hearing from multiple sources is that the system needs to collapse before it can be replaced, so the first half of 2025 could be chaotic like the Russian professor predicts.
然而,我們從多個來源聽到的是,該系統需要崩潰才能被取代,因此 2025 年上半年可能會像這位俄羅斯教授預測的那樣混亂 。
Trump is doing his part to speed up the process. In a massive blow to the Deep State, Trump signed an executive order bringing “independent” agencies under Presidential oversight including the Federal Election Commission, the FCC, the SEC and the Federal Trade Commission. The order requires ALL these agencies to submit their regulations to Trump’s budget chief Russ Vought.
特朗普正在盡自己的一份力量來加快這一進程。作為對深層政府的巨大打擊,特朗普簽署了一項行政命令,將“獨立”機構置於總統的監督之下,包括聯邦選舉委員會、FCC、SEC 和聯邦貿易委員會。該命令要求所有這些機構向特朗普的預算負責人拉斯·沃特(Russ Vought)提交他們的法規。
This is a good sign Trump is ultimately going to target their current overseer: the Federal Reserve Board;
這是川普最終要針對他們目前的監督者:聯邦儲備委員會的好兆頭(Federal Reserve Board);
In the meantime, the rats have been caught looting as they abandon ship.
For example, we are seeing reports that “North Korean cyber criminals” are feared to have carried out the “worst hack in history” after a $1.19 billion crypto heist was uncovered. “Hackers were able to gain control of an Ethereum wallet and rip all of its contents in a shocking theft.”
例如,我們看到有報導稱,在一起價值 11.9 億美元的加密貨幣盜竊案被揭露後,「北朝鮮網路罪犯 」恐怕已經進行了 「史上最嚴重的黑客攻擊」。「黑客得以控制一個以太坊錢包,並在一場令人震驚的盜竊案中撕毀了錢包中的所有內容」。
According to Asian Secret Society sources, US agency hacks used a back door to steal this money and inserted random bits of North Korean script to try to blame the theft on them.
There are many other signs of looting:
EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin has uncovered a shocking $20 billion taxpayer-funded laundering scheme with criminals “throwing gold bars off the sinking Titanic.”
美國環保署署長李·澤爾丁 (Lee Zeldin) 揭露了一個令人震驚的 200 億美元納稅人資助的洗錢計劃,犯罪分子“從沉沒的泰坦尼克號上扔下金條”。
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DOGE uncovers over 4M government credit cards responsible for 90M transactions.
DOGE 發現超過 400 萬張政府信用卡負責 9000 萬筆交易。
Since the 2010 earthquake, the US government has disbursed around $4.4 billion in foreign assistance to Haiti but only 2% went to Haitian organizations or firms.
自 2010 年地震以來,美國政府已向海地支付了約 44 億美元的外國援助,但只有 2% 流向了海地的組織或公司。
That is why Elon Musk Xd: “$4.4B SPENT, SIX HOMES BUILT”
這就是為什麼 Elon Musk Xd:「花了44億美元,只建了6棟房子」
Now that this money has been cut off, all sorts of “activist groups” are disbanding all over the world. For example, thanks to the cut-off of USAID, Hong Kong’s “Democratic Party” said late on Thursday it would start preparations to disband and wind up its affairs after a meeting of its leadership, amid a years-long national security crackdown in the China-ruled city.
現在這筆錢已經被切斷了,各種各樣的「激進團體」正在世界各地解散。例如, 由於美國國際開發署的停工,香港的「民主黨」週四晚些時候表示,在這座中國統治的城市長達數年的國家安全鎮壓中,它將在領導層會議後開始準備解散和結束其事務。
The Trump regime is also going after foreign tax evaders. Director of the National Economic Council Kevin Hassett says US companies paid $370 billion in taxes to foreign governments and foreign companies paid only $57 billion in US taxes even though “We have one-quarter of world GDP. They have three-quarters of world GDP.”
特朗普政權也在追捕外國逃稅者。國家經濟委員會主任凱文·哈塞特 (Kevin Hassett) 表示,美國公司向外國政府繳納了 3700 億美元的稅款,而外國公司只繳納了 570 億美元的美國稅款,儘管“我們擁有世界 GDP 的四分之一。他們擁有世界GDP的四分之三。‘’
Trump is also taking down the entire fake history of recent decades that was pushed by the legacy media.
Here you can watch Trump turn the tables on Jim Acosta from CNN and publicly accuse him of fake news dissemination.
在這裡,你可以看到特朗普對 CNN 的吉姆·阿科斯塔 (Jim Acosta) 的扭轉局面,並公開指責他傳播假新聞。
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As an illustration, you can see a fake president get a fake shot in a fake white house that the press reported as being real.
In another sign, Trump ally Jeffrey Sachs exposes the crimes of the US and Israel in an explosive address at the EU Parliament. The fact this is in a Parliament and on TV shows what used to be called conspiracy theory is now conspiracy fact.
另一個跡象是,特朗普的盟友傑弗里·薩克斯(Jeffrey Sachs)在歐盟議會發表了爆炸性的演講,揭露了美國和以色列的罪行。事實上,這是在議會和電視上顯示的,過去所謂的陰謀論現在是陰謀論的事實。
We are also getting more truth about “pandemics.” In this video, RFK jr, says “The only Polio you see in Africa…is ‘Bill Gates Polio…from his ‘vaccines’…”
我們也得到了更多關於 「大流行病」 的真相。在這段視頻中,RFK jr 說:“你在非洲看到的唯一脊髓灰質炎......是比爾·蓋茨小兒麻痹症......從他的 '疫苗' 中......”
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In yet another sign of how degenerate the Western medical establishment has become, hospitals are asking people who feel unwell not to enter.
We are also pleased to report this week that we have received further confirmation the real Trump is back in control. Melania is back in the white house for the first time since January 24th.
本周我們也很高興地報告,我們收到了進一步的確認,真正的特朗普已經重新掌控了局面。梅拉尼婭自 1 月 24 日以來首次重返白宮。
There is also more evidence Elon Musk has been replaced for trying to dethrone Trump. Three of Musk’s girlfriends have gone to tabloids complaining he is not answering their emails or helping with their children. Now the new Musk is getting official government protection from US Marshals. Also judging by his DOGE and other actions, the new Musk is a definite white hat.
還有更多證據表明埃隆·馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 因試圖推翻特朗普而被撤換。馬斯克的三個女朋友去小報那裡抱怨他不回復她們的電子郵件或幫助她們的孩子。現在,新的馬斯克正在從美國法警那裡獲得官方政府保護。同樣從他的 DOGE 和其他行為來看,新的馬斯克絕對是一頂白帽子。
However, as this video showing “Donald Trump” being booed after praising Pfizer Chairman Albert Bourla shows, the dark hats are still using their avatars to try to ruin Trump’s image.
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They are getting desperate because they know a reckoning is coming. FBI Director Kash Patel says he’s seen every single JFK file and the entire 9_11 report.
他們越來越絕望,因為他們知道清算即將到來。聯邦調查局局長卡什·派特爾 (Kash Patel) 表示,他看到了甘迺迪的所有檔和整個 9_11 報告。
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The FBI has every single piece of surveillance footage involving Epstein and Diddy, Pentagon sources say.
Now, Attorney General Pam Bondi has announced the imminent release of the Epstein list and a huge cache of evidence files.
現在,司法部長帕姆·邦迪 (Pam Bondi) 宣佈即將公佈愛潑斯坦名單和大量證據檔。
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The Epstein trail could lead to some very nasty stuff. This photo of Beyonce being possessed at the Super Bowl is further evidence we are dealing with demonic entities that parasite off the life force.
This is something I have personally witnessed in talks with senior KM members.
這是我在與 KM(可薩黑手黨)高級成員的談話中親眼目睹的事情。
The world may soon find out that over 800,000 children have been tortured to death every year to feed these entities.
The release of the Epstein files showing who in power has been doing this, really could lead to the liberation of this planet from dark forces. Even if it just turns out to be a metaphor, destroying the network of bribery, blackmail and murder that has taken over our political establishment will liberate us from dark forces.
The fall of the regime in the Ukraine will be the trigger for this.
Colonel Douglas Macgregor shows the US military is aware of the crimes there as he exposes Zelensky’s regime. Among other things, he notes tens of thousands of women & children are kidnapped, trafficked, and murdered. This is all going to end soon.
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This is an example of the sort of elite trafficking that has been going on probably for thousands of years.
Pentagon sources say the US and Russia have already agreed on a cease-fire in Ukraine followed by elections. After that, there will be war crimes tribunals.
The West will not be able to “sit and wait under the ‘nuclear umbrella’” and will have to answer for its unlawful actions and support for the Nazi regime in Ukraine. “One must take responsibility for one’s actions, as the Bible says,” comments Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov.
西方將無法“在 '核保護傘' 下坐視不理”,而必須為其非法行為和對烏克蘭納粹政權的支持負責。正如聖經所說,一個人必須對自己的行為負責“,俄羅斯外交部長謝爾蓋·拉夫羅夫 (Sergei Lavrov) 評論道。
The Ukrainian army “acts even worse than Hitler’s murderers.” The world should “look at the atrocities they commit on the territories.”
烏克蘭軍隊「的行為比殺害希特勒的兇手還要糟糕」。世界應該 「看看他們在這些領土上犯下的暴行」。。
We can also see from the news that Ukrainian dictator Vladimir Zelensky has already announced he is going to resign and hand over Ukraine’s resources to the US to pay off war debts. A US administration official involved in peace negotiations with Russia says “Zelensky is an actor who committed a common mistake of theater kids: He started to think he’s the character he plays on TV.”
我們也可以從新聞中看到,烏克蘭獨裁者 Vladimir Zelensky 已經宣佈要辭職,並將烏克蘭的資源交給美國,以償還戰爭債務。一位參與與俄羅斯和平談判的美國政府官員表示:‘’澤連斯基是一位演員,他犯了戲劇界孩子常犯的錯誤: 他開始認為自己就是他在電視上扮演的角色"。
Hopefully, this means his BlackRock et al scriptwriters will be kicked out of Ukraine.
希望這意味著他的 BlackRock 等編劇將被趕出烏克蘭。
In a sign Zelensky will soon face justice, de facto US military spokesperson Elon Musk claims Zelensky killed American journalist Gonzalo Lira.
事實上的美國軍方發言人埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)聲稱澤連斯基殺害了美國記者貢薩洛·里拉(Gonzalo Lira),這是澤連斯基即將面臨正義的跡象。
Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Zelensky boss for his part has been implicated in the murder of journalist Daria Dugina, Russian FSB sources say. Retribution is near
俄羅斯聯邦安全域的消息來源說,英國前首相鮑裡斯·約翰遜和澤倫斯基的老闆已經被牽涉到謀殺記者達里婭·杜金娜(Daria Dugina)的案子裡。報應近在咫尺
Of course, the KM will do everything they can to stay in power. French intelligence sources inform us that when Prime Minister Keir Starmer of the UK and President Emanuelle Macron of France visit Trump this week they will push very hard for him to start a war with Russia. Of course, Trump will say no. Instead, we expect these two tyrants to be removed from power.
In the UK Nigel Farage is likely to replace Starmer soon, according to MI6 sources.
在英國,根據軍情六處的消息來源,奈傑爾·法拉奇(Nigel Farage)可能很快就會取代斯塔默。
In France, plans are being made for regime change. A French resistance source says: “We have to let the situation deteriorate a bit further under Macron before we can get the healthy part of the French deep state on our side.” He adds the situation has already degenerated from “ridiculous” to “dangerous” so action against the regime can be expected soon.
In a sign people like Starmer worship life-stealing demons, Scotland has sent letters to people who live near an abortion center informing them that praying INSIDE THEIR HOME could be illegal. Are the prayers interfering in the stealing of the life force from these children by demons?
蘇格蘭向住在墮胎中心附近的人寄出信件,告知他們在家中祈禱可能是違法的,這顯示像 Starmer 這樣的人崇拜竊取生命的惡魔。禱告是否會干擾惡魔竊取這些孩子的生命力?
The situation in Germany is more complicated. The election results show regime change is not going to happen there yet. This means chaos can be expected there in the near future. Polish intelligence sources say Germany is flooding Poland with refugees of the worst sort. Police are being overwhelmed by foreign criminals, “in the inglorious first place are Ukrainians, then Georgians and Belarusian extremists. The police are sounding the alarm. People are increasingly afraid of a return to the cold 90s of the last century when Poland was ruled by criminals. The Polish government is doing nothing to prevent this situation. There are staff shortages in the police, misunderstandings with management, a large number of suicides and officer departures.”
德國的情況要複雜得多。選舉結果顯示,那裡的政權更迭還不會發生。這意味著在不久的將來可能會出現混亂。波蘭情報來源稱,德國正在向波蘭湧入最惡劣的難民。警察被外國罪犯壓倒,「首先是烏克蘭人,然後是喬治亞人和白俄羅斯極端分子。警方正在拉響警報。人們越來越害怕回到上世紀 90 年代的寒冷,當時波蘭由罪犯統治。波蘭政府沒有採取任何措施來防止這種情況。警察人員短缺,與管理層存在誤解,大量自殺和 警官離職。
The situation is also degenerating in KM-controlled Israel with a rash of fake and real suicide bombings.
在 KM(可薩黑手黨)控制的以色列,情況也在惡化,出現了一連串的假和真自殺式炸彈襲擊。
Jim Stone explains suicide bombings as follows:
吉姆·斯通 (Jim Stone) 對自殺式炸彈襲擊的解釋如下:
A “Muslim suicide bomber” is exactly this: He’s a package carrier for local deliveries such as food shops and whatever else needs to be delivered, who happened to be unlucky enough to be the one from an area Israel wants to bulldoze. So he gets the package which is really an Israeli cell phone-activated bomb, and on camera, walking along like nothing is unusual, suddenly goes boom on camera so Israel can post it to YouTube. Then on cue, long before any bulldozers could actually legitimately get there, Israel starts bulldozing in “retaliation”.
‘’穆斯林自殺炸彈"正是如此:他是一個當地的包裹運送員,例如食品店和其他任何需要運送的東西,他碰巧不夠幸運,是來自一個以色列想要推平的區域。因此,他拿到的包裹其實是以色列的手機引爆炸彈,在鏡頭前,他若無其事地走著,突然在鏡頭前轟的一聲,讓以色列可以把它發佈到 YouTube 上。然後,在推土機真正合法到達之前,以色列開始推土「報復」。
We are also getting reports Israel is in far worse shape than the media is reporting:
Israeli settlers are still reluctant to return to the northern settlements, which were evacuated as a result of Hezbollah’s pro-Palestine operations. It would force the settlers to leave their current accommodation, places of employment, and schools to return to an area where 70 percent of the houses have been damaged or destroyed.
以色列定居者仍然不願意返回北部定居點,這些定居點因真主黨的親巴勒斯坦行動而被疏散。它將迫使定居者離開他們目前的住所、工作地點和學校,返回 70% 的房屋已被損壞或摧毀的地區。
Now, the army has left Lebanon. So people, I think, will wait to see what happens at the border.”
“You can see on the other side, that all the Lebanese are coming home. We’re not coming home yet,” he added.
A disturbing partial image emerges that indicates destruction and damage to approximately 9,000 buildings and over 7,000 vehicles that were damaged mainly by Hezbollah fire.”
It is a good bet that Israel is about to implode and be replaced with the new nation-state of Judea.
Overall, we are witnessing the birth pains of a new age or era.
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